Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 927: Return to Tiandi Mountain

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As soon as Fang Chang's eyes lighted up, he knew what Ning Xiaochuan was thinking, saying: "The space teleportation array should be at the Tianshitai of Cuiyun Peak, but only the masters who study the array method can turn on the space transmission array. After Tianshitai, you may not be able to leave Lingxiao Holy Land. "

"Unfortunately, I just have some research on the space teleport array, and now take me to Tianshitai." Ning Xiaochuan said.

Led by Fang Chang, Ning Xiaochuan immediately rushed to Tianshitai.

Now the entire Lingxiao sacred soil is in a mess, and no one pays attention to either of them, except for Qingfeizi.

Seeing Fang Chang and Ning Xiaochuan rushing towards Tianshitai, Qingfeizi immediately followed. She felt that the army of monsters would come to Lingxiao Sacred Land, maybe it was related to Ning Xiaochuan.

"Breaking into Tianshitai, kill without amnesty."

When the sixth core disciple of the heavenly man in the blue military robes saw Ning Xiaochuan and Fang Chang breaking into Cuiyun Peak, they rushed out immediately and took the two of them.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't explain so much to them, and shot at lightning speed, knocking out two core disciples.

At the Tianshi Terrace at the top of Cuiyun Peak, an old man with the ninth weight of heaven and man was teleporting in the guard space. Before that old man stood up, he was fainted by Ning Xiaochuan's palm.

The space teleportation array is located in the center of the Tianshi platform. It consists of 360 stone pillars, a circular array with a diameter of 36 meters. The center of each pillar is inlaid with a celestial basalt, emitting a star-like light.

In the center of the space transfer array, there is a circular pit. The bottom of the pit is very flat. It is divided into 360 scales. Each scale is printed with text and marked with numbers, like a space compass. .

To carry out space transmission, we must first locate the other end of the spatial matrix method, that is, locate the spatial coordinates.

Ning Xiaochuan studied for a moment and soon found the coordinates of Tiandi Mountain.

Although Tiandi Mountain has been occupied by the demons, the space teleportation array of Tiandi Mountain should not have been destroyed. After all, the strong of the demons also understand the importance of the space teleportation array and will not be easily destroyed.

"Get me started!"

Ning Xiaochuan mobilized his mind and drew complicated and complicated lines on the space teleportation array.

The matrix lines also connect to the space coordinates of Tiandi Mountain.

"Wow ..."

In the formation method of the space teleportation array, 360 stone columns emit white light at the same time. The light became brighter and brighter, and the void above the teleportation array began to distort, forming a space vortex.

"King of Destruction, do you want to run away?"

Qingfeizi flew up from under Tianshitai, with a graceful posture, and the curves of the whole body were very beautiful, turned into a cyan glory, rushed into the space teleportation array, and attacked Ning Xiaochuan.

"King of Destruction, did you attract those monster and beast army?" Qing Feizi's star eyes with cold light, very angry, felt that it was Ning Xiaochuan who brought those monster and beast army to the Lingxiao Holy Land.

Her body speed was extremely fast, like a flash of lightning passing through the void, and in an instant, she attacked Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan was fully starting the space teleportation array and had no time to explain to her, so she immediately condensed a ideological body.

At first glance, it was as if the second Ning Xiaochuan came out of the first Ning Xiaochuan and greeted him with a palm toward Qingfeizi.

That mental body is equivalent to one tenth of Ning Xiaochuan's strength.


Qingfeizi was repelled by the ideological body, but she did not give up, sacrificed the "natural machine compass" of the Supreme King Qi, and attacked the past again.

Even if the space teleportation array is destroyed, the King of Destruction cannot escape.

At this moment, the space teleportation team started!

"call out!"

The white brilliance flashed.

When the white Guanghua disappeared, Ning Xiaochuan, Qingfeizi, and Fang Chang came to a dark space, and the temperature in the air became very cold.

"King ... King of Destruction ... Where did you teleport us?" Qing Feizi stretched out a white jade finger, and a flame ignited in his fingertips, lighting up the space.

Ning Xiaochuan was also observing the surrounding space, and found that there were no monsters staying near the space teleport array, and he was slightly relieved, secretly in his heart, it seems that those monsters have not found the space teleport array of Tiandi Mountain!

Qingfeizi held the compass of Tianji in his hands, while alerting Ning Xiaochuan, he asked again: "King of Destruction, why would you lead the army of monsters to attack the Holy Land of Lingxiao?"

Ning Xiaochuan turned around and glanced at her, and said, "The army of monsters and monsters wasn't the one I took to Lingxiao Holy Land."

"Why should I trust you?" Qingfeizi said.

Ning Xiaochuan said impatiently: "Since you don't believe me, why do you ask me?"

After saying this, Ning Xiaochuan stopped paying attention to Feizi, walked under a stone wall, and pressed his palm on the stone wall.

Extinction fire, gushing from the palm.


The annihilation fire rushed towards the stone wall, refining the matrix lines on the surface of the stone wall. After a while, the stone wall collapsed, revealing a large circular hole with a diameter of two meters.

Looking through the large hole in the stone wall, I saw an upward staircase in the darkness.

"Sure enough! Tiandishan's space teleportation array is hidden under the ground. Those monsters have not found this space teleportation array." Ning Xiaochuan said to himself.

"Tiandi Mountain, we have arrived in North / Jiangxi?" Qingfeizi's eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and her face became a little pale.

You must know that North / Jiangxi has completely reduced to the territory of the monster. A human being appears on the territory of the monster. That is a dead end.

She couldn't use the space teleportation array at all, so naturally she couldn't teleport herself back, and had to bite the bullet and follow Ning Xiaochuan and Fang Chang out.

"The Space Array is actually hidden under the Baicao Garden."

After Ning Xiaochuan stepped out of the ground, he appeared in the Baicao Garden.

It used to be the place where the mentor of Tiandi Mountain lived, and many psychic medicines were planted, but now all those psychic medicines are gone.

Compared with a few years ago, Tiandi Mountain has undergone tremendous changes.

Once the sacred earth of the fairyland on earth, it is now completely occupied by the monsters and becomes a base camp for the monsters.

Ning Xiaochuan, Fang Chang, and Qing Feizi had just stepped out of the Baicao Garden, and not far away, a roar of a deafening lion sounded.

A giant lion with red crimson flames came from afar, a pair of eyes with the size of a washbasin, staring at the three people below, uttering a voice: "Humans, how did you come to Tiandi Mountain? "

With that lion roar, there was a monster bird flying over the distant mountain peak. There were thousands of birds. Among them, three monster birds with huge bodies flew in front.

They were three green-lighted vultures, all of whom were the seventh most important cultivation in heaven and earth.

Ning Xiaochuan glanced at the monsters and birds, took out a token, and said, "You can retreat!"

"King of Destruction!"

The body of the giant lion burning with flames shrank and turned into a two-meter-tall man, covered with scales. He carefully looked at Ning Xiaochuan and said, "You haven't died in Middle-earth. world?"

Ning Xiaochuan put away the token and said, "Nature isn't dead! Which demon emperor and demon queen are the monster army who now occupy Tiandi Mountain?"

The Great Fire Lion said: "We are the subordinates of the Thunder God Demon Emperor. The Tianrui Demon King is stationed at Tiandi Mountain and is in charge of all living beings within a territory of 800,000 miles."

After the words of the Great Fire Lion were finished, a white eagle flew out of the Temple of Purple Qi, the main peak of Tiandi Mountain, and turned into an old man with white beard and white hair. North / Xinjiang. "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Are you the Tianrui Demon King?"

"The King is exactly that!" Tianrui Wang said to the three green electric vultures: "The three of you immediately prepare the Qiongmao Yulu. Tonight we must celebrate well in Tiandi Mountain and take the wind for the King of Destruction. . "

Ning Xiaochuan felt strange in his heart. As the subordinate of Thunder God Demon King, Tianrui Demon King, how could he be so happy to see him return to North / Xijiang alive?

You must know that Ning Xiaochuan is a subordinate of Shi Ji Yaohuang, while Shi Ji Yao Queen and Thor Shen Yao Huang are enemies.

Too abnormal!

"No need! I will immediately return to the holy nation of the monster tribe and return to the demon lord." Ning Xiaochuan said.

The Tianrui Demon King's eyes froze, and he said, "King of Destruction, why don't you give me face?"

Ning Xiaochuan's mouth cornered slightly and said, "My king really has something very important to report back to the demon, and he will not be accompanied!"

Having said this, Ning Xiaochuan stepped out first.

"Take them down to my king!"

With the order of Tianrui Demon Emperor, those monsters and birds in Tiandi Mountain flew out one after another, numbering in the tens of thousands. The shadows of monsters were everywhere, and the ears were all roaring by monsters.

The entire Tiandi Mountain became a massacre, and all the monsters and birds surrounded the three of Ning Xiaochuan in an airtight manner.

Ning Xiaochuan smiled wryly, "Tianrui Wang, what do you mean?"

"Huh! Lord Thunder Lord has ordered, if you see you return to North / Xinjiang, you will be captured immediately. You'd better not go with me honestly to see Lord Lord, otherwise the king can only fight Broke the bones of your whole body, and then take you to see the demon emperor. "Tianrui demon sneered.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Just because you are a group of Wuhe people, you want to capture the king? Tianrui demon king, you are too underestimated!"

The Tianrui Demon King has heard about the record of the Destroyer King. It is said that even the first genius of the Demon Dragon Taiyi was defeated in his hands, which is definitely a hard role.

The Tianrui Demon King is not weak. He has the fifth-largest cultivation of real life, plus the power of the demon in Tiandi Mountain, it is very confident to capture the Demon King.

It has heard that the relationship between Destroyer King and Queen Shi Ji and Queen Nine-tailed Queens is very unusual. If you can capture this "little white face" and take it back to the thunder **** demon, that would be a great achievement.

"Do it!"

Tianrui Demon King immediately ordered.

But the word "hand" had just been spit out of his mouth, and the King Tianrui Demon found in horror that his head had been pinched in the hands of the Destroyer King.

The whole body trembled, and Tianrui Yaohuang's heart was extremely frightened. How could the King of Destruction be so strong?

Ning Xiaochuan's palm was pressed against the head of Tianrui Demon King and said, "My King advises you not to mess around, otherwise your head may be torn apart! Do you understand?"

"Understand ... understand ... all understand!"

Just now I didn't see the shadow of the Destroyer King, so he was controlled by the Destroyer King. How could the Tianrui Demon King dare to resist?

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Now I understand! Then I ask, can you answer?

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