Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 932: Reality Sixth

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Ning Xiaochuan practiced in the world of the sword for four days, absorbed a lot of blood, and finally broke through the bottleneck, breaking through to the sixth level of real life in one fell swoop.

After breaking through the realm, Ning Xiaochuan's Yuanshen was nearly twice as powerful.

With his current strength, even if he doesn't wear the blood of the second god, he can compete with some of the weaker realities of the ninth most important creatures. Of course, Ning Xiaochuan is definitely not an opponent if he encounters the ninth strongest person in the real world at the level of Lingxiao. The opponent only needs to perform a trick to defeat Ning Xiaochuan.

The power of Lingxiao's real people can already compete with the supreme creatures in a short time. But Lingxiao real people want to defeat the supreme level of soul, then it is absolutely impossible.

If Ning Xiaochuan wore the blood coat of the last **** and the blessing of the power of the gods, he could easily defeat the real people of Lingxiao. Even those Supremes who have just entered the ancient world may not be Ning Xiaochuan's opponent wearing the last blood coat.

It can be said that Ning Xiaochuan now has the power of the demon emperor and the demon queen, even more powerful than the original demon emperor.

With his current practice, he still cannot borrow the magical power of the Heavenly Demon Emperor.

If we can break through to the seventh level of real life, we should be able to mobilize the magic power of the Heavenly Demon Emperor.

Out of the world of the sword inside the magic sword, Ning Xiaochuan waved the palm of his hand and immediately crushed the enchantment set by Xiao Ling'er and walked out of the enchantment.

"Godfather, have you broken through the realm?" Xiao Linger saw Ning Xiaochuan come out of the enchantment, immediately opened his eyes, stood up, and walked towards Ning Xiaochuan happily.

The current Xiao Linger and Ning Xiaochuan are similar in age, and they look like two lover-like lovers, not like father and daughter at all.

If an outsider heard Xiao Linger call him King of Destruction, he would definitely want to be crooked, and think that they have an extraordinary relationship with each other. It is definitely not a godfather and daughter.


Ning Xiaochuan nodded, looking at Qingfeizi sitting on the ground, frowned slightly, and said calmly, "Why did her primordial **** also practice in purple stars?"

"It's me!" Xiaohong stretched a lazy waist, stood up slowly, with a pair of round eyes and said, "After all, she is her own person. Let her enter the purple stars to cultivate, and she can quickly improve her. Repair. "

"Who told you that she is her own?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

Xiao Hong froze her head and froze slightly, and said, "Did I guess wrong, she is not your new dual monk? Impossible! If there is no extraordinary relationship between you, how can you Did she bring the holy nation? "

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head gently and said, "No."

The purple star in Xiao Linger's body is a precious treasure, even more precious than the secondary artifact.

Xiao Hong and Xin Er entered the purple star cultivation, and Ning Xiaochuan was naturally not worried at all. Because the two of them will never harm Xiao Linger, it is even more impossible to tell the story of the purple stars.

But Qingfeizi is different. After all, she is just an outsider.

If the treasures of the level of purple stars are not in the body of Xiao Linger, but in the body of another monk, even Ning Xiaochuan would not dare to guarantee that he would never be tempted, let alone a puppet.

Although Qingfeizi is far from Xiao Ling's opponent, if she leaks the news. Immediately they will attract countless strong people, and capture the purple stars in Xiao Linger's body.

Treasures of this level of purple stars, let alone supreme, even if they are creatures of the realm of creation, they will definitely take them.

If it really attracts the creatures of the realm of creation, Xiao Linger will be a dead end.

Not afraid of 10,000, just in case.

"What do you do now? Is it possible to kill Qing Fei Zi so as to prevent future troubles?" Ning Xiaochuan hesitated a bit. After all, Qing Fei Zi was not a hateful man, let alone a man to kill.

For the **** person, Ning Xiaochuan can make a decisive shot. But for those who shouldn't be damned, Ning Xiaochuan is hard to kill.

Besides, Qingfeizi may not necessarily be disadvantageous to Xiao Linger. If she is killed now, she may die a little wrong.


Still not killing?

Xiao Hong also realized that she was in trouble, and pursed her lips, lowered her head, and looked very depressed!

Xiao Linger walked over, held Xiao Hong in her arms, and gently stroked her face, and said, "Little Red, this is not to blame you, don't blame yourself too much!"

"No! I made a mistake myself and I will solve it myself." Xiaohong stared with a pair of eyes, staring firmly at Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan sighed softly and said, "After all, she didn't make any mistakes. When you start, remember to give her a happy moment." |

"Hmm!" Xiaohong squeezed a pair of powder fists and nodded deeply.

The road to cultivation is so cruel.

Especially in a troubled world like this, the crisis is pervasive, and the strong emerge from the strong. You must be careful, a little negligent, and a little merciful once, and you may bring disaster to yourself.

It is a huge threat that Qingfeizi is alive. Only when she is dead can this threat be lifted.

If it was Ning Xiaochuan in the past, it would be absolutely impossible for Xiaohong to let Xiao Hong kill Qingfeizi. After a lot of things, now he has changed his mindset a lot. If you want to live in troubled times, you must not be too kind. Since it is a threat, you must eliminate it.

Ning Xiaochuan will recover the six human-shaped hearts and minds cultivated in the purple stars, and the power of the six avenues will immediately pour into Ning Xiaochuan's Yuanshen.

"The 'Da Shi Dao Dao' has indeed been practiced to Mahayana, which is great!" Ning Xiaochuan was overjoyed.

'The World Extinction Path' is the fifth type of world extinction path that Ning Xiaochuan has successfully cultivated.

"Incorporating the 'Absolute Knife Path' into my body, my cultivation can improve a lot."

For each type of extinction, the practice will also improve.

Ning Xiaochuan's most urgent wish now is to break through to the seventh level of real life. If you practice step by step, even if you use the power of the purple stars, it will take half a year to break through to the seventh level of real life. The higher the realm, the more difficult it is to break through, and the more time it takes.

Those monks who cannot cultivate with the help of the purple stars want to break from the sixth place of the real world to the seventh place of the real world, it will take at least thousands of years. Some people, even after spending their entire lives, cannot break through to the seventh level of real life.

In six months, from the sixth level of real life to the seventh level of real life, for other monks, the speed of practice has been against the sky.

However, Ning Xiaochuan still felt too slow. He is now racing against time. He must cultivate to the seventh level of real life in the shortest time. Otherwise, once the Heavenly Demon Emperor returns to the holy kingdom of the demon tribe, the dead person is him.

If it is combined with the "killing path", Ning Xiaochuan's Xiuwei will make a rapid progress again. Even if he can't break through to the seventh level of real life, it is estimated that it will not be much worse.

Can't help but say that Ning Xiaochuan immediately cultivated to fully integrate the knife path into himself.


When Ning Xiaochuan began to fuse the knife path, the goddess of Qingfeizi flew back from the purple stars.

In four days, her Yuanshen practiced in the purple stars for twelve years, and the Yuanshen has more than doubled in strength.

Her cultivation was originally the first peak of real life. After Yuanshen doubled, her cultivation broke through directly to the middle of the second life of real life.

"It was only ... four days passed ..."

After Yuan Shen flew back from the purple stars, Qingfeizi immediately took out the Tianji compass and held it in his hand, using the Tianji compass to calculate the time.

She was surprised to find out that she had cultivated in the purple stars for more than ten years, and only four days had passed outside.

"What kind of treasure is the purple star in the end?" Qingfeizi couldn't calm down, shocked and stared at Xiao Ling, who was sitting opposite the disc, and secretly said, what exactly is this woman named God of Desolation? ?

No wonder she can cultivate to the extreme state at a young age, because it is because of treasures like purple stars.

"If I can always practice with the help of the purple stars, I should be able to reach the supreme state within ten years." Qingfeizi secretly said.

You must know that she is still very young. If she reaches the supreme state within ten years, she may still be able to seize the good fortune and cultivate into the legendary second god.

An angry voice sounded in Qingfeizi's ear: "liar!"

Qingfeizi raised his head and looked at Xiaohong standing behind him and said, "Why do you say I am a liar?"

Xiaohongdao: "You are obviously not Ning Xiaochuan's companion partner, why did you lie to me? I actually believed it and told you the secret of the purple star."

Qingfeizi is a bit innocent, and said, "I never said that I was the twin companion of King of Destruction, nor had I ever lied to you. I wouldn't have known it if you had not volunteered to tell me the secret of the purple stars."

"Really?" Xiaohong scratched her hair and looked at Ning Xin'er, who was not far away. Ning Xin'er was also a little speechless, and nodded gently to her.

Xiaohong's two white hands were shaped into claws and said, "Even so, you should take the initiative to remind me, otherwise why would I make such a low-level mistake? And you, Xiner, you should also Remind me in time. Although I am very smart, there are also occasions when I make mistakes. "

Ning Xin'er was even more innocent, and she clearly reminded her that she didn't listen.

Qingfeizi finally figured out what happened, saying: "In fact, you don't have to worry, I won't tell this secret. You can trust me!"

"Why should we believe you?" Xiao Linger stopped practicing, staring at Qingfeizi very seriously, and said, "You have always called the godfather the 'King of Destruction', which shows that you have a deep interest in the godfather, and even The godfather is a traitor to the adult race, and hates him very much. In this case, can we still believe you? "

Qingfeizi looked at Xiao Hong, Xiao Linger, and Ning Xiner's bad eyes, and her heart tightened slightly. As an outsider, if they discover such a big secret, they will definitely be killed.

Xiaohong said coldly: "After all, this is because of me. I can't hold her back. If I kill her, I will definitely feel guilty and it will be very unfavorable for future practice. Xiaolinger, you Do it! "

"I! I ... I have never killed anyone, I can't do it!" Xiao Linger said.

Xiaohong's eyes were on Ning Xin'er.

Ning Xin'er shook her head vigorously and whispered, "I haven't killed anyone!"

"Okay! It seems I still have to take it myself!" Xiao Hong smiled chillyly, rushing out a group of gods to extinguish the fire in the palm of his hand, and walked towards Qingfeizi aggressively.

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