Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 933: Gate of man and god

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"Dead to me! Quirk!"

Xiao Hong's speed is as fast as a thunder, and the body makes a terrifying dragon groan, and she strikes at the flying man with a palm, aggressive and possesses the mighty Long Wei.

Both Xiao Linger and Ning Xiner closed their eyes tightly, not wanting to see the **** scene.

However, Xiao Hong's palm stopped stiffly above Qingfeizi's head, and she did not hit it.

"What's wrong?" Ning Xin'er's eyes opened a gap.


Xiaohong took a bite of snow-white shell teeth, a dragon groan was issued in her mouth, and crimson dragon scales grew out of her hands, and a more powerful force broke out, and she struck again towards Qingfeizi.

This time, the palm of her hand stopped over the top of Tifeizi's head, and still did not fall.


Xiaohong pulled the flames out of her body, shook her sleeves, and said, "I can't do it! What should I do now?"

Xiao Ling'er and Ning Xin'er didn't know what to do, and immediately closed their eyes, pretending to practice. They look like they are saying that since it is your own fault, you must solve it yourself.

"you guys……"

Xiaohong was very annoyed, and stared again at Qingfeizi, a bright gleam appeared in her bright eyes, and suddenly a very good idea emerged.

She walked in front of Qingfeizi, with a slight smile on her face, and said, "Actually, I have a good idea, maybe I can save your life!"

"What are you doing?" Qingfeizi said.

Qingfeizi knew that he could not escape today. Even if Ning Xin'er, Xiao Ling'er, and Xiao Hong couldn't kill her, the King of Destruction would kill her personally.

No way, this is the end of knowing what should not be known. A female supreme sits here, she has no chance to escape.

But who wants to die?

If you have a choice, naturally you choose to live.

Xiaohong whispered to Qingfeizi's ear.

Hearing Xiaohong's words, Qingfeizi suddenly turned red with red ears, a little shy expression on her face, and said in a low voice, "You want me to betray my soul and serve as a demon to serve as a slave to the Devil? You kill me! "

Although the Qingfeizi's cultivation is not as good as the King of Destroyer and the Dragon Dragon cub, it is the goddess of the Holy Land of Lingxiao. What is your status?

Even those incompetent talents in the God's Crown Palace, she did not look at all, let alone want her to be a slave of a big devil?

She would rather die than serve a demon head.

Xiaohong frowned, and said, "It seems that you really regard Ning Xiaochuan as a big demon, and it is impossible to yield! Well! Although I can't bear to kill you, I think those monsters outside should be willing Eat you, you see that your skin is so delicate, so high and so beautiful, will the monsters insult you before they eat you? Will they strip your clothes? Will it ... "

Qingfeizi thought that Xiaohong was a very simple girl, but at the moment she found that Xiaohong was like a little devil with a cute face.

"You ... Do you really do this?" Qingfeizi was still a little uneasy at last. If she was really handed over to those monsters, she would definitely be miserable.

Xiao Hong nodded earnestly, and said, "It still seems that you still doubt the will of our dragons. In this case, there is nothing to talk about!"

"Wait a minute!" Qingfeizi gritted his lips tightly, and said, "I promise you!"

"Haha ..." Xiaohong smiled with her hands on her hips, and that laughter was very evil, like a bully who teased a good family woman.

Xiao Hong nodded and said satisfied: "I am quite satisfied with your decision. In this case, swear to the **** immediately!"

"Follow me, I, Qingfeizi, volunteer to be the slave of Ning Xiaochuan. From now on, I will serve the master wholeheartedly, absolutely obey the command of the master, absolutely support the master, and never betray. If I break the oath, I must fall Into the bottom of the abyss, he was robbed by the fire and thunder, and his spirits fell away. "

Helpless, Qingfeizi had to swear along with Xiaohong, and a sadness was born in her heart. I knew that there would be today ’s encounter, so I should not follow the King of Destruction to the holy nation of the monster tribe.

Now, he has become a slave to the King of Destruction. If you return to Middle-earth, it will certainly be scolded by everyone.

She was wondering if she had been calculated by that evil dragon girl from the beginning.


Mangguyuan, one of the two death forbidden areas in North / Xinjiang.

This is a barren and vast field. The ground is full of black dirt. In some torn open seams, black smoke and dust are emitted, which permeate the air with a strong toxicity.

Some of the ground fissures also revealed a half-rotten coffin. Those coffins exuded a faint brilliance, and the corpses buried in them seemed to crawl out of the coffin at any time.

It is said that Manggu was the supreme burial ground.

Each coffin contained a supreme corpse, and each tombstone was engraved with a supreme name, and even the black earth seemed to be fused with the supreme blood, carrying a force of death.

All monks believe that Manggu was the place of origin of life on the continent.

Only the Supreme Lord who has actually entered the Mangguyuan knows that there is no life here, only death and silence.


Suddenly, the ground shook violently in the depths of Mangguyuan.

The ground cracked, and black smoke poured from the ground, bursting into the void, forming a black cloud of smoke, covering the whole Mangguyuan in the cloud of smoke.

An ancient magic wall rises from the ground.

That magic wall was a kilometer long and kept rising, at first it was only ten meters high, then one hundred meters high, one kilometer high, and ten thousand meters high ... At last, the height was completely invisible.

Looking from the ground, you will find that it is not a wall at all, but a ladder.

It's like a ladder to the nine heaven gods.

A woman with a strong and enchanting body standing on the top of the ladder, raising her hands above her head, staring at the vast starry sky above her head, saying loudly: "The heavens are reversed, time and space are chaotic. The seal is dissipated, the gate of man and **** ... "

If Ning Xiaochuan was in Mangguyuan at this moment, he would recognize the woman standing on the top of the ladder. She looks exactly like Tianmeng Yaohuang!

It is one of the three thoughts that escaped from the dream of the Heavenly Demon!


At the top of the ladder, a huge portal opens. The dragon-shaped, phoenix-shaped, tiger-shaped, and turtle-shaped divine light came out of the portal and illuminated most of the manggu.

A dragon-shaped divine light burst into the coffin suspended in the ground split.

In the coffin, a harsh howling sounded.


A broken body of an ancient corpse flew out of the coffin, fell to the lower part of the ladder, and bowed slightly to salute the upper part of the ladder. He kept this position, motionless.

He was wearing a decaying robe, with a rusty bronze crown on his head, and a dragon's shadow wrapped around him. The dragon's head merged with his skull. When he was alive, he was definitely a supreme name of Tao.

Those **** lights kept rushing into the ground, and the ground kept flying out of an ancient corpse.

Some ancient corpses wore royal robes, some ancient corpses wore buddhist clothes, and other ancient corpses wore battle armors ... They were all world-heavy men during their lifetime, and they were all at least supreme.

The ancient corpse in the imperial robe and the tiger-shaped divine light blended together, the skull and the tiger's head combined, and the tiger lay on his back.

The nun dressed in a Buddha's clothing was integrated with the Phoenix-shaped **** light, and the whole body was burning with flames.


All the Supreme Corpses that are fused with the **** light have all come alive, and the number is increasing, all gathered below the ladder, like a group of slaves, worshiping the Heavenly Demon Emperor above the ladder reverently.

"The gate of man and **** has been opened. Come, the creatures from the Shenhe civilization!" Tianmeng Demon Road.

The gate of man and **** at the top of the ladder trembled fiercely. A huge nine-headed monster from the gate of man and **** flew from the gate of man and god, turned into a figure, and fell to the side of Tianmeng Demon Emperor.

He looked like a man in his thirties, with a bit of wickedness on his face, wearing a purple armor, carrying a nine-barreled imperial lance, and said, "Finally we are in Da Yan World. This time the battle of the gods, this seat must be able to condense the gods and cultivate into the true god! The souls of the world will tremble because of me. "

The Heavenly Demon Emperor said: "Nine-headed purple owl, why only you pass through the gate of human and god? What about the son of god? Other masters?"

Nine-headed purple magpie bears both hands with a domineering expression, saying: "I'm going to the Dayan world first to help you guard the gates of people and gods. You can't let the lower creatures in the world of Dayan destroy the gates of people and gods. .The sons of the gods and other masters will soon all arrive in the world of Da Yan, maybe there will be a sub-God level presence in the world of Da Yan. "

"The existence of the sub-god level will be in the real world of Da Yan? The price paid like that should be quite large!"

The true **** cannot drive to the world of Da Yan, but for a great price, he can send the second **** to the world of Da Yan.

Even if only one **** is sent to the world of Da Yan, it will immediately change the pattern of the whole Da Yan world.

Jiuto Ziyan nodded and said, "As long as we can win the victory of the God-Fighting War, it will be worth the price. The movement caused by opening the gate of man and **** is too great. It is estimated that the so-called Supreme has been shocked! Oh! "

In the view of the nine-headed purple amaranth, all the creatures in the Dayan World are all lower creatures.

Even in the world of Da Yan, he is called the supreme being, in his opinion, it is only a little more powerful lower creature. He can kill as much as he can.

"Wait until the sons of the gods and the masters come to Dayan world, you can clean the Dayan world. All the creatures who do not obey the demon **** must be killed, one is not left!" Nine-headed purple lotus sneered.


Ok! The sons of the gods are coming. The sons of the gods are supreme at birth; the grandsons of the gods are real people at birth; how many powerful young masters will appear? The fateful enemy of Ning Xiaochuan will also appear, and other Shenlong cubs will appear one after another, and the real battle of the gods will begin!

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