Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 935: Crisis is coming

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"Without six shots, I will be able to kill him within half an hour."

Nine-headed purple owl laughed, arms spread out, and the nine spears on his back immediately flew into the air.

Each spear was wrapped in a phantom of a purple dragon, spreading its teeth like a claw, making a terrifying howling sound, attacking the giant spirit.

Each of the nine spears is a supreme imperial weapon, and the spirit of the instrument is awakened. The source of power has fully erupted, emitting a magnificent power.

You know, the entire heavenly continent can't find a few pieces of supreme imperial weapon, each one has the power to destroy the world.

What's more, the nine-headed purple urn also sacrificed nine spears of the imperial imperial rank at one time, and the power that erupted was absolutely terrifying.

"This time when we came to the world of Da Yan, we were fully prepared. The nine Supreme Rainbow Guns were given by a true God. The nine Battle Rainbow guns came together and erupted. Its power will not be much weaker than the secondary artifact. "

After offering nine shots of the rainbow gun, the nine-headed purple magpie finally gained the upper hand and defeated the giant spirit.


One of the Zhanhong guns stabbed out suddenly, penetrating the void, it was like a shocked Hongfei flying out, passing through the chest dominated by the giant spirit.

A large piece of blood poured out of the body dominated by the giant spirit, dyed the ladder red, and the blood flowed down like a stream.

"It is terrible! It is indeed a creature from the divine realm. The combat skills that are exhibited are not comparable to the creatures in our world. It must be the teaching of the sub-god from an early age. It may be so powerful." Surprised and kept going down.

Two monks in the same state, one was taught by the gods from an early age and had the best resources and the most perfect cultivation methods; the other was not taught by the gods and the resources were not so rich, and the cultivation methods were far less than the other.

Who is stronger?

Of course, the disciples taught by the gods are stronger.

It is as if, under the same circumstances, the holy soil heir is much more powerful than martial arts.

"My Xiuwei is in the middle of the middle with the nine-headed purple lotus root. The nine-headed purple lotus root is suppressed by the power of the world to only 30% of the power, but it can still defeat me."

The master of the giant spirit doesn't feel discouraged. After all, the other party is a disciple who was trained by the gods. He was born in the **** world and absorbs the spirit of the gods all year round. He is not shameful in his hands.

A nine-headed aster is so terrible, not to mention there is a terrible creature on the top of the ladder.

The giant spirit master knows that with his own power, the gate of man and **** can never be destroyed.

Thinking of this, the master of the giant spirit immediately withdrew and retreated, and fled towards Mangguyuan.

"Want to run away?"

Nine-headed purple cymbals laughed wildly, and the nine-stroke rainbow turned into nine purple rivers, stabbing into the void, blasting the void into the **** of the giant spirit.



The master of the spirit had fled to the edge of Mangguyuan, but was still penetrated by two battle rainbow guns, his head and chest were penetrated, and he suffered severe trauma.

"Space is chaotic!"

Only half of the skull was dominated by the giant spirit. A spurt of blood was sprayed out, and a sea of ​​blood appeared above his head.

The sea of ​​blood is spinning wildly, shattering the entire space into a chaotic space.

Jumping into the sea of ​​blood, the master of the spirit disappeared instantly.

Nine-headed Amaranth dragged a long cloak, wearing a thick armor, and carrying a **** battle rainbow gun, chased to the edge of the sea of ​​blood, watching the disappearing sea of ​​blood, and snorted: "Count You run away fast and you wo n’t be so lucky next time. "

"Nine brother, if you go to Damengze, after conquering the demon emperor and demon there, you must make them swear by the gods and make them your slaves. Only then will they be truly loyal to you. No Will betray. If there is a disobedient person, it will be beheaded. "Six-eared magic ape said long.

"Even if they lend them a courage, they dare not disobey my will. It is their glory to be my slave. Haha!"

Nine-headed Amaranth carried the **** battle rainbow gun into a purple streamer and flew in the direction of Damengze.

More than a dozen supreme ancient corpses also followed behind the nine-headed purple magpie, turned into a cloud of corpses, and flew towards Damenze.


Damengze, Wangdong Mansion.

After Ning Xiaochuan incorporated the "Knife Road of Extinction" into his body, he was upgraded again, reaching the sixth stage of the real world, and his combat effectiveness was enhanced a lot.

"If we can integrate another way of extinction, it is estimated that we can break through the seventh place of real life!"

"Unfortunately, we must realize the sixth way of extinction from the" Destruction of the World ". It is estimated that it will not be able to do so for a while, but only to make people continue to enlighten themselves in the purple stars."

If you cannot understand the sixth way of extinction, even if you continue to cultivate, it will not be of much use.

"I don't know if the giant spirit dominated Damenze yet? If he left, then he would immediately go to save the King of Qing, King and Qixuan Tao."

Ning Xiaochuan stopped practicing and stood up.

"Bye ... see the master!" Qing Feizi saw Ning Xiaochuan come over, under the threat of Xiao Hong, immediately knelt down on the ground, put his hands on his chest, a respectful worship.

Ning Xiaochuan froze slightly and said, "What's the situation?"

Qingfeizi was very aggrieved, but there was no way. Who told himself that he should know something that should not be known.

She is not afraid of death, but she is afraid of falling into the hands of the monster, which will be worse than death.

Xiao Hong nodded slightly, very satisfied with the performance of Qingfeizi, with an evil smile on her face, and said, "Ning Xiaochuan, do you think I can tune / teach you well?"

"Who allowed you to do this?" Ning Xiaochuan's gaze was cold, a little cold.

Xiao Hong didn't feel she had done something wrong, and she took it for granted: "Such a beautiful beauty who has a good cultivation talent is not bad. Wouldn't it be a shame if you killed her? Taking her as a slave would say Maybe you will have a big fat son. "

Ning Xiaochuan stared at Xiao Linger and Ning Xin'er, and said, "You also allow her to mess around?"

Xiao Linger was a bit innocent and whispered, "Godfather, at least she can save her life. This is the best solution we can think of!"

"Prank! It's just prank!" Ning Xiaochuan said in a deep voice.

Xiao Linger, Xiao Hong, and Ning Xiner have never seen Ning Xiaochuan's anger so angry. The three of them immediately bowed their heads, just like three little girls who did something wrong, and did not dare to look at Ning Xiaochuan's eyes.

In normal times, Ning Xiaochuan is very tolerant to them, but tolerance is not indulgence. When it is time to educate, they must be educated, otherwise they do not know what is right and what is wrong.

Xiao Hong, in particular, has very little sense of doing things. If she continues to grow like this, she will definitely go on an evil path in the future.

Ning Xiaochuan doesn't think he is a good person. When he meets the person who should be killed, he will decisively kill him, but he will not intentionally humiliate others.

Xiao Hong is doing this, she is humiliating Qingfeizi.

"Where do you want to run?"

Ning Xiaochuan caught Xiaohong who wanted to slip away, squeezed her ears, and almost lifted her up.

"Ning Xiaochuan, Ning Xiaochuan ... It was you who handed her over to me. What I do is my business. Why do you care about me?" Xiao Hong stepped on her feet and kept screaming.

"Quickly let go, I'm a noble dragon girl, so you ... I'm so shameless! Alright! Alright! I'm wrong, I will give her a good time now, and I will never intentionally humiliate others in the future , I'm absolutely obedient ... "Xiao Hongdao.

Ning Xiaochuan exhaled a long breath and let go of Xiaohong's hand, and said, "No need, I'll come!"

After saying this, Ning Xiaochuan walked towards Qingfeizi and said, "Girl, in fact, I blame me for all this ..."

Qing Feizi lowered her head, biting her teeth gently, and said, "You don't need to say more. I understand. I know your secrets, and I can't survive! If I were you, I would do the same. It's just such cruelty, everyone can't help it. "

"No!" Ning Xiaochuan said: "I mean, in fact, I still have a better way to solve the problem, but I didn't think of it at the time. I can use the power of the Seven Magic Gods to erase your memory. This way Then you don't have to die. "

"Oops! I was all blamed for you. If you said earlier that you could erase her memory, how could I force her to be your slave?" Xiao Hong complained.

Ning Xiaochuan glanced at her.

Xiaohong immediately covered her mouth with her little hand, turned around, and squatted on the ground. Both hands circled on the ground and did not dare to speak again.

"It doesn't matter! Now I will erase the memory in your mind, so that you don't have to be my slave again." Ning Xiaochuan said.

"It's late!" Xiao Hong stood up again and sighed longly: "She has swear to the gods, she will serve you wholeheartedly in this life. If you dare to betray, the spirit will fly away."

Ning Xiaochuan had a black line on his forehead and said, "Who allowed you to do this?"

Xiaohong knew that she had leaked again, immediately spit out her tongue, squatted on the ground again, and continued to draw circles.

Qingfeizi originally thought that after becoming a servant of the King of Destruction, he would definitely be insulted by the King of Destruction, and it would be difficult to escape the clutches of the King of Destruction. However, she did not expect that the Destroyer King was completely different from her imagination.

This made her heart feel a little good for King of Destruction!

"The King of Destruction doesn't seem to be as bad as the legend says. He has his own principles for doing things, and he is not a man of unscrupulous means." Qing Feizi's beautiful eyes, staring at the young man opposite him, brilliantly A bit strange feeling.

"He's a terrible demon, how can I feel good about him? No, absolutely not." Qingfeizi shook his head vigorously.

Ning Xiaochuan turned around and continued to look at Qingfeizi, saying calmly: "Since you have sworn to the gods, I have no other way to lift the vow. In the future, you don't need to serve me, you just follow Xiao Linger. By the way! You can use a compass to check for me. Is the master of the spirit still in the holy nation of the demon? "


Qingfeizi nodded gently, and immediately took out the heavenly compass.

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