Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 936: 30% strength

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The heavenly compass shows that the giant spirit has left the demon holy kingdom.

Ning Xiaochuan immediately rushed to the demon prison, and had to rescue the King of Qing, King and Qixuan Tao before the main body of the Tianmeng Demon Emperor returned.

Under the leadership of the Golden Horn Demon King and the Silver Horn Demon King, they successfully entered the demon prison, and Ning Xiaochuan saw the King of Qing Dynasty again.

The king of green cymbals sits in the center of a round jade platform with a diameter of ten feet. Each long hair on the head turns into a blue fire feather. A pair of beautiful turquoise wings grow on his back. The strength on his body is Inflates quickly and becomes more powerful.

Only in the past quarter of an hour, Ning Xiaochuan could clearly feel why the repair of the King of the Qing Dynasty had climbed a hundredfold!

At this moment, the king of green cymbals is almost like an ancient green cymbal that swallowed the sky and devoured the earth.

what happened?

Ning Xiaochuan took a step back slightly, with an astonished look in his eyes, and his heart secretly said that the power of King Qingying had grown too terrible. Has the world ’s suppression of her power disappeared? The Battle of Gods of God has begun?

The King of Qingyan regained his power, opened a pair of cyan eyes, and a stream of green fire flowed in the pupil like a bead of God, staring coldly at Ning Xiaochuan, and said, "Heavenly Demon Emperor?"

"Why would she think of me as the dream emperor?" Ning Xiaochuan's heart was slightly surprised.

Immediately, Ning Xiaochuan understood again.

Some of the spirits of the Heavenly Demon Emperor were suppressed in Ning Xiaochuan's body. Those spirits were much stronger than Ning Xiaochuan's soul.

The King of Qingyu saw that Ning Xiaochuan's body had a powerful soul of the Heavenly Demon Emperor. He would definitely not think that Ning Xiaochuan had the ability to suppress that soul, so he instinctively thought that Ning Xiaochuan was controlled by the Heavenly Demon Emperor's soul .

"Of course it's not the Heavenly Demon Emperor. The spirit that the Heavenly Demon Emperor condensed with five thoughts has been hijacked by me and suppressed by me in Yuan Shen." Ning Xiaochuan said.

Qingxi Wang breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "It turns out that you have cultivated to receive Shinto!"

Ning Xiaochuan nodded, and said curiously, "Why is your Xiu Wei suddenly so strong?"

The King of Qingyu stood up and outlined a beautiful curve, and said lazily, "If I didn't guess wrong, the door of the first human **** has been opened! The gate flowed to the world of Da Yan, offsetting the power of the world of Da Yan. Now, Da Yan ’s suppression of my cultivation has become very low, and my cultivation has reached about 30% of the heyday. ”

Ning Xiaochuan said: "If the door of man and **** has not been opened, to what extent is your cultivation suppressed?"

Qing Qing Wang stared at Ning Xiaochuan deeply and said, "If the door of man and **** is not opened, then the entire Dayan world is a completely closed world, and no aliens will be allowed to enter this world. Once someone forcibly breaks in , Xiuwei will be suppressed to one hundredth, one thousandth, or even directly wiped out by the power of the world. "

Ning Xiaochuan was startled: "The Gate of Humans and Gods" has opened? So does it mean that the Battle of Gods has been opened? "

The King of Qingyu shook his head gently. "The door of the first human and **** is only opened now. Only the doors of the eight human and gods are opened. At that time, the battle of the gods of God will really open."

"There are eight gates of people and gods? Why is this so?" Ning Xiaochuan was a little puzzled.

Qing Qing Wang said: "Do you remember what I said to you, the entire Dayan world is a god-making array arranged by a **** king of the Shenhe civilization. In fact, the gates of the eight human gods are entering the god-making array. Entrance. They are located in eight directions of the Shenhe civilization, which can lead the young masters and potential gods of the eight directions of the Shenhe civilization to the Dayan world. "

Ning Xiaochuan was silent for a moment, and said, "Isn't it to say that the protagonist of the God-Fighting War is actually those who are from Tianhe civilization and who have the potential to become gods, have nothing to do with the creatures in our world?"

King Qingyu stared deeply at Ning Xiaochuan and said, "In that year, that great **** king arranged a great array of gods for the purpose of creating gods. He never thought that a birth spirit would be born in the great gods array. Dayan The creatures of the world are in the eyes of the sons of the gods of the Shenhe civilization, just as you look at the indigenous savages of the primitive tribes. They will only think of you as a group of lower creatures, and they are the objects of their experience.

"Of course, in the several historical feudal wars, there are also many indigenous people who have become gods in the Da Yan world, and even some powerful figures have made the real gods in the Shenhe civilization very fearful."

"For example, the" Nine-Tailed God Fox "that led to the early end of the last god-fighting war, and the founder of the heavenly court of the Dayan World," Manchu Master "... these characters have bloomed during the god-fighting war. The glorious brilliance can engage with the sons of the gods and even crush them. "

"After all, these characters are only a small number. It is difficult to produce one for hundreds of millions of years. Even if it can really crush the sons of the gods in the same realm, it is not possible to change the structure of the entire world, and it is even more impossible to compete with the entire Shenhe civilization. .In this vast ocean, they are just a drop of water that is different from ordinary people. They can splash ripples on the water, but they cannot change the pattern of the entire sea. "

Ning Xiaochuan frowned slightly, and said, "How many times have there been god-fighting wars in Dayan World in history?"

Qing Qing Wangdao: "The time of the universe is too long, and the time of the birth of Dayan World cannot be considered. It is estimated that only the true gods of the Shenhe civilization know a little bit of truth. I only know that every time a big God battle occurs in Dayan World This is an epoch. Some epochs are as long as tens of millions of years, and some are as short as hundreds of thousands of years. "

Ning Xiaochuan exhaled a long breath and said: "Since it ca n’t be done well, I believe that even if the sons of the gods come to Dayan World, I can compete with them and even crush them. Nine-tailed fox I can certainly do what Master Wan Chu can do. "

Qing Qing Wang said: "This time the God-Fighting War will be more brutal and more competitive than the previous God-Fighting Wars, and you still have a powerful old enemy. She (he) will definitely come to Da Yan to eliminate you. Take you The current practice is far from being her (his) opponent. "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Stop that, since the first door of man and **** was opened, there must be a strong man from the Shenhe civilization coming to the Dayan world, and the whole world's structure will be changed in no time. I Save you now! "

"Can you save me out? Have you gone to Fengshen Cave to find 'Liuli Tianjing'?" Qing Qing Wang said with some surprise.

"No! However, I have a treasure that is no less powerful than the sub-artifact. You don't mean that the sub-artifact can shatter the sub-rule of the Heavenly Demon Emperor on the white stone jade platform? Let me try it!"

Ning Xiaochuan pressed his finger to the position of the temple, and the mark of Tianzun on the eyebrow immediately appeared, emitting a twinkling light.

The "white bone beads" originally suspended in the heavens, earth and gods immediately emitted a bright light, flew from the eyebrows, and hit the round jade platform at the foot of the king of Qing.

When the "white bone beads" attacked, the edge of the round jade table immediately rose up with a white halo, blocking the "white bone beads".


Under the constant impact of the "white bone beads", the entire demon prison violently shook, and gravel continued to fall from above the head.


A small crack appeared on the jade platform at the foot of King Qingyu, and the crack became wider and wider. Later, a second crack appeared and a third crack ...

The white bone bead is an inestimable peerless treasure, and its power is comparable to that of an artifact. Once the original power of the white bone beads is inspired, even if it is only a trace of the original power, it is quite scary.

The Golden Horned Demon King and the Silver Horned Demon King noticed the movement in the demon prison, and rushed in from outside the stone gate, begging: "Master Devil, you must not rescue her, or our brother will be in great trouble. . "

"Two, I'm sorry!"

With a wave of Ning Xiaochuan's arm, two black magic thunders were hit in the palm of his hand, and the Golden Horned Demon King and the Silver Horned Demon King flew out. The two demon kings hit the stone wall, knocking the stone wall covered with formations out of two shallow pits.

The Golden Horned Demon King and the Silver Horned Demon King made a terrible cry, slipped off the stone wall, fell to the ground, and passed out.

The violent shock will alarm the "Eight-Haired Demon Emperor" who guards the demon prison.


The octagonal demon emperor rushed out from the cold pool below the ground, exuding eight colors of brilliance on his body, stepping on a colorful cloud, and rushed towards the demon prison that held the king of green princes.

Reaching the demon prison, he stared at Ning Xiaochuan, who was attacking Shiraishi, and yelled, "Jail robber, die!"

The octagonal demon turned into a human form, with eight sharp horns on her body, shrunk into a ball, like a hedgehog in the shape of a ball, and smashed towards Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan mobilized the vitality of the whole body, immediately inspiring a trace of the original power of the "white bone beads", and struck toward the octagonal demon emperor.


Under the attack of white bone beads, the octagonal demon emperor flew out immediately and fell back to Shimen. He spread his palm, and found a pigeon-sized blood hole appeared on the palm, and a drop of demon blood dropped to the ground.

He stared at the human race with some shock, and looked at the white bone beads again, and said, "Second artifact?"

Taking advantage of the moment when the octagonal demon emperor stumbled, Ning Xiaochuan immediately wore the blood of the second **** on his body.

An evil blood radiated from the blood coat of the sub-god, carrying a faint spirit of spirit, permeated the whole demon prison.

Facing the last demon emperor, Ning Xiaochuan had to go all out.

The octagonal demon emperor is the real eternal realm supreme. Taking Ning Xiaochuan's sixth-level cultivation as his real life situation, he must go all out to defeat him.

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