Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 937: Dominate to Kill

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"I didn't expect the tribe to have such a powerful young man Tianjiao!" The eight-colored Guanghua flashed on the body of the octagonal demon emperor, and the blood in the palm of his hand immediately recovered as before.

He whispered coldly: "My emperor will come to you for a while and see how much weight you have?"

The octagonal demon emperor rushed up again, and two spikes grew on the palms of both palms, which stabbed Ning Xiaochuan's eyebrow and heart with the thunderbolt.

Ning Xiaochuan immediately exhibited the speed of the Shenlong dragon, erupting at a speed no slower than the octagonal demon emperor, turning into a series of afterimages, avoiding the two hits of the octagonal demon emperor.


Ning Xiaochuan's hands were put together, and countless thunder and lightning came out of the palm, turning into a black thunder ball.

Both palms were shot at the same time, and the thunder ball followed and flew out, hitting the top of the octagonal demon emperor, backed up the octagonal demon emperor by more than ten steps, and the powerful demon body hit the stone wall and smashed it through.

The octagonal demon emperor climbed from the ground, and a trace of thunder and lightning still flowed throughout his body.

His demon body was strong, but did not suffer multiple injuries, but became more fierce, the more war, the more brave, he untied a thick iron cable from his waist, and attacked Ning Xiaochuan again.

When Ning Xiaochuan and the Eight-Haired Demon Emperor fought, the King of Qing Lu also began to gather strength.

A cyan flame, condensed in the palm of her palm, turned into a phantom of a green flame.


The king of Qingyu knocked out the shadow of that Qingyu with one palm and hit the round jade platform under his feet.

With a loud bang, the cracked circular jade benches that had been hit by the "white bone beads" were immediately cracked and turned into a pile of white rubble under the attack of the King of Qing.

A wave of violent energy slammed out, centering on the Green King, shattering most of the demon prison.

Ning Xiaochuan and the octagonal demon emperor were also impacted by the powerful energy ripples and flew out, smashing the stone walls. Ning Xiaochuan smashed a total of twelve stone walls before stabilizing his body, kneeling on the ground halfway, and holding one hand on the ground, he did not continue to retreat.

The octagonal demon emperor smashed fourteen stone walls, spit a blood in his mouth, and stared in shock at the Tsing Yi woman who came out of the demon prison.

He is a demon emperor, and naturally he can more clearly feel the powerful demon radiated from the king of blue magpies, and some incredibly said: "How is it possible? The demon qi on her is too pure, but also with a touch of faintness. Divine spirit. "

"This is the true strength of King Qingying? It is indeed a creature from the Shenhe civilization. She used to underestimate her." Ning Xiaochuan knew that the cultivation of King Qingying had recovered 30%, but he did not expect her 30% strength. It turned out to be so powerful.

"It is estimated that she is also the daughter of a certain **** of Shenhe civilization, and there is blood flowing in her body." Ning Xiaochuan thought so.

"The octagonal demon! Do you choose to die? Or do you choose to surrender?" The king of green urns emitted a green flame, and a pair of more than ten meters of beautiful cyan wings grew on his back, walking towards the octagonal demon king step by step past.

With a playful smile on her face, she gently touched her chin, like an evil girl, staring at the octagonal demon with threatening eyes.

Seeing Qing Xing's wicked eyes, Ning Xiaochuan rubbed his temples and finally figured out some problems. It turned out that Xiao Hong had been taught by her. It had been known that Qing Xing should not be made Xiao Xing's. Master.

Their eyes and expressions are so much alike!

"Meet you, Mrs. Green!"

The octagonal demon emperor also knew the current affairs, knowing that he was far from being the opponent of the king of cymbals, immediately bowed to worship, showing allegiance.

Judging from the strength that Qing Qing Wang just exploded, her true strength is definitely not simple, and not an ordinary Supreme can be compared with her.

The octagonal demon emperor really knows that the Qinghuang king is not a small one, even the Tianmeng demon emperor dare not easily kill her. Now that the restoration of King Qingying is restored, if he can worship under the door of King Qingying, it may be a great opportunity for him.

"Be honest, get up! In the future you will understand that following this princess is definitely a very wise choice." Qing Qing Wang touched the tip of his nose, slightly raised his eyebrows, stared at Ning Xiaochuan, his eyes revealed A bright light, said: "Ning Xiaochuan, do you choose to die? Or choose to surrender?"


As soon as Ning Xiaochuan stood up, he heard the words of Qing Qing Wang, and his heart burst.

Is King Qing Yao going to cross the river to tear down the bridge?

"Oh! Just kidding you!"

King Qinghua patted Ning Xiaochuan on the shoulder and laughed: "As the fourth-generation heir to the world, you are qualified to sit with the princess. Maybe I will ask you to do something for me in the future. Right Now, the sons of the gods will come to the world of Dayan one after another. You'd better try not to use the power of the destruction of the world. If it is recognized, it will be a big trouble for you. "

Her expression became serious.

"Why? Is it true that the descendants of the world are in the Shenhe civilization, so not to be seen?" Ning Xiaochuan stretched out a finger, and opened the jade hand on the shoulder of the King of Qingyu.

Qingxi Wang laughed: "It's not as simple as not to invite people to see you! You know that a long time ago, you have a descendant of the World Extinction, which almost destroyed the entire Shenhe civilization. If you expose your identity as the preacher of World Extinction, Can you imagine how miserable it will be in the future? "

"Nearly destroyed the entire Shenhe civilization? Who has such terrible destructive power?" Ning Xiaochuan was extremely surprised.

Shenhe civilization is not a place that mortals can imagine at all. Even some gods do not know how powerful Shenhe civilization is.

For the souls of the Dayan World, that is the sacred place of the nine heavens.

Who can destroy such a giant civilization?

King Qinghua is talking about a certain descendant of the World Extinction, then it must be not the ancestor of the World Extinction, but the second generation of the World Extinction, or the third generation.

"Doesn't that mean, that person is not the old cold rain? The master is the old cold rain?" Ning Xiaochuan exhaled a long breath, always feeling that the secrets told from the mouth of the king of the king were too amazing.

But the King of the Green Dragon did not say, "You will know it in the future! Anyway, if you don't want to be chased down every day, it is better not to expose the power of the World Extinction. Those creatures in the world of Da Yan do not know the World Extinction. However, those Tianjiao of the Shenhe civilization must be able to recognize the demise of the world. "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "How strong is the son of the gods?"

Qing Qing Wang frowned slightly, saying: "The vastness of Shenhe civilization is not something you can think of. I don't know how many gods there are in Shenhe civilization, let alone how many top levels there are. Tianjiao? Anyway, there are even more powerful anti-celestial talents than me. They are so terrible that you can only fight with them if you really grow up. "


One of the stone gates of the demon prison was smashed, and Xun came out of the stone gates.

"Uncle Xun, your cultivation has been restored to 30%, right?" Qing Qing Wangdao.

Ning Xiaochuan's gaze was staring at him, and his heart secretly said that his cultivation was unpredictable. He even broke the rule of the second **** of the Heavenly Demon Emperor with his own strength, which is really a powerful creature.

He stared softly at the King of Qing and nodded his head, saying, "The first door of the man and **** in Mangguyuan was opened, and those masters and sons of gods who came to the Demon God's Realm should soon come. To Tianxu Continent. Your Royal Highness, we must enter Fengshendongfu before them! "

"Everything is listened to by Uncle's arrangements!" Qing Qing Wang nodded.

Suddenly, Geng's gaze was condensed, he slightly raised his head, glanced upwards, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "It came really fast, the atmosphere is a little familiar, it seems to be an old friend!"

"What does he mean?"

Ning Xiaochuan was pondering the words, and suddenly, the Qiqiao spirit in his body trembled fiercely, and felt a terrible murderous spirit flew from thousands of miles away, and he was quickly approaching the holy nation of demons.

The opponent's cultivation is quite powerful, and he does not conceal his cultivation and murderousness at all.

"Who came to the holy nation of the monster tribe? Is it the strong man of the Shenhe civilization?" Ning Xiaochuan glanced at him, and finally understood the meaning of that sentence.

It seems that it is really the strong man of the Shenhe civilization, which has killed the holy nation of the demons.

"Let's go! I'll go out too!" I walked towards the outside of the demon prison with my hands on my back. When I walked past Ning Xiaochuan, I stared at Ning Xiaochuan meaningfully and said, "Because of the demise of the world, you must be careful. .From now on, you will be the enemy! "

He, the king of blue owls, the octagonal demon king, the golden horned demon king, and the silver horned demon king all walked out of the demon prison, but Ning Xiaochuan rushed to the depths of the demon prison. He also has to rescue Qixuan Taoists.


The nine-headed purple owl stepped into Damengze, shaking the whole Damengze violently.

All the demon empresses and queens in Damenze were startled, looking towards the direction of the nine heads, and they could clearly feel the deterrent power from his body.

"Hmm! Hmm!"

More than a dozen supreme ancient corpses followed behind Zitou Ziyu.

Their mouths spit out ink-like death corpses, making a scream of howling.

"The demon emperor and the demon queen in Damenze also came out immediately and met Ben." The nine-headed purple owl raised the **** battle rainbow gun over his head, and a thunderbolt flew out of the gunpoint and rushed into the sky, sweeping the entire sky Into a sea of ​​thunder and lightning.


The thunder demon emperor, who was originally hidden in the clouds, was slashed by the blow of the nine-headed purple cricket, and he fell into the ground unbearably.

The armor of the Thunder God Demon Emperor was shattered, and his body was wounded. He stared in horror at Jiu Zi and said, "Who the **** are you?"

"I don't know anything about this seat, it's foolish enough." Jiu Zizi has a sneer, saying: This seat forgive your ignorance, after all, you are just an indigenous person in the world. "

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