Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 950: 950th Palm Destruction

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Yue Mingsong said: "The deity's supreme armor is a war armor crafted by the gods himself. It represents the will of the gods and is called 'the god'. It is definitely more precious to the monks in real life and eternity than the supreme royal weapon. . "

The grade of the Supreme Emperor is too high, and the monks in the real world cannot exert the original power of the Supreme Emperor. A monk in real life, even if he possesses a supreme imperial weapon, is definitely not an opponent of eternal life. However, the monks in the real world don the supreme armor of the gods, but they can compete with the monks in the eternal realm, and even kill the monks in the eternal realm.

The monks in the eternal realm can only exert a small part of the original power of the Supreme Emperor. Even if he mastered the power of a Supreme Emperor's outbreak, he would never be able to defeat the ninth-strength power and super-defensive force of the eternal Realm which broke out of the Supreme Deity.

Yue Mingsong also said: "But now it is just a fragment, not a complete armor."

"Yeah! It's just a fragment, not a complete armor, hey!"

"It would be nice to have a complete armor, and wearing it, I can immediately have the supreme level of combat power." Golden Horned Demon King Road.

Everyone was shaking their heads and sighing. After all, it was just a piece of debris, not the true deity's supreme armor.

Ning Xiaochuan took the remaining 472 pieces of iron skin from the Qiankun bracelet and said, "I have collected a total of 473 pieces of the shrine's supreme armor, Elder Yue, and made it with your forge. , How many sets of Oracles can be repaired? "

Seeing that Ning Xiaochuan took out hundreds of fragments of the Goddess Supreme Armor at one time, even after repairing as a deep nine-tailed demon, he slightly moved.

The Golden Horned Demon King, the Silver Horned Demon King, Princess Xi Xi, and Qingfeizi were stunned in surprise, and their chins all fell to the ground. They all felt that Ning Xiaochuan was too perverted, not only found hundreds of fragments of the Supreme King's artifact, but also found hundreds of fragments of the Oracle's Supreme Armor.

Seeing Ning Xiaochuan taking out so many pieces of debris, Yue Mingsong also slightly hesitated, saying: "The deity's supreme armor is a treasure sacrificed by the gods. It has the power of self-repair originally. It was only broken so much that it was unfixable."

"Ordinary forgesmiths, naturally, there is no way to repair these fragments. But who is this elder? But the elder has read the" The Book of Qimen ", and there is a method for forging the supreme armor of the god. If it is It is not difficult for the elder to re-form these fragments into the shrine's supreme armor. "

Yue Mingsong carefully looked at the fragments and said, "In terms of the number of these fragments, it should be possible to restore six sets of deities 'supreme armor, and it is even possible to restore seven sets of deities' supreme armor."

Everyone, including Ning Xiaochuan, was very excited and very happy.

"King of Destruction, can I use all the fragments of my supreme king weapon to exchange you for a deity supreme armor?" Princess Xi Xi was charming, her eyes were like water, her voice was delicate, and she showed a beautiful figure.

Qingfeizi was still somewhat reserved, but when she saw Princess Xi Xi taking the initiative to speak, she immediately walked in front of Ning Xiaochuan. She was somewhat shy and said, "I would also like to exchange all the fragments of the Supreme King's artifact to exchange for a God Supreme. Realm A. "

In fact, Princess Xi Xi and Qingfeizi both knew that even if there were more pieces of Supreme King's artifacts, they would never be exchanged for a God Supreme Supreme.

However, in the face of treasures such as the God of Supreme Supreme, which can directly improve their combat power, they had to work hard to stare at Ning Xiaochuan with a pair of tender eyes like water.

Ning Xiaochuan smiled lightly: "It doesn't matter! Let's go into the land of Fengshen together. It was originally a team. Even if we donate the supreme armor to you, it is not a big deal."

"Really?" Princess Xi Xi was very surprised. The more she looked at Ning Xiaochuan, the more graceful she felt, and she felt more charming than any human man she had ever seen.

At first, she was close to Ning Xiaochuan, but she just wanted to conquer Ning Xiaochuan and use her powerful talents to give her a fox girl.

However, since Ning Xiaochuan shot in the demon sacred kingdom and rescued her and the nine-tailed demon from the hands of the nine-headed purple owl, she had a different kind of affection for Ning Xiaochuan.

After entering Fengshen Relics, she was taken care of by Ning Xiaochuan along the way. Gradually, she felt that she was a bit out of control. It is very likely that instead of conquering Ning Xiaochuan, he was conquered by Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan nodded to her, and smiled, "It's just a deity!"

The Golden Horned Demon King and the Silver Horned Demon King also walked in front of Ning Xiaochuan, saying pitifully: "King of Destruction, we ... we may also get a deity supreme armor."

"Of course you can. With the improvement of your strength, we can enter the higher world of Fengshen Relic to find treasures. You know, this is the first world of Fengshen." Ning Xiaochuan said.

The Golden Horned Demon King and the Silver Horned Demon King are extremely happy, saying: "In the future, you will be our boss. Boss, please worship us."

The Golden Horned Demon King and the Silver Horned Demon King immediately deeply worshiped Ning Xiaochuan, thinking to themselves that after putting on the Supreme Deity Armor, they existed as demon emperors.

Thinking about it is an exciting thing.

While Yue Mingsong was forging the deity's supreme armor, everyone immediately cultivated.

Xiao Hong ’s practice is that he has reached the sixth level of real life before entering the burial ground.

Now, she swallowed up the real ghost Lingdan in large quantities, and began to hit seventh place in the real world.

Ordinary monks need to take eight to ten real ghost spirits to break through from the sixth stage of real life to the seventh stage of real life.

However, Xiao Hong has a special constitution and is several times stronger than an ordinary monk. She must take seventy real ghost spirits before she can break through to the seventh level of real life.

Ning Xiaochuan took fifty real ghost Lingdan from the late stage of the sixth stage of real life to break through to the seventh stage of real life.

He made some calculations. If he breaks from the sixth stage of real life to the seventh place of real life, he needs to take at least 120 real ghosts.

The number of true ghost Dan consumed is more than ten times that of monks in the same realm.

He wants to break through from the seventh stage of the real world to the eighth stage of the real world, and he needs to spend at least 600 real ghosts.

If so, he asked Xiaohong for six hundred real ghosts, and now he can hit the eighth in the real world. You know, Xiaohong robbed more than 1,400 real ghosts.

But he is not in a hurry to impact the eighth realm of real life.

Although the power of the true ghost Lingdan is very pure, Ning Xiaochuan feels that the power of the Supreme Spirit Lingdan refined by the Supreme Soul is definitely more pure.

"Now is the first re-sealed **** world. Entering the second re-sealed **** world, you will definitely encounter the Supreme Soul. Taking the Supreme Soul Lingdan to break through the realm will definitely be better for cultivation." Ning Xiaochuan thought so.


Princess Xi Xi took fifty real ghost dans in a row, spent three days practicing, and finally practiced to the seventh realm of real life. Her body is magnificent, her light is shining, her treasure is like a jade, she is like a stunning fox fairy.

After breaking through the seventh level of real life, Princess Xi Xi took another two hundred real ghosts and began to impact the eighth level of real life.

In seven days, Princess Xi Xi refined two hundred true ghosts and successfully cultivated to the eighth level of real life.

The strength of her body became more powerful, her breath was stunned, Suona's jade body was wrapped in dazzling rays of light, and numerous ripples like water ripples shuttled around her body, just like sitting in a sea of ​​gods.

"There are more than five hundred ghost ghosts left. Maybe it can hit the ninth level of real life!"

Princess Xi Xi swallowed up all the remaining real ghost Dan, and began to impact the ninth realm of real life.

"It is indeed the offspring of the nine-tailed demon fox. Princess Xi Xi's physique is really strong, just a little worse than the Shenlong cub." Ning Xiaochuan stared at Princess Xi Xi constantly breaking through the realm, thinking so.

Xiao Hong's practice speed is also very fast. She spent 75 real ghosts, which hit the seventh place in real life.

Subsequently, she swallowed another 320 real ghosts, impacting the eighth of the real world.

Now, Xiao Hong also swallows up the remaining real ghost Lingdan and begins to impact the ninth realm of real life.

During this time, Ning Xiaochuan did not stop practicing.

Except for the one mind that defends the body, all the other six minds are enlightened in the Purple Star, and finally they have come to understand the sixth kind of extinction--the Extinction Palm Seal.

Apocalypse Seal Road, ranked 240th among the three thousand annihilation roads. Although it is not as good as taking Shinto, it is stronger than the annihilation sword road, annihilation fire road, annihilation road, and annihilation road. Much more.

The annihilation of the world's palm prints is divided into nine hundred and eighty one palm prints. Each palm print is different. Each palm print comes from a different great religion and has different martial art attributes.

For example, the first palm print, "The Prayer of the Extinct World," originated from Buddhism, but also incorporated the true essence of martial arts of the Extinction of the World.

For example, there is another palm print "Congenital Palm of the World", which originated from Taoism, but its lethality is more horrible than Taoism's Congenital Palm.

There is also the "Death of the World Soul Palm" that originated in Witch religion, the "Sage of the World Sage" that originated from Confucianism, and the "Yan Luozhang of the World" that originated in the local government ...

There are eighty-one types of palm prints in the world, and each palm print has tremendous power. Each palm originates from the most powerful palm law of a great religion in the world.

It is not easy to cultivate any of these palm prints.

If Ning Xiaochuan wants to cultivate the palm print path of extinction to Dacheng, he must successfully train all 81 palm prints, and also merge the 81 palm prints into one palm.

The final palm is the true print of the world.

It is too difficult to practice the Daoist Palm Seal Road to Dacheng, which is dozens of times more difficult than the Daoist Dao Road and the Dao Demon Road.

Of course, once the cultivation is successful, the harvest will be quite large, and there will even be a chance for Ning Xiaochuan to break through to Wangu in one fell swoop.

That's right, as long as the practice of annihilating the Palm Seal is successfully integrated into the body, Ning Xiaochuan can immediately get infinite benefits, and have the opportunity to ascend to the sky and reach the eternal realm.


At the end of the month, Nine came to ask for a monthly ticket. Of course, the monthly ticket is definitely added.

Update at least three chapters today!

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