Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 951: Power of Supreme Armor

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The Taoist Path of the Extinction is just the 240th-ranked Extinction Path.

We need to know that Shinto is ranked in the top 100. If Ning Xiaochuan can cultivate Shinto to Dacheng, the benefits will be even greater.

Of course, it is much more difficult to practice the Shinto practice to the end than it is to practice the palm print of Taoism. Ning Xiaochuan has practiced for so long, and he is only just practicing Shinto to Xiaocheng.

"Cultivating the world's Palmyst Road Seal in the purple stars can greatly shorten my cultivation time. I hope that I can practice the Worldly Days' Palmprint Road to Dacheng as soon as possible."

Under the control of Ning Xiaochuan, the six minds on the purple stars all turned into human figures, each practicing a kind of palm print.

Only when all 81 types of palm prints are successfully cultivated, can they be merged into a single palm to achieve the great achievement of the world ’s extinct palm print.

In the past half a month, Yue Mingsong successfully repaired a total of six sets of oracle supreme armor, leaving 30 pieces of debris, and finally failed to refine the seventh set of oracle supreme armor.

Then find some other Supreme Shards, maybe you can refine the seventh set of shrines.

At this time, the six minds of Ning Xiaochuan were in the purple stars.

You know, he only needs three days to cultivate Dacheng in the purple stars.

"It took half a month to cultivate eighteen palm prints. If you want to successfully train all eighty-one palm prints, it will take at least three months." Ning Xiaochuan thought secretly.

Yue Mingsong walked over and handed six cyan tokens to Ning Xiaochuan, saying: "This is a six deities order, each one is a deity supreme armor, you can try the deity supreme armor first. The power! "

Ning Xiaochuan took one of the deities' orders and injected the true yuan into the token.

That token changed immediately, becoming pieces of armor, completely enclosing Ning Xiaochuan's body inside the armor.

As soon as Ning Xiaochuan's body moved, he flew out, turned into a residual image, rushed into the void of 800 meters high, and then blasted out with a vertical punch, hitting the ground suddenly.


Smoke was rolling on the ground.

After the smoke had dispersed, a large pit with a diameter of ten meters remained. The crater was surrounded by cracks that spread hundreds of meters away.

Ning Xiaochuan stood beside Dakeng and said lightly, "After putting on the Supreme Deity Armor, not only did my strength reach the highest level of Vanguard, but even my speed reached the highest level of Vanguard. "

Yue Mingsong laughed: "Whether it is the first practice of the real world or the seventh practice of the real world, the power exerted by wearing the supreme armor of the gods is the power of the first realm of eternal realm. Of course , A monk who is the first in the real world and a monk who is the seventh in the real world, and wearing the supreme armor of the shrine at the same time, must be the seventh monk in the real world to be more powerful. "

"In other words, the lower the monk's practice, the greater the value of the oracle.

Ning Xiaochuan took Zhenyuan back into his body, and the deity Supreme Cover, covering the whole body, receded like a tide, and immediately turned into a cyan token.

Ning Xiaochuan held the deity order in his hand and said, "With my current practice, even if I do n’t wear the Supreme Deity Armor, it won't be much weaker than the monk who is the most important in the ancient world. He can even fight against the third-best creature in the supreme realm. Except for his amazing defense power, the deity supreme armor is not of much value to me. "

Ning Xiaochuan stared at Qing Fei Zi, summoned Qi Fei Zi, and handed her a piece of Supreme Deity Armor, "You try on the Supreme Deity Armor?"

After this period of practice, coupled with a large amount of taking soul spirit, the cultivation of Qingfeizi has reached the fifth level of real life.

She took the deity order in Ning Xiaochuan's hands, and injected true yuan into the deity order. A close-fitting deity, Supreme Armor, immediately wrapped her body, sketching out the uneven curve.

"Let's play against each other!" Ning Xiaochuan said.

"it is good!"

After putting on the Goddess Supreme Armor, Qingfeizi felt that she had mastered a power comparable to the Supreme, which was many times stronger than her own power.

There are only a few Digital Supremes in the entire Middle-earth world, and each one is admired by countless people. Suddenly gaining a power that can compete with the Supreme, naturally, Qingfeizi also wants to test how strong his power has become?


Her speed became extremely fast, comparable to the speed of the first monk in Wangujing, and she rushed to Ning Xiaochuan in an instant, and slammed into Ning Xiaochuan's chest.

Ning Xiaochuan did not dodge, but also punched and collided with the iron palm of Qingfeizi.

A huge force passed from the arm to Ning Xiaochuan's body, shaking all the internal organs and shaking. Under the impact of that powerful force, he suddenly quit.

Qingfeizi also backed up more than ten steps, each step down, the ground will collapse a large area.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "You don't have to keep your hands, go for it!"

"Okay! Then you have to be careful!"

A layer of cyan flame appeared immediately on the surface of the Oracle of Supreme Deity, and the arms of Qingfeizi slowly raised, drawing a huge circle of flame in front of him.

"God's fire!"

Qingfeizi rushed out again, turned into a flame snake, and made twelve palmprints in a row, each palmprint like a cloud of fire.

Oracle Extreme has a total of four special attack methods: Oracle Fire, Oracle Electricity, Oracle Wind, and Oracle Light.

Every monk wearing a supreme armor of the shrine can exert these four powers. The higher the cultivation, the more precise and delicate the power can be controlled, and the stronger the destructive power it exerts.

You must know that the real world and the ancient world are different in a big realm.

Ning Xiaochuan can kill the ninth-ranked monk in the real-world. However, when the real world is seventh, it is difficult to defeat the monks who are the first in Wangu Realm.

"It's so strong, it's worthy of being the **** of supreme armor! Using the power of the god's fire, I'm afraid I can shoot the monk who is the most important person in Wangu Realm. Only the monk who is the second most important person in Wangu realm can resist this force . "

Ning Xiaochuan exhibited Shenlong's rapid speed, fierce and then retreated, instead of forcing the fire of the oracle.

"It seems that only by wearing the last blood coat of God can you detect the full power of the Oracle!"

Ning Xiaochuan immediately took out the blood of the second **** and wore it on his body. A fierce evil spirit erupted from Ning Xiaochuan's body.

The entire space was shrouded in blood and turned into a sea of ​​blood.

"Fire Extinction!"

Ning Xiaochuan exhibited the Extermination Demon Fire Road, and also made twelve flame palm prints in a row, and beat the flying man to retreat.

Every time Ning Xiaochuan punched out, she could fly her more than ten feet away.

But even if Ning Xiaochuan wore the last blood coat of God, she could completely suppress Qingfeizi in strength, but she could not hurt her at all.

Oracle's Supreme Armor is too defensive.

After some fighting, the two finally stopped.

Ning Xiaochuan had a general understanding of the power of the oracle.

Qingfeizi took off the deities, and his face was very pale. He immediately took down a real ghost, and quickly recovered his vitality.

Although the power of the first monk level in Wangu Realm erupted with the help of Deity Supreme Armor, it really consumed real yuan.

After a long while, her vitality was restored as much as possible, saying: "The defense power of the Supreme Deity is really powerful, but my true cultivation is only the fifth most important in real life. In the face of the third most powerful force in the ancient world, I can only Reluctantly resist. If I face the fourth most powerful force in the ancient world, I can be injured through the shrine supreme armor. If I face the fifth most powerful power in the ancient world, I am afraid that even if I wear the supreme armor, Will be killed by that powerful force and turned into a ball of blood. "

Ning Xiaochuan nodded his head and said, "Taking the fifth-highest cultivation in your real world as such, it is quite powerful to have such a powerful force. This set of oracles, supreme armors, will be given to you!"

"Thank you ..." Qingfeizi's heart was very pleased, but also a little awkward. She didn't know how to call Ning Xiaochuan now. She knew that she had sworn to the gods, recognized Ning Xiaochuan as the master, and became a slave of Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan seemed to see the embarrassment and embarrassment in Qingfeizi's heart and said, "Although your vow to the gods exists, you don't need to treat yourself as my slave at all, which will be very detrimental to your practice. In the future, you will Think of me as a friend! You can either call me King of Destruction or call me by name. "

Qingfeizi's eyes stared at Ning Xiaochuan, his heart was very touched.

She is increasingly unable to understand the man in front of her. You know, even if Ning Xiaochuan wants her to sleep, she can never refuse. However, Ning Xiaochuan did not do so, but regarded her as a friend of equal status.

Is he really the one who betrayed the human race?

After contacting Ning Xiaochuan during this time, she firmly believed that Ning Xiaochuan would definitely not be a mean villain, and it was absolutely impossible to betray the human race.


Last 24 hours of the month, tight

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