Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 952: Towards the Second World of Sealed God

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Nine Xiaochuan gave six sets of deities supreme armor to Qingfeizi, Golden Horned Demon King, Silver Horned Demon King, Princess Xi Xi, Xiaohong and Xiaolinger.

Because he has the blood suit of the sub-god, the power that erupts is not much weaker than that of the **** shrine, so Ning Xiaochuan did not leave himself a set.

After this period of practice, Xiaohong took all the real ghosts of the body, and finally broke through to the ninth stage of real life.

Princess Xi Xi was a miss, and failed to hit the ninth level of real life. She stayed at the peak of the eighth level of real life. If you can get enough real ghosts, it will be a matter of time before you break through the ninth real world.

The repair of Qingfeizi broke through to the seventh stage of real life.

The Golden Horned Demon King and the Silver Horned Demon King are both the sixth most important practice in real life.

After all, Qingfeizi is a rare genius among the human race. The students in the inner court of the God's Reserve Palace can be called the arrogant goddess of heaven, and the speed of cultivation is naturally much faster than the Golden Horned Demon King and the Silver Horned Demon King.

Since entering Fengshen's relics, everyone's cultivation has been greatly improved, and the overall strength has reached a whole new level.

After putting on the Goddess Supreme Armor, the Silver Horn Demon King felt that the whole person was full of power and laughed wildly: "Lao Tzu is also a demon-level existence now, who would dare to be my enemy when returning to North / Xinjiang?"

The Golden Horned Demon King also increased his confidence and said, "We are now all at the supreme level of combat power. There should be no problem going to the second world of God.

The Nine-Tailed Demon said: "Each world of Fengshen Relics is very vast and almost endless. It is impossible for us to find all the treasures in the world of Gods in the first time. We should indeed go to the world of Gods in the second time. . "

During the practice of the crowd, the Nine-tailed Demon went to the other side of the First Sealed God World to explore, but no matter which direction she went, she could not go to the edge of the First Sealed God World.

Don't know how big the world of the First Sealed God is?

Yue Mingsong nodded and said: "There must be more treasures in the second sealed **** world than the first sealed **** world, and the grade is higher. You know, those souls find the top from the burial ground. Treasures are generally put into the hands of those who are secondarily sealed in the world of God. We found the treasures in the burial ground, all those souls looking for the remaining treasures. "

"Treasure? Where is the treasure?"

The monk Tangan returned from the burial ground. Hearing everyone talking about the treasure, a pair of clear Buddha eyes, immediately became bling.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "We intend to go to the Second World of God Seal and look for higher-grade treasures. Master, your cultivation is advanced, and help us open the way in front!"

"Amitabha! Now that the poor monk has made a promise, he will definitely keep it. Everyone is behind the poor monk, and we will go to the second world of the sealed god." Ning Xiaochuan and others have to be eager.

Go now.

In just one month, the monk Tangan found more than thirty pieces of the Supreme King's artifact in the burial ground, as well as several pieces of the Supreme King's artifact.

The monk who tasted the sweetness of sandalwood naturally wanted to go to the second re-sealed **** world and look for higher-grade treasures.

Even if the second resealing of the world of God is dangerous, the master now doesn't care.

Tangan monk walked in the forefront, followed by Yue Mingsong, Golden Horned Demon King, and Silver Horned Demon King.

Nine-tailed demon walked in the back.

In this way, there are strong players in front of and behind the entire team, and if they are in danger, they can be cleared immediately.

When leaving the burial ground, Ning Xiaochuan took back the Emperor's Blade.

The Heavenly Emperor Blade devoured the soldiers' calciner for a month in the burial ground, and the grade was improved a lot. Although it has not reached the level of the secondary artifact, it is already considered as a top-level treasure in the Supreme Royal.

"In my current grade, it should be stronger than Tiandi Bell." Tiandi Blade's instrumental spirit smiled cheerfully.

Suddenly, Tiandi Blade said, "Ning Xiaochuan, you have found so many pieces of Supreme King's artifacts. Those pieces of Supreme King's artifacts are not very useful to you. If you use those Supreme Kings and Supreme Kings, I will devour all the fragments of it, and my grade will definitely be able to improve a lot again. "

"Swallowing a piece of Supreme King's artifact is like consuming millions of pieces. Swallowing a piece of Supreme King's piece is like consuming 100 million pieces."

"If you can find more fragments of Supreme King Artifacts and Supreme King Artifacts in a higher level of the god-immortal world, I may be able to reach the level of the second artifact soon."

Ning Xiaochuan nodded gently and said, "The fragments of the Supreme King Tool and Supreme King Tool are really not very useful to me. It is not impossible for you to devour all of them, but I have already sent those fragments It was all handed to Xiao Linger. When we went to the Second Sealed God World and found other warrior artifacts, we will give it to you! "

Tiandi Blade was anxious, and said, "Xiao Linger is your daughter. Is n’t your thing just her thing? Isn't her thing just your thing?"

Ning Xiaochuan laughed: "If you really want the fragments of the Supreme King Tool and Supreme King Tool, then go and ask her yourself!"

"A trifle! As long as I can get the fragments of the Supreme King Tool and Supreme King Tool, even if I call her Aunt Grandma, I will."

The Heavenly Emperor Blade immediately flew from the mysterious beast book, turned into a demon sword, suspended in front of Xiao Linger, and communicated with Xiao Linger.

After a few words per person, Xiao Linger suddenly glanced back at Ning Xiaochuan, and two blushes appeared on the glamorous cheeks. Then he turned his head and nodded gently toward the Emperor Blade.

Later, she took out the hundreds of Supreme Kings and Supreme Kings, leaving only the twelve rather complete Kings and two relatively complete Kings. All the other fragments were handed over to Tiandi Blade.

The Emperor Blade was ecstatic, and immediately collected the fragments of the Supreme King Tool and the Supreme King Tool into the market world in the blade body.

Ning Xiaochuan asked curiously, "What the **** did you say to Xiao Linger? How could she so easily give you all the fragments of the Supreme King Tool and Supreme King Tool?"

Emperor Tiandi smiled evilly: "Hey! I told her, I am your goddaughter's warrior, the higher my grade, the stronger your goddaughter's combat power. Then she will put those Supreme Kings And the fragments of the Supreme King's weapon, all to me. "

"Really?" Ning Xiaochuan didn't quite believe what Tiandi Blade said.

At this time, Ning Xiaochuan saw Xiao Linger look rather shy and came towards him.

"Stop it, I will retreat immediately and try to refining all the fragments of the Supreme King Tool and Supreme King Tool as soon as possible." After that, the Heavenly Emperor Blade had no sound at all.

Xiao Linger and Ning Xiaochuan walked side by side, pursing her red lips gently, staring at Ning Xiaochuan from time to time, a look of utterance and endlessness.

"Godfather, Tiandi Blade said you would give me a better gift. What is the gift?" Xiao Ling'er's beautiful eyes stared at Ning Xiaochuan with a look of expectation.

Ning Xiaochuan's heart cursed Tiandi Blade dozens of times.

You know, Xiao Linger is no longer the half-big girl, who has grown into a beautiful woman with aura and clear eyes, just like a fairy who ca n’t eat the fireworks on earth.

In fact, Xiao Ling's mind is very simple, without any eyes, as clean as a blank piece of paper. She doesn't understand a lot of things.

There was a smile on his face, and he said softly, "Xiao Linger, what did Tiandi Blade tell you?"

Xiao Linger rubbed his jade fingers gently, and also showed a rather shy smile, saying: "It said that Godfather likes Xiaolinger the most. Anything Xiaolinger wants, Godfather will give Xiaoling Linger. Godfather and Xiaolinger will always be together, never separated. "

"Well! This is the truth!" Ning Xiaochuan nodded.

Xiao Linger continued: "So ... godfather, can you kiss Xiao Linger?"


Ning Xiaochuan's face changed immediately, and she said, "No."

"Why?" Xiao Linger was very puzzled, and asked, "Godfather just said, Xiao Linger wants anything, Goddaddy can give Xiao Linger?"

Xiao Linger's eyes were a little dim, and his heart seemed to be pierced by a needle, and he said sadly, "Tiandi Blade said that if a man doesn't kiss you, he can't be with you forever. It says, dry A dad's kiss is better than any gift. "

Ning Xiaochuan can guarantee that at this moment, he really wants to slay the Emperor's Blade. Unfortunately, the Heavenly Emperor Blade is hiding in the Xuanshoujian at the moment, refining the fragments of the Supreme King Tool and the Supreme King Tool.

Ning Xiaochuan immediately explained to Xiao Linger patiently, and said, "Xiao Linger, I really love you. As long as I have everything, I can give it to you. But ... but kisses are not the same, that is a man and Things between women, things between lovers. I can't give it to you. "

Xiao Linger's eyes were crystal clear, and tears shone, "Isn't I a woman? Can't we be lovers? Godfather, you said that you want to be good to Xiao Linger. You will definitely leave Xiaoling in the future. "

After saying this, Xiao Linger was very sad, took a few steps, walked in front of Ning Xiaochuan, did not want Ning Xiaochuan to see her crying.

Ning Xiaochuan stared at the beautiful figure in front of him, frowning deeply.

Of course, he didn't take the matter too seriously. In his opinion, Xiao Linger was still the little girl from the past. He didn't understand anything, he didn't understand what it meant to kiss a woman.

"She just depends on me now and doesn't want to leave me. It's useless to explain it to her now, she should understand when she knows the meaning of her lover in the future." Ning Xiaochuan thought so.

Finally, the group came to the entrance to the second world of God.

But they found that someone was already standing at the entrance.

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