Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 958: Total extinction

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"Little Red, I'll help you."

Ning Xiaochuan sacrificed the white bone beads, suspended in the void, and emitted a brilliance, just like a white star, with white light, so that people's eyes could not be opened.


The white bone beads flew out and turned into a white light path, flying hundreds of real ghosts.

Ning Xiaochuan immediately took ten real ghost medicine pills and recovered the true yuan consumed, and immediately hit the white bone beads again.

Each time a white bead is hit, the real element in Ning Xiaochuan's body will be used up, and the real ghost medicine Dan must be swallowed to quickly recover the real element. After all, soldiers at the level of white bone beads are not yet in control of Ning Xiaochuan's realm.

Ning Xiaochuan struck ten times in a row, dispelling more than 800 real ghosts into a smashing soul, turning it into a grain of soul, making it harder to gather the soul.

Those real ghosts all screamed angrily, killing Ning Xiaochuan overwhelmingly, leaving only hundreds of true ghosts and continuing to deal with Xiaohong.


Xiao Hong spit out a dragon-extinguishing fire, which ignited more than a hundred real ghosts. It was like more than a hundred fiery red lanterns burning and ran away in all directions.

Xiao Hong immediately unfolded a pair of gorgeous flame dragon wings, rushed out of the siege of true ghosts, and merged with Ning Xiaochuan.

"God extinguish the fire!"

"Exterminator Fire!"

One person and one dragon, at the same time, fired two different flames, turned them into two clouds of fire, and swarmed towards those real ghosts, immediately turning the entire land into a sea of ​​fire.

For real ghosts without entities, flames can do great damage to them.

Ning Xiaochuan beat out Yang Xin Ding again, collected more than a hundred real ghosts into Ding, and then grabbed Xiao Hong's hand and said, "Go!"

After refining more than a hundred real ghosts into real ghost potions, Ning Xiaochuan gave them all to Xiaohong, allowing Xiaohong to recover her vitality.

Just then, those real ghosts were catching up again.

All of a sudden, the wind is cloudy, and the ghosts are crying, and it is like falling into Huangquan Hell, with ghosts in all directions.

Can't escape at all!

Ning Xiaochuan summoned the fifty-handed middle-class supreme-grade war sword and inserted it on the ground to form a huge circular sword array.

Each battle sword is more than ten meters long, and the door panel is as wide as a sword wall.

At the same time, Ning Xiaochuan took out another 100,000 ground stones and hit them, floating above the sword array.

This is already all of the topographical black stones on Ning Xiaochuan's body, all used to arrange the matrix method!

"Xiao Hong, has your vitality recovered?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

After Xiaohong refined the real ghost medicine Dan, her vitality was fully restored, reaching its peak, and she became energetic and full of energy. She said, "Fight! I don't believe I can't kill a living today!"

She took out a piece of the Supreme Royal Tool, squeezed it in her hand, injected Zhenyuan into the piece, and beat it out.

This piece of the Supreme King's artifact is the size of a fist, showing emerald-like turquoise, and can exert 10% of the power of the Supreme King's artifact.

Fragments of the Supreme Emperor flew out, immediately emitting a green flame, just like a huge fireball, flying into the real ghost evil, burning a large piece of true ghost evil into fly ash.

This blow killed dozens of true ghosts, and also consumed 30% of Xiaohong's body.

When the Xiaohong Festival sent out the fragments of the Supreme Emperor's artifact to attack the real ghosts out of the battlefield, Ning Xiaochuan also punched out his heart and raised his heart. Each time he could collect more than one hundred true ghosts. Refined into the real ghost medicine Dan within the time, to Xiaohong to restore vitality.

This is Ning Xiaochuan's tactics!

As long as the formation is not broken, they can continuously consume those real ghosts' power and slowly kill them all.

With the cooperation of Ning Xiaochuan and Xiao Hong, more than 4,000 real ghosts were killed in just one hour.

The number of true ghosts is less than half.

"The sword array can only support for another half an hour, Xiaohong, to speed up the attack speed. Before the array is broken, the number of true ghosts must be reduced by half." Ning Xiaochuan said.

"it is good!"

Xiao Hong immediately took out a piece of the Supreme Emperor's Tool, and simultaneously controlled two pieces of the Supreme Emperor's Tool, attacking the true ghosts outside the formation.

At the same time, Ning Xiaochuan also accelerated the speed of refining true ghosts.

"It would be great if Yang Xin Ding reached the level of the Supreme King. You can refine thousands of real ghosts at once, and you don't have to fight as hard as you do now."

"When it hits the eternal realm, we must use the power of thunder to smelt the Yangding Ding into the Supreme King."

Half an hour passed quickly, and the ground shook violently, cracking a crack.


A loud noise.

The formation was broken and the fifty-handed middle-class supreme-grade war swords were blown away by those real ghosts.

All the real ghosts all came towards Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong.

Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong have done their best. The sweat has soaked through the clothes, exhausted, and the true elements in the body are almost exhausted.

But there are still more than 2,000 true ghosts, just like the pilgrimage of all ghosts, rushing towards Ning Xiaochuan and Xiao Hong.

"It still seems impossible to escape."

Xiaohong was tired enough, her face was a little pale, her eyes full of despair, standing next to Ning Xiaochuan, with a shaky look.

She has done her best.

You can't blame her for not being strong enough, you can only blame the number of true ghosts.

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes didn't have the slightest fear, and he stared calmly at those real ghosts who rushed over, spit out two words in his mouth, and said, "Get God!"


Suddenly, a fabulous divine power broke out from Ning Xiaochuan's body, and behind Ning Xiaochuan, he condensed into a phantom of the Heavenly Demon Emperor.

The momentum of Ning Xiaochuan's body changed, his eyes were sharp, and his whole body was consuming the light, like turning into an omnipotent master.

With a wave of his sleeve, the town demon tower immediately flew out, and collected more than 2,000 real ghosts into the tower.

With just one hit, more than two thousand real ghosts were suppressed.

Xiao Hong's eyes were dull, she thought she would die today, but she did not expect such a great turnaround.

"Ning Xiaochuan, did you deliberately tease me? You obviously have such a powerful power, why didn't you start to take all those real ghosts into the town demon tower?" Xiao Hong glared with a pair of hands, staring round Big eyes, bulging.

Ning Xiaochuan dispersed his divine power, still holding the town demon tower in his hand, and said lightly: "It was borrowed from the divine demon emperor's divine power, not my own power. I will never use it until the moment of life and death. That power. "

Xiao Hong is still very angry, saying: "Since you can borrow her divine power, that is your power. Do you know that I was scared to death just now, I thought I was dead!"

Ning Xiaochuan said: "You have to rest for a while, and after recovering, we have to save others."

Ning Xiaochuan just said this, Xiaohong fell directly to the ground, and fell asleep with a sulking head, and said, "Anyway, your strength is so strong, you can protect me! I will sleep for a while, I'm too tired."

Having said this, Xiao Hong actually fell asleep.

Ning Xiaochuan stared at the beautiful little red dragon girl lying on the ground and said, "If you have always depended on me, it will be very unfavorable to your practice. You must understand that in the future you will still fight with other Shenlong cubs. Compete with each other. If you do n’t work hard now, you will be dead in the future. "

Xiaohong sat up from the ground and said, "Are you annoying in the end! Okay, okay, I practice, I practice now, and I've really served you."

When Xiaohong recovered her vitality, Ning Xiaochuan also began to refine the more than two thousand true ghosts in the town's demon tower, divided them into twenty batches, and used the Yangxin Zhending to refine all of them into true ghost potions. .

A total of 2,475 real ghost potions were refined.

Ning Xiaochuan collected all these real ghost medicines and planned to leave them to Ning Xin'er.

Previously, in the formation, Xiao Hong took at least 3,000 true ghosts. Although the absolute majority of the true ghost Shadan was transformed into true yuan, used to urge the fragments of the Supreme Emperor's artifact and consumed, a large amount of Dan gas remained in her body, stored between the blood and the flesh.

If Xiaohong had really chosen to sleep just now, then these elixir would be lost.

At the urging of Ning Xiaochuan, Xiaohong had to concentrate on her cultivation, refining all the qi in her body.

Her cultivation has climbed rapidly, reaching the ninth peak of real life.

If it wasn't for the suppression of the bottleneck in the realm, maybe she could use the power of those spirits to hit Wangu Realm in one fell swoop.

"It's really weird. After Xiu has reached the ninth peak of real life, how can he no longer make progress. I estimate that even if I swallow a supreme soul elixir, I can't break through the eternal realm." Xiaohong stopped practicing , A bit embarrassing.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "This is the bottleneck of the realm! It's like a bottle filled with water. No matter how much you add water to it, the water in the bottle will not increase any more. It is simply impossible to break through the ages by taking the spirit satan If you want to break through the ancient realm, you must work hard to enlighten yourself. Go to Xiaolinger! With the time power of her purple star, you should soon realize the true meaning of eternal realm. "

Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong set off immediately and went to Xiaolinger first.

Although everyone was facing the enemy separately, they were not far from each other. Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong soon found the breath of Xiaolinger in an ancient forest full of mountains and mountains.


Just after entering this ancient forest, three real ghosts flew from the trunk of an iron forest tree. They stretched out two sharp claws and grabbed Ning Xiaochuan's back with a tearing force.


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