Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 959: return

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Three really ghosts, how could you hurt Ning Xiaochuan?


Yang Xin Zhen Ding flew out of Ning Xiaochuan's body, punched out behind him, and instantly collected the three true ghosts into Ding.

A few moments later, the three true ghosts were refined into three true ghost potions, and Ning Xiaochuan was put into the Qiankun bracelet.

Before walking far, seven real ghosts flew out of a black swamp pit and attacked Xiaohong. Each true ghost is condensed into a ghost, and stretches out its sharp claws, exuding a bitter icy breath.

Ning Xiaochuan had been prepared for it, raising his true spirits to fly out, collecting the seven true ghosts into the spirits, and refining them into seven true ghost pills.

The more you go toward the depths of the forest, the more real ghosts appear, and sometimes even hundreds of real ghosts appear at the same time. All of these true ghosts were refined into Ning Xiaochuan by elixir, and they were put into Qiankun bracelets.

"What's going on? Xiao Linger isn't fighting with the five Supreme Souls, how can there be so many real ghosts here?" Xiao Hong said a little puzzled.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Xiao Linger should have suppressed the five Supreme Souls. She came to this mountain forest to save the dumplings. I have felt the breath of her and dumplings, come with me ! "

Ning Xiaochuan's legs glowed with colorful light, and a colorful rainbow under her feet stepped into a streamer, flying towards the depths of the forest.

A pair of flame dragon wings grew on Xiao Hong's back, a few points faster than Ning Xiaochuan, and immediately caught up.

Soon Ning Xiaochuan was in a hidden cave house dug on the cliff, and found Xiao Linger and Qingfeizi who were being healed.


Seeing Ning Xiaochuan walk into Dongfu, Xiao Linger stood up immediately and rushed towards Ning Xiaochuan, hugging Ning Xiaochuan's tiger waist tightly.

Ning Xiaochuan touched Xiao Ling's cheek and said with concern: "Why was it hurt?"

"No, nothing, just minor injuries." Xiao Linger shook her head.

When Qingfeizi saw the arrival of Ning Xiaochuan, he felt relieved, as if he had seen the backbone of his heart, and said gratefully, "Xiao Linger was only to save me, and then he was attacked by tens of thousands of real ghosts. Fortunately, with her, I can escape. "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Just escape! Xiao Linger, have the five Supreme Souls been killed by you?"

"No! I suppressed them all in the Taixu furnace, and I planned to take them back and hand them over to the godfather to make the supreme soul elixir to improve it." Then, Xiao Linger took a red gold copper furnace Come out, holding on to the palm of the white hand, handed it to Ning Xiaochuan.

Taixu furnace is a supreme imperial weapon. It was a war soldier forged by a sub-god named Dongxu Taixu at the time of the last feud.

However, Taixu in the east had fallen when the last battle of the gods was sealed, and even the fire of the gods was damaged and left in the burial ground of the first world of gods.

Ning Xiaochuan dug the Taixu furnace from the ground of the burial ground and gave it to Xiaolinger.

This is the origin of the red gold copper stove in Xiao Linger's hand!

"You heal first, I will refine the five Supreme Souls. Xiaohong, go to guard the entrance of the cave. Once a real ghost is found here, kill it immediately."

After Ning Xiaochuan said this, he stared at Qing Feizi again. After thinking for a moment, he took out a thousand Supreme Soul Pills from the Qiankun bracelet and gave them to her.

Ning Xiaochuan ordered Qingfeizi: "As soon as possible, Xiuwei will be raised to the ninth level of real life."

Ning Xiaochuan originally had more than 2,000 true ghost potions. After entering this mountain forest, he encountered many real ghost potions, and then he refined more than 800 real ghost potions. There are now a thousand pieces of Qingfeizi, and he still has more than two thousand real ghost pills.

"Thank you very much!" Qingfeizi took those thousand real ghost medicine pills, and Meimu stared at Ning Xiaochuan deeply, she was so indescribable and beautiful.

Next, Ning Xiaochuan opened the Taixu furnace, put a Supreme Soul out, put it into the heart, and used the fire of extinction to refine it.

With the current level of Yangxin Zhending, only one Supreme Soul can be refined at a time.

The five supreme soul evils suppressed by Xiao Linger are: one soul evil spirit of the first level in Wangu Realm, two soul evil spirits of the third Wan Gu realm, and two soul evil spirits of the fourth Gui Wan realm. .

It is precisely because these four Supreme Souls are not high in cultivation, so Xiao Linger can quickly suppress them, and then rush to rescue Qingfeizi.

In fact, in the second world of God of Sealing, it is difficult to encounter the supreme soul evil above the fourth level of Wangu Realm.

Most of the Supreme Soul Shakespeare's practices are below the fourth level of Wangu Realm.

The Supreme Soul King who has been cultivated to reach the ninth level of Wangu Realm is totally a special situation. It should not have appeared in the second world of Gods, which is the strong one that should appear in the third world of Gods.

Because the cultivation of Supreme Soul is different, Ning Xiaochuan also divided the refined Supreme Soul Elixir into nine grades.

The supreme soul evil that was rebuilt for the first time in Wangujing, the refined elixir is "a product of the supreme soul elixir".


The ninth rebuild of the supreme soul evil of Wangu Realm, the refined elixir is "Jiupin supreme soul elixir".

When Ning Xiaochuan refined all five Supreme Souls into elixir, Xiao Linger's injuries had also recovered.

Ning Xiaochuan handed the five Supreme Soul Essences to Xiao Linger and said, "You can take these five Supreme Soul Essences, and you should be able to break through to the fourth place in the ancient world."

"Godfather, your cultivation is the ninth most important thing in real life. You need these five supreme soul pills." Xiao Linger said.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "My cultivation has already reached a bottleneck, and only relying on the soul evil spirit, can not break through the eternal realm, even if swallowed five supreme soul medicine, it is not very useful."

After hearing Ning Xiaochuan's explanation, Xiao Linger picked up the five Supreme Soul Pills.

When Ning Xiaochuan was refining five Supreme Soul Essences, the practice of Qingfeizi had also been cultivated to the eighth level of real life. She has to cultivate to the ninth level of real life, but it is only a matter of time.

"Let's go! Let's go back to Hunsha Cave first to see if other people have returned safely." Ning Xiaochuan stood up and walked towards the entrance of the cave.

Qingfeizi asked, "What about those real ghosts in the forest?"

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Don't worry about them, you have lost the leadership of the Supreme Soul Sha, these real ghosts are like a piece of loose sand, and it can't be a climate."

Half a time later, Ning Xiaochuan, Xiao Hong, Xiao Linger, and Qingfeizi returned to the Soul Cave.

At this point, Princess Xi Xi, the Queen of the Nine-Tailed Demon, and the servant of the Queen of the Nine-Tailed Adachiro already waited by the soul evil cave.

Seeing that they were safe and sound, Ning Xiaochuan was not surprised at all. With the cultivation of the Nine-Tailed Demon, it was easy to deal with the four Supreme Souls.

As for Princess Xi Xi, beside her, Adasilo, the ninth-largest warrior in Wangu Realm, will protect her, and the rescue after the Nine-Tailed Demon, naturally, she will not encounter danger.

"The King of Destroyer, help you make four Supreme Soul Essences later, and you can be rewarded later." Nine-tailed demon said.

After talking about the Nine-tailed Demon, he took out a cloth bag of the supreme king class, and the four supreme soul evils were put in the cloth bag.

For the Nine-Tailed Demon Queen, Supreme Soul Elixir is also a rare treasure that can quickly improve her cultivation.

Her cultivation has stayed at the eighth stage of Wangujing for hundreds of years. This is an opportunity, and maybe she can break through to the ninth stage of Wangujing in one fell swoop.

Only Ning Xiaochuan and Yue Mingsong can make the Supreme Soul Shadan, and after the Nine-tailed Demon naturally asked Ning Xiaochuan.

For Ning Xiaochuan, it doesn't matter if Nine-Tailed Queen Hou does not pay him, after all, he has already regarded Nine-Tailed Queen Hou and Princess Xi Xi as friends. Even if they can help them to refine the Supreme Soul Elixir for free, it is not a big deal.

Ning Xiaochuan was about to take over the bag containing the four Supreme Souls. Suddenly, a figure flashed past him and stood in front of Ning Xiaochuan, blocking Ning Xiaochuan's sight.

Taking a closer look, this figure that suddenly appeared was Yue Mingsong.

Yue Mingsong touched the two beards above his lips and said with a smile: "Brother Ning, you are a noble spiritualist, how can you practice alchemy for others? Besides, the tone of the queen Queen's voice just now is not like Pleading, it seems to be ordering you. If it were me, I would definitely not give her alchemy. "

After the Nine-tailed Demon has always been a monster queen-like existence, with a high weight, admired by the countless souls in North / Xinjiang, how could it be so embarrassed if it was not to avoid the pursuit of the nine-headed purple owl?

It is absolutely impossible for her to be condescended and noble, to beg in a low voice.

There was a bit of cold in the eyes of the nine-tailed demon, and he stared at Yue Mingsong who suddenly appeared, saying, "This is just a fair deal with the King of Destruction. He helped him to refine the supreme soul, and later gave He pays accordingly. Since it is a fair deal, why must he be asked afterwards? "

"Eh! Eh! Brother Ning, you also heard that others are noble beggars who do not ask for us at all. Since this is the case, we will not refine it." Yue Mingsong laughed.

Princess Xi Xi was afraid of the stalemate between the queen mother and the destroyer, so she quickly said, "My queen, my mother does not mean that. Are we not allies? Since we are allies ..."

Yue Mingsong quickly interrupted the words of Princess Xi Xi, saying, "Her Royal Highness Princess, you have to understand one thing. Now it is your mother-in-law asking Ning Xiaochuan. When you ask for help, you always have to look for help."

"She threw down a sentence, King of Destruction, and refined four Supreme Soul Essences for later, which can pay you later. This statement is really overbearing. Brother Ning takes care of the face of the demon Queen, no Sorry to refuse, but I, Yue Mingsong, can't stand it! I have to stand up and say a fair word. Lord Queen, you are really wrong to do this. You said that you should be paid for it! Take a nap, or sleep with me, Yue Mingsong, we will never frown, and we will refine the Supreme Soul Pill immediately. "

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