Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 960: Soul Emperor Pearl

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Hearing Yue Mingsong's last words, the eyes of the nine-tailed demon chilled, a strong cold radiated from her body, and a layer of white frost froze on Yue Mingsong's clothes.

She sneered: "Elder Yue, I have said so much, that is the idea after typing. Do you really think that our Fox women will only accompany men to sleep?"

A powerful wave of force erupted from the body of the nine-tailed demon.

There were two murderous flashes in her eyes, and nine white fluffy fox tails flew completely.

"I thought your identity was suspicious from now on. I would like to give it a try today. What is the point of your cultivation?" The fingers of the Nine-Tailed Demon pinched into claws and became extremely sharp.

Each nail seemed to turn into a sword, shining with cold light.

Ning Xiaochuan immediately walked over, standing between the nine-tailed demon queen and Yue Mingsong, and Shen said, "Stop!"

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes were on Yue Mingsong, and he said a little displeasedly, "Elder Yue, you'd better settle down in the future, don't always make some crooked ideas, otherwise, don't go with us."

Later, Ning Xiaochuan's eyes were on the Nine-Tailed Demon again, and he said, "After the Nine-Tailed Demon, you have come out to help me once, and I have also rescued you and Princess Xi Xi once. I owe. Now that I am in the land of feudal gods, I hope that we have an equal relationship and I hope we can be friends. "

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes were very serious, with an imposing manner that could not be disobeyed, and after staring at the Nine-tailed Demon, he was slightly palpitated.

The Nine-Tailed Demon Queen couldn't help thinking of the powerful power that erupted when Ning Xiaochuan and Jiutou Zijing confronted each other. Although Ning Xiaochuan's cultivation is still real life, his combat power is definitely not as simple as real life.

Never underestimate him.

After the Nine-tailed Demon took up her strength, the cold light in her eyes gradually dissipated, revealing a charming and charming smile.

The nine-tailed demon is called the first beauty of North / Jiangxi. It is naturally extremely gorgeous. Once you laugh, it immediately gives people a feeling of peerless enchantment, and the voice is soft: "The king of extermination, I am very willing to be with you Being friends, even ... can make the relationship go further! Hehe! "

I have to say that the nine-tailed foxes are all masters who seduce men.

The Nine-Tailed Demon was like a queen who ruled the world a moment ago, and looked very cold and gaudy. The ordinary creatures had already been scared to kneel.

Suddenly, she looked like a demon girl with an all over the country, with a smile like a flower and a beautiful jade. Every look was like teasing Ning Xiaochuan, just like a gentle and charming little woman.

At first glance, it looks like a beautiful woman in her thirties. At second glance, she looks like a stunning beauty in her early twenties. At third glance, she looks like a fourteen or five-year-old pure beauty. Girl.

Multiple temperaments, even gathered on the same woman at the same time, make people feel like living in a spring. In a dream.

Princess Xi Xi actually said such a provocative word to Ning Xiaochuan after hearing the Nine-Tailed Demon, and couldn't help but bit her lip lightly, and a look of struggle appeared in her eyes.

In the end, she didn't say anything, just stood by and watched Ning Xiaochuan quietly discuss with Nine-Tailed Demon to discuss the refining of the Supreme Soul Elixir.

After discussions between Ning Xiaochuan and the Nine-Tailed Demon, it was agreed that Ning Xiaochuan could help them to refine the alchemy, but for each refining soul elixir, they must pay Ning Xiaochuan a piece of the supreme royal weapon.

A fragment of the Supreme King's Tool is not so precious to the Nine-Tailed Demon. As long as it is strong enough, you can get a lot of pieces of Supreme King's artifacts in Fengshen Relic.

Refining the Supreme Soul Elixir is also a breeze for Ning Xiaochuan.

It didn't take long for Ning Xiaochuan to consolidate the four Supreme Souls into four Supreme Soul Essences and gave them to the Nine-Tailed Demon.

Suddenly, Ning Xiaochuan seemed to remember something, and stared at Yue Mingsong, and said, "Yue Mingsong, I remember, you weren't chased down by the Supreme Soul King who is the ninth heavy of the ancient realm? Where is the king? "

Yue Mingsong took out the Soul Refining Aquarium and held it in the palm of his hand. He smiled and said, "The elder has been accepted into the Soul Refining Aquarium. Satan. "

"Bragging! Can you take the Supreme Soul King?" Xiao Hong rolled her eyes and did not believe what Yue Mingsong said.

Yue Mingsong held his chest up, put away the Soul Refining Aura, and laughed, "I knew you wouldn't believe it. Elders' strength, how can you as a mortal?" Haha!

Da da!

A rapid footstep sounded.

"Amitabha! Seeing the donors safe and sound, the poor monk is assured!" The monk Tangan walked from a distance with big sleeves, smiling brightly, like a Buddha.

The faces of the monks were all dark when they saw the return of the monk Tangan.

"Monk, what treasure did you steal? How could all the spirits be led out and almost killed us." Princess Xi Xi said.

The monk Tangan's face was sullen, and he froze for a moment, saying, "Stealing? How can you say that you are a monk? The poor monk just thought that treasure was an ominous thing, and it would be a curse to the world. It is taken away. It is intended to use Supreme Dharma to purify its evil spirits. "

This kind of cheeky words can only be spoken by the monk Dangan.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "How dare you say that? After you provoked those souls, you fled alone, and threw a lot of souls to us, monk, you are really good at it!"

"Injustice! Injustice!" The monk Tangan looked very bitter and sighed: "At that time, the poor monk was seriously injured and had to find a place to heal, so he took a step first. After the wound was healed, he hurried back immediately. You see The golden horned demon emperor and the silver horned demon emperor were the poor monks who risked their lives before they rescued them. Why do you think that the poor monks are a person who forbids justice? Amitabha! Amitabha! "

The Golden Horned Demon Emperor and the Silver Horned Demon Emperor followed behind the monk Tangan, biting his teeth with hatred, and when he saw the big and compassionate face of the monk Tangan, he wanted to rush to slap him.

The monk Tangan was unprofitable. If it were not for the Golden Horned Demon Emperor and the Silver Horned Demon Emperor, he would promise to give him all the fragments of the Supreme King. He would not have made it so easy to save the Golden Horned Demon Emperor and Silver Horn. Demon Emperor.

Ning Xiaochuan asked again: "Monk, what treasure did you steal?"

Under the coercion of the crowd, the monk Tangan had to take out the treasure stolen from the soul cave.

It was a purple-black bead the size of a longan, emitting a faint brilliance, and the surface of the bead was full of dense lines, almost like a blood vein wrapped around a pillar.

Ning Xiaochuan stood outside the number of feet, and could clearly feel the powerful energy contained in the beads. It was like a burning sun wrapped in beads.

"What is this? I feel that once the energy in the beads is detonated, it is enough to destroy a world." Xiao Ling'er stared at the beads in the hands of the monk Tangan, feeling a sense of suffocation.

Others have the same feeling. The bead is absolutely extraordinary. No wonder it will irritate the Supreme Soul King. The monk of Tangan must have stolen an extraordinary treasure.

"Soul Emperor Pearl!" Yue Mingsong said.

Ning Xiaochuan stared at Yue Mingsong and said, "Do you know that bead?"

Yue Mingsong nodded and said: "In the world of soul evil, reaching the highest level of soul evil can be called the" soul king ". Only the soul evil master who has reached the realm of creation can be called the" soul king ". And the Soul Emperor Pearl is the Yuan Zhu condensed by the soul master with his whole body of soul power, like the Tao Yuan of the warrior, the demon Yuan of the monsters.

"The soul emperor bead can only be obtained by killing the soul emperor. If the soul emperor bead is obtained by another supreme soul, then as long as the soul emperor refining the soul emperor bead, it can directly reach the creation And become a new generation of soul emperors in the soul clan. "

Everyone was shocked, all eyes were on the soul emperor bead in the hands of the monk Tangan.

You know, there are a lot of earth-shattering big people in the Tianxu continent, and they are trapped in the ninth place of eternal life. For example, the Taiqing Dragon Emperor of the Demon Clan and the first world leader of the human race. They are all talented. As a teenager, he practiced to Wangu Realm, but he is still blocked by the creation, so it can be seen that it is difficult to achieve the creation.

Only by taking away the good fortune can you cultivate to the good fortune.

At this moment, the monk of Tangan actually got a soul emperor bead. As long as he refined the soul emperor bead, he would have a chance to reach the realm of creation.

Not to mention Ning Xiaochuan and others, even the monk Tangan himself was excited, his hands were shaking.

He didn't expect that this bead was so precious that luck was simply too good.

He immediately put the soul emperor bead into his underpants, for fear of being snatched by Ning Xiaochuan and others.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "I see! This soul emperor bead must be the treasure used by the supreme soul emperor to break through the realm. After being stolen by the monk, the soul emperor naturally enraged it, desperate Wants to kill us all. "

"But, how could that Supreme Soul King appear in the Second World of Sealed Gods? How could it obtain such treasures as Soul Emperor Pearl?" Nine-tailed demon followed.

The Nine-tailed Demon Queen is the eighth most important practice in Wangu Realm. Naturally, I also want to achieve the legendary creation, and naturally I want a soul emperor pearl.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "If you want to know the answer, we will go into the soul cave to find out."

The monk Tangan got the soul emperor bead in the soul cave, and everyone naturally wanted to enter the soul cave to find treasures, so they couldn't wait to fly towards the bottom of that crater.

This time, the monk Tangan was still in the forefront, and he led the way. After all, he had entered the Soul Cave once and seemed very familiar.

There are many formations in the Soul Cave, and some of them can even kill the monks in Wangujing. Since the monk Tangan led the way, he naturally cleared all these formations and took everyone step by step into the depths of the soul evil cave.

"It's strange, these souls can even arrange such a delicate formation method!" Qingfeizi said.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "It's normal. This place is the land of the gods. I don't know how many strong men died in the war. The martial arts and secrets of those strong men naturally left the land of the gods."

"It is not difficult to understand the wisdom of the supreme souls thoroughly and understand those martial arts and secrets. It is even easier for them to arrange arrays."

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