Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 968: The Jedi is born

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The fourth thunderbolt and the fifth thunderbolt were all resisted by Ning Xiaochuan.

The power of thunder and lightning became more and more fierce. Rao is the third re-enclosed world of God. The space structure is very stable. The ground is still melted by thunder and lightning, turning into a magma lake, and numerous electric light shuttles on the ground.

On the ground, there were large black pits that were split by lightning, densely packed, everywhere.

Ning Xiaochuan crawled out of one of the large pits, his whole body was dark, his hair and clothes turned to ashes. At this moment, he looks like a piece of coke.

He did not wear the blood coat of the gods and the supreme armor of the gods, and carried the thunder to him entirely by his own strength.

Moreover, under the thunderstorm, even wearing the blood coat of the **** and the supreme armor of the **** is useless.

Even the world barrier can't stop the thunderstorm, let alone a battle suit and armor.

"He ... he actually survived the fifth thunderstorm, that is to say, even if the three monks in the fifth heavens struck together, they could not kill him. How could there be such an anti-natural creature in the world? It is the descendants of those gods, and few people have reached such a terrible level. "The King of the King carved was a little pale, and even stuttered.

The Ghost Leopard sighed coldly, and said, "I don't believe he can survive the sixth thunderstorm! The monk in the sixth place of Wangujing only needs to stick out a little finger to make the first in the world Life is dead. Even a genius is no exception. "

In another position, the Emperor Tianmeng wore a white suit and stomped into the void, stepping step by step to the edge of the thunder-covered area.

She stopped, Jiao to stand upright, staring at Ning Xiaochuan standing under Jieyun, smiling sneerly, "It can lead to Sansha Zhenlong Jie, it seems to be a supreme body. A king of destruction , My Emperor despises you. "

The Tianmeng Demon Emperor does not think that Ning Xiaochuan can withstand the Sanshazhen Dragon Robbery, but if he really survives the Sanshazhen Dragon Robbery. Then the Heavenly Demon Queen can never stay him, and he must be killed in the cradle before he grows up.


The sixth thunderbolt landed.

The black thunderbolt condensed into an archaic dragon with wings, with a body length of more than eighty miles, like a thunderbolt mountain.

In the eyes of Ning Xiaochuan, there were no fears, and four types of magical powers were played in succession, the World Extinction Kendo, World Extinction, Fire Extinction, and World Extinction, all turned into a blood-red giant sword and a giant sword, one Fire and thunderballs with a diameter of ten meters.

He turned out to want to go head-to-head with Lei Jie!


In just a moment, the four magical powers were smashed by the sixth thunderbolt and disappeared.


The sixth thunderbolt finally hit Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan's body was wrapped in an electric cloud, and his whole body was chopped with flesh and blood, and then the flesh was burnt again and turned into a black hard shell covering his body.

The sixth thunderbolt didn't end there. Soon there were three thunderous dragon-like thunderbolts rushing out of the clouds of three colors and splitting on Ning Xiaochuan.


Ning Xiaochuan's mouth spit out blood, and his body fell straight backwards, falling into the hot lava.

"Finally died in the thunderstorm." The King of Sculpting Lord slightly relieved.

It would be too perverted to die in the sixth thunderstorm.

However, the human kid was already very powerful, and actually passed the sixth thunder mine halfway. Even the sons of the gods and the daughters of the gods may not be able to achieve this step when they cross the town of Sansha.

"Really dead?"

The eyes of the Tianmeng Demon Emperor looked toward the robbery clouds above the sky. The three colors of the robbery clouds did not disappear, but became thicker, as if brewing the next thunderstorm.

If Ning Xiaochuan really died, Jie Yun should disperse.


Ning Xiaochuan jumped out of the magma lake, fell to the ground, and immediately took down ten real ghosts. Then, she sat on the floor and began to quickly recover her vitality.

"There is also the last heavy thunderstorm, and I must survive it. Even if it is heaven, don't want to destroy me."

Ning Xiaochuan went all out to recover the injury and was very determined.

The Nine-Tailed Demon standing in the distance saw Ning Xiaochuan rush out of the magma, and was relieved.

The King of Destroyer is really too strong. If he is to pass the thunderstorm to reach the ancient world, it will be like a Qianlong flying into the sky, and he will be boundlessly bright on the world stage in the future.

The point is, can he survive the thunderstorm?


Ning Xiaochuan stopped practicing, stood up, and looked at the sky.


Lightning flew from each of the cyan, purple, and black clouds. Lightning, condensed into three nine-clawed dragons.

Each of the nine-clawed dragons exudes a breathtaking air, with a magnificent atmosphere, exhaling like clouds, and exhaling like wind. The three nine-pronged dragons did not split down individually, but merged into one and turned into a more terrifying dragon-shaped lightning.

"The same demon!"

Ning Xiaochuan inspired the three supreme powers in the body, the divine power, the magic power, and the kendo power.


His body became black and white.

The left side of the body becomes a cold night. The right side of the body becomes bright daylight.

He is like a person standing between night and day, both as a **** who saves sentient beings and as a demon who destroys the world.

"How can this happen? Is it possible to cultivate two kinds of Supreme Body at the same time? How is it possible!" Ghost Leopard Supreme was stunned, unable to calm his heart.

"Two kinds of supreme bodies? There should be three kinds of them!" Tianmengmon stood against his back with a firmer determination in his heart to kill Ning Xiaochuan.

Such evil spirits should not live in the world. His presence will affect the balance of the world.

Ning Xiaochuan's hands clasped together, and he roared, "Battle!"

He regarded Tianjie as an enemy, and struck out his strongest force.


The huge nine-claw dragon, which was condensed by lightning, shattered under the attack of a black and white beam of light, turning into a sea of ​​lightning, completely enclosing Ning Xiaochuan.

After those lightnings completely disappeared, everyone saw that Ning Xiaochuan was still standing there and did not fall.


Successfully passed the dragon disaster of Sansha Town and reached the ancient world.


The black hard shell on the surface of Ning Xiaochuan's body shattered and fell to the ground, revealing a dazzling body, exuding a splendor of black and white.

Taking a deep breath, the third re-enclosed spirit of God in the world, immediately gathered to him.

In just three breaths, the spirit of God within a thousand miles is absorbed by Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan can clearly feel the powerful force in the body, and it is definitely not just as simple as just entering the ancient world.

Too much stronger than those who have just entered the eternal realm.

"Absorbing some of the powers of Heavenly Calamity and the power of Divine Impetus, even let me directly reach the second peak of Wangujing, not far from the third of Wangujing. It's great!"

There is absolutely no such encounter for ordinary beings. Because when they break through the ancient realm, they will never cross the border.

Although crossing the robbery is very dangerous, it can also get great benefits.

What makes Ning Xiaochuan even more pleased is that under the tempering of thunder and robbery, the magic sword and the cultivating heart have reached the level of supreme kingship.

Fifty-handed figurative magic swords, all reached the rank of top grade supreme weapon.

The Nine-Tailed Demon arrived at the first time, with a beautiful figure, a beautiful face, and a pair of eyes as beautiful as stars, and every inch of skin was crystal clear.

Nine white fluffy foxtails came down from her hips, and her face looked like a sinking fish and a wild goose, smiling towards Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan's whole body clothes turned into flying ash during thunderstorms, and she didn't hang anything, but she did not shy away at all, and her eyes were very bold, staring at every part of Ning Xiaochuan's whole body.

"King of Destruction, congratulations on breaking through the realm!" The rosy mouth of the Nine-Tailed Demon outlines a beautiful arc, exposing two rows of white and crystal teeth.

A gleam of light flashed on Ning Xiaochuan's body, and Aoki's clothing emerged from the skin, like a turquoise gown.

"My dear queen, we are about to usher in a fierce battle again!" Ning Xiaochuan's eyes were very sharp, like sharp swords, staring at the three gods from the distance. The Supreme King of the Eagle and the Supreme King of the Mink.

There is still a smile on the face of the nine-tailed demon, very enchanting and beautiful, just like a peerless demon girl less than 20 years old. She laughed: "When you were crossing the calamity, I refined a Supreme Bloodstone and successfully hit the ninth level of Wangujing. With this cultivation, I can deal with them even if I do n’t use charm. . "

If you use Meishu, the Nine-Tailed Demon can easily conquer the Supreme Ghost Leopard and the Supreme King of the Eagle, turning them into her slaves.

Of course, with the pride of the nine-tailed demon, naturally disdain to use the nine-tailed fox tribe to deal with three young souls.

"Human boy, this seat really looked away. I did not expect that you are actually a young master who has cultivated the Supreme Body. You are already qualified to play a fair fight with this seat!" Said King Diaozun.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Fair? I am the second most important cultivation in Wangu Realm. You are the fifth most important cultivation in Wan Gu Realm. This is also called fair? Moreover, you are still a genius in the divine realm. You can fight at least across two realms. , The real combat power is comparable to the seventh-ranked monk in Wangujing in the world of Da Yan. "

"Of course, if you want to have a fair fight with me, that's fine. We all put on the Supreme Oracle, and I promise to hit you on the ground within three strokes."

The King of the Carvings laughed loudly and said, "Human Kid, your talent is indeed very high. But, do you think you can defeat me by putting on the Supreme Armor of the Deity? I am the fifth-best practice in Wangujing, for martial arts. Understanding is far better than you. Moreover, what I cultivate is the spirit of God's essence, which can maximize the power of God's supreme armor. Just these two points, you can't compare! "


Recommend the **** fantasy work, Feitianyu's "Eternal God of God".

Introduction: Eight hundred years ago, Zhang Ruochen, the son of Ming Emperor, was killed by his fiancee, Princess Chi Yao.

Eight hundred years later, Zhang Ruochen came back to life, only to find that his fiancée, who had killed him, had unified the Kunlun realm and created the first central empire, known as "The Empress of Chi Yao".

Empress Chi Yao-rule the world and stand out in all directions; youth will never end.

Zhang Ruochen stood outside the ancestral halls of the emperors, looking at the goddess of the emperor Chi Yao, burning the flames of hatred in his heart, "I will rebuild it for thirteen years, and dare to let the empress down to Huangquan."

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