Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 969: See you again

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"It's useless to say more, fight! If you can go through three moves in my hands, I will spare you."

Ning Xiaochuan held a palm-sized deity in his left hand. Under the urging of the supreme qi, that deity immediately cracked and turned into pieces of **** armor, which completely wrapped Ning Xiaochuan's body.

As soon as the eagle king's eyes fixed, he also put on the sacred god's supreme armor.

After putting on the Supreme Oracle, they are the ninth most powerful combat force in Wangu Realm.

With Ning Xiaochuan's talent, it is really not an easy task for King Diaowang to defeat him.

But the Lord of the Kings never believed that he would not be able to catch his three moves.

"Fight! This seat will step you under your feet completely, let you know that in the same realm, the genius of the **** world is much stronger than the genius of the Dayan world."


A pair of huge black iron wings grow on the back of the King of the King, and the edges of the wings are covered with iron feathers with blade-like edges. Each iron feather is comparable to a top-quality Supreme device, emitting a cold light.

"Hmm! Hmm!"

The King of the King stepped on the pace, speeding fast, almost like a teleportation.

At each instant, thirty-six orientations can be changed.

The wings on his back, like two huge blades, kept slicing to Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan stared at the black iron wings and chopped over, not flashing, and suddenly, pointing out, a sword gas flew out of his fingertips, hitting the armor of the King of the King of the Carving King, making a loud noise.

That sword gas penetrated through the armor and penetrated into the body of the King of the King.


The King of the Condor King flew out, and there was a sharp pain in the position of the heart, the warm blood flowing from the blood hole in the heart.

How could it be so strong?

In the same realm, they were defeated by the opponent in one move.

No, not reconciled.

The eagle king's palm slammed on the ground, flew up again, opened his mouth, spit out, spit out a golden bead, and struck Ning Xiaochuan.

The golden beads bloomed and turned into a golden mountain.

The King of the King carved the spirit of the gods into the golden peaks, making the golden peaks bigger and bigger, reaching a height of three kilometers.

The golden peaks spin in the sky, making a "humming" sound.

Looking up, most of the sky is occupied by the golden peaks, covering the sky, the sky is magnificent, and golden rays of light are streaming down from the golden peaks, just like a fairy mountain in the **** world.

This is the most powerful warrior of the King of the Eagle, named "Jin Yunshan".

In the Shenhe civilization, there is an extremely powerful artifact named Jiuzi Shenshan, consisting of nine metal peaks suspended in the starry sky, which is even larger than the nine stars combined.

The Jinyun Mountain mastered by the King of the Carving King is an imitation of Jiuzi Shenshan.

Although imitation, the power is still very powerful, comparable to a quasi-extreme emperor.

"This is your hole card?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

The King of the Carving King holds Jin Yunshan with both hands, and seems very strenuous, saying: "Human kid, let you see the power of Jin Yunshan, you will know who is the real strong!"


The huge Jinyun Mountain bombarded Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan spread his arms and screamed, "Train the earth, listen to my orders."

Ning Xiaochuan practiced the "Earth Scripture". Now that he has reached the ancient world, he can communicate with the earth and borrow the power of the earth.

One thought can change the landscape of thousands of miles; one lameness can collapse the earth.

As soon as his hands were raised, two 10,000-meter peaks rushed to the ground, rising like bamboo shoots after a rain, blocking the crushed Jinyun Mountain.

Ning Xiaochuan's arm was lifted again, and a mountain rose again on the ground, directly suppressing the King of the Eagle to the bottom of the mountain.

The King of the Eagle is standing on the ground, his body is constantly inflated, and it turns into a large black vulture with a length of more than 1,000 meters. It emits a fierce gas, like an ancient giant bird. Up.

"Suppress me!"

Ning Xiaochuan's arm pressed down.

The mountains pressed on the back of the King of the King have doubled in size.


The Lord of the Kings uttered a wailing sound, but was finally suppressed by the mountains, lying on the ground, unable to break free at all.

The Ghost Leopard Supreme and the Ling Deng Supreme did not expect that Ning Xiaochuan could really suppress the King of the Eagle within three strokes. Why is it so strong?


The Supreme Ghost Leopard and the Supreme Mink Supreme put on the Supreme Oracle, and rushed towards Ning Xiaochuan immediately.

"Good job!"

With his arms raised, Ning Xiaochuan raised two mountains on the ground at the same time, suppressing the Ghost Leopard Supreme and the Ling Sable Supreme under the mountain.

"The power of the earth!"

Ning Xiaochuan soared and fell to the top of the supreme mountain suppressing Guibao.

The heaven and earth element of his eyebrow spins rapidly, an air of earth flew out of the eyebrow and sinks into the ground.


Hundreds of miles beneath the ground, hundreds of stout air columns rushed up.

These air pillars are condensed from the potential of the earth and carry the power of the earth.

Those air pillars were all gathered on the three big mountains, suppressing the deadly supreme ghost leopard supreme, Ling sable supreme, and carving king supreme under the mountain.

Unless they are able to carry the earth thousands of miles away, otherwise, they will never escape from below the mountain.

"Humans, how can you mobilize the power of the earth? What kind of magic is this?" Said King Diaozu Supreme.

The Ghost Leopard snarled: "The grandfather of this seat is one of the top ten monsters of the Underworld, the two-headed ghost leopard. If you do not want to die, immediately release this seat."

Ning Xiaochuan walked towards the Ghost Leopard Supreme and said, "Do you believe me I can let you die now?"

Seeing Ning Xiaochuan's grim eyes, the face of Supreme Ghost Leopard changed, and he was really afraid of being killed by the other party.

It would be unjust to die in the hands of a human kid.

"You ... you let me go! I can give you whatever treasure you want!" The Supreme Ghost Leopard's attitude is no longer so tough, but he begged Ning Xiaochuan instead.

The Nine-Tailed Demon sent a message to Ning Xiaochuan, saying, "If his grandfather is really a figure of the top ten monsters of the Underworld, don't kill him for the time being. Once he is killed, his grandfather will definitely feel something. Will be bad for us. "

Ning Xiaochuan also nodded gently.

Nine-headed Amaranth is only ninth among the top ten saints of Ming Gexing, and its cultivation is already unfathomable enough to sweep the Northern / Xinjiang Demon Clan.

If it provokes another demon holy, Ning Xiaochuan and the Nine-Tailed Demon may not even have a chance to escape.

Ning Xiaochuan gave a cold glance to the Supreme Ghost Leopard and said, "If I don't kill you, it's not impossible. I know you have a Supreme Emperor's Black and White Chess Table. If you treat that Supreme Emperor Give it to me and I can still spare you. "

Ghost Leopard clenched his teeth tightly and said indignantly: "Impossible! Black and white life and death chess table, but the treasure my grandfather gave me, can not be given to anyone."

"Really? In that case, there is no discussion, all three of you will have to die. After you die, all the treasures on you will naturally belong to me." Ning Xiaochuan's eyes were cold, his shots were decisive, and he raised The Heavenly Emperor Blade is about to slash to the Supreme Leopard's neck.

"Okay! I promise you!"

Ghost Leopard was sweating coldly on his forehead, now let's save his life first.

His heart was very reconciled, but it was a supreme royal weapon, the strongest soldier in his body. In the end, I still had to hand over the black and white chess board to Ning Xiaochuan.

"You have to hold him first and wait until I escape and tell my grandfather. As long as my grandfather takes the shot, this kid must be a dead end. At that time, the black-and-white life and death chess table will still be returned to my hands." The ghost panther's heart made a sound sneer.

Ning Xiaochuan took the black and white life and death chess table, immediately released the fire of extinction, gave the black and white life and death chess table to the sacrifice, and then put it into the body.

A supreme imperial weapon is definitely a great treasure.

When Ning Xiaochuan was planning to continue extorting the Supreme Master Ling Diao and the Supreme King Diao, suddenly a cold wind blew behind him.


On the ground, thick ice froze and spread towards the feet of Ning Xiaochuan and the Queen of the Nine-tailed Demon. In the sky, snow is flying and the cold wind is roaring.

The faces of Ning Xiaochuan and the Nine-Tailed Demon suddenly changed, and suddenly turned, like the woman in white staring at the distant enemy.

The woman in white was very beautiful, standing in the snow, like a fairy descending from the earth, her hair fluttering and her beautiful appearance, approaching Ning Xiaochuan and the Nine-tailed Demon step by step.

After seeing the face of the woman in white, the Nine-Tailed Demon revealed a look of suspicion, "Evil Emperor!"

"Tianmeng Demon Emperor!" Ning Xiaochuan stared at the white woman who was approaching, feeling a choking pressure.

Ning Xiaochuan felt a slight murderous spirit on the body of the Tianmeng Demon Emperor.

The Heavenly Demon Emperor is fighting against him.

"Does this dream of the Heavenly Demon Emperor already know that it is the first time that I have suppressed her?" Ning Xiaochuan said secretly.

Every thought of the sub-God is independent of each other.

It stands to reason that Tianmeng Yaohuang's other sub-god thoughts should not know that Ning Xiaochuan suppressed her first sub-god.

"Meet the demon emperor!" Ning Xiaochuan and the nine-tailed demon worshiped at the same time.

The Heavenly Demon Emperor stopped and stared at Ning Xiaochuan. His red lips were opened and closed, and his voice was a little bit cold.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "I'm very excited to see the demon emperor."

"Ah! Really?"

The Heavenly Demon Emperor had a meaningful look and said, "My Emperor did look down upon you before, and I did not expect you to grow to such a degree. King of Destruction, come here and let my Emperor take a good look at you. "

Ning Xiaochuan's heart was even more disturbed, and the murderous spirit on Tianmeng Demon Emperor was more obvious.

His face remained the same, saying: "The subordinate is just a human being, there is nothing to look at. This subordinate is far worse than the demon emperor, such as fireflies compared to the stars."

How clever the Queen of the Nine-Tailed Demon, the atmosphere was strange.

However, she didn't know the hatred between the King of Destroyer and the Heavenly Demon Emperor.

And in her opinion, the Destroyer King has just reached Wangu Realm, how could he become the enemy of the Heavenly Demon Emperor?

The gap between the two is too great!

One is God and one is man.

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