Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 970: Defeat

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The Emperor Demon hummed coldly and turned into a series of afterimages. In an instant, he rushed to Ning Xiaochuan and shot like lightning. When Ning Xiaochuan did not respond, he smashed Ning Xiaochuan out with one hand. .

Ning Xiaochuan has been alerting to the Tianmeng Demon Emperor, and at the moment when Tianmeng Demon Emperor's body moved, Ning Xiaochuan also shot.

He can't stop shooting, but he's still a lot slower than the Heavenly Demon Emperor. Before his arm was lifted up, he was slaped by the palm of Tianmeng Demon Emperor.

"The dream thoughts of the Emperor Demon Emperor are the power of the ninth peak of Wangu Realm. After I put on the Goddess Supreme Armor, it is also the ninth weight of Wangu Realm. It is also the ninth weight of Wangu Realm, but why is there such a big difference? ? "

When he was about to fall to the ground, Ning Xiaochuan's legs bounced, and he rolled up again, his body falling lightly outside the ten feet of the Heavenly Demon Emperor.


The magic sword and the Heavenly Emperor Blade both appeared in the hands of Ning Xiaochuan.

One sword and one sword.

Tianmeng Demon Emperor stood in the position where Ning Xiaochuan stood just now, standing proudly, two snow onion fingers gently twirling their long hair, smiling coldly: "King Destroyer, we are also the ninth combat power of Wangujing But the emperor used to be a sub-god, and knows martial arts better than you. "

"Really? I want to try it!" Ning Xiaochuan's eyes were firm and fearless.

The second **** can also fight.

He didn't believe that the same ninth combat power in the eternal realm, he was really so much worse than the second god.

The Heavenly Demon Emperor said: "My Emperor has only one hand and does not use any fighters. If you can force my Emperor to use a second hand or use a fighter, then My Emperor will let you go today."

She put one hand behind her back and spread the other.

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes shrunk slightly, immediately exhibiting the speed of Shenlong, three flames of flames emerged from his body, a pair of flame dragon wings condensed on his back, turned into a flame, and slashed across.

His speed reached his current limit.


Tianmeng Demon Emperor's figure flickered, and he easily escaped Ning Xiaochuan's full sword, and his backhand pointed at Ning Xiaochuan's wrist.

The fingers of the Heavenly Demon Emperor hit the surface of the Supreme Deity Armor, and a powerful energy hit Ning Xiaochuan through the armor.


The bones at the wrist broke and a severe pain spread through the body.

With a bang, Tiandi Blade fell from Ning Xiaochuan's hand and fell to the ground.

Ning Xiaochuan resisted the pain and clenched his teeth. Taking this opportunity, the magic sword in his right hand stabbed into the chest of Tianmeng Yaohuang.

The Heavenly Demon Emperor is like a ghost, coming and going like a wind, and retreating to ten feet away in an instant.

Ning Xiaochuan stabbed in the air, not even hurting one of her hair.

In the same realm, Ning Xiaochuan can easily suppress the three geniuses in the **** realm.

But also in the same realm, he couldn't help Tianmeng Demon Emperor, not even the corners of Tianmeng Demon Emperor's clothes.

Is the gap between ordinary warriors and sub-gods really so big?

The Heavenly Demon Emperor stared at Ning Xiaochuan, and said, "The genius who cultivates into the Supreme Body is just that. No wonder an ancient **** once said that it is not important to cultivate into the Supreme Body. What is important is that martial art .In fact, many gods are not supreme bodies. The warriors who possess the supreme bodies are difficult to cultivate into gods. King of Destruction, are you saying that the emperor is right? "

"Just started!"

Ning Xiaochuan gritted his teeth tightly, and his arm made a crackling sound. The broken bone was immediately reconnected.

The Heavenly Emperor Blade that fell to the ground returned to Ning Xiaochuan's hands.

He constantly injected the Supreme Qi into the Heavenly Emperor Blade, inspiring the original power of the Supreme Emperor's weapon.

Thousands of knife shadows appeared in the entire space at once, forming a torrent of sword air, attacking the Tianmeng Demon Emperor.

"Get Yuntong hands!"

The Heavenly Demon Emperor exhibited an extremely mysterious supernatural power. His arms were raised and turned into a huge palm print, connected with the clouds above the sky.

The palm of the hand pressed down, and the knife gas condensed by the Heavenly Emperor's Blade all collapsed.

"It's over!"

The Heavenly Demon Emperor turned into a white shadow, and in an instant, rushed to Ning Xiaochuan's body, his fingers flashing with light. The fingertips of each finger contained a magical power that struck Ning Xiaochuan's chest.

This blow is no longer like the power that the monks in eternal realm can exert, it is like a blow from a real sub-god, even if it is a world, it seems to be broken.

"Breaking the knife!"

Behind Ning Xiaochuan was a huge emperor's shadow, with a sturdy body and a gaze like a torch, giving a kind of imperial domineering.

"Hunyuan Yiqi Sword!"

A huge emperor's shadow appeared again behind Ning Xiaochuan, with a distant breath and a body like a shadow of the gods, giving people a kind of courageous power from the east!

One emperor and one emperor at the same time!

One sword at a time, running side by side, cut out almost at the same time.

Tianmeng Yaohuang's face changed slightly, and she had to use her second hand.

Her two hands hit at the same time, colliding with the Heavenly Emperor Blade and the magic sword.


Emperor Ying and Emperor Ying were broken at the same time.

Ning Xiaochuan flew out again, gliding on the ground for more than ten feet, his legs sank, and finally stabilized his body.

Tianmeng Demon Emperor's heart was a little surprised, saying: "Your luck is not small, but you can mobilize the divine power of Emperor Tian Zi and Emperor Zijin at the same time. With the second hand, the emperor will let you go today. But next time you meet, you will not be so lucky. "

The Heavenly Demon Emperor is a sub-god, naturally he will not go against it.

"Wait a minute!" Ning Xiaochuan said.

Tianmeng Yaohuang said coldly, "What else do you want to do?"

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes were cold and sharp, "I haven't said that I want to let you go. How can you leave?"

Tianmeng Yaohuang's eyes froze slightly, sneered at Ning Xiaochuan, and said, "What did you say?"

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Tianmeng Demon Emperor, your first sub-god has been suppressed by me, and naturally you have to clean up the remaining three sub-gods. Take God!"

The soul shadows of the five Heavenly Demon Emperors flew from Ning Xiaochuan's brows and levitated behind Ning Xiaochuan.

The breath emanating from each soul shadow is no weaker than the Heavenly Demon Emperor standing opposite.

The powerful divine power of the five spirits is integrated into Ning Xiaochuan's body.

Ning Xiaochuan summoned the town demon tower, holding it in the palm of his hand, exuding a deterrent breath, just like the heavenly god.

"Good King of Destruction, it turned out that the first deities of the emperor were really suppressed by you. Based on your cultivation, there cannot be such a powerful force. What is your origin?"

Ning Xiaochuan said: "My origin is not important! Give me!"

The town demon tower was beaten out by Ning Xiaochuan and turned into a huge **** tower like a mountain peak.

"Yi Ling Ling Sheng, Zhen Shi Xue Begonia!"

The Heavenly Demon Emperor turned into a magnificent colorful begonia, splitting tens of thousands of petal rain, flew towards the heaven and earth, and fled immediately.


Most of the petals were collected into the town demon tower, but some petals still flew away and disappeared into Ning Xiaochuan's sight.

As long as a petal flew away, the second thought of the Heavenly Demon Emperor could escape.

Ning Xiaochuan retracted the town's demon tower and sighed: "I still escaped, and the next time I want to suppress her, it will be even more difficult."

Just now the battle between Ning Xiaochuan and the Emperor Demon Emperor, the Nine-Tailed Demon has always looked in his eyes, and was shocked, and finally understood something.

"It turned out that the first deities of the Heavenly Demon Emperor fell in the Middle-earth world, and all the Kings of Destruction were laid out behind him. Even the Heavenly Demon Emperor planted a follower in his hands. This is really not simple." Nine-tailed demon There was a bit of glory in the eyes, it seemed to be thinking about something.

Ning Xiaochuan stared at the Nine-Tailed Demon who came over and said, "After the Nine-Tailed Demon, you now know my resentment with the Heavenly Demon Emperor. Do you decide to be my friend or continue to be a subordinate of the Heavenly Demon Emperor? ? "

This question is very important, because the Nine-Tailed Demon Queen used to be a subordinate of the Tianmeng Demon Emperor.

The Nine-tailed demon laughed and said, "The Heavenly Demon Emperor is a creature of the divine realm, and those creatures of the divine realm either want to catch me or kill me. I can no longer be a subordinate of the Heavenly Demon Emperor!"

Ning Xiaochuan nodded and said, "Okay! In this case, let's go back to the second world of God."

The Nine-Tailed Demon said, "Aren't we going to find Yun Shen Pond and Feng Shen Bang?"

Ning Xiaochuan hesitated for a moment, saying rationally: "The Heavenly Demon Emperor fled, she will immediately go to the strongest in the **** world to deal with us. If they are blocked in the third world of sealed gods, we will You can't escape if you want to escape. "

"Okay! Let's go back to the second sealed world for the time being." After careful consideration, the nine-tailed demon nodded and agreed with Ning Xiaochuan's decision.

Afterwards, Ning Xiaochuan and the Nine-Tailed Demon immediately flew towards the passage leading to the Second Sealed God World.

A blood-red petal flew out of the soil and turned into a peerless woman with a touch of evil spirit in her eyebrows, pinching her fingers, and all the megaliths around it were broken.

"Abominable! It's a shame that the Emperor was forced to flee by a human being. It's a shame and disgrace for the Emperor. Your name was taken by the Emperor. You dare to rebel against the Emperor, and wait for the Emperor's body to wake up in the market. You know the power of the Emperor again. "

The Heavenly Demon Emperor turned into a white smoke, like ghosts and ghosts, and flew towards the fourth channel that sealed the world of God.

Two ninth-ranked warlords in Wangu Realm, guarded at the passage of the fourth-sealed God World, immediately bowed to the King of Dreams, "seeing the King of Dreams!"

Tianmeng Demon Emperor said: "Where is the nine-headed purple owl, the emperor wants to see him."

"Master Nine-headed Amaranth is in the fourth demon stone forest of the demon world. He is looking for the ancient stone that escaped," said one of the war generals.

The Heavenly Demon Emperor said: "Immediately pass him to the third time to seal the world of God, and help me deal with an enemy of human race."

"Subordinates, now go and sue the nine-headed Ziyan Lord."

The warlord knew that the Emperor of the Heavenly Dream came very large, did not dare to neglect, immediately jumped into the light gate, and rushed towards the fourth world of God of Sealing.


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