Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 971: Unblock

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The Heavenly Demon Emperor stared at another warlord, and said, "You immediately lead ten oracle warriors to the entrance of the third and second worlds. If you see humans want to The third re-enclosed **** world escapes to the second re-enclosed **** world, stopping him at all costs. "

"Subordinates understand!"

The warrior immediately took out a conch-shaped supreme device, blew the conch, the voice was melodious, and spread to the third re-sealed **** world.

It didn't take long for ten **** warriors to wear the shrine supreme armor flying in the sky, standing neatly in a row, their breath was very strong.

Under the leadership of that general, ten oracle warriors immediately rushed towards the entrance to the second world of sealed gods.

Unfortunately, when they arrived, Ning Xiaochuan and the Nine-Tailed Demon had already left the third sealed world and fled to the second sealed world.

The fourth reseals the world of God.

This is a vast sea of ​​stones. At a glance, all the stones are dense.

There are cyan boulders the size of mountains, and red stones the size of fingernails. These stones, covering thousands of miles of land, are like a sea of ​​stones.

Some stones are buried underground, and some are suspended in the void.

Walking into Shihai is like walking into a huge maze.

The nine-headed purple owl was chasing Shi Ji demon and then came to this sea of ​​stones.

After the stone monster demon fled into the sea of ​​stone, like fish and water, it can be transformed into thousands, can be integrated with each stone here, and disappeared without a trace immediately.

In the past half month, Jiuto Aster has entered Shihai three times, but was attacked by those stones three times, but was almost injured.

"Abominable, if it is outside, this miracle can be used to smelt all the thousands of miles of stones into ashes within one day." Nine-headed purple lotus was very angry, punched out fiercely, and took more than ten pieces. The boulder was smashed to pieces.

The spatial structure of the fourth sealed **** world is more stable than the third sealed **** world. With the deep cultivation of the nine-headed purple owl, it can only smash a boulder with one punch. It is impossible to refine it for thousands of miles. Stones.

Thunder King, Queen of the Bone, Queen of the Holy Infant ..., all the demon queens and demon queens of the Northern / Xinjiang Demon Clan stood behind the nine-headed purple cymbals, all of them were silent and did not dare to speak.

"Oblame Lord Jiu Zi, the Emperor Demon Emperor wants to see you."

The ninth heavy battle of Wangu Realm will fly from a distance, put away the wings on his back, kneel in front of Jiu Zizi, and repeat the words of the Emperor of Heaven.

"A human being can actually break into the third sealed world of God, and it is still necessary for the deity to deal with him in person? Is it possible that the strong human race of Shenhe civilization has come to the world of Da Yan? No! The gate of other people and gods should not have It's right to open it. "The nine-headed purple owl frowned slightly, a little puzzled.

Is there a human monk who can't be solved by the Heavenly Demon Emperor in the Tianxu continent?

The warrior said: "Unclear, Lord Tianmeng Yaohuang didn't say it explicitly."

"Okay! I will go to that human for a while and see how strong he is?"

Nine-headed Amaranth turned around and ordered to the demons and queens such as Thunder King, Queen Bone Queen, Holy Infant Queen and other Queens: "You stay, surround this place, don't let that ancient **** stone escape . "

After saying this, Jiutou Ziyu immediately rushed to the third world of God of Sealing.

At this point, Ning Xiaochuan and the Nine-Tailed Demon have returned to the soul-sharing cave of the second world of God.

"Godfather, you're finally back!" Xiao Linger saw Ning Xiaochuan return to the soul evil cave, very pleased, immediately greeted him.

Ning Xiaochuan carefully stared at Xiao Linger, nodded, and said, "You Xiuwei has reached the sixth level of Wangujing, and progress is too fast!"

Xiao Linger said: "It's all due to the supreme soul Shadan. If I refine the last one, I will certainly be able to reach the seventh and even higher level of the ancient world."

Xiaohong flashed out from behind Xiao Linger, staring at her big round eyes, blinking her eyelashes, and she was a little surprised: "Ning Xiaochuan, you have broken through the eternal realm, have you found the Supreme Bloodstone?"

Ning Xiaochuan nodded with a smile, and said, "I did find the Supreme Bloodstone so that I could easily break through to the ancient world."

"Are there? Are there any? I want them too, you must have one for me?"

Xiao Hong immediately leaned towards Ning Xiaochuan, rubbing on Ning Xiaochuan's body just like before.

But she didn't know that she wasn't the little girl she used to be. Her **** were now very soft, soft and tall. Those sparkling beautiful eyes stared pitifully at Ning Xiaochuan, revealing a very longing look.

This is like asking Ning Xiaochuan for the Supreme Bloodstone, it's almost like seduce Ning Xiaochuan to commit a crime.

Ning Xiaochuan coughed dryly, "As a dragon girl of the Shenlong family, she may become the dragon king in the future. Can you be cold and noble?"

Then, he took out a crimson supreme bloodstone and put it in Xiao Hong's palm.

Xiao Hong took the Supreme Bloodstone, just like a little squirrel holding a pine cone. She was extremely happy. She immediately put the Supreme Bloodstone in her pocket and laughed, "Whoever said that the Dragon Girl must be noble and cold. Yan, they are still little girls! "

Seeing that Xiao Hong successfully sought a supreme bloodstone from Ning Xiaochuan, Qingfeizi, the Golden Horned Demon Emperor, and the Silver Horned Demon Emperor all immediately stared at Ning Xiaochuan, with a look of hunger in his eyes.

Supreme bloodstone, but it is a treasure that all real people in the world must rob their heads.

Ning Xiaochuan passed a look to Qingfeizi, took out the last Supreme Bloodstone, and gave it to her.

With the Supreme Bloodstone, Qingfeizi's heart was grateful to Ning Xiaochuan. With this supreme bloodstone, she can immediately start to hit the eternal realm!

The soul of eternal realm is the existence she could only look up to before.

She never dreamed that she could reach that state and become a supreme existence.

Seeing that Xiao Hong and Qing Fei Zi had obtained the Supreme Bloodstone, they could soon impact the eternal realm, and the mood of the Golden Horned Demon Emperor and Silver Horned Demon Emperor was naturally very disappointed.

Ning Xiaochuan saw all this in his eyes and immediately walked towards the Nine-Tailed Demon, and said, "After the Nine-Tailed Demon, how many bloodstones did you get?"

Ning Xiaochuan believes that there are definitely more than one or two bloodstones obtained after the Nine-Tailed Demon.

The Nine-tailed demon glanced at the Golden Horn and the Silver Horn demon, revealing a thoughtful look, red lips slightly ticked, and smiled: "A total of twelve bloodstones have been obtained, including one After being refined, it was used to break through the ninth level of the ancient world. Now, there are eleven Supreme Bloodstones left. "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "After all, the Golden Horned Demon Emperor and the Silver Horned Demon Emperor entered the feudal land with us. Can the Nine-Tailed Demon look on my face and give them two Supreme Bloodstones?"

The Nine-tailed demon said: "Treasures of the level of Supreme Bloodstone can only be found in Fengshen Relics. Any one placed on the continent of heaven will cause a murder and catastrophe. You should also understand that we risk It ’s life-threatening to get these Supreme Bloodstones. Giving them two Supreme Bloodstones will not be possible in the future. "

After a pause, she said, "But if I want to give it to you later, I will be very happy."

The eyes of the nine-tailed demon are beautiful and sparkling, staring at Ning Xiaochuan without blinking, with a slightly provocative smile.

Ning Xiaochuan knew very well that the purpose of the Nine-Tailed Demon was to make him owe her a fair amount of affection.

She is a very savvy woman who knows how to expand her interests.

In her opinion, Ning Xiaochuan's potential is endless and his future achievements are limitless. Now is the best opportunity to get closer to him.

Ning Xiaochuan smiled and said, "Okay! I'll lend you two Supreme Bloodstones."

The smile of the Nine-Tailed Demon was charming, took out two Supreme Bloodstones, and gently placed it in Ning Xiaochuan's palm, saying softly: "No need to pay it back!"

Having said this, the Nine-Tailed Demon took Princess Xi to a secret room.

She wants to help Princess Xi Xi refine the Supreme Bloodstone and impact the eternal realm.

Ning Xiaochuan stared at the enchanting and moving back of the nine-tailed demon and shook his head gently. It was indeed a fox spirit, and it was too good to count!

After the Golden Horned and the Silver Horned Emperors got the Supreme Bloodstone, they looked at Ning Xiaochuan with extremely grateful eyes, and directly kneeled down on the ground, saying, "Thank you King of Destruction. In the future, our brothers will swear to follow and go to the sword mountain. , Go to the sea of ​​fire, do not hesitate. "

"It's not a big deal, you all get up! Try to refine the Supreme Bloodstone as soon as possible. Only by reaching the Eternal Realm can you get more benefits in the feudal land." Ning Xiaochuan waved his hand and motioned them to retreat.

After doing all this, Ning Xiaochuan also began to cultivate.

He is now the second most important practice in Wangu Realm. After putting on the Supreme Deity of the God, he can exert the ninth combat power of Wan Gu Realm.

However, this is not enough, he needs more powerful forces.


Half of the town's human tower flew out of the heaven and earth element of Meixin and turned into a three-foot-tall tower suspended in the palm of Ning Xiaochuan.

"I have now hijacked the five thoughts of the Heavenly Demon Emperor, and can exert the fighting power of five monks at the ninth peak of the Eternal Realm. If I hid another thought of the gods, would it not be possible to exert six The fighting power of the ninth-most peak monk in Wangujing? "

The Heavenly Demon Emperor has a total of forty-nine thoughts, except for the five thoughts hijacked by Ning Xiaochuan and the three escaped thoughts, the other forty-first thoughts are all sealed in this half. Inside the town's tower.

It is time to harness their power.


Ning Xiaochuan carefully released the seal of one of the thoughts.

The thoughts of those times condensed into a beautiful woman, suspended in the town's tower.

She opened a pair of star-like bright eyes and looked around.

Her consciousness still seemed quite vague, saying: "Who wakes me up? This is ... the town tower!"

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