Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 972: Meet

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"Yes, this is the town's tower!" Ning Xiaochuan walked towards her with her hands on her back.


After seeing Ning Xiaochuan, the secondary **** of Tianmenghuanghuang's eyes, his eyes immediately became cold, and an arm was stretched out, and a white war sword was condensed in the palm of his hand.

"Follow Shinto!"

Ning Xiaochuan gathered the five thoughts of the Emperor Demon Emperor in one body, carrying infinite power, slap in the past, and flew out the Emperor Demon Emperor standing on the opposite side and hit the tower wall of the town.

With just one hand, she almost broke her soul.


Ning Xiaochuan lifted the Tianmeng Demon Emperor from the ground, and patted her on the top of her head with one palm, using the Shinto, and began to absorb the spirits of this second thought!

Only by absorbing the spirits can we mobilize the corresponding divine power.

It took two days for Ning Xiaochuan to absorb all the spirits contained in this dream of the Heavenly Demon Emperor.


He exhibited the Shinto again, and immediately behind him showed the shadows of the six Heavenly Demon Emperors, like six idols standing exactly behind him, forming a sacred and weird picture.

The six shadows merged into one woman with a solid body.

This woman looks exactly like the Heavenly Demon Emperor, and brings together six sub-gods as a whole, which is comparable to the union of the six monks at the ninth peak of the ancient world.

Although it is still a soul, it is very real, just like flesh and blood.

With her strength, she reached the limit of Wangu Realm, and with a single blow, she was able to destroy the ninth-heavy creatures in Wangu Realm to fly ash.

"Meet my master." She knelt on the ground on one knee and worshiped Ning Xiaochuan.

If the demons and spirits in the North / Jiang Province saw this scene, they would be shocked to drop their chins, and the Heavenly Demon Emperor, who was high above him, would kneel at the feet of the King of Destruction and salute him.

Of course, she can't be regarded as the Heavenly Demon Emperor.

She is only part of the soul of the Heavenly Demon Emperor mastered by Ning Xiaochuan!

This part of the spirit was forcibly hijacked by Ning Xiaochuan and became a slave of Ning Xiaochuan, completely under the control of Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "I can now use your divine power to fight against the creatures of the creation?"

She respectfully said: "I'm afraid we still have to be close, the creatures of the realm are not comparable to monks in the eternal realm."

Immediately afterwards, she said: "However, the first deities condensed by the Heavenly Demon Emperor were suppressed by the master in the town demon tower. It is a physical body comparable to the creatures of the created world. Being in the flesh is enough to contend with the most important creature in the realm of creation. "

Ning Xiaochuan summoned the town demon tower, the door of the tower opened, and a flawless flesh flew out of the tower, floating in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

This body is the first deities of the Heavenly Demon Emperor to consolidate the blood of hundreds of millions of people. It is exquisite and perfect without flaws. It is just like a jade carving, emitting a faint fragrance. I am afraid Even if buried in the soil for 10,000 years, it will not decay.

This sub-god is definitely stronger than the physical body of ordinary creatures.

The spirit formed by the thoughts of the six sub-gods flew into the first sub-god.

The woman suspended in the void immediately opened her eyes and walked down from the void, exuding a strong breath on her body, and worshipped Ning Xiaochuan and said, "Thank you for your masters."

Ning Xiaochuan nodded and said, "In the future, you will be with me, you will be my maid. You are no longer the Heavenly Demon Emperor and need a new name. In the future, you will have the same surname as me, and you will be called Ning Tian. Dream it! "

"Thank you for your name!" Ning Tianmeng said.

"There are forty thoughts in the town's tower. With my current practice, I should be able to hijack several thoughts. Let me help you and continue to improve your strength!"

In his seventh reality, the monk can control the power of the five thoughts of the Heavenly Demon Emperor. Now reaching the second level of Wangujing, it is natural to be able to control more sub-gods.

Ning Xiaochuan lifted the seal of the second thought and continued to refine it.

Except for Yue Mingsong, everyone in the Soul Cave is working hard to improve their cultivation and strength.

Yue Mingsong had a three-foot square stone plate in his hand. I saw an ancient pattern and pit on the stone plate, and there seemed to be some strange characters.

Even the oldest wise man in the continent, I'm afraid I can't understand the words and lines on the stone plate.

Yue Mingsong looked on the stone plate for a long time, and nodded gently, "Two more doors of humans and gods have been opened! This time, the land of God will be more lively, interesting, and interesting!"


Secondly, the world of God is sealed.

Nine-headed Amaranth carrying nine spears suddenly stopped, exuding a layer of purple light on his body.

The six generals behind the nine-headed purple lotus, their body was also covered with a halo, and the breath became a little stronger.

The Heavenly Demon Emperor glanced at him and said, "What's wrong?"

Jiutou Ziyu laughed loudly and said, "It's great, my strength has increased by 20%, and now I can exert 50% of my efforts."

The eyes of the Heavenly Demon Emperor became dignified, saying: "The gods of the Shenhe civilization came to the world of Da Yan, and their own cultivation will be suppressed by the power of the world. When the door of the first person and **** is opened, Use 30% of the power of self-cultivation. When the door of the second person and **** is opened, you can exert 40% of the power of your own cultivation. When the door of the third person is opened, you can exert 50% of your power. ... in other words, now two more gods' doors have opened? "

Jiuto Ziyan nodded and said, "The eight gates of the gods of God are connected to the eight star fields of the Shenhe civilization. Only the gates of the eight gods of God are all open. Power suppression will disappear completely. At that time, we can exert our full strength. "

Jiuto Ziyan continued: "Since my practice has increased by 20%, it is not difficult to find that human and that nine-tailed fox!"

Nine-headed purple magpie closed his eyes, and a powerful mental power emanated.

After a long while, Jiu Zizi opened his eyes, a smile appeared in his eyes, and said, "Here they are, they really are hiding in the second world of sealed gods. Now I will clear this group of ants!"

After a long while, nine heads of purple magpie, Tianmeng Demon Emperor, and the ninth-largest general in the six eternal realms all came outside the soul evil cave.


The soles of the nine-headed purple crickets stepped on the ground, and the ground suddenly shook, and the formation of Ning Xiaochuan's array broke instantly.

On the ground, a tiankeng with a diameter of hundreds of meters is exposed.

When the nine-headed Aster and the Tianmeng Demon Emperor arrived, the people in the Soul Cave immediately noticed that they had stopped practicing and flew out of the Soul Cave to prepare for the battle.

"Haha! Who the Emperor thought it was, it turned out to be you again. The soul of your Shenhe civilization is so powerful, who is this to catch?" The Golden Horned Demon Emperor smiled.

The Golden Horned Demon Emperor refined the Supreme Bloodstone and successfully broke through to the first place in the ancient world.

Putting on the Supreme Oracle, his combat power is comparable to the ninth-strongest man in Wangu Realm. He naturally increased his confidence. Even in the face of the Heavenly Demon Emperor, he dared to fight.

In his opinion, the ninth level of Wangu Realm is already the strongest level of combat power in the Tianxu continent. What is there to fear?

"Boy, you're too arrogant. Didn't you immediately see the Lord Jiu Zizi and the Queen of the Heavenly Demon Lord kneeling and saluting immediately?" Said a ninth-ranked warrior behind Jiu Zizi.

The golden horned demon emperor was not afraid of a tiger. He pointed at the nose of that warrior and said very arrogantly, "I rely, who are you?"

"I am one of the top ten warriors under the Holy Sea of ​​Nine-headed Purple Witch Demon, Sunay." The warlord stared with a pair of eyes, and did not put the Golden Horned Demon Emperor in his eyes at all.

The Golden Horned Demon Emperor touched the purple and red gourd and said, "Suna, the Emperor called you, do you dare to agree?"

Su Nai thought the Golden Horned Demon Emperor was too naive and sneered, "Why dare not?"

"Sunay!" The Golden Horned Emperor shouted solemnly.

"This seat is here ..."

As soon as Sunay agreed, he was sucked into the purple gold gourd by a huge force.

The remaining five warlords were taken aback by the scene in front of them. I can't believe that a small gourd can hold a ninth strongest man in the ancient world.

You know, all the creatures who can come to the world of Da Yan are all arrogant gods who have a chance to become gods. None of them are mediocre and weak.

Just taken away?

Nine-headed Aster was also slightly surprised, feeling incredible, and shot two purple lights in his eyes, staring at the purple gold gourd in the hands of the Golden Horn Demon Emperor.

The Golden Horned Demon Emperor covered the purple gold gourd, shake it twice, and said to himself, "It should have turned into water!"

The Golden Horned Demon Emperor removed the gourd cover again, facing the nine-headed purple magpie, and said, "The nine-headed purple magpie demon, the emperor called you, how dare you agree?"

Nine-headed Aster has already noticed the extraordinaryness of the Zijinhong gourd. The gourd actually gave birth to a chaotic atmosphere, which is definitely an innate fetish.

Nine-headed purple pheasant naturally did not dare to take a risk, and snorted coldly, saying, "Boy, this seat gives you a chance to make up for the work, and hand over the purple and gold gourds in your hands. This seat can let you go."

"Cut! Who believes it! Do you believe it?"

The Golden Horn Demon Emperor said with a big grin: "Nine-headed Aster, you are a demon saint. I call you, do you dare to agree?"

Nine-headed Amaranth blushed, forcibly suppressed the anger in her heart, and said in a deep voice: "Linguotuo, shoot for this seat and kill the kid."

"Subordinates take orders!"

A nine-meter-tall warrior came out behind the nine-headed purple owl, with a human body, the head of a red tiger, and a blue giant mountain axe.

Lin Ge Tuomu rushed towards the Golden Horn Demon Emperor aggressively, his arms trembled, his body exuded a strong power, and it suddenly ejected, and an axe was slashed towards the top of the Golden Horn Demon Emperor.

"Brother, I'll help you."

The Silver Horn Demon Emperor took out a mace-like imperfect supreme king weapon, weighing tens of millions of kilograms, swung out a stick, and hit the top of Lingutuomu.

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