Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 981: Xunlong Mountain

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After Heli opened the seal enchantment, Ning Xiaochuan immediately sent out his mind and went into the stone forest to detect. Strangely, he didn't find the existence of the Queen of Stone Ji, even a breath of life.

"The Queen of the Ji Ji is not here!" Ning Xiaochuan's mental strength is comparable to that of the formidable realm, and he is very familiar with the breath of the Queen of the Ji Ji, even if the queen of the Ji Ji emits a faint breath, he can perceive it. Here.

But no, there was no breath.

With a look of doubt in Ning Xiaochuan's eyes, he stared at the King of Qing, saying, "Are you sure Shi Ji is trapped here?"

"Of course I was sure. At that time, Uncle Yi sensed her breath here. But at that time, we were in a hurry to go to the second world of God's Seal to save you, so we didn't take any action to save her. With her cultivation as well as Shilin's Power, the demon emperors and queens of the North / Jiang can't help her. "

The King of Qingyu frowned, and it stands to reason that Shi Jimon could not escape, but why she was not in the stone forest. Where did she go now?

Ning Xiaochuan also thought about it.

Has she left?

Even after Shi Ji Yao got her chance in Fengshen Relic, she should not have entered the realm of fortune. Since it is impossible to break into the enchantment on the periphery of Shilin without entering into the realm of creation, how did Shi Ji Yao leave afterwards?

Outside the stone forest, there are Taiqing Dragon Emperor and other demon emperors guarding them, and they alone cannot defeat them alone.

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes were on Shilin again, could it be said that ...

He immediately mobilized all seven minds and flew into Shilin to find out.

Suddenly, he perceives a wave of breath, and Shi Ji Yao has left traces in that area afterwards.


He immediately flew into the stone forest and began to explore the area.

About half an hour, Ning Xiaochuan finally found some clues, punched out, and beat on a silver-white boulder.


Boulder smash.

At the bottom of the boulder, a fantasy cave is revealed.

The cave glowed with silver and white, constantly flashing. The entrance of the cave is very small. Only one person is allowed to pass at a time. The whole cave has a bottomless feeling. I don't know where it will lead.

"That's it!" Ning Xiaochuan squatted down, staring carefully into the cave.

"It seems that the Queen Shi Ji should leave from this cave. How can there be such a weird hole here? Where does it lead?" Qing Qing Wang said with some confusion.

Obviously, this is not a cave opened by Shi Ji Yao, but a cave formed long ago.

"What interesting thing did you find?" Yue Mingsong walked towards Ning Xiaochuan and Qingying Wang with his hands on his back.

Subsequently, Xue Ling Xu, Xiao Hong, Xiao Linger, after the nine-tailed demon, Princess Xi Xi also came over.

Moreover, there is one more person, the monk of Tangan.

I saw the Tangan monk exuding golden light throughout his body, just like a golden light **** Buddha. With a faint smile on his fat face, he walked towards Ning Xiaochuan.

"Monk, you broke through?"

The first time Ning Xiaochuan saw the monk Tangan, he felt that he had become different from before, giving people an unfathomable feeling.

After refining Soul Emperor Dan, monk Tangan should have successfully broken through the realm of fortune.

"Amitabha! Ning Shi's eyesight is really good! The poor monk has practiced theravana dharma, seized the good fortune, and entered the realm of good fortune. Alas! However, there is still one thing not perfect!"

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Not perfect yet?"

The monk Tangan smiled slightly, a pair of eyes thirsty looked at Ning Xiaochuan, and laughed: "After all, the poor monk is the only good fortune in the team, and there is no Supreme King in his hand. How does the device work? If Ning Shi could lend the Heavenly Emperor Blade to the poor monk, the poor monk would surely protect everyone! This is perfect! Amitabha! "

Tangan monk still can't forget the Heavenly Emperor Blade.

Tiandi Blade can be said to be one of Ning Xiaochuan's strongest soldiers. Ning Xiaochuan naturally cannot give it to a monk of Tangan.


Are you kidding me, can I still return?

Ning Xiaochuan stopped paying attention to the monk Tangan, but instead stared at the silvery white cave on the ground.

The monk Tangan also followed Ning Xiaochuan's gaze. When his eyes were on the cave, the smile on his face was closed, and he said solemnly, "This cave is weird! There seems to be an extremely dangerous hole in it. The breath came out, that breath ... seems to be able to kill God! "

"Bragging! I still don't believe it, a cave can kill God?"

Xiaohong walked to the entrance of the silver cave and stepped in.


A silver lightning flew out of the hole, splitting Xiao Hong tossing and flying, his body kept bleeding. That silver lightning penetrated Xiao Hong's body, leaving a **** hole the size of a bowl.

Her body became scorched, and blood kept pouring from the wound.

Ning Xiaochuan immediately flew out, catching Xiaohong, holding her in her arms, taking a medicine in her mouth to help her heal.

It was just a flash of lightning, but Xiao Hong was almost chopped to death, and Long Yuan in his body became tattered.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the audience sank their hearts, and when they thought about the silver cave, they felt a little bit more frightened.

Even Shenlong's constitution can't bear it. Is it not a dead end for other creatures to go in?

With the help of Ning Xiaochuan, Xiao Hong's injury recovered at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, and she soon woke up.

The monk Tangan said, "That cave can't be broken! Even if the creatures who make up the environment enter, it is a dead end."

The Nine-Tailed Demon nodded and said, "The body of the Queen of the Stone Demon is an ancient **** stone that is hundreds of millions of years old, and the power of the sub-god cannot break her body. Therefore, she can enter that cave. But we It's just that the body can't withstand the terrorist forces in that cave. "

Qing Qing Wang said: "Ning Xiaochuan, what do you say?"

Ning Xiaochuan looked at Xiaohong with a pale face and pondered for a moment, and said, "Since that cave can only be entered by the Shi Ji demon, it may be an opportunity for her!"

Although, Ning Xiaochuan really wanted to see the Shi Ji demon and would ask some things clearly.

But everything must be done within his means. He cannot lose his mind and bring himself and everyone into a dangerous situation.

"Hey! The elder has a good suggestion. I wonder if you want to consider it?" Yue Mingsong touched the two beards above his lips, showing a smile that he thought was handsome and handsome.

"What do you want to do?" Qing Wang, who saw Yue Mingsong's wretched smile, wanted to beat him.

Yue Mingsong coughed twice and said, "You need to know the elders' expansive books and what the secrets of Fengshen's relics are. It is said that in some dangerous places on the fourth floor of Fengshen World, the legendary holy medicine can be found. "Even if we only find one, it will have unimaginable benefits for us."

"Hundred-year holy medicine!" Nine-tailed demon Queen and Tangan Monk exclaimed at the same time.

When they heard the holy medicine of the thousand years, everyone immediately tempted, especially the monk Tangan and the nine-tailed demon.

The monk Tangan has just broken through the realm of creation, and needs something to consolidate it and even ascend to a higher level. Wannian Holy Medicine is undoubtedly the best choice.

After the Nine-Tailed Demon, he was trapped in the eighth heavy of Wangu Realm for a long time, and came to the land of Fengshen to break through to the ninth heavy of Wan Gu Realm.

If there is no holy medicine, with her talents, even a lifetime may reach the good fortune.

Therefore, she desperately needs the potion of eternity more than anyone.

The crowd can be said to be ready to go, and immediately left to find the holy medicine.

Ning Xiaochuan held Xiaohong in his hand, turned and glanced deeply at the silver-white cave, and said to himself, "After the stone monster, no matter where you go, I will surely find you Come out and ask clearly! "

Everyone released their minds, looking for traces of holy medicine in the fourth sealed world.

Ning Xiaochuan's Qiqiao Shenmu heart suddenly felt a little induction, raised his head slightly, looked towards the sky, and saw a cloud of black clouds flying over.

"Everyone be careful, an army of soul evils is flying towards us! It is more horrible than the soul evils we have encountered before, and the number of Supreme soul evils is many!"

Hearing the words "Supreme Soul Sha", the crowd did not have the slightest fear, but was very excited, and rushed towards the group of Soul Sha immediately.

After flying forward for dozens of miles, he finally encountered an army of soul evil.

A large group of supreme soul ghosts and real ghost spirits galloped in the air, making "whine" ghost sounds.

The air was cold.

When the army of spirits saw Ning Xiaochuan and his party, they immediately attacked them.

"Well, humans! Fengshen Relic is not where you should come!" A supreme soul in the form of a giant ox is evil.

"Since it's here, then stay!" Said another Supreme Soul.

Hundreds of Supreme Souls flew to Ning Xiaochuan, and each one flew to Ning Xiaochuan. Each Hundred Souls was equivalent to one of the most powerful warriors in Wangu Realm, and hundreds of them were equivalent to hundreds of Wangu Realm warriors simultaneously launching at them attack.

However, no one was afraid of them. The monk Tangan had seen the benefits of Soul Emperor Pearl, so he liked the things related to Soul Sha very much, and rushed forward immediately.

A golden light emanated from the body of the monk Tangan, and more than a dozen Supreme Souls were immediately shaken into the sky.

Ning Xiaochuan immediately punched out the Yangxin Zhending, and collected all the Supreme Souls that were shot down by the monks of Tangan.

At the same time, Yue Mingsong also held the Soul Refining Aquarium in his hand, read the spell, and began to collect the surrounding Supreme Soul Sha.

Behind Supreme Soul Sha, followed by a large real ghost sha.

The fourth ghost that re-encloses the world of God is naturally no small matter, all of them are the ninth-class cultivation of real life.

When those real ghosts saw the Supreme Soul being refined, they madly attacked Ning Xiaochuan and others.

Hundreds of thousands of real ghosts formed a huge army of ghosts, lined up in battle arrays.

Xiaohong exhibited the speed of the dragon, turning it into a huge fire dragon, flying fast in the soul evil group, constantly spitting out the fire of the dragon, forming a sea of ​​fire.


A large number of true ghosts were burned to death, and of course, some were taken away by Ning Xiaochuan and Yue Mingsong, and they were refined into spirits.

At this moment, Ning Xiaochuan felt several powerful breaths, and was the supreme soul king!

"You dare to slaughter my children and grandchildren, and the king will crush your corpses!" One of the Supreme Soul Kings rushed out of the void and attacked Ning Xiaochuan directly.

The other Supreme Emperors attacked the Nine-Tailed Demon, Tangan Monk, Xueling Xu, Xiao Hong, Xiao Linger, and Qingfeizi attacked.


Ning Xiaochuan quickly put on the deity's supreme armor, and the breath on his body kept rising, and he soon reached the ninth level of Wangujing.

Suddenly punched out, and directly backed the Supreme Soul Emperor Earthquake a few miles away.

Supreme Soul King is very surprised, how could a human being with four layers of eternity be so strong? He felt very incredible, so he attacked Ning Xiaochuan again.

When Ning Xiaochuan saw the Supreme Soul King flying, instead of being afraid, he was frightened.


Ning Xiaochuan confronted the Supreme Soul King and planned to have a hard time with it!

After the tempering of Yunshen Lake, Ning Xiaochuan's body is now extremely strong, even the supreme soul king of Ninefolds is not as good as Ning Xiaochuan!

After the Supreme Soul King and Ning Xiaochuan collided, they felt like their bodies were about to fall apart, which was very painful.

He yelled angrily, and immediately fought with Ning Xiaochuan.

On the other side, Xue Lingxu held a sword and kept on fighting against a Supreme Soul King. Every time a sword is issued, there will be an additional wound on the body of the Supreme Soul King.

However, the body of Supreme Soul King is not an entity, so the damage of Jianqi on it is very limited.

The wound heals almost instantly.

The Supreme Soul King was angered, his body made a crackling sound, and his body stood up to become tens of meters high, turning into a huge ghost. Burst broke out with his most powerful force and Xueling Xu.


Ning Xiaochuan struck a palmprint and repelled the Supreme Soul King.

"Exterminator Fire!"

Countless flames poured out of Ning Xiaochuan's body, completely surrounding the body of the Supreme Soul King.

In just a quarter of an hour, the Supreme Soul King was dying to death.

Ning Xiaochuan immediately summoned the true heart tripod, forced it into the tripod, and soon refined a supreme soul elixir.

After another hour of chaos, the battle gradually came to an end. All nine Supreme Soul Kings were killed by Ning Xiaochuan and others.

The Supreme Soul King has died, and the remaining Supreme Soul and True Ghost Shakes naturally clutter together and cannot be defeated.

Ning Xiaochuan punched out the heart to raise the heart, Yue Mingsong also sacrificed the soul refining aura bottle. With the cooperation of Xueling Xu, Nine-Tailed Demon Queen, and Tangan Monk, all the Supreme Souls were collected.

The remaining real ghosts are even more unfavorable. Although there are a large number of them, they have no heads and fly in the air. Even if they launch an attack, it is difficult to pose a threat to Ning Xiaochuan and others.

Ning Xiaochuan and Xiao Hong played the fire of the dragon at the same time and turned into a huge sea of ​​fire. In the other direction, the monk Tangan emitted the light of Buddha.

Under the siege of fire and Buddha light, countless true ghosts are ashes, and only a few true ghosts escape.

"This time, we each got nine Supreme Soul Shakespeare, 213 Supreme Soul Shakespeare, and 140,000 True Ghost Shades, which can be said to be a great harvest!" Ning Xiaochuan lightly tapped He and Yue Mingsong refined the elixir, and then distributed it to everyone.

"Ning Xiaochuan, give me three supreme souls, I want to hit the realm!" Xiao Hong was not polite in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan gave her three Supreme Souls.

At the scene, Xiao Hong and Princess Xi Xi's cultivation was the weakest, and indeed they should be helped to improve cultivation.

Not to mention three Supreme Souls, even one Supreme Soul is extremely precious. If it is completely refined, it will definitely be more than a breakthrough.

Xiaohong took one of the Supreme Souls, put away the other two, and sat on the ground, starting to refine the power of the elixir.

Subsequently, Ning Xiaochuan handed over one Supreme Soul King and thirty Supreme Soul Kings to Princess Xi Xi.

Xueling Xu, Xiao Linger, and the Nine-Tailed Demon all got some soul evil spirits and began to cultivate. The remaining soul evil spirit stayed on Ning Xiaochuan.

Everyone, while refining the soul evil spirit, continued to search for the holy medicine.

Yue Mingsong did not know where to draw a roll of animal skin, and the animal skin was lined with lines, like a roll of maps.

According to Yue Mingsong's guidance, the crowd marched in a certain direction and came to the bottom of an ancient mountain.

"This should be the dragon-hunting mountain range recorded on the map! According to previous records, there is a million-year holy medicine in the mountain range, called" Dari Town Dragon Fruit "!" Yue Mingsong said.

"What are you waiting for? Old man, go ahead!"

Hearing the holy medicine for thousands of years, the monk of Tangan turned into a golden light like chicken blood, and rushed into Xunlong Mountain immediately.

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