Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 982: Dainzhen Long

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The Xunlong Mountain Range is the most majestic mountain range in the Fourth Resurrected God World, stretching tens of thousands of miles. There are ancient peaks in the mountains, and the bottomless dangerous valley is covered with ghost forests all year round.

Ning Xiaochuan, Yue Mingsong, Queen of the Nine-Tailed Demon, Princess Xi Xi, Xiao Hong, Xiao Linger, Zi Hanyan, Xueling Xu, King of the Green Dragons also entered the mountains one after another and began to look for the legendary "Dari Town Dragon Fruit" .

Wannian Sacred Medicine is almost invisible in the Tianxu continent, and even if several strains have appeared, they are mostly collected.

It is said that when a sacred medicine is obtained, it will have a great impact on the environment. For the souls of eternal realm, it is absolutely priceless.

After searching for five days in the mountains, Ning Xiaochuan finally found the breath of the big Nichiana dragon fruit in a canyon.

At the bottom of the canyon is a thousand dragon tree. The trunk is covered with iron-scale dragon scales, each branch is like a dragon claw, and each tree root is like a dragon tail.

It's like thousands of dragons sculpting together to form a **** tree.

On one of the branches of the Qianlong tree, a fist-sized fruit hangs like a flame, emitting a brighter light than the sun.

The wisdom of Wannian Holy Medicine is higher than that of ordinary human beings. Da Nianzheng Dragon Fruit senses that Ning Xiaochuan and others have come to the vicinity.


Dragon Fruit in Dayi Town issued a trembling dragon howl.


One branch of the Qianlong tree extended out and became several kilometers long, like a sharp dragon claw, trying to catch Ning Xiaochuan and others. Use their flesh as nourishment of the Qianlong tree.

"Amitabha! Thank the Lord Buddha for his care, so that the poor monk finally found this holy medicine!"

The monk Tangan made a big handprint and broke all the dragon claw-shaped branches flying over, turning it into a section of powder.


The dragon fruit of Dainzhen again made a roar, and the roots of the tree originally inserted in the ground shuttled to the feet of the monk Dangan, winding the legs, waist and neck of the monk.


After being pulled by dozens of tree roots, the monk was suddenly dragged to the root of Qianlong tree and tied to the trunk. A fine needle-like root was drilled from the ground, and wanted to be inserted into the body of the dangan monk to absorb the blood of the dangan monk.

"The Dharma is boundless!"

The monk Tangan folded his hands, and his whole body was golden, just like a golden Buddha.

"Ding Ding!"

The needle-like roots hit the body of the dangan monk and kept sparking.

"A million-year holy medicine is also so powerful?" Xiaohong was stunned.

You know, the monk Tangan was a monk who created the realm, and he was trapped by a thousand years of holy medicine?

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Every millennium holy medicine is comparable to a creature of creation. Some ancient millennium holy medicines can even compete with the monarch. Put on the supreme armor of the god, we will help the Tangan monk. "


Ning Xiaochuan wore the deity's supreme armor on his body, called out the Emperor's Blade, held the knife in both hands, and chopped it down.

"Death of the World!"

A knife fell and chopped off a branch formed by one of the dragon's claws.

Ning Xiaochuan picked up the thirteen-meter-long branch on the ground and said to the crowd, "The branches of the Qianlong tree can be used to make Wangpinren-grade Dan. If you sell it outside, every one It can sell for a lot of money. "

Putting that dragon claw-shaped branch into the Qiankun bracelet, Ning Xiaochuan continued to attack the Qianlong tree.

Nine-tailed queen, Princess Xi Xi, Xiao Hong, Xiao Linger, Xue Ling Xu, and Zi Hanyan all put on the Goddess Supreme Armor, all reaching the ninth level of combat power in Wangu Realm, divided into six directions, towards the thousand dragon trees Attack the past.

The King of Qingyu shot the Supreme Emperor and attacked the dragon fruit of Dayri Town wrapped in branches directly.

The Dragon Fruit and Thousand Dragon Trees in Dayi Town are indeed quite powerful, and they are comparable to the No. 1 creature in the realm of creation. However, none of Ning Xiaochuan and others were weak. Under the attack of the people in turn, the branches of the Qianlong tree were continuously cut off and became less and less.


Suddenly, a golden relic flew out from the body of the monk Tangan, and all the tree roots wrapped around him were broken.

"call out!"

Dangan's monk lifted his arm and turned it into a huge palm print.

Suddenly, the dragon fruit of Dayi Town turned into a three-meter-long fire dragon, spread its wings, and fled quickly.

Seeing this situation, Ning Xiaochuan immediately launched Shenlong to catch up quickly.

However, Da Ninzheng Dragon Fruit is a cultivation environment, how fast, there is a faint tendency to throw Ning Xiaochuan away.

"Give me!"

The monk of Tangan is desperately trying to get the dragon fruit in Dayi Town.

At the cost of burning the Buddha's body in the body, a kind of rapidity was exhibited, turned into a golden light, and flew to the front of the dragon fruit in that day town.

He took a cloth bag out of his sleeve, his arm shook, and the cloth bag immediately spun up and became as large as a purple cloud.

Seeing this, Longguo Town Dragon Fruit immediately fell into the ground.

When it got out of the ground again, it was already a hundred miles away, leaving the two monks Ning Xiaochuan and Tangan far behind, and continued to escape.

Losing the foundation of the Qianlong tree, the dragon fruit of Dayi Town can only be compared with the monk who created the realm. Its combat power is equivalent to the ninth-level creature of ordinary Wangu Realm, so it can only run away, even without resistance.

The Nine-tailed Demon Queen and Princess Xi Xi pursued from the other direction, and once again blocked the way of Longgu Town.


The dragon fruit of Dayi Town turned into a dragon shadow and flew towards the sky.

"Hey! This is nowhere!"

Yue Mingsong's arm shook, and he took out a large net of the imperial imperial rank, and trapped the dragon fruit of Dayi Town in the net.

However, the big net of the supreme imperial class was incomplete, and the dragon fruit of Da Rizhen was like a light shuttle, escaped from the breach.


Suddenly, the void above the head of Dayu Town Longgu cracked, and a gap appeared.

Xue Lingxu stepped out of the space, stretched out a snow-white jade hand, and five slender fingers gave birth to a force of imprisoned space to capture the dragon fruit of Dainzhen.

After being captured, Da Rizhen Dragon Fruit still did not give up the struggle, and sent a shocking Dragon Yin.


Xueling Xu pointed at the dragon fruit in Dayi Town. The fire dragon's body immediately dissipated and turned into a fist-sized fruit.

Even Ning Xiaochuan, who has no background, cultivates into the Supreme Body. Xue Lingxu's talent and Ning Xiaochuan are between Bozhong. In addition, she has the support of the huge Tiandi family behind her, and she has inexhaustible cultivation resources. Naturally, she has also cultivated into a supreme body before the heaven and earth.

Xuelingxu has two kinds of Supreme Body, Time Supreme and Space Supreme. After training the body in Yun Shen Pool, the blood in the body is further stimulated, and it is further improved to reach the fifth level of the ancient world. It is naturally easy to suppress the dragon fruit of Dayi Town.

After Xueling Xu grabbed the dragon fruit of Dayi Town, he did not put it away. After thinking about it, he handed it to Ning Xiaochuan, saying: "Human monks taking Dragon Fruit of Dayi Town will have half the potency. Only Dragons can Give full play to the medicinal power of Dayi Township Dragon Fruit. Give this Dayi Township Dragon Fruit to Xiaohong! Do you have any comments? "

The monk Tangan naturally had an opinion, but Xue Lingxu did not take Dayi Town Dragon Fruit as his own, but gave it to Xiao Hong. No matter how thick his skin is, he is embarrassed to ask for it.

Ning Xiaochuan took Da Rizhen's dragon fruit from Xue Lingxu's hands, staring at the peerless beauty who stood opposite and said, "Put it as a peach and report it to Lee. Since you will be Da Ri Give me the dragon fruit, then I promise to give you one more thing. After I have sealed all the thoughts of the gods in the half of the town tower, I will give you the half of the town tower . "

Ning Xiaochuan knew that Xuelingxu also had half a town tower, so he decided to give her the other half. Not only can she repay her feelings, but she can also combine the town people tower into one.

Xiao Hong's eyes flickered, staring straight at Naki Xiaochuan's Dragon Fruit in Da Rizhen's hands, and Xiang Xiang licked her lips, looking very anxious.

"I won't give it to you yet. You try to cultivate to the ninth level of Wangu Realm first." Ning Xiaochuan collected the dragon fruit from Dayi Town and did not want to give it to Xiaohong too soon.

After all, Darizheng Longguo is used at the most critical time, for example, when she impacts the realm.

Wannian Holy Medicine is very rare in the outside world, but there is not only one strain in the fourth re-sealed **** world. Such treasures are naturally more beneficial.

Ning Xiaochuan and others continued to look for other panacea.

One month later, they once again found a million-year holy medicine called "Manhan Blood Source Grass".

Everyone surrounded the "Wan Han Blood Source Grass" and chased into a swamp full of gas.

This month, everyone can't help but look for the holy medicine of all ages, and at the same time refine the Supreme Soul Shadan, and strive to improve their cultivation.

Ning Xiaochuan refined a Wangpin supreme soul evil spirit, and Xiu raised a realm, reaching the fifth peak of Wangu Realm.

Xiaohong's repair is the most advanced, reaching the fourth stage of Wangujing.

In order to reach the third priority of Wangu Realm for Princess Xi Xi, Xiao Linger refined two Wangpin supreme souls, which hit the eighth priority of Wangu Realm.

Xueling virtual refining a king of the supreme soul Shadan, cultivation also promoted a realm, reaching the sixth level of Wangu realm.

After some fierce fighting, he finally seized that bead "Wan Han Blood Source Grass".

Because the person who captured the "Hanhan Blood Source Grass" was Xiao Linger, she naturally belongs to her.

Xiao Linger did not immediately refining the "Wanhan Blood Source Grass", but put it away, intending to cultivate to the ninth level of Wangu Realm and refining it, hitting the realm of creation at one stroke.

"The poor monk has an opinion! Why does the poor monk contribute the most every time, but the holy medicine cannot belong to me?"

"Cough!" Yue Mingsong gently patted the monk Tangan on the shoulder and smiled: "Master, isn't Buddhism particular about a fate? It means that your fate with Wannian Holy Medicine has not arrived yet! It's yours, after all It's yours. It's not yours, you can't force it. "

When the monk Tangan saw Yue Mingsong's overcast smile, he felt the vest chill and said, "Elder Yue said ... it seems to make sense! The poor monk just said something with emotion. Good luck makes people! Good luck makes people ! "

Ning Xiaochuan's face was very dignified, staring at the swamp full of gas, saying: "I seem to feel a familiar atmosphere, kindness, do you feel it?"

The monk Tangan sniffed his nose fiercely, and looked in the direction of Ning Xiaochuan's gaze, his eyes glaring slightly: "Nine-headed purple lotus! Its breath seems to be weakened, is it hurt?"

"Go! Go and see!" Ning Xiaochuan said.

If Nine-Headed Aster really hides here, it must be injured.

How can we miss such a good opportunity to get rid of the enemy?

When the crowd found the nine-headed aster, the nine-headed aster was seriously injured. Eight heads were chopped off and could not grow back. In addition, one of its claws was also cut off, and the whole body was covered with blood, which could be said to be seriously injured.

Nine-headed Aster is healing, and when someone senses that someone is approaching, he immediately yells, "Who?"

"Nine-headed purple scorpion demon holy, it didn't take long to see you, why did you become a purple-sword demon holy prince?" The stare of the king of green owls stared at the nine-headed purple phoenix wolf howling, and his heart was very happy.

Jiutou Ziyu looked at the people who came in from the outside, her eyes became very hot, especially when she saw Ning Xiaochuan and Qingying Wang.

With a loud roar, despite the serious injuries on his body, he attacked Ning Xiaochuan and King Qingying.

"I didn't expect the temper of Jiuzi Ziyu Demon to be so irritable!"

Ning Xiaochuan wore a gods supreme armor and saw the nine-headed purple owl flying towards him. He didn't have any fear, but directly carried the magic sword to kill him.

He could see that Jiuto Ziyan suffered a serious injury, and Shicheng Xiu was unable to achieve 10%.

However, after all, Nine-headed Amaranth is the most important creature in the realm of creation. Even if only 10% of the power is left, it is extremely horrible, comparable to the ninth-most peak of combat power in Vanguard.


The magic sword stood on the shoulder of the nine-headed purple owl, and was unable to break the breath of the body of the nine-headed purple owl.

The nine-headed purple magpie stretched out a claw, grabbed the magic sword, exhaled a purple gas from his mouth, and rushed towards Ning Xiaochuan's face gate. Countless wind blades, surging in purple gas.


The king of green magpies standing on the side immediately shot, holding a ball of green fire in the palm of his hand, hitting the nine-head purple magpie chest, flying out of the nine-head purple maggot.

Ning Xiaochuan was holding a magic sword in one hand and a Tiandi blade in one hand. At the same time, he exhibited a "open-knife" and a "mixed sword".

An emperor's shadow and an emperor's shadow appeared behind Ning Xiaochuan, and simultaneously chopped down.


The nine-headed purple spit again exhaled a purple spit, and turned it into a purple imperial weapon of the supreme imperial class, dispersing Ning Xiaochuan's attack.

No way, the thin camel is larger than the horse, and even if the nine-headed purple lynx is seriously injured, he is still a powerful creature.

The nine-headed purple amaranth appeared in real life, turned into a huge incomparable dragon, and appeared in front of Ning Xiaochuan. However, there is only one head of Nine-headed Aster, and all other places are **** necks.

His neck was interrupted by Ning Tianmeng last time, and then he grew back after treatment. However, in the battle of Yunshenchi, all eight of his heads were severed.

The power of puppets was still raging in his body, so he couldn't recapture the head.

The huge purple salamander opened its huge mouth, spit out a beam of purple energy, and shot towards Ning Xiaochuan. The beam of light was as thick as a water tank, and Ning Xiaochuan was a little surprised when he saw it.

"Town demon tower!"

Above the head of the nine-headed aster, a large cloud appeared. A giant tower descended and directly collected the nine-headed purple owl.

Jiuto Ziyan is very unwilling to attack the town's demon tower, but he can't get out anyway.

Because this time, it wasn't Ning Xiaochuan who was in control of the town demon tower alone. Xiao Linger and Xiao Hong also attacked the town's demon tower to help Ning Xiaochuan suppress the nine heads of purple chanterelle together.

The eyes of Jiuzi Ziyan were full of despair. They were fighting against the six demon saints and the uncle. What he never expected was that the uncle was too strong. The six demon saints were actually killed by him. .

Except for the nine-headed Aster and one-arm poisonous dragon, all other monster saints were completely beheaded by the puppet.

One arm of a dragon and a dragon are still fighting. He escaped by chance, but now he was suppressed by Ning Xiaochuan, a junior who lowered him a lot.

He is not reconciled!

Under the joint efforts of Ning Xiaochuan, Xiaohong and Xiaolinger, Nine-headed Aster was finally sealed in the town's demon tower. With the current injury of Jiutou Zisong and the refining of the town demon tower, I believe that Jiutou Zisong will be completely refined soon.

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