Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 986: Save people like fire

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Luna is being guarded by a five-layered God River civilization creature. Ning Xiaochuan has seen this soul of the God River civilization. It is the Heavenly Rhino Supreme who encountered in the second world of Gods!

In addition, Ning Xiaochuan also found more than ten warriors above the third place in Wangu Realm in five different places. They are all divine beings, and each is a young genius who has a chance to become a god.

Ning Xiaochuan looked at the Heavenly Rhythm Extreme in the distance, so that everyone was ready to fight.

After telling everything, Ning Xiaochuan was ready to start.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't want to startle those powerful people of the Shenhe civilization, so he slowly approached the direction of the Supreme Heavenly Rhino.

In order to avoid being discovered in advance, he converged his breath to the extreme. No one can perceive his breath except the creatures who created it.

At this time, in a steel palace transformed into a supreme vessel, the Supreme Heavenly Rhino used the god-binding lock to tightly bind the moon **** and set it in the center of the palace.

No matter what method Luna uses, it cannot break the **** of God.

Tianxi Extreme is full of **** eyes and desire to look at Luna's flawless body. Luna's body does not have any flaws. Whether it is exquisite appearance, white skin, or uneven contours, Tianxi Supreme can see it. Desire / fire.

If it were not for the inheritance of the moon **** on her, Tianxi Supreme has already stripped her to the ground.

Luna's temperament was cold, and his eyes were staring at Tianxi Supreme with disgust, and Juan Xiu's brows squeezed tightly together, full of contempt for Tianxi Supreme.

"Huh! Now you are the person of this seat, this seat wants to do whatever you want. Haha! Honestly pass on the moon **** to this seat, otherwise this seat will let you survive or die. Tian Xizun saw that Moon God had been staring at him with cold eyes, his heart was very unhappy, and he gradually lost patience.

Luna still looked at Tianxi Extreme with cold eyes, her red lips closed tightly, and she said nothing.

"Smelly lady, you completely make this seat impatient! This seat is too lazy to continue deadlock with you, do you have the inheritance of the moon god? Then today, this seat will make the moon **** of Yujie Bingqing become a desire / desire Goddess! Haha! "

Celestial Supreme took out a delicate and transparent crystal bottle, which contained half a bottle of mysterious liquid, forming a phantom air flow flowing in the bottle.

"Oh! What about Luna? As long as you take the liquid in this bottle, no matter how cold and arrogant, you will become a **** of estrus / estrus, let alone this seat. I really look forward to it, the future Luna, actually It's just the female / slave at the foot of this seat. Haha! ”Tianxi laughed loudly.

He immediately opened the mouth of the bottle and walked towards Luna, ready to force the bottle of liquid into her body.

When Luna heard the words of Supreme Heavenly Rhino, his face finally changed slightly.

No matter how cold and arrogant a woman is, if she knows that she is going to be insulted by a monster, I'm afraid I can't keep calm!

Tianxi Supreme came to the moon god, pointed out, and performed a magic trick to settle the moon god. Now Luna couldn't move, and her beautiful eyes widened, and she could only watch Tianxi step closer to her step by step.


Tian Xi Extreme smiled evilly, directly raised the bottle of liquid to the top of Luna's head, and fell down.

The liquid instantly turned into a light rain, sprinkled on Luna's body, and drilled into her body.

Luna's heart was chaotic, and she immediately moved the supreme qi in her body to resist the light rain that entered her body, trying to force those liquids out of her body.

She was originally inherited by the moon god, and she refined a sage-class man-dan, which has reached the third level of the ancient world.

However, the fluid was so weird that it couldn't force it out of the body. The fluid was absorbed by the blood in her body, and it was also incorporated into the bones.

"Now, can you still keep your cold and arrogant?" Tianxi Supreme smiled coldly and unlocked the **** of God on Luna. She completely became her own daughter and slave.

At that time, wouldn't it be easy to get the lunar heritage?

"Extreme Rhinoceros! Is this how the souls of the Shenhe civilization cultivate wushu?"

Ning Xiaochuan flew at a rapid speed from a distance, and his mental strength just saw everything that just happened, and took out the Heavenly Emperor Blade directly to the palace where Heavenly Rhythm was located.

The metal palace was divided into two, and the powerful force flew the sky rhyme.

Ning Xiaochuan fell to the ground and lifted up Luna. Lushen's body was extremely soft and her legs were weak. She fell directly into Ning Xiaochuan's arms.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't notice that Luna's eyes were a little different than usual.

The movement just now alarmed more than a dozen Shenhe civilization souls in other directions. They all flew towards Ning Xiaochuan and surrounded Ning Xiaochuan.

Zihan Yan, Xue Lingxu, Tangan Monk, and others caught up, and immediately shot, each exhibited his own magical power, and began to confront the creatures of the divine realm.

"It's you, the aboriginal of the Da Yan world." Tianxi Supreme looked at Ning Xiaochuan, who was wearing the supreme armor of the god, and recognized him at a glance.

At first they wanted to capture Ning Xiaochuan's Xuanhuang Qi and enter the third floor, but they were escaped by Ning Xiaochuan and the Nine-Tailed Demon Queen.

Now he was worried that Ning Xiaochuan could not be found, but he came out himself, which saved him a lot of trouble.

"Boy, I'm going to find you. I didn't expect you to come out. You dare to **** the female / slave of this seat, so you can save your life!"

An extreme imperial-class warhammer appeared in the hands of Tianxi Supreme. Leaping forward, the entire person of Tianxi Supreme rushed to a height of 1,000 meters, holding a sledgehammer, and smashed hard to the ground.


The ground shook suddenly.

The place hit by the Heavenly Rhino Warhammer even collapsed and turned into a large pit about one meter deep. Ning Xiaochuan was gone.

Tianxi laughed proudly: "Haha, I didn't expect that the kid was so weak. I was hit by this hammer, I'm afraid the soul is broken. But where did the Luna inheritor go?"

In his opinion, Ning Xiaochuan is just an indigenous of the Dayan World, and his physique cannot be compared with that of the divine beings.

Ning Xiaochuan can only compete with him by relying on the power of the Oracle.


Just then, Tianxi Supreme realized that it was wrong.

Even if that human was killed by a hammer, the Oracle of Supreme Deity would not be broken. What about deities?

As the **** creature, Tianxi Supreme knows more about the power of God's Supreme Armor than Ning Xiaochuan. No matter how powerful his hammer power is, it is impossible to destroy God's Supreme Armor.

However, now that the Oracle of Supreme Deity is not on the ground, there is only one proof that Ning Xiaochuan was not hit by him, but escaped.

"How is that possible?" Tianxi Supreme couldn't believe all that happened. Based on his cultivation, the speed of falling from a height of 1,000 meters can be said to be extremely fast, and it can reach the ground in almost a blink of an eye. He could not hide himself, how could Ning Xiaochuan be so fast?


Just as Tianxi Supreme was still shocking Ning Xiaochuan's speed, a cold hum appeared suddenly in the air, and then Tianxi Supreme saw a black figure almost passing by in front of him, and he even had the appearance of that figure Didn't see clearly.

Tianxi Extreme sweated coldly, realizing that he was not good, and was about to escape immediately.

At this time, Ning Xiaochuan appeared from the front of Tianxi Supreme, holding the Heavenly Emperor's Blade to quickly cut it off. Tianxi Supreme's entire body and soul were split in half by Ning Xiaochuan, all the internal organs. They all flew out and fell to the ground.

Just a knife!

Many of the Da Yan world warriors who have been caught here see this pattern. The destruction of the King of Destruction is so powerful?

Ning Xiaochuan picked up the Heavenly Rhino's supreme imperial-class warhammer and found that the warhammer was heavier than his melee warhammer, reaching 258 million kilograms, which was twice as much as the melee warhammer.

Ning Xiaochuan quickly refined the warhammer, and knew the name of the warhammer-the giant warhammer, but a war soldier once used by a sub-god.

There are more and more powerful people coming from the Shenhe civilization.

Ning Xiaochuan held the Giant Spirit Warhammer and rushed directly to other battlefields.

He came to Xiao Linger's side, and at this time, Xiao Linger played against three young Tianjiao who were at the same time.

Each of the three heavenly pride is a dragon among people, with strong breath and powerful strength. Together, they can compete with Xiao Linger.

These three divine creatures of the six ancient worlds are triplets and cooperate very well.

Ning Xiaochuan raised his warhammer in his hand, quickly flew to the high altitude, and then cast the dragon to fall rapidly and quickly, imitating the trick of Tianxi Supreme.

I have to say that the power of this trick is really very powerful, even Ning Xiaochuan thinks so. If it hadn't been for the speed of his peers, he wouldn't have escaped!

"Xiao Linger, go away!"

The moment Ning Xiaochuan fell from a high altitude, Ning Xiaochuan's voice sounded in Xiao Linger's mind.

Xiao Linger immediately exerted her speed to the extreme, and flew out like a streamer.

Then, a huge sound resounded like thunder and lightning, and rang through the entire area of ​​the Second World of God, where the souls gathered.

The three divine creatures of the six ancient worlds were all seriously injured, fell to the ground and died, and could not stand up.

Ning Xiaochuan looked at the three of them coldly, without any hesitation, and smashed the giant warhammer in his hand to the ground again. The three spirit realms suddenly lost their interest.

Ning Xiaochuan noticed that there was something wrong with the state of the moon god, and immediately put away the oracle supreme armor, flew over to her, and lifted her from the ground: "What happened to you? Uh ..."

Luna's eyes were very blurry, and her white cheeks were covered with a pink layer. She stretched out a pair of soft boneless jade hands, probed into Ning Xiaochuan's robe, and kept touching.

Ning Xiaochuan froze slightly, and immediately took out the moon god's hand into his robe, looking at the beautiful woman lying in her arms, her lips opened slightly, staring at Ning Xiaochuan with longing and painful eyes. Her other hand had already reached into her skirt and made a "squeak".

Ning Xiaochuan immediately remembered that just now Tianxi Supreme poured a bottle of strange liquid on Luna's body. He only cares about killing the enemy and forgot about it!

"Well! What should I do?"

Ning Xiaochuan was so anxious at this moment that he had no idea what to do. The medicine given by the Supreme Heaven Rhino to the Moon God is absolutely extraordinary, otherwise it would not be possible for even the warriors of eternal realm to have such a strong response.

If it is not rescued in time, the consequences will not be conceived.

"Stab it!"

Just now, Luna directly tore off a piece of her long skirt, exposing a large white jade / leg. Even the jade / leg under the skirt has a layer of charming pink.


Ning Xiaochuan glanced at the purple smoke in the distance, immediately held the moon **** in his arms, and quickly left the place.

Saving people is like fighting fire!


Keke! Lao Jiu recommended the book on behalf of Luna, and Feitianyu's work "Eternal God of God" is an absolute fantasy masterpiece. I hope everyone will support it. Save the book like fire!

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