Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 987: Lunar Dust

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Ning Xiaochuan flew down from the sky holding the moon **** and came to a deserted area.


Fifty-handed figurative magic swords flew out of the body and arranged into a sword array. Ning Xiaochuan embraced Luna and went into the battle.

"Ji Hanxing!"

Ning Xiaochuan put the moon **** on the ground, gathered the supreme qi to his fingers, and put it on the eyebrow of the moon god, hoping to make the situation of the moon **** better.

The moon **** wore a silver robe with a large crescent logo on the back, a very delicate silver badge inserted into his head, and a pretty red halo appeared on the palm-sized face, just like a young girl with a new love.

However, at this moment, a lustrous pink air flow was emitted from Luna's body, and the soft and tender body shook suddenly.

It's stabbing!

Without warning, she was torn off a robe from Ning Xiaochuan's body.

Luna's consciousness was completely obscured. At this moment, she was like a slime spreading in Ning Xiaochuan's arms, and she kept stroking her hands on Ning Xiaochuan, with a sense of obscenity / infidelity in her eyes.

Is this still the clear moon god?

The mouth-watering red lips kept kissing on Ning Xiaochuan's face, just like a butterfly lightly on Ning Xiaochuan's mouth, even sticking his tongue into Ning Xiaochuan's mouth.

"Come on! Come on!"

Even when Ning Xiaochuan hadn't responded yet, Luna had already held Ning Xiaochuan's root firmly in his hand, started to trick it up and down, and his mouth seduced with groans / groans.

Ning Xiaochuan glanced at the Moon God, closed his eyes silently, and pondered for a moment. He looked at Luna's rippling appearance at the moment, instead he didn't have a **** / look, only a kind of bitterness beyond words.

He exhaled a long breath and pressed Luna to the ground directly with his backhand. His hands kept kneading on Luna's whole body, and then he pulled the clothes of Luna violently apart, two white jade rabbits. Suddenly jumped out.

In the past, when Ning Xiaochuan knew Luna, Luna's body was very hot, and now many years have passed. Luna's body is more attractive, and some parts of the body are even more so.

Ning Xiaochuan grabbed the big white rabbit in front of Luna's chest with her right hand, while rubbing her hips with her left hand, and the lustrous Luna groaned again.

"Um ... Ogawa ... Don't ... Don't ... Um ..." Luna's consciousness at this time has been blurred, but she can still feel the physical condition, so she is still calling Ning Xiaochuan and wants to stop , But her body was not under her control at all, but was more inspired by Ning Xiaochuan's movements *.

Ning Xiaochuan's robe slipped down, gently separated Luna's legs, and went directly into the goddess heaven.

A sense of tightness spread all over the body immediately.

Ning Xiaochuan couldn't help yelling, grabbed both sides of Luna's thigh with both hands, and started to come in and out constantly, making a crackling sound.

Luna's thigh roots were constantly hit by Ning Xiaochuan, and the pain was felt all over the body, but Luna's body still did not listen to the call, but also cooperated with Ning Xiaochuan's changing movements.

Ning Xiaochuan kept pushing, while holding up Luna ’s cheeky face, sending his tongue into Luna ’s jade mouth, and constantly sending the other person ’s sweet saliva into his mouth.

Luna's legs were already full of crystals and redness, she kept moaning / groaning, her body was shaking constantly, and warm liquid was pouring between her legs ...

Three hours later, Ning Xiaochuan finally stopped, and Luna passed out at this time because of exhaustion, and there was a smile of contentment on the corner of his mouth.

Her legs were bruised and her thighs were shaking constantly. Fortunately, there was a lot of Ning Xiaochuan in Ning Xiaochuan, which could restore her strength. He took out some Ning Shadan and helped the Moon God to take it. I took some of it myself, and then started to recover.

After about an hour, both Ning Xiaochuan and Luna woke up.

Luna's eyes stared at Ning Xiaochuan, his eyes were a little red, and it seemed that he hadn't recovered from what just happened.

But who can blame?

At least the moment he opened his eyes, he saw Ning Xiaochuan, not Tianxi Supreme.

Perhaps this is the best result.

"Ning Xiaochuan ... you ..." Luna didn't know what to say at this moment. Now that things have happened, let it be!

The mood at the moment is good or bad.

"Are you ok?"

Ning Xiaochuan walked over and helped Luna up. She had just stood up and collapsed directly in Ning Xiaochuan's arms. Due to her soft thighs and pain in her lower abdomen, she could not stand at all, let alone walk.

"You have to rest for a while!" Ning Xiaochuan said to Luna.

The two entered a state of cultivation together.

With the constitution of Luna, I believe it will soon recover.

A day later, Luna's body completely recovered from the pain, but she remained silent, like an iceberg.


Ning Xiaochuan retracted the fifty-figured figurative magic sword into his body, carrying his hands on his back, looking out into the distance, and his heart was also very complicated.


"Ning Xiaochuan has been walking for two days, why didn't he come back?" Xiao Hong sat on the ground with her hands on her chin.

"It must have been with other girls to exchange experiences! Hehe!" Yue Mingsong smiled aside.

"Exchanging experience? What experience, cultivation experience? It shouldn't be. If he wants to gain experience, he should come to me, and he won't go to other people!" Xiao Linger said.

She did not know that the experience in Yue Mingsong's mouth was completely different from what she said. She thought that what Yue Mingsong was talking about was cultivation experience. If it was cultivation experience, it would not be necessary to go directly to the purple star. person?

"Looking for you? Would you like to exchange your fitting experience with your goddaddy?" Yue Mingsong said again, this time he laughed more wretchedly, and when people saw it, they wanted to beat him.

"Okay, don't say it, just wait! Maybe he'll be back soon." Princess Xi Xi finally looked down and said.

Yue Mingsong is too insignificant. If he continues to talk like this, the pure little Linger will be ruined by him.

Half an hour later, Xue Lingxu awoke from the practice, looked northwest, and said three words: "He is back!"

Zi Hanyan, Princess Xi Xi, King of the Qingling, Xiao Hong, Xiao Linger, monk Tangan, Yue Mingsong, Jiuweihou looked in the northwest direction at the same time, and she saw two figures rushing towards them from the northwest direction. Come.

One of them is naturally Ning Xiaochuan. Another stunning woman, although the Queen of the Nine-tailed Demon, Prince Qingxi, Princess Xi Xi and Tangan Monk have never seen each other, but the four of them instantly guessed her relationship with Ning Xiaochuan, and said nothing.

It is strange that there is no special relationship when you leave alone for two days.

"Sorry to keep you waiting!" Ning Xiaochuan said.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't explain to the crowd what he was doing. He introduced the moon **** to the nine-tailed demon queen, Princess Xi Xi and the King of the Green Dragon, but the moon **** didn't say a word from beginning to end.

"Now our top priority is to rescue the ugly mother-in-law. She is a Shennong. Maybe she is the only one in Dayan World. We must find a way to rescue her." Ning Xiaochuan said to the crowd.

"What? Mother-in-law was arrested?" Moon God's Dai Mei frowned slightly.

Luna originally thought that with the cultivation of the ugly mother-in-law, even if the soul of the Shenhe civilization is strong, it is impossible to get her.

She still underestimates the creatures of the Shenhe civilization.

Luna didn't want to talk to Ning Xiaochuan, but when she heard Ning Xiaochuan said that the ugly mother-in-law was arrested, she still couldn't calm down.

"Don't you know?" Ning Xiaochuan felt a little strange, didn't Luna always follow her ugly mother-in-law? She was arrested. How could Luna not know?

"When I was arrested, I was out on a mission. I didn't receive any news that my mother-in-law was arrested at the time." Luna glanced at Ning Xiaochuan coldly, with a resentment.

All of this is naturally seen in the eyes of Zi Hanyan, and I even feel that the relationship between Luna and Ning Xiaochuan is not ordinary.

"That may be the ugly mother-in-law who was arrested after you were arrested. Now we should think about how we can rescue her, because of her status as a Shennong, the people who care for her are certainly not the dozen or so eternal places The warrior can be compared. "Zi Hanyan said.

No matter how dangerous, she is willing to accompany Ning Xiaochuan to face it.

Zi Hanyan walked to Ning Xiaochuan's side, gently holding Ning Xiaochuan's arm, invisible, showing a touch of intimacy.

Luna stared at Zi Hanyan tightly, and then looked at Xi Xi next to him, Xue Lingxu, Queen Nine-tailed Demon, Xiao Hong and Ling Ling, there was a very unpleasant feeling in their hearts. But she didn't know why, just said a sentence: "If you think it's dangerous, then you don't have to go, let me go!"

The moon **** took a step towards the void, and the next moment, it disappeared into the ground, turning into a bright moon floating in the void, flying towards the sky.

"What happened, why did she leave?" Xiao Linger asked. She thought that the moon **** was very strange. They worked her hard to rescue her, and didn't say a word of thank you. It was so horrible to leave.

Who said he couldn't save the ugly mother-in-law?

"Hey! Did Ning Xiaochuan fail to satisfy the girl, so you made her so angry?" Yue Mingsong laughed.

Ning Xiaochuan glanced at Yue Mingsong, and now he really wants to flatten him, let alone those women around him.

Ning Xiaochuan looked at the direction where Luna left, and followed without any consideration. He could not let Luna die!

"Are you stupid? You have just reached the third place in Wangu Realm, and you ca n’t even fight the Heavenly Rhino, and you haven't been killed yet?" Ning Xiaochuan flew to the moon **** and stopped her path.

"My business, you don't need to control it." Yueshen said coldly. When she saw Ning Xiaochuan, she couldn't help thinking of what happened yesterday. Although she liked Ning Xiaochuan before, she still felt it was a kind of humiliation. Not to mention that there are so many women around Ning Xiaochuan.

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