Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 993: Go to sea

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At night, a gust of wind blew across the desert, and the sand was blown all over the sky. Ning Xiaochuan and Xiao Hong were buried directly under the yellow sand.

Ning Xiaochuan tried to use the power of the mind, but it caused the heart to be very painful, and his body was twitching.

The next morning, the temperature rose sharply, and the strong wind blew again, but this time it was a headwind, and finally Ning Xiaochuan and Xiao Hong were rescued from the sand.

After spending two days, Ning Xiaochuan's injuries finally recovered and he sat up in the sand.

Later, Xiaohong also recovered some injuries, opened her eyes, and was a little worried: "Ning Xiaochuan, Fengshen's legacy collapsed, Xiao Linger must have encountered danger, we must go to her."

Ning Xiaochuan laughed and said, "With our current injuries, it's almost impossible to go. Where can I find them?"

Xiao Hong silently.

"It is the first thing to recover from the injury. Once the injury recovers, I will definitely recover Xiao Linger, Zi Hanyan, and Luna." Ning Xiaochuan looked around, frowning slightly. It's too desolate here, and the environment is too bad. It would be better if you could change the environment for healing.

"Ning Xiaochuan, it seems someone is coming." Xiao Hong lay on the ground, showing a touch of joy.

An hour later, a slight footstep was heard in the distance, and they were approaching Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan raised his head arduously, and found that about ten miles away, a caravan was slowly moving forward. The caravan was lined up with hundreds of people, including a unicorn carriage.

After about a quarter of an hour, the caravan finally arrived not far from Ning Xiaochuan.

The caravan stopped, and a unicorn came out of a very beautiful woman with a sweet voice, staring at Ning Xiaochuan and Xiao Hong who were buried in the yellow sand for half of their body, and said, "You are in the fire desert An adventurous warrior? How did you get injured? "

Xiaohong opened her eyes wide and quickly said, "Pretty sister, the land of Fengshen is broken. We were caught in the whirlpool of time and space, although we were seriously injured. Should you save us and take us out of the desert?"

"Seal the land of God? The whirlpool of time and space?" The pretty woman froze slightly and couldn't understand what they were talking about, but she heard it, and the beautiful girl in red was asking her for help.

"Come, take them to the cart." A beautiful woman thought for a moment, and ordered someone to lift them into the unicorn carriage.

"Miss, the origins of the two are unknown, so don't leave them alone." A guard in armor said to the handsome woman.

"Our Ye family is a family of mind keepers. It is our duty to save the wounded and help the wounded. How can we see death or not?" After that, the woman entered the car and ignored the soldiers outside.

Ning Xiaochuan looked at the woman sitting in front of him with a smile on her face and said, "Thank you!"

"Thank you, our family is a family of mind keepers. When we meet the injured, we should help each other, but we do n’t know where they came from, and why they were lying in the desert with serious injuries?" Asked strangely.

"The two of us are brothers and sisters. My name is Ning Xiaochuan, and her name is Ning Xiaohong. We suffered a serious injury because we encountered a sandstorm giant in the desert." said.

At least that, the other person would believe more than Xiao Hong said.

Moreover, it is still unknown whether the continent is still empty!

"Yes, where are we now?" Ning Xiaochuan asked,

He planned to find out the situation first, and when he and Xiao Hong's injuries recovered, they immediately went to look for Xiao Linger, Zi Hanyan, and Luna.

"Here? The hot desert!" The Qingxiu woman felt inexplicable about Ning Xiaochuan's problem, and she had some doubts in her heart.

Aren't they seriously injured when they met a sandstorm giant in the desert? How could I not know where?

"Oh, I'm asking a bigger place, for example, is this a continent?" Ning Xiaochuan asked for a moment before he paused.

"Of course it is the Tianxu continent. Is there any continent besides the Tianxu continent?" Qingxiu asked.

"It's just a continent." Ning Xiaochuan said silently in his heart. As long as he is still in the continent, everything will be fine.

Zi Hanyan, Luna, and Xiao Linger should still be in the heavenly continent.

"I'll ask the servant to change a piece of clothes for you first! I'll change your sister's clothes. Your clothes are really shabby." After the beautiful woman said, she took Xiaohong to another car and drove.

After a while, a servant came over to help Ning Xiaochuan change his ragged clothes.

Ning Xiaochuan lay silently on the bed, closed his eyes, and began to try to mobilize supreme qi, and continued to heal his injuries.

Three days later, Ning Xiaochuan's injury recovered.

On this day, Ning Xiaochuan talked to the beautiful woman: "Girl, what's your name?

"My name is Ye Ling, just call me Ye Zi." Ye Ling smiled lightly.

"Then where are we going now?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

"I was ordered by my father to buy medicinal materials, and now I am hurrying back. It will take me about three days to go to my house. By the way, my father is a well-trained psychologist. When he returns home, he will be able to Heal you and your sister. "

When Ye Ling talked about her father, her face was full of worship, and she seemed to admire her father very much.

What's more, the mind trainer is worthy of respect.


Three days later, the caravan of the Ye family finally returned to Lianyung City.

The Ye family is a large family in Lianyung City, and the mansion is very gorgeous.

When he came to Yefu, Ye Ling settled Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong, letting them temporarily live in the hospital for injuries.

After eight days of convalescence, Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong were finally able to move freely, but they were still very weak, and they could only mobilize a little supreme qi, and repaired them for a while without any recovery in Chengdu.

During this period, Ning Xiaochuan roughly inquired about the situation in Ye Ling's home, and indeed he was a family of mind keepers.

Those who are the highest in the family cannot respect the state, just like the original Jiange Houfu, they can be regarded as the famous family in the local area.

However, because the Ye family saved many warriors, they were respected by the warriors of Lianyung City, and even the robbers who beat their homes never found Ye family.

Ning Xiaochuan's mind was thinking, what kind of treasure left to them after his wound was healed was regarded as a reward. But he found that his things were so precious that just releasing one was enough to cause a **** rain, which would hurt the Ye family instead.

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head helplessly, all he had to do was wait until he was hurt.

A month later, Ning Xiaochuan and Xiao Hong's injuries were almost better.

"We should leave!" Ning Xiaochuan said to Xiao Hong.

"I also completely recovered from the injury. We will go to Xiaoling now and hope that she won't be in trouble."

Xiao Hong's injury was fully recovered, and two red crimson crystal horns grew on her forehead. Even if she suppressed her cultivation, her body would emit a strong breath.

"Ning Xiaochuan, I think, before leaving, we should thank Sister Ye Ling." Xiao Hongdao.

Having said this, Xiaohong turned into a red streamer, flew out of Yefu, and came to an ancient mountain range thousands of miles away. In the mountains, there are a lot of ferocious mysteries and monsters, and ordinary people dare not enter the mountains at all.

The name is Wanyao Mountain, which is usually used as a place for adventurers to obtain mysterious medicine or hunt mysterious animals to sell money.

It's a dangerous place for adventurers, but it's nothing for Xiao Hong.

At this point, Ning Xiaochuan finished writing a volume of mind-cultivation masters, held it in his hands, and handed it to Ye Ling.

You know, Ning Xiaochuan is now a king-level mind-giver, and the total number of king-level mind-gatherers in the entire Tianxu continent is estimated to be only three or five.

His writing experience is absolutely invaluable to the mind teacher.

An hour later, Xiaohong returned from the Wanyao Mountain and brought back thousands of seven-pin herbal medicines, eight-pin herbal medicines, and hundreds of nine-pin herbal medicines. She gave all those mysterious medicines to Ye Ling as a thank you.

Ye Ling took the mysterious medicine and the volume of the mind trainer's experience, and his heart was very shocked, and said, "How is it possible? The Wanyao Mountains and the great respected men are in danger of falling down. How can you find it so soon? So many mysteries? "

She never dreamed that the two dying wounded that she had rescued herself now became a very powerful warrior!

"You don't have to ask more about this. We are leaving now, and I hope to see you again in the future." Ning Xiaochuan said to Ye Ling.

After finishing speaking, Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong turned into two streamers and disappeared into Ye Ling's sight at the same time.

Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong returned to the scorching desert, ready to start searching for clues here.

Due to the outside world, the suppression in the world of Fengshen no longer exists. Ning Xiaochuan released all the seven minds and began to look for the breath of Zi Hanyan, Xiao Linger, Luna, Tangan monk and others.

However, Ning Xiaochuan has explored a million miles around, but found nothing.

Ning Xiaochuan took out the town people's tower again and filled it with the supreme qi. The town people's tower immediately gave out a faint brilliance, and felt the existence of the other half of the town people's tower.

However, he found that the distance was too far to detect, and Ning Xiaochuan had to give up searching.

It is harder to find a human in the heavenly continent than to find a needle in the sea.

"The Moon God will definitely go to heaven to save the ugly mother-in-law, Zi Hanyan and Xiao Linger will not find us, and they will certainly go to heaven. We will go to heaven now to wait for them." Ning Xiaochuan said.

Ning Xiaochuan and Xiao Hong simultaneously cast Shenlong's speed and flew west.

The heavenly court exists overseas. To reach the heavenly court, it must pass through the sea. The sea nearest to the current location of Ning Xiaochuan is the West Sea, so they rushed west.

Two days later, Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong came to a port, where there were ships everywhere, each of which was hundreds of meters high, all made of black iron and very strong.

After Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong paid the fees, they boarded a metal iron boat together and were going to sea.

After two days, all the ships started.

Ning Xiaochuan observed that all the members of the ship except him and Xiao Hong were in real life, and only real people could protect themselves at sea.

The monsters in the sea area are much stronger than those on land, and they are huge in number. It can be said that each sea area is comparable to a heavenly continent, with countless powerful beings in existence!

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