Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 994: Sea monster

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Two days after departure, the ship where Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong were located encountered a monster that had been repaired to reach the nine levels of real life.

"A monster is here!" Someone suddenly shouted on the boat, and everyone became alert immediately.

I saw a huge black octopus suddenly overturned from the deep sea, repaired to the ninth level of human reality, the waves were lifted several kilometers high by it, and each of its tentacles had the thickness of a bucket, facing the sea. With a swift sweep, the huge waves drowned Ning Xiaochuan's ship immediately.

All the real-world warriors on the ship were flying high, and each of them took out his hole card to deal with this huge octopus.

However, the monks' cultivation is the highest in real life, and their attack on the giant octopus has no effect at all.

Because it is in the sea, in the same realm, the creatures in the sea are more powerful than those on land.

They live in the sea, avoiding threats from creatures in the sea that are more powerful than themselves, and they must learn to resist the undercurrents that can be seen everywhere. From the distant Archean period to the present, their physique has already surpassed those on the mainland. Continental creatures in the same realm may not be the opponents of marine creatures, let alone a few realms.

The warriors on the boat faced each other as if they were dead. I did not expect that as soon as they went out to sea, they encountered such a powerful monster. They are likely to wipe out the entire army today.

All of these real people are casual strong men. Without the support of a lot of resources, it is very good to be able to reach the real world, not everyone has the good luck of Ning Xiaochuan.

It is more difficult for those who are strong in the practice of Buddhism to obtain resources for cultivation than those in the Holy Land.

They blocked their lives and only sought out the sea to find some resources for cultivation.

Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong stood very calmly on the ship, letting the hull shake violently.

Ning Xiaochuan looked at the scene in front of him. There was no fluctuation in his look. The raging waves kept rolling, but there was no drop of water on them, as if they were not in this space!

No one noticed them now, and everyone was constantly attacking the giant octopus.

Ning Xiaochuan stared at the huge black octopus tightly. He wanted to see how the creatures in the sea were different from the creatures on the mainland.

By observing Ning Xiaochuan, this octopus has a different breath from all the creatures he has seen before. It is the unique breath of the creatures in the sea. They use this to distinguish whether the prey belongs to the mainland or the sea.

The violent attack raised a water column on the surface of the sea, the waves stirred up to a thousand meters high, and the thick octopus waved tentacles. As long as it touched a person, its tentacle straw would soon drain human blood, It turned into a dead body and fell to the bottom of the sea.

"Sin beast! Go to death!"

Ning Xiaochuan's forefinger and **** were pinched together, and the supreme energy gathered to the fingers, and a powerful momentum broke out from the body.

Suddenly, the giant octopus seemed to sense something, and made a howling noise, then immediately gathered all the tentacles and escaped at the fastest speed.

All those casual repairers have stopped, what's going on? The giant octopus, which was very fierce just now, why now you want to run away like a ghost?

"Can you escape?"

Ning Xiaochuan snorted coldly, a light beam of finger thickness flew out, penetrated the sea surface, penetrated the entire head of the giant octopus, and the giant octopus lost its breath of life in an instant.

"how is this possible?"

Those martial arts retreats who were still alive looked at Ning Xiaochuan in shock. At first, they thought that Ning Xiaochuan should be a desperate martial artist. The highest level of cultivation was heaven and humanity. Only to find resources, he had to venture out to sea.

But now, the giant octopus, which is comparable to the real life of a human warrior, was killed in one shot, which is enough to see that Ning Xiaochuan is so high that it is definitely not their casual repairs.

Wouldn't it be a supreme?

"Sir, thank you for saving our lives. We are willing to be your subordinates." The two casual practitioners saw the giant octopus killed by Ning Xiaochuan, and flew to Ning Xiaochuan immediately to become Ning Xiaochuan's subordinates.

If they can become a supreme subordinate or servant, maybe they can get the martial arts to help them practice to the ancient world.

After seeing it, the other casual practitioners cursed in their hearts, "You must not let them be the first. I will also become the servant of an adult."

For a moment, all the casual repairers who were alive flew to the ship and kneeled on one knee at Ning Xiaochuan, wanting to be Ning Xiaochuan's servant.

"I'll wait for the adults to go to the fire and follow the adults!" All the martial arts practitioners all looked at Ning Xiaochuan, waiting for his consent.

"Ning Xiaochuan, they promised so sincerely! I just don't have a maid serving tea and water." Xiaohong saw so many people wanting to follow Ning Xiaochuan, and she regretted it. She knew that, Shoot to kill the giant octopus.

When Ning Xiaochuan saw the casual repairman kneeling down at him, he frowned slightly. He didn't intend to accept his servants, because the place he went to was all extremely dangerous, and the strong man in real life was not enough to look at.

"Where I go, you ca n’t go. I ca n’t accept you as servants. If there are monsters on the road, I can help you kill them." Ning Xiaochuan thought for a moment.

"Well." All the casual repairs showed a disappointed expression. They thought that they could finally have a strong backing, but did not expect that Ning Xiaochuan would not accept them at all.

In fact, based on their cultivation, if they go to some big families, they will definitely receive generous treatment, but they are all used to it and do not like to be restrained, so they do not go.

"Why? Ning Xiaochuan, isn't it good for someone to serve us?" Xiao Hong said with a smirk.

"The place we go to is heaven, do you want them to die? Just like in the world of God, any one of the Supreme Souls can kill everyone on the boat. They are not enough to jam their teeth, they will only become a burden. "Ning Xiaochuan shook his head and sighed helplessly.

Later, Ning Xiaochuan sat on the ground and began to cultivate.

Xiaohong looked at Ning Xiaochuan and practiced.

As night fell, the whole sea was quiet, without a trace of sea breeze. The stars in the sky are constantly flashing, and everyone has entered the practice.

Then no one knew that the danger was quietly approaching.

Ning Xiaochuan opened his eyes and released his mind. He detected an unknown creature approaching them about three thousand miles away.

That creature has a wide body that is hundreds of meters wide, and the two sides of the body are constantly swinging up and down, like wings.

It's all blue, with white spots and long tails on its back, like a giant bat swimming in the water.

It was repaired to reach the seventh level of real life, only because it was so secluded that no Ning Xiaochuan was found on board.

Ning Xiaochuan stretched out his right hand towards the unknown creature's place, intending to kill it, but at this moment, a dragon-shaped flame suddenly flew out of Ning Xiaochuan's side, toward the strange batfish Fly quickly.

The sky-high flames illuminate the waters within a distance of about three thousand miles, and countless sleeping marine life was awakened, panicking in the sea, and a wave of ripples started on the sea surface.


The people on board had just withdrawn from the state of cultivation and had no time to react.

Then everyone saw a cooked 100-meter-wide batfish descending from the sky and landed directly on the deck of their ship, exuding bursts of meat.

"Grandma is just hungry. I didn't expect a fish to come. I'm sorry you don't eat it." Xiao Hong stepped on the baked batfish and laughed.

All the people on the boat were shocked. Ning Xiaochuan and Xiao Hong were young but they were thousands of times stronger and ten thousand times stronger than they were. They were killed in one blow by the nine and seven souls in the real world. Absolutely. Extreme!

"Ahem, when I was just practicing, I saw this big fish slowly approaching me. I wanted to eat you. I protected you. You should thank me for it." Xiao Hong saw the people around her without speaking. , Said immediately dissatisfied.

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head and said nothing to Xiao Hong, but just when he was about to let Xiao Hong continue to cultivate, he suddenly felt a very strong breath, a creature of eternal life!

"Xiao Hong, there is danger." Ning Xiaochuan said to Xiao Hong, and Xiao Hong turned around and looked at the distant sea to release her mind.

Sure enough, as Ning Xiaochuan said, there were a lot of powerful creatures coming to them.

"What's going on?" Xiao Hong said strangely.

"It should be your attack that attracted them." Ning Xiaochuan said, and suddenly there were many huge red whales on the sea. Each whale was the size of a palace, and each whale was repaired. Wangujing is the second most important, with hundreds of them!

"It's the overlord of the deep sea, 'The Demon Blood Red Whale'! It's over, we're dead!" After seeing these whales on the ship's casual repairs, everyone's face was full of despair, and even the courage to fight was gone.

"Devil's blood red whale?" Ning Xiaochuan looked at the hundreds of huge red whales on the sea, his appearance changed a little.

His current practice is to reach the seventh level of Wangu Realm, and the second level of living creatures in Wangu Realm is nothing more than a matter of fingertips, but it would be different if hundreds of second world living beings worked together.

"The magic blood red whale's intelligence is higher than that of ordinary humans, and their power is very powerful. Even if it is a real warrior, if it is beaten by its tail, there is absolutely no chance of survival."

"Their mental strength is stronger than the human monks in the same realm, and they are just monsters among monsters." A casual martial artist was a little timid, and said to Ning Xiaochuan shyly.

Encountering the Demon Blood Red Whale is almost like a disaster.

"Strong mind?"

Hearing the words of everyone, Ning Xiaochuan immediately became interested. If these whales were reconstituted into elixir, could it strengthen the mind after swallowing?

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