Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 998: Looking west, the lord of the bats

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"Extreme King of the Bats, is the grandson of the seven-tailed demon bat among the ten demon sages of the Underworld, with extremely high talents, and definitely an opportunity to cultivate into a god." Mu Yijian stared at Ning Xiaochuan with some fear. Gritting his teeth, he said weakly.

"Seven-tailed mephit?"

Hearing that Ning Xiaochuan was a stunner, as far as he knows, the Ten Demon Saints of Ming Gexing seem to have all died.

As the grandson of the seven-tailed magic bat, the bat king is definitely investigating the matter, but it did nothing to investigate it. Does the Lord of the Batman dare to seek revenge from the puppet?

However, this incident reminded Ning Xiaochuan that there may be other warriors in the Dayan world who have already adopted the Shenhe civilization. After all, many people still pay most attention to their own interests.

As long as there is a chance to become supreme, I am afraid that many of the holy earth palm teachings in the Heavenly Continent will be willing to become the big hands of the Shenhe civilization.


Ning Xiaochuan's eyes sank, without any hesitation, his arms trembled, the magic sword waved off, and Mu Yijian and others were all beheaded.

"let's go!"

Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong walked out of Tianbao Pavilion.

Those who were lower-ranked martial arts in Tianbao Pavilion all stared at Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong with horrified eyes, and kept backing, just like watching two killing stars,

Ning Xiaochuan didn't bother them, these people are just Xiao Luo, let them go alive!

Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong set off on their own, no longer taking the boat with those casual martial arts soldiers, otherwise it would delay a lot of time, and now there is a Heavenly Emperor Blade to guide the way, Ning Xiaochuan need not worry about going in the direction.

Ning Xiaochuan came to the edge of Qingyun Island, took out a top-grade iron ship from the flame mysterious box, put it on the sea, and immediately became a huge ship with a sharp bow.

Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong flew together on the giant ship.

Ning Xiaochuan immediately mobilized the supreme qi, injected it into the hull, and the giant sword immediately started to start sailing towards the west at the fastest speed.

Along the way, Xiaohong radiated her breath. Those monsters in the sea felt the breath of the dragon and did not dare to attack the giant ships, and they retreated.

Ning Xiaochuan took out the giant spirit warhammer, filled the Supreme Qi and began to learn the tricks recorded in the second text.


A figure emerged from the giant warhammer and appeared in front of Ning Xiaochuan, waving the warhammer continuously, and a violent momentum broke out.

This time, there was only a giant spirit warhammer in that figure, apparently the single-hammer hammer method, and Ning Xiaochuan immediately followed it.

"Split mountains!"

Ning Xiaochuan stood on the boat, mobilizing the momentum of the whole body, holding the giant warhammer, swooping down against the sea surface, and hitting it with a hammer.

The entire sea surface made an explosion-like noise, and thick water columns soared into the sky. Where Ning Xiaochuan hammered down, those seas actually sunk down to the bottom of the sea, and a waterless area was formed momentarily. The entire sea level is rising.

A large number of monsters in the sea were broken into bones by this blown powder of Ning Xiaochuan, and many of them were repaired as monsters in real life. It was even a giant siren from the ancient world was killed, and his body was deeply depressed by this hammer of Ning Xiaochuan, and he could not die any more.

Even the continental chassis on the sea floor changed slightly, sinking a few meters.

"The power of the Supreme Emperor's outbreak is indeed much stronger than that of the Supreme Emperor."

Ning Xiaochuan looked at the Giant Warhammer in his hand and was very satisfied

After another month of practice, Ning Xiaochuan finally practiced this trick to Dacheng's realm. The performance of this trick was about twice as powerful as a month ago.

"The land is ahead. I remember if it was right, we should look westward. Crossing westward we can reach the heavens faster than we can go by sea."

"There is a strong intermediate six-pin civilization on the mainland of the West, which is much stronger than the Middle-earth world of the Tianxu continent." Tiandi Blade said.

Three days later, Ning Xiaochuan and Xiao Hong finally landed on the mainland.

Ning Xiaochuan put the top-class super-class ship into the flame mystery box, and went towards the depths of the mainland with Xiao Hong.

Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong walked into a vast virgin ancient forest. In front of them, it looks like a sea of ​​ancient woods. The giant trees stand tall and cover the sun. Some of the ancient trees are very precious and can not be seen on the continent.

In the forest, monsters above heaven and earth can be seen everywhere, deafening roar, roaring heaven and earth, and shaking the mountains.

When Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong walked into this forest, a group of ghost-faced mandrills found them, and even took out the eight-pin Xuanqi bow and arrow to attack them.

Ning Xiaochuan snorted coldly, and the supreme qi in his body was released. The ghost-faced mountains suddenly became so scared that he couldn't even move, and respectfully waited for Ning Xiaochuan to leave.

Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong were very fast, and the forest covering an area of ​​10 million square kilometers went out within an hour.

Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong have now reached Wangujing, and they are regarded as the top powerhouses in the entire world. There are very few creatures that can threaten them in the Da Yan world. Ning Xiaochuan and Xiao Hong are enough to sweep the entire continent.

Led by the Heavenly Emperor Blade, Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong came to an ancient city, which was very lively, with many warriors.

Step out of the ancient city and into a vast wasteland.

Suddenly, Ning Xiaochuan realized that it was wrong, and was about to leave with Xiao Hongyu, but suddenly found that behind him had become a gray-white space and swallowed him in. No matter how Ning Xiaochuan exerted the speed of Shenlong, he couldn't escape this space!

Ning Xiaochuan sacrificed the magic sword, violently chopped the grassland ahead, and released the powerful sword gas. But the sword gas disappeared instantly, and there were no signs of destruction around it, which meant that Ning Xiaochuan's attack was completely invalid!

"You are the one who killed Mu Yijian?" At that moment, a sharp and harsh voice sounded beside Ning Xiaochuan, and then a cloud of black gas appeared in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

"Extreme Batman?" Ning Xiaochuan asked.

Ning Xiaochuan couldn't think of other creatures except the King of the Bats mentioned by Mu Yijian.

Ning Xiaochuan also secretly guarded, he felt a strong breath in this dark air. The other side's cultivation is above him.

I did not expect to encounter such a powerful enemy, Ning Xiaochuan immediately took out the deities of Supreme Goddess and the blood of the second **** and put them on his body, ready to fight against each other.

"You actually have the Supreme Lord of the Gods. It seems that you have also entered the world of Fengshen, but even if you have the ninth power in Wangu Realm? It is still not my opponent!"

The batman's supreme body appeared in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

He opened his mouth and made a very strong sound wave, which made Ning Xiaochuan's eardrums sore. Ning Xiaochuan quickly closed the ears with the power of Supreme Armor, but found that those sound waves actually entered his body directly through the God Armor and attacked his internal organs.

Ning Xiaochuan felt that every organ in his body seemed to be held tightly by a big hand, which was very painful.

"Extreme Demon!"

A spit of blood spewed out of Ning Xiaochuan's mouth, immediately inspiring the power of the demon supreme body, half of the body became white and half became black, sacrificing the giant warhammer, and exhibiting the hammer method-destroy the stars!

The entire body of Batman Supreme was shaken out by the shock, and those sound waves finally stopped.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't expect that the Lord of the Bats would come to the door so soon, and he was a powerful person who created the realm. When he followed Ning Xiaochuan, Ning Xiaochuan didn't even notice it!

He actually seized the good fortune, reached the realm of good fortune, and could well get the title of "master".

The Lord of the Bats stood up and looked at Ning Xiaochuan with a joke. "Do you think it's all right if you interrupt my sound wave?"

"Hmm!" Leng Hu, the Lord of the Bat King, turned into a dark shadow and came directly to Ning Xiaochuan, suddenly a claw against his back. Suddenly, a powerful force directly shook Ning Xiaochuan across the shrine. fly.

Then, the bat king dominated a quick flash and kicked Ning Xiaochuan from a distance of 1,000 meters. Ning Xiaochuan quickly responded, took out the emperor's blade, exhibited a "opening knife", and cut off the feet of the bat king.

The Lord of the Bat Kings smiled coldly, and the feet that were cut off immediately grew.

At this time, Xiao Hong came to Ning Xiaochuan and spit out a dragon-extinguishing fire to the Lord of the Bat King, and wrapped the Lord of the Bat King tightly.

However, a powerful sound wave suddenly emerged from the flame, directly breaking Xiao Hong's spit out dragon fire, and then quickly punched Xiao Hong away with a punch.

"Little Red, fit!"

Ning Xiaochuan shouted.

Xiao Hong immediately flew to him and turned into a dragon-shaped flame and entered Ning Xiaochuan's body. From inside to outside, she became a set of flame armor, which wrapped Ning Xiaochuan's whole person in it.

Ning Xiaochuan held the Heavenly Emperor Blade, exhibited the speed of the dragon, and came to the side of the Lord of the Bat Kings. A sharp slash down from his brain, a spark appeared from the body of the King of the Bat Kings.

Bat King's physique is very strong, not much worse than Ning Xiaochuan. He sneered, and suddenly long nails grew on his fingers, and each nail was equivalent to a supreme king tool.

He refined the Supreme King's Tool into his nails and integrated it into his body.

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes were frozen for a moment, and he immediately called out the fifty figurines and magic swords in his body, and then quickly attacked the Lord of the Bats.

Ning Xiaochuan slashed again with the Emperor Blade facing the King of the King.

"Huh!" Leng Hu, the Lord of the Bat King, opened a pair of long wings behind him, the speed increased greatly, and there was a supreme royal weapon in his hand, a huge echo stone.

The lord of the bats threw the echostone on the ground, and then cast his strongest magic power.

"The magic sound shocks the eight wastelands!" The Lord of the Batman roared, and the powerful sound wave suddenly started from his mouth, attacking Ning Xiaochuan.

A pair of dragon wings grew behind Ning Xiaochuan and quickly dodged. What was unexpected was that the sound waves that Ning Xiaochuan had escaped hit the echo wall, and when it bounced back again, the power increased by three times, and the speed also It also tripled, and Ning Xiaochuan couldn't escape it.

Those sound waves attacked Ning Xiaochuan, went directly into his body, and attacked his internal organs.

Ning Xiaochuan felt that his blood was broken, and he immediately released the seal of heaven.


A white beam of energy shot from Ning Xiaochuan's eyebrow and attacked the Lord of the Bat Kings.

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