Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 999: Arrive in heaven

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The Lord of the Bat Kings looked at the white beam of light that shot at him, his hands crossed on his chest, his arms waved fast, the speed reached the extreme, ten black paw prints flew from the front of the Lord of the Bat Kings at the same time, toward the Heavenly Seal. The white beam of energy hit it.


The white energy beam of light was directly damaged by the paw prints dominated by the bat king, and became fragmented into a light rain.

Ning Xiaochuan's brow frowned slightly, and it seemed that the power to forge the creatures of the realm was stronger than he thought.

"Apocalypse prints!"

Ning Xiaochuan exhibited the Seal of the Dead, a giant palm with golden light descending from the sky, like a golden five-finger mountain. The powerful force shot the Lord of the Bat Kings to the ground, and knocked the ground out of a sunken pit. The entire ground was in Constant vibration.

"The physical constitution of Dayan World is so powerful?" The Lord of the Bats frowned slightly.

Ning Xiaochuan was attacked so many times by him that there was nothing at all. If other Da Yan world creatures were already seriously injured at this moment, he would be slaughtered.

"Hunyuan Yiqi Sword!"

"Breaking the knife!"

Ning Xiaochuan sacrificed the Heavenly Emperor Blade and the Magic Sword at the same time, exhibited two very powerful magical powers, and slammed a fierce blow at the Lord of the Bat Kings. There was a flash of white light and a **** swordman on the entire grassland!

With Ning Xiaochuan and Bat King as the center, all the plants and trees within tens of thousands of miles disappeared into a barren land, which added a bit of life to this gray space.

The Lord of the Bats takes the Echo Stone in his hands, injects strength, and releases powerful sound waves.

Suddenly, Ning Xiaochuan felt the sound coming from all directions, feeling that all the internal organs were shaking.

Ning Xiaochuan glanced at the Lord of the Bat King, intending to summon Ning Tianmeng and make a quick decision.

"Follow Shinto!" Ning Xiaochuan roared.

Ning Tianmeng turned into a white light, flying out of the town's tower, and immediately turned into ten million petals, attacking the Lord of the Bat Kings.

The town's tower was controlled by Ning Xiaochuan, and what Ning Xiaochuan experienced could naturally be observed by Ning Tianmeng through the town people's tower. Therefore, as soon as Ning Tianmeng appeared, he did not need any instructions from Ning Xiaochuan to start the attack on the Lord of the Bat Kings.

The Lord of the Bats saw that he was surrounded by countless petals, of course, and thought that this was just an obstacle to the eyes of Ning Xiaochuan's helper.

However, the next moment, those petals suddenly accelerated, and began to violently attack the Lord of the Bat Kings!

Each petal became extremely sharp, and the space was cut into cracks, which were not lost to the supreme king nails dominated by the bat king.

Blood spouts continued to appear on the body dominated by the bat king, and soon he was beaten to the surface.

"Who are you?" The Lord of the Bats looked at Ning Tianmeng in horror, always feeling that Ning Tianmeng's attacking method was similar to that of a **** in the legendary Shenhe civilization.

However, he subconsciously regarded Ning Tianmeng as a warrior in the Da Yan world, so he was not connected to that god.

Taking advantage of this time, Ning Xiaochuan was holding the magic sword and the Heavenly Emperor's Blade, and the show was a swift speed of the dragon, and came to the Lord of the Bat King to face its fierce slash!


Suddenly, the entire body dominated by the bat king was cut in half by Ning Xiaochuan.


The soul dominated by the Bat King flew out of his body, trying to escape. However, Ning Tianmeng was well prepared, and his fingers twitched his tactics. Several scripture-like characters suddenly appeared next to the soul of the king of the batman, firmly locked the surrounding space, no matter how he struggled, he could not escape. Go out.


Ning Xiaochuan took out the giant spirit warhammer, and hit the soul with a fierce hammer. The soul dominated by the bat king was instantly broken. Since then, Ping Gexing once again fell a demon-level creature.

Ning Xiaochuan repressed Ning Tianmeng back into the town's tower, and then broke up with Xiaohong.

As soon as Xiao Hong appeared, she was extremely excited, because this was the first time she defeated the formidable powerhouse.

"Ning Xiaochuan, we defeated the powerful creatures!" Xiao Hong said happily.

"Not us, it's her." Ning Xiaochuan replied lightly.

In Ning Xiaochuan's view, Ning Tianmeng's strength is no longer his own. After the crisis, Ning Xiaochuan will not easily use Ning Tianmeng's power to fight.

After all, the Lord of the Bat Kings is a creature of the realm of creation, and he is extremely talented. With Ning Xiaochuan's seventh-largest cultivation in Wangu Realm, only the display of the Shinto can be wiped out.

After the battle with the Lord of the Bat Kings ended, everything around was restored, and Ning Xiaochuan returned to the ancient city.

At this time, a bead and a stone suddenly appeared at the foot of Ning Xiaochuan, and Ning Xiaochuan picked up the bead and stone.

The bead, the size of a projectile, appeared off-white, the same color as the space world he had just entered.

And that stone, needless to say, is naturally an echo stone that was previously dominated by the bat king.

"It turned out to be the bead of the supreme imperial class!" Tiandi Blade said excitedly in the Xuanshoujian.

"Jie Zhu?"

Hearing that Ning Xiaochuan was stunned, it seems that the world space he just entered is the space inside the bead.

It turned out to be a supreme imperial weapon. No wonder Ning Xiaochuan just used the magic sword to attack the space inside, but it had no effect at all.

"It seems that boy has a great opportunity in the world of Fengshen! Otherwise, it won't be possible to reach the creation world so soon!" Tiandi Blade said.

"What's the opportunity for others, it's none of my business, and he's dead now. What about the opportunity?"

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head slowly, and put away Jiezhu and Echo Stone.

Except for Jie Zhu, Echo Stone did not have much effect on Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan Shi exhibited the speed of the dragon, and quickly left here.

Ning Xiaochuan took out the Giant Spirit Warhammer and was ready to start learning the tricks changed by the third script.

After fighting with the Lord of the Bat Kings, Ning Xiaochuan deeply felt his lack of strength. In Wangu Realm, it was almost difficult to meet his opponents. But when encountering creatures in the realm of creation, there is still a big gap.

He is going to cultivate the magical power first, then hit the realm and reach the realm of creation at an early date.

After spending three months, Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong finally crossed the vast west-looking continent, came to the other side of the continent, once again came to the seaside, and continued to sail on the sea.

Giant ships are controlled by the Emperor Blade.

As the Supreme Emperor's weapon, of course, the Emperor Blade can also absorb the supreme energy in the heavens and the earth, and it will not be exhausted at all, so Ning Xiaochuan and others are moving very fast. According to the estimation of the Emperor Blade, there is still more than one month You can reach the heaven.

Ning Xiaochuan poured the supreme spirit into the giant warhammer, and a figure appeared again in front of Ning Xiaochuan, and began to wave the warhammer.

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes carefully watched every movement of the figure, without letting go of any details, and then began to study carefully.

Xiao Hong looked at Ning Xiaochuan aside, feeling very boring, and directly took a large number of Supreme Soul Elixir and began to cultivate.

Ning Xiaochuan observed this situation with a touch of heart, and nodded with relief, Xiaohong finally began to seriously cultivate.

"Shatter the void!"

Half a month later, Ning Xiaochuan practiced the newly learned hammer to Xiaocheng's realm.

He flew up into the sky, poured a lot of supreme energy into the giant warhammer, and threw it out with all his strength.

The void in front of Ning Xiaochuan was instantly broken, forming a huge space crack, which sucked a lot of seawater into it, and then disappeared.

"The Giant Hammer Warhammer's hammer becomes stronger and stronger the further behind, I really don't know what it will be like when I practice the last move?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

Ning Xiaochuan took the three kings' supreme soul elixir and began to cultivate.

He absorbed all the energy of the soul medicine Dan. Half a month later, Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong broke through together and reached the eighth level of Wangu Realm.


Tiandi Blade said, and then Ning Xiaochuan and Xiao Hong saw the outline of a continent appear in their vision.

Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong infused the supreme qi into the giant ship, and the speed of the giant ship became even faster. Even if Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong were combined, the speed of Shenlong was not as fast as it is now, thousands of miles away. I wore it in the blink of an eye.

Just as Ning Xiaochuan and Xiao Hong were about to reach the shore, a stone tablet suddenly appeared in Ning Xiaochuan's field of vision, with the two lines of Long Fei Feng Wu carved on it.

"There is no way ahead, please come back!"

The two lines of words radiated a sense of death, exuding an overwhelming amount of oppression.

Ning Xiaochuan frowned slightly when he saw it.

"Did something happen in heaven?" Ning Xiaochuan thought in his heart.

He didn't bother the words on the stele, and still landed at a faster speed.

"Here is heaven?" Ning Xiaochuan asked, facing Tiandi Blade.

"Well! Tianting is a Qipin civilization with a vast area. A strong person is like a river. Any small denomination can be compared to a sacred land. It is not too much to say that there are as many people as dogs. Tiandi Blade explained to Ning Xiaochuan.

Although Tiandi Blade's statement is a bit exaggerated, it also reflects the power of Heaven.

Tianting is a Qipin civilization empire that directly controls the other forty-nine continents of the Dayan World. It has a transcendent position in the Dayan World and is not conceivable by warriors in the Heavenly Continent.

Immediately after Ning Xiaochuan entered the heavenly court, he sacrificed half of the town's human tower, infused with supreme qi, and began to sense the existence of Xueling Xu.

About a quarter of an hour later, Ning Xiaochuan really sensed it. It seemed that he was right, and Xue Lingxu also came to heaven.

Without any hesitation, Ning Xiaochuan immediately rushed in the direction he felt.

Tianting is a Qipin civilization. Its area is larger than that of the Tianxu continent. I don't know how many times.

Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong flew at a rapid speed, approaching Xue Lingxu. Along the way, Ning Xiaochuan saw countless monsters, at least above the level of heaven and earth.

There are groups, and there are also individuals who act alone. Putting one in the Yulan Empire is invincible.

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