Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1050 Little Fatty (first update)

Half an hour later!

Beibei and the little guy found the monkey in a bush. The latter cried. It really cried, and tears of regret were shed in its eyes because it was being abused instead of pretending to be cool!

The little guy covered his stomach: Aha...

She laughed for so long that her mouth was dry and she even choked and coughed!

Beibei and little Irene also laughed. The plump body of the monkey in front of them and the monkey's face were at least three times as big as before!

The monkey is hopeless, just laugh, it will cry silently.

Don't cry, hahaha, don't cry. Beibei covered her mouth and laughed, while touching the monkey's head to comfort her.

Fortunately, I wasn't bitten, otherwise daddy wouldn't be able to recognize me. The little guy made a sweet sound and shook his head. She will definitely refuse to participate in this matter in the future!

Beibei nodded, and then asked: What should I do?


It! Brother Monkey!

Beibei pointed at the aggrieved monkey!

Little Eileen said: I'm poisoned, I need to detoxify!

If you are infected by the venom of this kind of bumblebee, it usually takes half a month to heal on your own. During this period, you will feel pain and itchiness, so it is best to take pills.

Like a monkey being stung so many times by a bumblebee, the poison is very strong and sooner or later it will go into shock!


The monkey howled a few times, then twitched all over and lay on the ground with its arms and legs stretched out.

That look seemed to say, buddy, buddy, help me.

The little guy opened his mouth wide, with a puzzled look on his face. He secretly wondered if this monkey brother was an actor? He was fine just now, but he is crying! !

Beibei put her hand to its nose and probed it, just to see if it was breathing. If not, she would feel sorry for Brother Monkey.

It's hot, I'm asleep! Beibei took his hand back, shook his head and pouted!

Little Erin: No, no, it's dying.


The corners of the little guy's and Beibei's mouths twitched, so serious? Isn’t it just a few bites?

Tell brother quickly! Little Eileen suggested in a milky voice.

The little guy blinked his eyes: Is this so? Will daddy be angry?

Beibei shook his head and refused. He must not say it. Now he can only let the Sixth Guardian take action.

A burst of smoke!

The Sixth Guardian was called out by Beibei!

Three young adults, what do you want me to do? the Sixth Protector said with a smile.

Since the last battle after his transformation, Ling Yun has been very trustworthy and has given him a lot of good things. At this moment, he is so immortal.


Grandpa Six, please help us see what's wrong with Brother Monkey? He's not moving anymore. Beibei pointed at the motionless monkey on the ground. The latter's face became increasingly pale.

The Sixth Guardian stared at it for a while, and then he had the answer in his mind, and then he said: The breath of life is passing away, the poison is not light, it is still bee venom!

Is it really poisoning? The little guy acted as if he knew everything, which made people dumbfounded!

Brother Monkey can't die. Grandpa Six, please save him. Beibei said in a milky voice.

I'm trying my best. I've learned a few sets of chemistry recently. I wonder if I can experiment with it. The Sixth Guardian began to mutter, rubbing his chin with his right hand, his eyes flashing.

Beibei curled her lips: No, you have to swallow the pill for it. It can't die, otherwise...hehe...Grandpa Six will play with us.


The Sixth Guardian gave him a hard beating. He was old and couldn't stand their torment. Sooner or later, his old bones would be gone.

Don't worry. The Sixth Protector immediately changed his mind. The monkey could not die, and it had to be alive immediately.


The Sixth Guardian tried his best and lived up to the little guy's expectations. The monkey's bee venom was finally cured, and he himself was half exhausted.

Ah ha, okay, okay, Grandpa Six's awesome elixir is really powerful.

The little guy's words put the Sixth Guardian to shame...

Beibei gave the monkey a cautious look and said, Brother Monkey, don't be so naughty next time. Look, the bumblebee can't stand it. Who will bite him if he doesn't bite you?

The monkey feels aggrieved!

Who said you got half of the royal jelly?

Who let it go!

Little Irene covered her eyes and couldn't bear to look straight at it. She turned into a dragon and a phoenix.

My old bones can't hold on anymore, I need to take a rest for the time being!

The Sixth Guardian saw the little guy looking at him with gloomy eyes. He felt uncomfortable and quickly found an excuse to leave!

There was a burst of green smoke, and he got into Beibei's pocket, and the latter curled his lips!

The little guy then said: Are you leaving so soon? I have a soul stone in my hand, why don't you?

If the Sixth Guardian heard this, he would probably vomit blood!

Beibei sighed: Brother Monkey, you disappoint me so much, Nuo! This big peach is for you to replenish your health. Let's play together next time!

The monkey nodded, shook his head vigorously, took the big peach in an instant, and gnawed it happily!

next time?


Next time, it must not be so silly!

Beibei opened the Thunder Gate and sent the monkey back to the temple. Before leaving, the monkey howled, saying that it was liberated!

Even the little one can understand it, she has black lines all over her head...!

Sister, let's go out. We won't play anymore. The little guy shook his head. It was quiet here and there was nothing.

Okay! Beibei nodded, agreeing.

Little Erin immediately turned back into a human body and followed the little guy and Beibei out of the woods. The whole woods was like a maze, okay! They are lost!

Beibei's mouth twitched, are they stupid? It’s just a small forest, how could I get lost?


Under the guidance of the Sixth Guardian, they finally walked out and looked back at the woods. There was nothing special!

Only the Sixth Guardian, who is relatively strong in cultivation, knows that there are too many taboos in this forest. According to his induction, there are more than ten maze formations.

After going around in circles for a few times, the little guy planned to walk all the way to find Ling Yun!

on the way!

The three little guys saw a little fat man, who also saw them and was immediately curious about them.

This little fat guy is six or seven years old, and he is so plump and cute. He is the descendant of Beishenzun, and he is one of the best in Beiying!

When Beiying Yijue saw the little guys, he was arrogant and frowned slightly: Who are you? Do you know where this is? Leave quickly!

In his eyes, they are just three little brats, and he is dismissive of them, but he wants to become a man of the God of War level!

I have to say, at such a young age, my dreams are quite big!


Beibei blinked and froze in place!


The little one has black lines all over his head. They have been playing here for so long, and they are always greeted warmly by others when they see them.

What's going on with this little fat guy?

Want to bully people?

The little guy started thinking wildly. The little fat guy is not a good bird. Should he be tricked into being bitten by a bumblebee?

Little Eileen asked: We are sisters, how old are you, little doggie?

They are right to think so. Just because they are in the fatal hole, the time it takes for the twelve realms to circulate is twelve years!

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