Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1051 The number one younger brother (second update)

This little fat guy from Beiying Yijue was so angry that his ancestor often brought him here, and everyone praised him highly!

elder sister?


No matter who they are, let’s beat them up first!

Drink! Look at my divine peak shadowless feet!

Ah... don't hit, don't hit!

He was handsome for only three seconds, but Beibei punched him with a black eye. It hurt him to death and he had to beg for mercy.

He was frightened and shocked. The three babies in front of him were smaller than him. Could they be princesses?

It doesn't sound right after thinking about it. How could they be younger than him?

And why did he say that six or seven years old is also a period of distraction? So weak?


No doubt, you are such a weakling!

Beibei raised his hands and immediately guessed what Beiying Yijue was thinking!

The little guy laughed: Dark circles under his eyes, ah ha, that's fun!

Play? The baby wants to play too! Little Eileen became excited.

Beiying Yijue rubbed the dark circles under his eyes, then blinked a few times, unconvinced: It's not fair for the three of you to bully me!


Beibei was dumbfounded!

She didn't do anything, just punched lightly, but didn't use any force.

Give you a chance, do you want to fight alone or in a group fight? Beibei imitated Ling Yun's tone. She looks so cute and fierce!

Group fight? Beiying looked behind him in despair. His younger brother was not there. The peak was too strict and ordinary people were not allowed to come, so a group fight? impossible!

Of course it's a one-on-one challenge.

Hahaha, eh, I also like duel! Beibei clapped her hands, and then each of them gave Beiying a unique blow, and the latter flew backwards, which hurt him to death.

Ah... Beiying Yijue was about to go crazy, with an expression on the verge of tears. Where was the promised duel?

Little fat man, get up, get up, let's play some more. Beibei jumped up excitedly, with a strange look in his eyes!

Vomiting blood!

Beiying Yijue simply pretended to be dead and couldn't get up from lying on the ground. He needed to recover from his injuries.

Hey, hey, hey... The little guy ran over, squatted down, and poked Beiying Yijue's fat head with his little finger.

Three eldest sisters, I'm dead, don't call me! Beiying Yijue remained motionless, only speaking with his mouth.

Three little guys: ...

They are young, not stupid!

Beibei laughed, her eyes rolling!



Well, since he's dead, we can't play anymore. How about we burn him?

Okay, okay! The little guy agreed immediately, his eyes widened, fearing that the world would not be in chaos.

Little Eileen whined and whined, mouthing all the time, looking impatient.

The little fat man was startled and quickly got up: Sister, please forgive me, I'm not an adult yet, I can't die in vain like this.

Beibei laughed loudly and said, Little brother, what's your name?

I am one of the best in Beiying. I am the most ideal practitioner of our time. The little fat man stood up proudly, patted the dust on his body, and then looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle.

Beibei slapped him on the head and said angrily: You still call yourself me? I don't even dare to do that. From now on you will be called little fat man!

Aha, little fat boy, you are our number one brother.

The little guy smiled and showed two little tiger teeth, which was really cute.

Little brother?

What the hell! The little fat man seriously suspected that he had heard wrongly. He was the future God of War, how could he be someone else's follower?

No, old man... cough, don't fight... If you have something to say, please say it. Please spare me. I just want to be a quiet and beautiful man.

You little fat guy is so narcissistic! Beibei curled her lips and glared at Beiying Yijue!

Is this confidence, handsome man? I'm sure of it! Beiying Yijue's eyes sparkled with stars.


The three little guys couldn't help laughing. This little fat guy is so cute, it must be fun!

Hmph, you will be our number one follower from now on, little fat guy! Beibei said with a firm voice.

No, even if you hit me, I won't compromise. Spread the word? I, the majestic Beiyingyi, don't want face at all?

He shook his head and refused. He still knew a lot of truth at a young age!

Okay, then we can only beat you! Beibei shook his head and sighed.

Beiying Yijue gave Bei Bei a hard slap. Faced with Beibei's fist, he immediately changed his words: Good sister, I admit it!

What bullshit is there to save face...go away! It hurts to hit someone with this fist!


The little guy laughed silently, and Beibei nodded: Not bad, little brother!


Little fat man, this is a great name. Did your father give it to you? said little Eileen, looking up and down at Beiying.

The little fat man was about to vomit blood in his heart. Who called him little fat man? He didn't have any idea?

It must be that her father is uneducated. Beibei muttered.

The little guy blinked his eyes and asked: The little fat guy is not bad, he will definitely be great in the future!

I like hearing this. I will definitely be the God of War in the future. The little fat man chuckled and scratched his head without any embarrassment.

What are you talking about? My sister means that you will definitely be fatter in the future than you are now!

Beibei spread his hands and explained speechlessly, while the little guy laughed and nodded to say that's it!

The little fat man received more than 10,000 critical hits in his heart...


Sister, can I change my name? I will be the God of War in the future. If others know that I am called Little Fatty, it will be very embarrassing!

The little fat man is so cowardly, why should his uncle care about his future face? It’s also speechless.


Beibei thought for a while, and then said: You can call me Xiaopangdun!

Beiying Yijue: ...

You can also call me Little Fatty!

Beiying Yijue: ...

You can also call...!

Wait a minute, I'm so handsome, why do I have to add the word fat!

If you are handsome and handsome, we will help you change your name from now on to Xiao Shuai Fat!



If there is a handsome guy named Guapi, we will call you Little White Fatty!

Beiying Yijue fell to the ground and twitched. Is he a loser? He will never be able to get rid of his fatness in his life?

I'm not convinced and I want to appeal!

Don't accept it? Fight in a group or fight alone? It's your choice. Beibei asked with a sweet voice, her eyes round.

Oh, eldest sister, second sister, third sister, I'm convinced. Please give the little fat guy your orders! Beiying Yijue's attitude changed drastically and he bowed his hands to the little guys. He was really afraid of Beibei. Fist.

Little fat man, do you have anything valuable on you?

Take them all out, it's time to honor us!

Beibei's eyes rolled round, this was a good idea.

Beiying Yijue's lips twitched. The plot was wrong, wasn't it? Wasn't the boss giving the younger brother a meeting gift?

poor child!

Everything about him was cheated by Beibei, who wiped his tears and felt aggrieved.

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