Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1058 Education (Third update)

Qin Xianglian also regretted it in her heart. Seeing Beibei crying so hard, she hesitated to refute Ling Yun's words.


Beibei cried from time to time, and her body twitched again. Ling Yun sighed, this kid is really showing off despite his condition!

I...I...I'm here for a hug. Qin Xianglian stretched out her hand, but Beibei shook her body, No!

This kid is angry!

You haven't eaten yet. Let's eat some with them later.

Indeed, as Ling Yun said, they were all lecturing the little ones and did not eat. Qin Xianglian's food was now cold.

An Qing blinked her beautiful eyes, knelt down and kissed the little guy's cheek, she said: Be good, Sissi, this is your father's decision, I agree with it, it's okay, it's only half an hour, mom will be with you Together.

Yeah, yeah!

Ling Yun: ...

This bitch, let her know how powerful she is tonight. Ling Yun despised it in his heart. As for what, isn't it just half a palace? If it's gone, it's gone. How about half an hour? She'll be hungry.

Little Eileen, I followed my brother and I won't beat you. Why are you crying?

She was fine, An Qing didn't dare to move, just verbal education, Qin Xianglian didn't dare even more, and the princess was not here.

After being busy for a while, Ling Yun brought all the food over and turned this place into a temporary eating place.

The little guy licked his mouth. She was hungry and could only watch An Qing and the others eat while she was still standing.

An Qing couldn't be cruel. She put the little one's favorite meat and grass in her bowl. Once she had enough, she was ready to feed the little one herself. She was full of happiness.

Beibei was forced to stand with the little guy, but she was so angry that she wouldn't eat, wouldn't eat...

Little Eileen doesn't think it tastes good and would rather eat the rice balls and give them soul crystals!

Little Eileen, eat more. Qin Xianglian kept picking up vegetables for her.

Ling Yun was speechless and said directly: If she doesn't like what you cooked, don't give her the food.

Little Eileen nodded silently immediately!

Qin Xianglian rolled her eyes at Ling Yun, why is it not delicious? She thinks it's good.

The little guy licked his mouth and mouth, but still looked at it. Ling Yun pretended not to see it. Since she was punished, let her remember it more deeply, and she would definitely not mess up next time. This method may be effective.

Otherwise, you have to be thrown into the Death Tower to experience again. The little guy has a very long road to learn.

Do you want to eat Beibei? Qin Xianglian asked.


Beibei muttered something so quietly that they couldn't hear it. When Ling Yun heard it, he smiled.

Beibei's words are: It's not made by Shuai Shuai, so you can eat whatever you want!'s so delicious. What is this? It's so delicious. After taking a bite of a dish she cooked, Qin Xianglian shouted. She just wanted Beibei to hear it and let her take the initiative to eat.

Beibei still said what he just said, completely indifferent!

The little guy licked his mouth, his mouth was drooling, his stomach was still growling, he was so aggrieved, and his little eyes started to turn red.

An Qing smiled, came over with a bowl of food, squatted down and imitated Sissi's tone and said: Sissi, mommy has put a lot of meat for you, come on... open your mouth!!

The little one is not angry, she is starving.


Has your memory improved? An Qing asked while feeding, and wiped the stains on the corners of her mouth with a tissue.

The little guy didn't speak, he was just chewing the food, his little head was nodding!

Even though it wasn't as delicious as Ling Yun's, she still ate a bowl and ate a lot of vegetables.

Ling Yun also took a few bites and then went out. Anyway, it was like this. There was no use for him to stay. He could just enjoy the scenery in the shrine.

After a while!

The God of the West is here!

Ling Yun didn't look back and said, What's the matter?

Is the emperor relaxing?


The emperor has heard about the evil Buddha. Where did he come from before? He was an ancient demon god. If he does evil things like the piano demon, he will be in trouble.

In addition to going to Xinghai to practice, he also inquired a lot about the evil Buddha.

If I say that Master Xuanji of Putuo Temple unsealed it, will you, an old boy, believe it? Do you think I am talking nonsense?

Ling Yun clearly remembers that when he was at the fatal point, Long Hair Floating and his last words, the three-headed hell dog guarding the evil Buddha was unsealed by the Bald Donkey Xuanji Master, which led to the accidental killing of the three-headed hell dog, Beibei.

Lord Xi Shen definitely didn't believe it, so he shook his head and explained: Emperor, please don't talk nonsense. Many casual cultivators who came out of the dead end are grateful to Master Xuanji.

He thought about it and knew that Master Xuanji came out of the fatal hole, so the evil Buddha came out of the fatal hole, and there was no need to ask Ling Yun.

Then what's there to say! Ling Yun shook his head speechlessly.

Anyway, I don't believe it. Putuo Temple is a bit fake, but many eminent monks are righteous. They care about the common people and save the world.

Xishenzun is so embarrassed that he can't kill a whole boatload of people with one stick. For example, Master Zhenghe is very kind-hearted.

Yes, I care about the common people and save the world. Ling Yun sneered and mocked every word. He knew better than anyone what Putuo Temple was about.

Not only him, Xin Zhao also knows it very well!

Speaking of Putuo Temple, there is something wrong in Ling Yun's memory. It seems that he can't remember anything. He must ask Xin Zhao when he has time. It must be related to the ancient artifact.

They slay demons and demons and are representatives of justice. Emperor, please don't say these words to others in the future. Lord Xi Shen reminded worriedly, fearing that Ling Yun would offend Putuo Temple because he didn't know the truth!

The seven deities among them all knew the secrets of Putuo Temple and were worried that Ling Yun would suffer a loss.

Is there anything else? Ling Yun asked.

The important news just came from the Pisces Star Territory. When God Lord Xi said this, he wanted to see Ling Yun's face and reaction!


Ling Yun is an old man. He pretended not to know anything and pretended to be surprised: Is the Pisces Emperor dead?

Ah, no, it is said to be the Demon Gu Sect. This killer organization was destroyed by Pluto. The scene was so terrifying.

What? The Demonic Gu Sect has been destroyed, hahaha, okay, old boy Xi, don't you think it's very satisfying? Ling Yun stood with his hands behind his back, looked up to the sky and laughed, pretending to be such a damn good person.

Hehe, it must be very satisfying. I was so happy from ear to ear after hearing the news. God Lord Xi started laughing, forgetting that he should be observing Ling Yun.

When did this happen?

About an hour ago.

It's passed pretty quickly.

Yeah, I can only blame it because there was too much movement at the time.

Anyway, they are our enemies. If they die, they will die. Death is not a pity. Everyone in the killer organization will kill them.

Well, that's right. I just want to tell the emperor this good news so that you can be happy too.

Yes, it is indeed good news. I am very pleased and in a good mood.

The emperor didn't say anything about what happened in the lower realm just now? Boss Dong is waiting for me.

Lord Xi pointed at the woods below the shrine. There was no grass growing there. He didn't care whether Ling Yun turned around or not, he just pointed.

Hahaha, old boy Xi has a lot on his mind, so come prepared.

There, there, I am not as good as others, and I lost half of my moves, so I had to come here.

Xi Shenzun cursed in his heart. The seven gods were competing. Whoever lost would come to the shrine to ask Ling Yun the question he just asked. The result was that he lost.

When it happened!

Lingyun's consciousness warned them not to come, otherwise they wouldn't have made such a move.

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