Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1059 Maple Leaf City (first update)

Ling Yun smiled and had an idea in his mind!

He said: As you can see, half of the shrine was destroyed by a certain force.

Ah... Xi Shenzun was stunned and replied: Who is it? Who has eaten the courage of a leopard and is tired of living!

Young man Xi, are you still pretending? Don't you all know this? Ling Yun twitched the corner of his mouth and tried to make some lies. He would not fall for this trick.

Hehe, the emperor is wise, you have seen all this! Xi Shenzun smiled awkwardly.

Ling Yun turned around and said, I'll leave the restoration work of the temple to you. It's the symbol of the God Realm.

I need to calculate the expenses.

You're overthinking this. I won't make a dime. You don't even know how to do things anymore. You don't even know how to let others slip into the God Realm.

Ling Yun was still angry. Although he knew it was all caused by the mysterious stone tablet, he just wanted to wake up the Western God.

This this!

Seeing Ling Yun's eyes, Xi Shenzun swallowed his saliva and immediately changed his words: Okay! That's all right!

He wanted to cry but had no tears in his heart. Repairing the shrine? He could only imagine what Dong Shen Zun and the others would look like if they knew about such a big project.

Don't you ask about Maple Leaf? Ling Yun frowned. This was what made him the most angry. He didn't know when Maple Leaf Tianzun's body was stolen, and he was even made into a half-puppet.

We have known about this for a long time and have been investigating it. God Lord Xi said matter-of-factly.

You are really worthless! Ling Yun couldn't help but scolded him angrily.

Faced with Ling Yun's accusation, Lord Xi Shen bowed his head and remained silent, unable to refute.


We... Ling Yun was about to continue talking when the corner of his clothes was tugged!


Sissi is done?

Yeah. The little guy's eyes turned gloomy, but she still remembered what Ling Yun told her to take her to play after he finished.

Old boy Xi, if you have nothing to do, let's go for a walk together. Ling Yun knelt down and picked up the little guy. The latter was clingy but clingy.

Lord Xi Shen nodded. He really had nothing to do. It was already dark. He immediately followed Ling Yun into the Thunder Gate without asking where he was going.

Ling Yun didn't go to the Divine Peak. He felt something was wrong with the Death Tower, so he went there, and almost had a big accident!

Is this Linglong? Emperor, hurry up and save people! Xi Shenzun shouted as soon as he came out. The life breath of Empress Linglong in the Death Tower was almost gone.

Ling Yun nodded, and the passage on the first floor of the Death Tower was opened. Empress Linglong was also teleported out, and the latter lay quietly on the ground.

Xi Shenzun hurriedly stepped forward to swallow a pill for her, looking like he was sweating profusely.

What's going on, this Death Tower! Xi Shenzun murmured to himself, while sending Qi to Empress Linglong.

Ahem... Ling Yun was embarrassed because he was careless.

The little guy scratched his head, didn't speak much, and seemed a little autistic.

After Empress Linglong woke up, she felt frightened for a while. She thanked Lord Xi Shen so much, but the latter shook his head. He just gave her a pill.

Thank you, Lord Emperor!

As long as it's okay, don't go into the Death Tower alone in the future.

I don't dare anymore. Empress Linglong quickly shook her head, and at the same time she was very curious about the little guy's current state.

Ling Yun didn't intend to say anything more, so he shouted to Lord Shangxi and left.

The place Ling Yun wants to go is Maple Leaf City, Maple Leaf City in the God Realm, the former residence of Maple Leaf Heavenly Lord.

This city is not named after Maple Leaf Heavenly Lord, but because the city is full of maple leaf trees.

Welcome to the Supreme Lord!

Welcome to Mr. West Steward!

Seeing Ling Yun and Xi Shen Zun appear, all members of the Maple Leaf Fan clan knelt down at the door.

No gifts!

Ling Yun looked up and down the surrounding area and frowned. There was something wrong with the atmosphere here, and the people were even more wrong. His movements were a bit stiff.

Someone is practicing some evil skills. Others may not notice it, but he is very sensitive.

There is something very wrong with Maple Leaf City!

And the demon blue butterfly on the little guy's hair has been flapping its wings, reminding Ling Yun!

Old Man Fan is the patriarch of the Fan clan and Maple Leaf Tianzun's father said: Master Dijun and Manager Xi, follow me in.

Ling Yun and the others followed Old Man Fan all the way to the guest hall, which was similar in style to the Zhao family in Bishui Star.

I wonder why the Supreme Lord is here? Old Man Fan asked.

Ling Yun hugged the little guy and sat directly on the main seat, not caring what others looked at him. He was the biggest in the God Realm.

If I have something to ask, you don't have to be so nervous. Ling Yun opened his mouth and smiled, looking at the frightened and worried look of his family.

Lord Xishen is speechless, why are you here? He doesn't know.

You said, I will tell you everything I know. Old Man Fan was very honest and ordered his servants to serve tea to Ling Yun and the others!

Ling Yun looked at the cup of tea on the table and frowned, while the little guy looked disgusted and she pinched her nose!


Xishenzun held the tea cup, blew on it, and then began to taste it without noticing at all.

Ling Yun kept checking Old Man Fan's face and found that he didn't know anything about it.

Ahem, old boy Xi, you just drank it? Ling Yun reminded.

Lord Xi Shen nodded, tasted it again, and then said: Tea? Drink it while it's hot!

Now the little guy said with a milky voice: My stomach hurts after drinking it, daddy, don't drink it.

Lord Xishen smiled, then his expression suddenly changed, and he trembled: Poisonous, ouch!

He immediately covered his stomach and began to take out the elixir.

Old Man Fan was shocked!

Who did this! Who made the tea just now?

Ling Yun waved his hand, You can't find out this way. Who would make such a low-level mistake? It's obviously a frame-up. Maybe it's a group of people!

Lord Xi Shen rolled to the ground and kept screaming in pain. He didn't know what kind of poison he was poisoned. His own elixir didn't work.

The little guy was amused by him and laughed.

You... ahem... Old boy Xi, get up quickly. Ling Yun walked over and secretly gave him the detoxification pill.

Ling Yun's words appeared in Xi Shen Zun's mind, asking him to pretend to be calm.

Hehe, you have discovered this. Xi Shenzun stood up. All the poisons were removed. He must cooperate with Ling Yun.

You guys... Old Man Fan was confused. Why does this feel like acting?

Old Fan, let's just be quiet... Xi Shenzun pulled Old Fan away in one fell swoop, and Ling Yun waited quietly in the VIP hall.

After a while!

Old Man Fan is back, and Lord Xi Shen obeys Ling Yun's arrangement and transfers the people from Maple Leaf City.

You know everything? Ling Yun asked with a slight frown.

Sir Lord Xi, tell me something, I'm not very clear. Old Man Fan said truthfully.

I'll explain it later when I have time. Ling Yun shook his head, stepped lightly on the ground, and a thunder gate appeared on the ground.

Sissi, you go out with this old man first. Dad has to be busy for a while. I'll play with you later, okay?

Can't I be here? the little guy curled his lips.

No, there is an evil smell here. You have to pinch your nose and be obedient!

Ling Yun was amused. The little guy pinched his nose at this moment. He was so cute.

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