Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1272 Onigashima’s retreat (third update)

The entire pit was covered with a thick layer of soil, which even the ghosts couldn't break through despite their violent struggles.

Hahaha, are you digging your own grave? You are self-aware. General Xi Zhengcheng slowly walked over and looked at him, sneering again and again.

The little guy was waiting for this moment. General Xi Zhengcheng's feet were imprisoned. The soil began to wrap around him, and the ground suddenly turned into a swamp.

Gui Jianchou was so suppressed that he once again unleashed his inner energy, but at this moment the little guy relaxed his control.

As a result, the force of these two things breaking out of the ground was so great that they shot directly into the sky like a shooting star.

Damn it, what the hell is this? General Xi Zhengcheng struggled fiercely: What kind of skill is this? Come out if you have the ability, come out.

He was very dissatisfied!

The swamp on the ground, the soil that enveloped him, the fire dragon flying in the sky, and the iron dragon quietly watching the battlefield, who did all of this!

The little guy murmured to himself and said in a sweet voice, Isn't this where I am?

Little Eileen looked at the sky, and the ghost figure was attacking very quickly!

When Gui Jianchou saw that General Xi Zhengcheng could not move, he would definitely give the latter a final blow and let him die happily.

His ultimate move was ready, and the fiery red figure flew quickly. General Xi Zhengzheng was shocked and sweating.

If he doesn't break free from the restraints, he's afraid he'll be dead after this move, either self-destruction, causing ghosts to die, or the Nascent Soul leaving the body.

Even if the Nascent Soul leaves the body, he may not survive. The ghost will not let him go. He knows this very well!


He's better prepared to blow himself up, he can't break free.

Gui Jianchou has come, and General Xi Zhengcheng has a sneer on his lips. When Gui Jianchou arrives, he will unexpectedly self-destruct, and Gui Jianchou will definitely die.

This is embarrassing! !

The little guy didn't see the ghost, so she clapped her little hand, and the latter suddenly arrived in front of General Xi Zhengcheng, ready to give him the final blow!

With this slap from the little guy, both of them were violently slapped into the ground, and two screams echoed!

Boom boom! !

The city wall could no longer bear it, and the formation had a hole. Gui Yaksha quickly stopped chasing General Dong Zhengqu and came back to repair the formation.

If the formation is broken, it will be in trouble. Without protection, the new city of Devil May Cry will be captured immediately, and the little guys on the wall will also suffer.

Beibei's face turned dark. Her sister was so messy that she almost collapsed the city wall.

Gui Shisan jumped down and looked at the deep pit with the palm print. His consciousness swept away and he breathed a sigh of relief. Gui Jianchou was not dead yet, and both of them flew out with scars.

I'm very angry, and the consequences will be serious. General Xi Zhengcheng said with a ferocious look on his face.

He was almost knocked out of breath just now. The power was so abnormal, but fortunately it wasn't a martial skill, otherwise, with his physical body, he wouldn't have been able to withstand it.

Just get angry, what else can you do? After Beibei heard this, she turned her head and curled her lips.

Not far away, dozens of Immortal Emperor Seventeen came, all casual cultivators from the Twelve Domains, and they were now enemies of Ghost Island.

Facing so many enemies, Guidao is really doomed this time. The Ghost King's face is ashen and he dare not make a sound.

Hand it over!

General Dongzheng Qu stared coldly at Yan Xuefei, who trembled violently!

I don't have an ancient artifact. This is all because your information was wrong. Yan Xuefei said angrily.

You won't shed tears until you see the coffin. Only after you kill them all and you are alone and helpless will you be obedient. A smile appeared on the corner of General Dong Zhengqu's mouth, which was evil!

The entire battlefield was divided again. People in white armor gathered together, and it was estimated that there were tens of thousands of troops.

On the other side is a group of rogue cultivators, watching eagerly, like a pack of hungry wolves, with the possibility of attacking at any time.

Almost all of the three thousand ghost guards on the Ghost Emperor's side were dead, and the rest were Immortal Emperor Seventeen. The old woman couldn't fight anymore, she was seriously injured.

Angry...angry... Yan Xuefei gritted her teeth. She said it was not in her hands, so why didn't she believe it?

Stop talking nonsense to them. Even if it's not for the artifact, we already have a grudge against Pisces. He won't let us go. Oni Yaksha surrounded so many enemies, his eyes radiating coldness.

General Dong Zhengqu laughed loudly: You just need to understand. Do you know or not, Lord Pisces gave the order except for her, and all the people on the ghost island must be killed.

Yan Xuefei was shocked and didn't let anyone go? Too cruel!

I do not have the ancient artifact, but I know its whereabouts. If you let them go, I will tell you! Yan Xuefei's eyes flashed.

Xue Fei can't do it, we won't leave, and we won't abandon Onigashima even if we die. Oni Yasha was the first to disagree, clenching his fists tightly.

Ghost Thirteen also followed: What nonsense are you talking about? I will not avenge my companions. I will die here.

No, no, no, you can't see the situation clearly? You are not qualified to negotiate terms. From now on, except for them, everyone else will be killed without mercy. General Dongzheng Qu pointed at the three little guys on the city wall.

The daughter of Hades?

At this moment, he had thought clearly and did not dare to touch them yet. He had to let the Pisces Monarch decide.

Where's Pisces, where's Pisces, I want to see him. Yan Xuefei shouted, a trace of anxiety appeared on her face when she saw the enemy who was about to make a move.

The Pisces Monarch is not something you can just see if you want. Give up your struggle. Facing the strong wind, you have no chance of winning.

General Dong Zhengqu's tone was cold. As soon as he finished speaking, his body burst out, and a huge plume of smoke was raised in one dive.

Boom boom! !

His move was so powerful that the Ghost Emperor and others were all knocked back!

Don't move, or I'll kill you.

A certain Immortal Emperor captured the old woman alive, and her body was crumbling.

Let her go! Yan Xuefei said with wide eyes. If one of them is caught, isn't it the end?

Beibei blinked and punched the little leader of the Seventeenth Immortal Emperor to death.

The sudden scene frightened everyone, and no one saw clearly who took action, and General Dongzheng Qu became angry again, always suspecting that there was an insidious person hiding in the dark.

You villain, I look down on you. If you have the ability to come out and fight openly and openly, hurting people behind your back is nothing. General Qu of the Eastern Expedition said.

Lu Changlong laughed loudly: He just doesn't have the ability, that's why he's a grandson. We just have an all-out attack and don't worry about him!

General Xi Zhengcheng nodded: This statement makes sense, I agree!

The Ghost King was horrified and immediately ordered everyone to return to the new city of Ghost Crying City and hold on tightly. Ghost Yaksha rescued the old woman immediately.

Everyone on Ghost Island began to retreat!

There are so many people in white armor, it is definitely impossible to let them return to the city!

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