Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1273 Goddess of Life

The time seemed to be calculated correctly, and a group of powerful casual cultivators suddenly appeared from the soil at the city gate.

Hahaha, where are you escaping! A certain cultivator looked up to the sky and laughed. All the plans were planned, and there was never a miscalculation.

Just waiting for you to come back, where will you run this time?

Oni Island is just like this. It's really stupid. The ghost emperor in ancient times was just mediocre.

Hearing these sounds, the Ghost Emperor was so angry that he vomited blood!

At this time, they could only stop. It was impossible to return to the city. The next step was to fight to the death with these bastards!

There were only three little ones left in the new Devil May Cry City, and among them, only the little one slipped out, because she was the only one who could ignore all formations.

Seeing Sissi go out, Beibei curled his lips, thinking about the annoying formation, whether to smash it with a punch! !

Little Eileen stared blankly, blinking and blinking!

Fuck! She...she... Lu Changlong pointed at little Irene and stammered, wondering why this child was here!

Damn it!

This Lu Changlong was stupid enough. Even the Ghost Emperor didn't recognize him. That's right. At that time, the Ghost Emperor had a bruised nose and face, and his parents wouldn't even recognize him alive.

Don't make a fuss. Don't be distracted. Another general has died now. The insidious man who secretly acted is watching with eager eyes. General Xi Zhengcheng on the side reminded.

The little guy just slipped out and ran past a group of casual cultivators excitedly!

The daughter of Hades?

Too great Lord!!!!

Holy shit...

Kill or not?

You are stupid. Don't seek death and implicate us. Listen to General Dongzheng Qu and keep them.

Damn it, isn't Pluto right here? A certain cultivator's face suddenly turned pale, with no blood at all, and his body couldn't stop trembling.

Some of the group of casual cultivators were shivering, some were sweating profusely, and some were relatively calm.

As long as he kills her, even if he doesn't kill Pluto, he will be able to brag for a lifetime, and even if he dies, he will be famous throughout the ages, some casual cultivators thought excitedly.

After thinking about it, no one dares to take action!

In this case, who takes the lead?

The corner of the Ghost Emperor's mouth twitched and said: She has many people who want her life now.

Yan Xuefei suddenly thought of it, and her figure came quickly.

Don't run out.

Her tone was very angry, what kind of place is this, how about a battlefield, and the little guy lowered his head!

Ghost Yaksha opened his eyes wide and asked: How did she come out? The formation is still there!


Boom boom! !

With this huge noise, the formation guarding the new city of Devil May Cry was shattered by a few of Beibei's divine fists.

The brilliance of the entire formation fell down like spider web fragments.

Oni Yasha opened his mouth wide, it was too slap in the face, this kid is really awesome, what level is that punch!

The formation was shattered, which greatly boosted the enemy's morale, and the Ghost Emperor and the others all looked ashen.

Now I can only be beaten by a group of people, there is no fortress left!

The little guy's iron dragon finally moved, and with a clanging sound all over its body, it rushed straight into the army. There was a fight immediately, and countless enemy soldiers were killed at its hands!

General Dong Zhengqu had to destroy the terrifying iron dragon himself, but Beibei ran over and her fire dragon also joined the battlefield!

Three generals and two fake dragons, all of whom were somewhat powerful, also attacked the Ghost Emperor and the others, and the scene was in chaos.


The little guy's iron dragon is not a vegetarian. General Dongzhengqu had no choice but to organize his subordinates and trap him with formations.

Beibei's fire dragon was directly absorbed by a certain immortal emperor's magical weapon. Beibei was so angry that he punched him hard again!

This punch took away one-third of the enemy troops, and everyone gasped!

Oh my god, she is a little pervert, we must not let her live, she is the next Pluto!

The power of a Pluto has already frightened everyone in the twelve regions. Now a weirdo has appeared. We must kill her before she grows up!

This is what most people are thinking at this moment! !


A pair of eyes full of murderous intent were fixed on Beibei. The latter was so frightened that he trembled all over and gave up. He hugged Yan Xuefei's feet again!

The little guy scratched his head stupidly, wondering why these people were staring at them? What a scary look.

You are not allowed to hurt them! Yan Xuefei hurriedly guarded Beibei and the others. Her life would be in vain if she didn't understand the actions of the people on the other side.

Everyone, wake up and get ready! The Ghost Emperor shouted!

I am the sinner, let me end their lives!

The words have fallen!

General Xi Zhengcheng's eyes were scarlet, and he gathered all his power with a huge palm. As long as the child died, the people on Ghost Island would not struggle. This was what he was thinking!

If Pluto wants to go on a killing spree, just come at him, he has an attitude of treating death like home!

at the same time!

There is something abnormal in the sky, and his actions will not stand up under Ling Yun's gaze!


Ling Yun didn't take action, and colorful glow appeared over Guida. A woman as beautiful as a fairy smiled softly, and then walked down step by step, just like walking up stairs in the sky.

Wow...what a beautiful aunt!! The little guy looked at it without blinking!

Just like godmother. Beibei nodded!

Chen Wanxue!

Ling Yun's eyes widened, why did this woman come to Ghost Island!

In the Dark Age, the most beautiful woman in the twelve regions is recognized as the goddess of life!

No one in the Twelve Domains knows her origins, but Ling Yun is very familiar with her!

This woman is very strong. Ling Yun once fought her for three days and three nights in the first demon form, and the latter lost half of her moves.

She controls the power of life and death. Heaven is her father and the earth is her mother. She was born from heaven and earth. She can speak as soon as she is born and is naturally beautiful.

What does it mean to be conceived by heaven and earth? She is an elf transformed from the essence of ancient chaos. All the elves in the Magic Continent have some relationship with her.

However, due to the all-encompassing energy of chaos, her body is very unstable, and she must wander among the mountains and rivers of the earth every year to breathe out the spiritual energy.

Those who saw her in later generations respected her as the goddess of life, a symbol of nobility.

It's her! General Dong Zhengqu frowned, quite surprised why the most mysterious woman in the twelve regions was here!

Everyone began to look at the goddess of life. Everything on the ghost island came to life, and grass and flowers gradually grew on the ground!

The little guy had a big mouth. Besides her father, someone else could do such a powerful magic. Her eyes were very wide.

The world is ignorant, and few people know that the goddess of life has great power, and she has always been indifferent to the world and doing what she likes.

Welcome the goddess of life!

A certain Immortal Emperor's eyes widened when he saw her. The goddess of life was simply a legend. She could only be seen in portraits. Now that she saw her true appearance, she was so beautiful that she couldn't stop being a bitch.

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