Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1274 Take away?

Everyone is also amazed at the spectacle!

What power can revive all things? This mysterious woman is a mystery!

You can do whatever you want, but children are still children. Don't you have children? The voice was like the sound of nature, which was breathtaking.

The Goddess of Life smiled, and a ray of light wiped out the scum of the group of immortal emperors surrounding the little guy.

General Dong Zhengqu clenched his fists. He was not sure he could defeat the goddess of life. Was that power just now? Why didn't he feel anything at all?

General Xi Zhengcheng directly aimed his huge palm at the goddess of life in mid-air!

The goddess of life smiled softly. This smile fascinated a group of casual cultivators. They all said they were in love with her. Where can I find such a beautiful and gentle woman?


They are simply out of their minds, what about those who died just now?

The goddess of life smiled and shook her head, her eyes seemed to be full of ridicule!

This palm energy disappeared without a trace, and everyone was shocked!

At this time, General Xi Zhengcheng let out a heart-rending scream. This scene made the surrounding enemy soldiers tremble in their hearts, with a strong look of fear in their eyes. The next scene made them feel even more Creepy.

Next up!

General Xi Zhengzheng's whole body was shattered into pieces, and the latter let out extremely miserable screams. It was so weird. The general under the dignified Pisces Monarch died like this, so easily!

Ling Yun frowned. This was the right of the goddess of life to grant death to others. If this woman lost her mind, everyone would be killed.

Even though she looks silly, she is really cruel when she is cruel!


She had already walked to the ground, and as she stepped forward, the Ghost Emperor and the others all retreated, their faces pale with fright.

The little boy was curious, so he threw away Yan Xuefei's hand and ran to see the lotus. This child was particularly curious as to why there were lotus flowers when walking. His little mind was almost broken.

Yan Xuefei was not afraid of the goddess of life subconsciously, but the Ghost Emperor held her back and kept shaking her head. If she didn't understand what the other party was going to do, she shouldn't rush into her rashly.

Sissi...come back!

Helpless, she could only shout on the spot, with a look of anxiety on her face.

Don't be afraid.

Beibei shook her head. She didn't feel the goddess of life was hostile!

The little guy ignored the goddess of life, ran behind her with a smile, squatted down, and was watching the lotuses bloom! !

little guy?

The goddess of life immediately knelt down and gently stroked the little guy's little head, making her laugh. However, the latter was observing her wholeheartedly and ignored her at all.

You like it very much? the goddess of life asked again!

This time the little guy heard it, his little head shook like a wavy drum, so cute!


The goddess of life handed her the palm of her hand, and she saw a flower blooming in the former's palm. She touched it lightly and found that it was a real flower!

This time she was confused!

Don’t flowers all grow on the ground? Can it still come out from the palm of your hand? So strange!

Goddess of Life, I can't defeat you, but I hope you will be fair. I have nothing else to ask for. Lord Pisces asked me to take over Ghost Island. Now it seems that I can't do it. General Dongzheng Qu said!

With a look of helplessness in his eyes, seeing the goddess of life acting like this, he must be on the side of Onigashima!

No, no, no, you are wrong. Your affairs have nothing to do with me, but you don't even let the children go. It's a bit too much. The goddess of life responded with a smile.

This...this...I didn't give such an order. Let's do this. I promise you, junior, they can leave. Of course, you can take them away now.

General Dong Zhengqu said, with a hint of excitement in his eyes, it would be great if he really didn't interfere.

The goddess of life shook her head, not knowing what it meant!

General Dongzheng Qu frowned, then took a step back and said: Let's do this, you ask that woman to hand over the ancient artifact Medicine King Cauldron, and our Pisces army retreats!!

When he said this, he looked unwilling. He clearly had a chance to destroy Onigashima, but an accident happened!

Her? Just ask her. The goddess of life looked back at Yan Xuefei up and down!

I...concubine...I don't...don't have ancient artifacts. This is all their excuse. Yan Xuefei said angrily, feeling very uncomfortable being stared at by the goddess of life!

We definitely have the inside story. The top ten ancient artifacts are in your hands. General Dongzheng Qu's eyes flashed with a chill.

Meow! ! !

Along with this meow, a terrifying murderous aura enveloped me, and then the sky roared. The Pisces Monarch finally knew that the Ghost Emperor and little Irene had been taken away, and he was furious at this moment!

You are looking for death!!

Don't shout so loud, you scare me. The goddess of life frowned slightly.

The Pisces Monarch said in a timid voice: Who are you? Why are you here?

He was startled when he heard the voice transmitted from the goddess of life thousands of miles away.

The goddess of life pinched the little guy's face, suddenly changed her face, and said seriously: I'm here for her, little one. The power in you and your sister's body is enough to destroy the twelve domains. This is not allowed. I’m going to take you away and purify them!”

Little one, come with me, I won't hurt you.

The sound is sometimes louder and sometimes softer, and some people only hear purification...

After she finished speaking, Ling Yun was already angry, and the sky was filled with black clouds.

The little guy pouted and said, What are you doing? Why are you pulling out my hair?

The goddess of life pulled out a piece of the little guy's hair. The latter frowned slightly, while Ghost Thirteen shivered. The little princess was missing a hair! ! !

No matter who the Pisces Monarch is for, no one can stop him from achieving enlightenment. Huge cat paws fall from the sky, and the power of destroying the world tilts down!

Die all of them!

With the sissy and angry voice of the Pisces Monarch, everyone left the battlefield. If the Pisces Monarch took action, there would be no need for their group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

General Dong Zhengqu was very excited, this time the ghost island was going to be destroyed!


Oh no!!

The Pisces King's painful voice sounded, and his cat's claws were scorched by lightning!

It's not me, that's Hades?? The goddess of life knew very well that this power was not hers. Her power was swallowed up by the clouds. This was the first time she encountered this situation!


The little guy seemed to sense Ling Yun's presence and kept covering his mouth and smiling.

You are not qualified to take them away! Ling Yun's angry voice came out from the black clouds!


Just by hearing the sound, many people were so scared that they peed their pants. They still provoked this murderous god. They had been fine for so long, but now, there was really no place to escape!

My daddy...

Huhu... Handsome Shu, I've been waiting for you. Beibei jumped up, looking excited.

It's good that you're here. It's really tiring to take care of them here. Yan Xuefei breathed a sigh of relief. Ling Yun appeared and could solve any problem.

Pluto, do you know what you are doing? You gave them power, but you are irresponsible for the twelve domains!

The goddess of life looked up to the sky and asked, half of the words were clear to everyone, and the other half could only be heard by Ling Yun!

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