Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1346 Return

Dongfang Honghong was also shocked, and then smiled faintly. She raised her eyebrows and looked at Li Si aside. Seeing that he was about to sneak away, she raised her voice and said, Hey, where is the person I bet with just now?

Yan Sijun looked as if he was scared to death. This must be great luck. It seems to be good material, otherwise no one would have such an expression.

Most of the people who could gather around him liked to watch the excitement. They usually didn't like Li Si's behavior, so when they saw this, they couldn't help but join in the booing.

Li Si, don't go anywhere, the bet isn't over yet.

That's right! You don't leave until good things come out. It's too late.

A monk can't escape from the temple if he runs away. If you leave, we can take the stone ores in your shop as we please.

There was ridicule, there was ridicule, there was also booing.

For a moment, Li Si's face turned red, but the crowd of onlookers deliberately blocked him in the middle, making it impossible for him to leave even if he wanted to.

Fat San carefully extracted the stone ore. His eyes were shining with excitement and his whole hand was trembling slightly.

Everyone shouted: Oh my god, this is the rarest diamond in the world of weapon refining!

Although it was a valuable diamond, he still handed it to the little guy without hesitation and said earnestly: Little baby, please keep your diamond.

Fat San was very excited. He finally cut out a good piece of material in his shop, and he was so excited that he burst into tears.

The little guy took it casually, and before she could kick it into her arms, someone on the side asked loudly: Little kid, do you want to sell this diamond?

As soon as someone asked, for fear that he would not be able to grab it if he spoke too late, someone immediately followed him and shouted: I will offer you five thousand pieces of top-quality spiritual stones. You can sell this diamond to me!

Diamonds are very helpful to weapon refiners. Most of the good weapons use diamonds, and there are not many of them on the entire continent.

I'll pay six thousand!

I will pay seven thousand

I have eight thousand!

Suddenly, the value of this diamond increased steadily!

Yan Sijun complained fiercely... He actually offered ten thousand pieces of top-quality spiritual stones. He was so jealous. Why wasn't he the one who bought it?

Although the market price of diamonds is more than 9,000 top-quality spiritual stones, there is no market for them, and supply exceeds demand. Therefore, the transaction price of diamonds is always higher than 10,000 top-quality spiritual stones.


She opened this one with some reluctance, mainly because she didn't want her parents to see it, so she shook her head slightly.

Dongfang Honghong saw the little guy's actions and smiled slightly, and was about to help her refuse. However, before she could speak, someone shouted loudly: Our young master is offering 11,000 top-quality spiritual stones! Who else is there? Dare to follow!

Everyone looked up.

A young man in rich clothes came from the front. He was about seventeen or eighteen years old. He had watery peach blossom eyes and extremely handsome facial features, but he exuded an arrogance of being superior to others.

The servant next to him was also arrogant, bossy, and extremely arrogant.

With the arrival of the handsomely dressed young man, almost everyone present fell silent and did not dare to bid. What's more, some people had already quietly slipped away.

At this time, Fat San also looked at Dongfang Honghong and the others with slightly worried eyes.

Yan Sijun really wanted to agree immediately, sell it... why not sell it at such a high price!

Dongfang Honghong glanced at the handsome young man with a half-smile, and said concisely: Sorry, this diamond is not for sale.

This baby voice almost made the handsome man laugh. His charming face, Yujie’s figure, and Loli’s accent, I love it...

Not for sale? Do you know who our young master is? The arrogant servant raised his chin and glanced at Dongfang Honghong with disdain. There was nothing that their young master wanted that he couldn't get, and so did she. !

Dongfang Honghong glanced around, and suddenly, she smiled lightly: So this ore market advertises free trading, but it's all to deceive people? The real situation is that it's forced buying and selling?

Hearing this, Yan Sijun was also very angry. He was a local snake. Why hadn't he seen the one looking for trouble? It was that green onion!

He stared at the handsome man and cursed: Who the hell are you? How dare you beep in the city of years.


The gorgeous young master knocked away Yan Sijun, a powerful immortal, with a wave of his hand, and the latter vomited a mouthful of blood!

Dongfang Honghong was startled, this man was an Immortal Emperor seventeenth, what was his background!

The little milk dog glared angrily, something was wrong. It immediately transformed into the sacred beast Flame Tiger, but its identity would also be exposed, so it would not do that unless it was absolutely necessary.

The little guy quickly covered her diamond. Hearing that these people were trying to steal her, it would be strange for her to accept it. Besides, during the period of searching for the small stone, her father had sealed her ability and her eyes were moving.

The handsome man's expression condensed, his arrogant eyes glanced at Yan Sijun on the ground with contempt, and he said condescendingly: You stinky boy, your mouth really stinks. Didn't you come here and didn't ask about the owner of the quarry market? who is it?

Who is the owner of this quarry market? I have never heard of this, but is it important?

Dongfang Hong's eyes raised a teasing smile: Oh, could it be run by your family?

If it was really owned by his family, how could he forcefully buy it from them just because of a small diamond? This makes no sense at all.

The young man in Jinyi smiled contemptuously, opened the folding fan with a snap, raised his chin proudly, and glanced proudly at the dog slave beside him.

The slave understood, and suddenly became arrogant again. He pointed at Dongfang Honghong and sneered: Haha, prick up your ears and understand! This quarry market is opened by Tianmen. Do you know Tianmen? My young master is a member of Tianmen. Return to the elders, the youngest elders.”

One return?

The little guy laughed and started to laugh at the name, Yigui? Turtle... I laughed again as I thought about it!

Elder Yigui came here for just one day to investigate the affairs of Wuhun Continent. Now everyone in Wuhun Continent is inciting those forces to fight with each other in Chuantian Sect.

Little did he know that it was Ling Yun who was behind the scenes. The masterpiece codenamed No. 1 did not disappoint Ling Yun!

It turned out to be Tianmen. Dongfang Honghong smiled coldly: Even if it's Tianmen, if we don't sell it, we won't sell it.

Elder Yigui looked a little worried at this time, but now that the matter has reached this point, if he gives in, it seems that he is afraid. How can he gain a foothold in this Tianmen in the future?

I saw the cold eyes of Elder Yigui staring at Dongfang Honghong coldly: I just want to buy this diamond in her hand. Will you sell it or not?

At this time, an invisible coercion spread from his body instantly.

This is the pressure that belongs to Immortal Emperor Seventeen. For ordinary people, it is simply an existence that defies heaven.

For a moment, everyone retreated in horror, far away from the scene, fearing that they would be unreasonably affected.

Dongfang Honghong protected the little guy, while a cold light flashed in his eyes!

The little puppy suddenly shook his head, he didn't need to take action anymore...

Ling Yun seemed to be smiling but not smiling. He had transformed into a young man in black robe, and he was here right now!

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