Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1347 Can’t run away

Is this using force to force them to compromise? Do you really think that she is a useless person who can be bullied and has no power to fight back?

She is from Onigashima!

The dignified ghost queen will be afraid...

nonexistent! !

Dongfang Honghong stood motionless, her eyes as cold as ice, and her thin eyebrows like condensed frost, exuding a chill.

She looked at Elder Yigui coldly with a half-smile but not a smile. Although her body was attacked by his power, she was calm and calm, as if nothing happened.

There was a flash of astonishment on Elder Yigui's face. He didn't expect that this girl was actually a bit real. But because of this, he became more interested in Dongfang Honghong. She was so strong and had good dual cultivation. .

Ling Yun just wanted to take action...

However, at this moment, a man wearing a black robe suddenly appeared out of thin air!

Ling Yun's pupils shrank: Chen Wanxue...

The goddess of life glanced at Elder Yigui with a gloomy gaze, and raised her hand. Suddenly, the powerful pressure released by the latter disappeared, and the condensed and oppressive air returned to its original state.

When Elder Yigui saw the man in black robes, his eyes suddenly shrank, and there was a hint of awe in his expression. He was not a simple person who could neutralize his moves with one move.

He thought to himself, this person has the eighteen cultivation levels of the Immortal Emperor, he cannot afford to offend him!

The goddess of life's eyes were gloomy. She pretended that she didn't exist. Even if she was strong, she couldn't bully the child. She still liked the little one. The father of this child was Pluto!

If Pluto becomes angry and another bloody storm breaks out, for example, just now, she did not take action to resolve it, and as a result, Chunyang Palace was brutally murdered, even though most of the children of Chunyang Palace went to besiege Baihua Palace!

However, many people died in Chunyang Palace, including the ancestor who was in seclusion. The latter wanted to cry but had no tears. Who did he offend... I don’t know! It's like this.

There will never be forced buying or selling in the stone ore market. The goddess of life said calmly in a rough and old voice while looking at Dongfang Honghong.

Then he turned to look at Elder Yigui with a rather displeased look on his face: We are not allowed to use force to intimidate him.

Before he finished speaking, a thin layer of cold sweat seemed to appear on Elder Yigui's forehead. It seemed that at this moment, he was bearing unspeakable pressure. His legs seemed to have been kicked hard, and he couldn't help but Gonna kneel down.

However, he clenched his teeth tightly to prevent himself from kneeling down. His teeth made a clicking sound, which made everyone who heard him cry out.


Elder Yigui had no choice but to give in. He was trembling all over. It seemed that he couldn't bear it anymore. He gritted his teeth and squeezed out a word.

Get out of here now.

The Goddess of Life frowned, seemingly displeased, but as she raised her hand, the overwhelming pressure that condensed on Elder Yigui dissipated.

Elder Yigui felt as if he had been dragged up from a pool. His whole body was drenched in cold sweat, and drops of sweat rolled down his face.


The Yigui elder responded weakly, clamped his tail in an instant, and ran away in despair with his evil servant without looking back.

The little guy laughed and said from ear to ear: The turtle has run away, the turtle has run away!



Ling Yun wouldn't allow it, he would kill Elder Yigui, even the goddess of life couldn't stop him!

Of course he did it quietly!

Let alone wanting to attack the little guy, just because he was doing something for Tianmen, it would be impossible to let him go.

If Elder Yigui clarifies what Code One has done, then the grievances and grudges of the major forces in Wuhun Continent will be temporarily resolved, and then everything he has done will be in vain.

So while the goddess of life was here, Ling Yun waited until Elder Yigui returned to his temporary residence...

Everyone watching the show was stunned. The Yigui elder of Tianmen just ran away like that...without looking back...

Seeing the Yigui Elder being sent away after just a few words, some were shocked, some were puzzled, but most of them were in disbelief!

Yes, absolutely incredible.


Things are simple.

Based on their many years of experience visiting the original quarry market, there were people who had done evil in the quarry market many times before, but no one in black robes had ever stepped forward to stop them.

Because everyone knows the identity of Elder Yigui, Tianmen, not everyone can offend him.

But today, the man in black robe appeared so quickly, and attacked Elder Yigui mercilessly... So, was it a coincidence? Or deliberately?

If it's a coincidence, then that's it. If it's intentional... everyone's attention will be focused on Dongfang Honghong. If it's intentional, then this girl's identity may be much more important.

For a moment, everyone just stared at Dongfang Honghong blankly, with thousands of thoughts in their hearts, and their expressions were complicated and confused.

After Yan Sijun swallowed the elixir, he was almost healed. With the support of his servants, he could barely walk! !

Dongfang Honghong thanked the man in black robe, the goddess of life. If the latter hadn't arrived, she might not have been the opponent of the elder Yigui for protecting the little guy.

Elder Yigui returned to his temporary residence, full of anger!

Who the hell is he? Let me be humiliated today! Elder Yigui said angrily and slapped the table in front of him!

Thinking back to the strength of the Tianmen Elder and Immortal Emperor Seventeen, he actually had no resistance in front of that person. He was so angry!

They all revealed their identities and didn’t give him any face. If it were someone else, their expressions would change as soon as they heard his name!

His family background is not ordinary. His father is an elder of Tianmen, and his grandfather is an elder of Tianmen. The whole family works for Tianmen, and he is the most respected person in Tianmen!

His slave dare not speak, and the master is angry, so it is best not to interrupt!

A murderous figure emerged, it was Ling Yun wearing a black robe!


A terrifying palm hit Elder Yigui's chest, and the latter flew dozens of meters backwards, smashing through several walls!


Without giving Elder Yigui a chance, Ling Yun's figure attacked again, and this time he stepped on him hard!

Elder Yigui's whole body is covered with true energy to protect his body, but it's all in vain!

Lingyun's kick shook the city of years!

Once you become an elder, no scum will be left that will naturally die!

The Goddess of Life was shocked and immediately rushed to the scene of the incident, but Ling Yun was there. At this moment, Ling Yun returned to his yard, happily drinking tea and humming a song!

At this time, while everyone was in a daze, one person rubbed oil on his soles and tried to run away.

Dongfang Honghong shouted: Li Si, stop! I just want to run's too late!

Hearing this, the little guy immediately grabbed Li Si's clothes to prevent him from running away!

Li Si was the one who bet with the little guy before, and if he lost, he would chew off the entire rough stone.

Now, when he saw that Dongfang Honghong and the others were able to force away even the Yigui elders of Tianmen, he immediately wanted to escape. However, who made Dongfang Honghong's eyes sharp?

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