Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1465 Black Evil

It is not a pity that you should die.

That voice was magnetic, like the sound of nature, but now it sounded like a death knell to the young man's ears.

Have mercy on you, have mercy on you, have mercy on you, I will never dare to do it again, never again.

The young man knew that no one could be Pluto's opponent. He was not, not even the adults he called, and those who angered Pluto would only die.

This is the eternal law of the twelve ancient domains! But they are worse than a dog!

In the face of absolute power, they are just ants.

Don't be so nervous, I won't kill you. Ling Yun said with a smile, his evil black eyes smiling.

The young man raised his head tremblingly, his tear-stained face full of embarrassment, and he said blankly: Really...really...

Ling Yun chuckled, To be precise, I won't kill you easily.

No no no...

The man in green suddenly widened his eyes, and hurriedly tried to escape from this Shura hell with hands and feet, but before he could successfully turn around, he was already picked up by an invisible force!

Sissi, Beibei, cover your eyes, don't listen to the sound, and don't peek.


Although the two little guys didn't understand, they still listened to Ling Yun's words, thinking that Ling Yun was going to perform some magic trick at this moment. They were very obedient.

No! Don't kill me! I know my mistake... I really know my mistake...

The young man cried bitterly. If he had known that those two children were the daughters of Hades, even if he had a hundred courages, he would not have dared to touch them.

However, his begging was not replaced by Ling Yun's compassion.

Ling Yun picked him up from the air with one hand, and raised his other hand slightly. A black line slowly spread out from his fingertips, like a snake.

The line quickly entered the young man's chest. The struggling young man's eyes widened and he began to thrust out continuously!

The skin exposed outside the clothes began to be covered with black lines. The black lines had a faint luster, like a fine spider web that tightly adhered to his whole body.

In an instant, the tip of the little finger on the young man's right hand began to turn into a ball of blood. The bones, flesh and skin were melted bit by bit, turning into sticky blood and dripping on the ground drop by drop. It was too horrible to see.

The surrounding air formed an invisible cage!

Miaoxin witnessed this scene with fear written all over her face!

Isn't this the prison for sinners of Lord Taishang? It's too terrifying. This is the rhythm of torturing the other party!

He should know now that the little princess cannot be messed will make Pluto go crazy!


A shrill scream erupted from the man's mouth, and he could clearly feel the severe pain of his flesh and bones being melted and corroded bit by bit, the kind of pain that would almost make people faint in an instant.

But his consciousness remained extremely clear.

Every bit of pain was clearly transmitted to every nerve in him!

Pluto's most terrifying method in ancient times, the devil...

Miao Xin looked at the young man's fingers that were constantly turning into blood, and her whole body began to tremble uncontrollably, remembering the legend in her mind.


One of the unique abilities of the ancient Pluto is that he can turn anyone into a ball of black blood in an instant.

However, it can control the speed of its corruption, allowing people to endure the severe pain of being corrupted little by little in fear.

That kind of pain is torture that no one can bear.

According to rumors, there was once a peak powerhouse in the Twelve Domains who tried to challenge Pluto's authority during his travels in ancient times, and that person was rewarded with a demon by Pluto.

When black evil enters the body, life is worse than death!

The man was tortured for three whole days and nights. It started from the fingertips and spread continuously, first to the fingers, then to the palms, then to the arms, shoulders, and then spread down, from the chest to the legs.

In the end, only one head was left, and what was even more terrifying was that until the end, when only one head was left, the man was still alive and maintaining painful consciousness.

The terror of the Black Evil once frightened the people of the Twelve Regions, and no one dared to offend Pluto. Only then did many people go to the Sea of ​​Demon Gods, and even more remained anonymous.

People are scared, scared...

But the young man never dreamed that one day he would experience the horror of the Black Evil. He was in so much pain that he could not speak out.

The warmth in Miao Xin's body disappeared almost instantly, and the young man's cries kept ringing in his ears.

That heart-rending roar was frightening to people. Even if they hadn't experienced the pain personally, they were already frightened to death.

It is said that during the action of the Black Evil, those who have been hit by the Black Evil can even clearly feel the severe pain of their internal organs being melted.

Just thinking about it makes people's scalp numb.


There is another person, not far away, in the mist.

He saw this scene with fear. This person was Jun Yue who had been retreating. He couldn't run because his feet were weak.

I forgot about you.

Ling Yun smiled strangely, he hadn't had enough fun yet!

A force of suction pulled LaCrosse over from the mist. The latter had no resistance at all, and his mind was filled with fear.

I didn't see anything, I didn't see anything. Please forgive me, Lord Pluto.

Jun Yue stared blankly, if he had known he would not be curious, at this moment, he made a decisive decision!

He suddenly gathered the true energy in his body on the palm of his hand and slapped his Tianling Cap!

He will definitely die this time, and he does not dare to experience the pain of Heisha.

But before his palm touched his forehead, his whole body was paralyzed by a force. It was as if his whole body was being held down, unable to move even an inch.

I gave you permission, are you dead?

Ling Yun's voice suddenly sounded, with a hint of laughter, but it was like a nightmare, echoing in Jun Yue's ears.

He wanted to beg, but he couldn't even open his mouth. He could only look at Ling Yun with his frightened eyes.

Appreciate his appearance before death, and then it will be your turn. Ling Yun raised the corners of his lips, like a bloodthirsty demon.

There was no trace of smile in those enchanting black eyes, only a murderous aura.

The thick smell of blood that permeated the surroundings seemed to pull him back to the past, that bloody killing place!

Ling Yun has taken control of everything, so he can control their life and death from thousands of miles away.

Stop peeking, let's go.

Ling Yun walked over, gently hugging the two trembling children, and then strode out without looking back. Miao Xin followed Ling Yun after looking at them. His scalp was numb and he did not dare to look further.

Jun Yue wanted to ask for death, but couldn't. He could only watch the young man's body being corrupted bit by bit by the black evil.

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