Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1466 Weird Fusion

The young man's cries were so harsh that his throat was about to burst, but he still couldn't end it all.


The pain was like an endless abyss, and the young man's spirit was about to collapse due to the unbearable pain.

But the terrifying thing about Heisha is that he will remain absolutely conscious at all times.

Only with clear perception can the torture be brought to its extreme and terrifying.

From the beginning to the end, Ling Yun had an evil smile on his face, as if all this was not a massacre or torture at all, but an interesting game.

The young man's screams and Jun Yue's fear were just things to please him.

Miaoxin took three steps and looked back, curious and fearful.


The Evil King suddenly shuddered when he asked about his crime!

If he guessed correctly, the murderous aura should have come from far away, but now it was spreading here.

Such strong murderous intent and being at such a long distance made him feel very uneasy. If they were to get close, it would be a pressure that they would simply not be able to withstand.

The young man could no longer even scream. Most of his body had been turned into blood, with only one head still preserved. The blood-stained head was suspended in mid-air, and the wings of his nose were trembling slightly. …

He's not dead yet, he's still alive...

How he wished at this moment that he had died, so that he wouldn't have to endure this endless torture.

The body was corrupted bit by bit and eaten away bit by bit. The pain was simply beyond the limit of human endurance.

He would rather never live than experience this terrible nightmare.

Death is already the happiest thing for him.

Jun Yue, who witnessed the whole process with his own eyes, was heartbroken. After the young man died, he would be next.

If he could, he would rather die now. Even if he was executed by Ling Chi, it would be much happier than being hit by a black evil spirit.

Ling Yun didn't know where he went, his figure had disappeared, his eyes moved slightly, he paused, and the sound like the death knell suddenly sounded.

It's your turn.

Jun Yue was suddenly lifted into the air. He was suppressed by Ling Yunhe's supreme suppression and was unable to move. He could not even hum.

Jun Yue wanted to struggle more and more, but the pain became more and more painful. He felt that this was the greatest torture there was.

He began the painful process of accepting the evil spirit, while the young man watched with clear consciousness.

No no no!

He shook his head vigorously, but did not move Ling Yun at all. He was very unwilling. It was obviously the young man's fault, so why should he also bear the evil evil that he should not have.


Just when he was filled with despair and pain, his hope came.

Countless resentful spirits saw the opportunity and began to prepare to invade his body. Some resentful spirits wandered around and began to gather together.

Strive freely and merge with us. Only by becoming one body will you not suffer any pain.

You must hate it, you must be unwilling to do so, come on!

The darkness in your heart is constantly expanding, hahaha. Only by following us will you have a chance for revenge. The master wants him dead, and Mingze is here, hahaha.

Hahaha, I finally remember him. The mortal who ruined our lives must die.

How many years has he put us in pain? If you don't tell me, I will almost forget what he looks like.

As long as I am no longer in pain and torture, let me have the strength, come on, let's merge them all. If I am not crazy, who will be crazy. In pain, Junyue shouted with all his strength!


Countless evil spirits invaded his body, and the latter screamed in agony.

The impact of demons and resentful spirits exploded with overwhelming power in his body, an unstoppable trend.

Hahaha, this is me, this is me, so powerful, so domineering. After experiencing the pain, Junyue has been transformed, with his white hair standing on end.

I'm asking for a fight for you! Mingze, wait for me! Junyue holds the air in his hand and can actually produce a large number of explosions. Combining the power and memories of so many ancient resentful spirits, the power is absolutely terrifying.

Part of the consciousness of the resentful spirits is inside, and they merge into one, coexisting and dying together.

Ling Yun no longer cares about everything here, nor does he know everything here. Instead, he lets the two children open their eyes.

Ah ha, it's been so long, where is daddy?

The little guy was still so innocent. When she opened her eyes, she saw that this was not the original place.

Those bad guys will definitely die miserably. They actually want to beat us. Handsome Shu is so kind to us. Beibei said.

Miaoxin: ...

More than miserable!

It's simply too horrible to look at, what a demon!

Ling Yun didn't answer them. He was in this weird ruins of the ancient Haotian Sword Sect, and his magical power had failed again!


For Ling Yun, it doesn't have much influence. He doesn't need any magical powers. He has so many martial arts skills that he has almost forgotten them.

Not long after, Ling Yun came to a cliff!

Below is an endless abyss, which looks numb.


My heart is trembling, and I feel scared when I look at it. There must be many dangers down there.

no way!

Ling Yun must go here, losing the Thunder Gate and the black hole are so troublesome.

Ling Yun looked down the cliff, exhaled and said: Miaoxin, you don't have to follow me. The following is full of hostility towards me. If I distract you, you will die.

Unexpectedly, Miao Xin shook her head and said, Lord Pluto!

I'm not afraid. Even though I'm scared at the moment, without your protection, I'll die if I leave, so why bother.

Hahaha, maybe this is why I didn't kill you before.


Ling Yun, who was laughing, was slapped on the face by the little guy.

Not even funny.

Ling Yun: ...

Miaoxin was messy in the wind, what did he see...

Pluto was beaten by his daughter, but he was still laughing. Where was the terrifying God of Death just now?

Daddy, what's down there? It's so dark. Can you use a black hole? It's so dangerous down there.

Ling Yun shook his head!

There is a lot of cold air and humidity under the cliff. If you want to walk down there for a long time, you must take protective measures, otherwise no matter how much energy you have, it will be exhausted.

There is no pressure at all for Ling Yun, but Miao Xin is different.

Ling Yun took out the lighting beads he had prepared and illuminated this place with extremely low visibility.

A broken trail appeared on the edge of the cliff. Ling Yun hugged the two little guys and opened the way directly. The little guys and Beibei were very smart and brought out some lighting items.

They claimed to be afraid of the dark, which made Ling Yun dumbfounded.

Miao Xin felt bad all over. The humidity was too heavy and there was no sunlight underneath. All his energy was used to protect his body.

Just as Ling Yun thought, Miao Xin could hardly hold on anymore.

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