Supreme Daddy

Chapter 606 Birthday Banquet 6

Everyone also looked like they had seen a ghost. They saw that the wrinkles on Mr. An's face had faded away, and his gray hair suddenly became thicker and darker.

That dripping water?

Oh my God!

What exactly is water?

The little guy clapped his hands excitedly, as if he was afraid that others wouldn't know it was a gift from her.

The crowd instantly exploded, and the little guy deserved to be the center of attention.

Mr. An's body has been washed away, and he has a layer of black and numb substance on his body. He also smells very bad. I want to say sorry to everyone...

When he came out again, he really shocked everyone. Mr. An was more than twenty years younger, and his face was visibly healthy.

As the little guy who made the biggest contribution, he got a lot of praise from him.

Ouyang Xiu and the others were relatively calm, but they were still quite frightened when they saw An Jiansheng who was so much younger.

An Xiaoxiao's mouth was wide open. What about the drop of water? any left? The little idea hit her, which is extremely damaging to women.

The birthday gifts are still going on!

The Song family arrived belatedly, and it was Song Xiujie who came to congratulate him!

Seeing everyone turning around to greet him, he couldn't help but have a narrow smile on his face.

He loved this scene!

Representative of the Song family, Song Xiujie wishes Mr. An good luck every year! Song Xiujie looked at Mr. An in front of him and almost didn't dare to recognize him?

Did he miss something? What he gave was a bell, but Mr. An didn't ask to open it on the spot, so no one knew what it was.

Mr. An frowned in confusion. It seems that he didn't invite the Song family, right?

I'm determined!

Although Song Xiujie had doubts in his heart, he didn't care about it for now. The Song family's plan was being arranged!

A law enforcement team broke into the gate, claiming to arrest An Guomin, who was suspected of tax evasion!

Mr. An's face changed slightly!

Who is actually causing trouble at his birthday party? He immediately suspected the Song family.

In order to prove his innocence and let the birthday party go smoothly, An Guomin chose to let them take him away.

Wait a minute, do you have an arrest warrant? Mr. An lowered his eyes and almost got angry. He was watching them take the person away? Is that still his style?

From your department? An Qingmin also stood up.

Old man, it seems like your birthday party can't go on!

The voice came from outside, and the person who came was Lin Haitian, the new director of the Magic City Dragon Group.

This person is the fourth brother of Lin Haifeng from the Dragon Prison. In the later stage of Dan Bao, his strength is the same as that of Liu Qingcheng before.

He came to An Shize and said, Come here, arrest An Shize.

Suddenly, the entire open-air venue fell silent.

Everyone present stopped talking and looked directly at Mr. An's face. How could a good birthday party end up like this?

The An family has always kept a low profile, how could they offend others?

An Qing's body was trembling. She panicked. Both her father and brother were caught? Fortunately, Ling Yun comforted her.

An Shize asked calmly: Director, my subordinates have always behaved themselves. I wonder what you mean by this?

Lin Haitian suddenly stopped smiling and shouted loudly: Anjia An Shize, collude with SHIELD!

His sudden drink shocked everyone!

The whole audience was suddenly shocked.

Colluding with S.H.I.E.L.D.?

As Lin Haitian explained again, it was the birthday gift from An Xiaoxiao!

That Dr. M's pistol, a golden limited edition, only available to Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.!

This strongly confirms An Shize's crime of collaborating with the enemy. After all, An Shize got this pistol!

At this moment, An Shize was a fool if he didn't understand anymore. He had fallen into the Song family's scheme. This pistol was bought from the Song family. An Shize bit his lips lightly, feeling angry inside.

He was actually tricked by the Song family!

This feeling is that he is a mouse, unable to escape the cat's claws, which makes him very unhappy.

This matter involved An Xiaoxiao, but she was fine. Song Shijie had selfish motives for her. How could he, Song Shijie, be willing to accept this little girl unless he coaxed her into sleeping with her? That's why Song Xiujie let An Xiaoxiao go temporarily.

Mr. An started to tremble with anger, his eyes flashed with shrewdness!

Dragon group?

Aren't their top brass here?

He wanted to see what kind of tricks the Dragon Group was playing, to recruit him and capture them to settle down their family?

Ouyang Xiu and Elder Yi stared at Lin Haitian with anger on their faces!

Is he an idiot?

Didn't you hear that they are coming?

Are your brains showing off? At this moment, Ouyang Xiu and the others wanted to kill him, Lin Haitian, this idiot!

At this time, two people stood up from the banquets on both sides. They were Ouyang Xiu and Elder Yi.

Wait a minute! Elder Yi saw subtle changes in Ling Yun's face, and his observation ability was always looking at Ling Yun.

At this moment, Ling Yun's brows were furrowed!

This frightened Elder Yi. If he didn't come forward to make the birthday banquet go smoothly, the two senior officials might be responsible for it.

It doesn't matter if he dies. Do you still want the Beijing Dragon Group? If Ling Yun gets angry, who can stop him?

Ouyang Xiu's face was pale and he looked up at the sky, fearing that a dark cloud would suddenly come over him at this moment...

The two slowly walked up and stood in front of Lin Haitian.

Suddenly, all the eyes of the audience were focused on them, and countless whispers continued!

Many people in the audience didn't know what was going on and were communicating with each other.

The bright-eyed man recognized their two identities and swallowed his saliva immediately. When did the An family become so famous, and the senior leaders of the Dragon Group came to congratulate them?

It doesn't look like there's trouble!

Elder? Why are you here? Lin Haitian's face turned pale and he was panicked. He never expected to meet them here!

But he calmed down immediately. What was he afraid of?

An Shize is a collaborator!

Their plan was perfect!

If the senior leaders of the Dragon Team know about it, they will also praise and reward him.

Song Xiujie on the side frowned in confusion. It seemed that things did not develop as they expected.

You bastard, if you fail to succeed, you will fail. Get out of here immediately. I want to tell my guys that your position as director is over. Elder Yi had such a bad temper that he wanted to kill him. He shouted loudly. It was like thunder, and there seemed to be endless anger in his tone.

Lin Haitian was dumbfounded. The plot was wrong, right? Did he hear this wrong?

While he was dazed, Ouyang Xiu kicked him into a dog-eating position!

The little guy watching the show burst out laughing!

Everyone was speechless, but she was the only one who laughed, right? Everyone present, without exception, was shocked by the huge contrast.

There was a dead silence in the field, everyone stayed in place, not even daring to take a breath, all with confused expressions.

Elder Yi looked around at everyone in the venue, his eyes were stern, and he shouted loudly: What Lin Haitian did just now represents his personal behavior, not the decision of our senior management!

Then he looked at Mr. An with a gentle face, apologized repeatedly, and kept saying that they had neglected their duties.

He also repeatedly promised that if Lin Haitian retires and returns home this time, as well as An Guomin, the senior leaders of their dragon group will personally investigate and handle the matter. If it is proven that it is not the case, the relevant departments will be severely punished!

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