Supreme Daddy

Chapter 607 Birthday Banquet 7

As soon as these words came out!

The law enforcement teams were all trembling with fright, and they immediately confessed that this matter had nothing to do with them, they were all people ordered by their superiors to arrest, and the evidence was all forged.

Can't you tell the truth?

It will not be so simple for the senior leaders of the Dragon Group to intervene. Maybe there will be no chance of atonement. It is better to admit it in time before the incident is revealed!

The whole small garden was silent again. No one thought that the result would be like this?

Song Xiujie broke into a cold sweat. All this was beyond the Song family's expectation. He had to go!

Lin Haitian was not convinced, and stood up and cursed at Ouyang Xiu and the others, saying that they had been bribed to speak for An Jia, erase his achievements, and openly protect An Shize!

Faced with everyone's pointing fingers, Ouyang Xiu, no matter how good-tempered he was, exploded at this moment. He slapped Lin Haitian, whose strength in the Heavenly Realm was higher than that of Lin Haitian. With one slap, although it was not a fatal blow, it was Lin Haitian couldn't bear it, so he fell to the ground and covered his chest!

Elder Yi pointed at Lin Haitian and snorted. Lin Haitian vomited blood again and was immediately taken away by his subordinates.

The Song family had another plan, Song Xiujie was still sitting at the banquet pretending to be calm.


His brows still didn't relax. The senior leaders of the Dragon Group seemed to be really protecting the An family. What should I do?

Will the back-up plan he arranged later work?


There was a blast sound, which was very much like the firecrackers played by children. The little guy looked at Beibei and thought it was her who set it off. Beibei scratched his head innocently.

I saw a pot of flowers on both sides exploded, and white smoke rose. This white smoke was the smell of ordinary gunpowder smoke. Everyone was a little frightened just now, and now they can only treat it as a prank by others when they pat their chests.

Only Ling Yun smiled faintly, took out his mobile phone, logged into his stock trading software, and started his plan!

a moment later

The guests in the small garden were all dizzy, their hands and feet were weak, and they could not exert any strength.

Mr. An's face changed drastically, he was poisoned!

An Jianye on the side muttered, is it Miao Midang again? His bright eyes looked at Ling Yun, who was always calm and calm.

Is I poisoned?

Who is it?

The guests began to collapse to the floor and began to complain that someone was trying to kill An Jia.

The same goes for Elder Yi and Ouyang Xiu. Their cultivation was temporarily lost, but there was no sign of panic on their faces, but deep anger. Who is it?

Don't let them know or else! Hum!

There are a few people in the crowd who don't fall down, and that's Qian Qian and the others. There are a few others, no need to guess, they must be from Miao Midang, and some of them are enemies?

Song Xiujie was very smart and pretended to be poisoned.

Brother Hei's opportunity has come and they will make their debut! He had known about this for a long time, and was invited to the Song family's conspiracy, but after seeing Ling Yun here, he immediately changed his mind!

He chose to stand up, hoping to help the An family. With Ling Yun here, he believed that the Song family's conspiracy would definitely fail.

As a result, the weak ones were killed in an instant! The fallen Brother Hei also saw Ling Yun smiling at him, and the latter also covered his forehead and smiled upward.

Shame on you!

Got killed instantly!

The old man who stayed with him before did not come with him this time. Who knew it would be like this!

The leader, Miao Midang Zhang Dafa, looked at the three little guys with a look of disbelief on his face. They were not poisoned?

How can it be?

Didn't they eat the food?

It’s impossible not to drink water, right?

I have also smelled the smell of gunpowder. The combination of the two will immediately create a new poison, which can temporarily paralyze people and temporarily reduce their cultivation. This is Miao Midang's latest research.

If he doesn't hit, he's not poisoned. He's just a kid anyway, so it won't affect the overall situation.

Zhang Dafa looked around, and there was actually another person holding a beautiful woman and playing with his mobile phone?


Isn’t it Ling Yun?

At this moment he is operating the entire stock market!

And there was An Qing in his arms. The little guy also saw it, and ran over and asked, Papa, they all have kidney failure, what should I do?

Then he looked at An Qing and asked curiously: Is Mom sick?

Ling Yun just looked at his phone and replied: Dad knows!

An Qing also wondered why Ling Yun was fine, but as soon as she asked, Ling Yun would take advantage of her, so in the end she simply stopped asking.

The little guy nodded excitedly, while Beibei stared at Zhang Dafa a few times, his eyes spinning!

Ling Yun's mouth twitched, he couldn't let them play with so many people, and he didn't intend to waste time. These rubbish would let him get their lunch boxes immediately. Anyway, he basically knew.

Mr. An pointed at Zhang Dafa and asked, What is your purpose?

Zhang Dafa grinned, his eyes sparkled, and he was about to speak!

I can move.


I'm afraid it's a dream?

The guests were overjoyed. They all stood up and patted their clothes. It felt like a false alarm. They looked at Zhang Dafa with angry eyes.

Zhang Dafa broke into a cold sweat, and his mind was filled with questions. How was this poison detoxified?

Looking at Elder Yi who stood up and Ouyang Xiu with an angry look on his face, he swallowed hard. He was in the early stage of holding pills and was not enough for them to fight.

There was no chance to kneel down. As soon as Ling Yun's consciousness gathered, Zhang Dafa and Miao Yutang's people died suddenly without any warning.

Elder Yi and the others knew that it was Ling Yun who had used his hand, and they were so frightened that they broke into a cold sweat. He was also the one who detoxified the poison, right? So perverted!

They don't even know how to solve it.

Everyone retreated together, not knowing why. Was this suicide?

Everyone was ignorant and confused!

The three little guys looked at Ling Yun. Ling Yun asked funnyly: Why are you looking at me?

The little guy asked: Mama is so shy...


An Qing shyly stood up quickly after hearing this. Fortunately, no one else saw this scene!

Long Xingtian walked up to their corpses and kicked them twice. He was still angry. If Ling Yun hadn't been there, their whole family would have been silenced!

When Ouyang Xiu and Elder Yi saw Long Xingtian, they hurried over and asked if Ling Yun was angry. If he was really angry, they must make amends.

Long Xingtian was a little surprised that he actually knew Ling Yun's identity, but he was not a meddlesome person, so he said bluntly: I don't know!

After two more hard kicks, Long Xingtian returned to his seat, while the An family also disposed of the bodies on the ground.

The guests had lingering fears. Would something happen if they stayed any longer?

In order to appease them, Mr. An patted his chest and promised that nothing would happen again?

Brother Hei and the others on the ground had all recovered from their injuries, proving once again that he was not on the wrong team. He then nodded to Mr. An, expressed his gratitude to Ling Yun, and left. This trip was worth it.

Ling Yun asked the three little guys to catch Song Xiujie who was about to leave!

Song Xiujie?

He can't leave!

Aha! The little guy thought it would be fun.

Little Eileen, the little master thief, took Song Xiujie's wallet and mobile phone and then threw them on the ground.

Uncle, did you drop this? Beibei pointed at the wallet and mobile phone on the ground, showing a harmless smile.

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