Supreme Daddy

Chapter 608: Opening a Trap (Being the leader! I love the only person I love so much!)

Song Xiujie looked back and wondered why he had lost his wallet and cell phone.

Thank you kid, you are so cute. This is uncle's wallet.

As he spoke, he was ready to bend down and pick it up!

But...what if it's not the case? Beibei replied immediately, looking in a dilemma.

The little guy, who was faster than Song Xiujie, had already picked them up, hid them behind his back, and made a face at him.

Song Xiujie wasn't angry either. Although he was already very angry when the plan failed, as a good person, he still maintained his grace and a slight smile on his face.

Beibei said: Uncle, if you prove it, we will return it to you.

Okay, I have five hundred yuan in my wallet. Song Xiujie chuckled. He couldn't handle these children?

The little guy immediately opened his wallet, or in front of him, took out all the money and counted it!

The result was only three hundred!

Beibei stared at him and said angrily: Uncle, are you lying to children?


Song Xiujie was also stunned!

This is his wallet, why is it missing two hundred?

But it doesn't matter, he can still prove it, doesn't he still have a mobile phone?

The most important thing is the mobile phone. There are many secrets in it. Don't let others get it, otherwise the Song family will be in big trouble!

Maybe uncle remembered it wrong, it was three hundred, haha, uncle still has a mobile phone!

Yes! Beibei looked up at the sky at a forty-five degree angle as if he suddenly realized something.

Sister, No! The little guy immediately took out Song Xiujie's mobile phone and gave it to Beibei.

Little Eileen stepped forward and touched it, and all the electricity in the phone was immediately absorbed, one link after another. It was really a tacit understanding to deceive people!

It looks great! Little Eileen pretended to exclaim, touching her phone!

Beibei cooperated and clapped her little hands: This may belong to uncle, don't touch it!

Little Erin sticks out her tongue and makes faces!

The phone is not ringing! Beibei shook his head at Song Xiujie.

Song Xiujie is so funny, he didn’t even use his cell phone? He immediately asked his bodyguard to call his cell phone.

a moment later

Song Xiujie's face turned dark!

Can't get through on your phone? Shut down?

Kid, the phone is not turned on! Song Xiujie reminded.

Beibei immediately turned on the phone in front of him, which proved that the battery was out of power.

What to do now?

Song Xiujie has a big head, but the three children just don’t return their mobile phones!

Just when he didn't know what to do, the little guy acted very unbearable!

Shu, this is for you, don't be sad.

Song Xiujie looked at the mysterious Sissi in front of him, wondering what she wanted to do?

Give him a candy?

Is the packaging still so weird?

The little guy looked back at Beibei and the others and found that they were not looking at her. Then he asked Song Xiujie to lower his head because she had something to say.

Pork, you must eat this candy. Sissy put another candy in her wallet, you can prove it!

Song Xiujie pinched her cheek and said happily: That's great, thank you! Then he immediately opened the package without any hesitation.

Because in his eyes, the little guy is so innocent!

Aha! The little guy also laughed.

Ha ha!

Beibei and little Irene also laughed, secretly thinking that this person is so stupid!

Song Xiujie frowned, why are you laughing?

Say quickly, this is not yours! Beibei's tone changed and she became very serious, shaking the mobile phone in her hand.

The little guy chirped in agreement and stamped his feet excitedly. This kid was so excited!

Song Xiujie didn't realize what was going on with them, but he himself said: It's not mine! He covered his mouth with disbelief on his face, and his mind couldn't believe it.


So it's not yours!

The three living treasures all looked down upon Song Xiujie!

The little guy said: Sister, do you want him to learn how to bark like a dog?

Beibei looked like an adult, touching his chin and thinking!

The handsome uncle asked them to stop them, he must be a bad guy, is he a bad guy?


Hmm, you can't bark like a dog, let him lie down and bark like a dog! Beibei suggested after thinking about it.

Little Erin scratched her head out of curiosity. She seemed to have never seen anyone imitate a dog!

The little guy tilted his head. Is there any difference? Standing there stupidly.

Liu Qingcheng had been observing them for a long time, secretly thinking that he really couldn't play with them in the future, as he might get sick at any time.

Sissi, what are you doing here? An Xiaoxiao came over curiously.

Liu Qingcheng also followed, very curious, how would they trick people?

When Song Xiujie saw An Xiaoxiao, he told An Xiaoxiao everything as if he were holding on to a life-saving straw and asked An Xiaoxiao to get his phone back.

Beibei was not happy and continued: Speak quickly, lie down on the ground and bark like a dog!

Song Xiujie did it again, was he confused again? How could he not be under his own control and still listen to the words of a child?

An Xiaoxiao's mouth opened up. Is this Song Xiujie?

Ling Yun was with An Qing at the moment. The birthday gift preparations were over. An Qing gave away the pill and explained its effects, which shocked everyone around!

So basically no one is watching Song Xiujie!

Woof woof woof!

Song Xiujie's bodyguard couldn't hold him back and kept barking!

Beibei...this... An Xiaoxiao pointed at Song Xiujie on the ground and asked incoherently, meaning how could he be like this?

Beibei wanted to speak, but the little guy beat her to it. All she could hear was the little guy's milky voice and his milky voice directed at An Xiaoxiao. They were playing a game.

An Xiaoxiao acted like I believe you, but he couldn't find any reason.

After a while!

The three little guys laughed together, including Liu Qingcheng and An Xiaoxiao who were watching the show!

Song Xiujie was so desperate that he did all kinds of funny tricks, including dog peeing!

What made him hate the most was that Liu Qingcheng threw a bone and he actually chewed it happily!

I also learned to sing children’s songs and got drunk!

They were all photographed by Beibei using his mobile phone, that was with his mobile phone! !

He doesn't understand. Isn't that mobile phone out of battery?

What's so difficult about this? Little Irene has electricity when she touches it, even though Beibei doesn't understand the principle!

Song Xiujie was shaking with anger, but there was nothing he could do. His bodyguards called an ambulance in a panic, and one of his bodyguards was knocked unconscious by him who lost control.


He finally discovered that there was something wrong with the candy, but it was too late.

What exactly is sugar? It’s unheard of that you can control people like this? What a naughty operation?

Three little ancestors, please spare me! Song Xiujie lay on the ground and said weakly.

Beibei shook her head, this was not something she could decide!

The little guy said: Sweetie, Sissi wants to see you dance!



Hear this!

Song Xiujie immediately stood up and performed a dance routine.

The three little guys clapped their hands, not bad, this wave can be awarded eight points.

Ling Yun came over leisurely. An Qing didn't need him there, but they couldn't let them play here. They had to do business!

After hearing what Ling Yun whispered to them, the three little guys became angry and yelled!

He is indeed a bad guy!

If I had known, I would have set off firecrackers just now!

A trace of regret arose in my heart!

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