Supreme Daddy

Chapter 611 Fright (fourth update)

He was secretly anxious!

Remembering that Ouyang Xiu and Elder Yi should still be there, he immediately found Mr. An who had just fallen asleep. After explaining the situation to him, he asked for their mobile phone numbers!

Elder Yi and Ouyang Xiu were indeed still in the Magic City. When they heard that such a big thing had happened, their faces changed with shock and they rushed there immediately!

They were in Trapped Dragon Prison and did not return to the capital.

The moment they found out that Lin Haifeng was dead, they knew who had done it!

They all agreed that it was Ling Yun!

Although I am very helpless, I have no choice but to stay in Trapped Dragon Prison for the time being!

Unexpectedly, something happened to the Magic City Dragon Group Headquarters again. The plan really couldn't keep up with the changes.

An Shize arrived outside the headquarters early. It was so peaceful inside. He didn't choose to rush in immediately. He was not stupid.

a moment later

Elder Yi and Ouyang Xiufeng arrived in a hurry!

Brother An, is there any news? Elder Yi smiled at An Shize!

In front of me is Pluto’s brother-in-law!

Have to be cautious!

Hear Elder Yi’s brother?

An Shize was a little speechless. Has his worth increased?

I just arrived. I'm not strong enough. I don't know what's going on inside.

It's so quiet. Ouyang Xiu said with a slight frown.

Elder Yi nodded and said, It's probably a trap!

He and Ouyang Xiu looked at each other and asked An Shize to stay outside. The two of them had a tacit understanding and slowly groped up!

Not far from the main bureau, on a tall building, several cyborgs stood in the autumn wind, looking at Ouyang Xiu and the others with their naked eyes and grinning!

You can still see clearly from such a long distance. The cyborg was really transformed by Dr. M so well!

Do you think they will die?

Must! Haha.

Those two old men are pretty good, it's hard to say!

The three biochemical people said something to each other, as if they were saying that the arrangements were so good, and if they didn't die, they would be sorry for their hard work.


Even though Elder Yi and Ouyang Xiu had been careful, they were still hit. The headquarters roared with a bang, and a huge explosion resounded through one third of the Magic City. The heat and vibration of the air blew An Shize outside more than ten meters away. , instantly comatose.

Seeing such a large explosion, the cyborg laughed and swallowed his saliva. This doctor is really awesome.

Elder Yi and Ouyang Xiu were severely burned and lying in the rubble. They will probably be useless for the rest of their lives if they cannot be saved.

Modu firefighters quickly detached their teams and rushed to the first scene.

Liu Qingcheng arrived a step late. Looking at the ruined headquarters, scenes of friendship from the past emerged...

settle down

The little guy was awakened from his dream, crying loudly. Ling Yun and the others were also awakened by the shock.

Don't cry, don't cry! Beibei hugged Sissi and patted her back. Little Irene was still sleeping and didn't even know.


Ling Yun walked in, picked up Sissi, and told Beibei to let her sleep, and he took the little one away.

Daddy... The little guy gradually stopped crying and his face turned a little pale.

Ling Yun was a little angry for no reason!

The lights in the living room on the first floor came on. Mr. An and An Jianye were both there. They were walking back and forth, looking particularly uneasy.

Ling Yun took a casual look and then went back to his room. An Qing asked, Did she have a nightmare?

No, I'm scared! Ling Yun replied lightly, feeling uneasy.

Mom... The little guy rubbed his eyes, looking particularly aggrieved.

An Qing saw her bad expression and blamed her for coming.

Ling Yun suddenly smiled: Sissi, don't be afraid, dad is here, it's okay! After saying that, he kept touching her head.

An Qing rolled her eyes at him angrily and said, Her head is almost rounded by your touch!

Ling Yun chuckled!

Xiaoqing, open the door quickly!

An Jianye's urgent voice sounded outside, with fear and anxiety.

Second grandfather?

At this point, what will happen?

An Qing's heart tightened when she heard this voice, as if something was going to happen!

When Mr. An just received a call and heard that An Shize was being taken to the hospital, he knew that what he had been worried about had happened.

The hospital said his injuries were not serious, but...

There is a deadly virus in his body that their hospital can’t detoxify and they haven’t even heard of it!

Second Grandpa, what's the matter?

After opening the door, An Qing put on her coat and stood at the door and asked.

Something happened to Shize!

An Jianye told An Qing what had just happened, and after the latter heard it, his face turned pale and his hands were shaking!

Ling Yun used quick hands to support her as she was on the verge of falling, and at the same time glared at An Jianye.

An Jianye smiled bitterly, he didn't want to come up either. It was his elder brother, Mr. An, who insisted on coming up to inform him. He has to inform other people later, and they want to go to the hospital together later!

Ling Yun, my brother, something happened! An Qing turned back, her eyes filled with tears, and she immediately hugged Ling Yun.

Don't worry, I'm a miracle doctor, what a big deal.

Ling Yun forced a smile, those damn ants must let them know what pain feels like!

It's very serious to disturb their family's sleep. He will have to go to the hospital later and it gives him a headache just thinking about it!

Ling Yun's black eyes lowered, flashing with a trace of flame!

After supporting An Qing back to the bed and sitting down, Ling Yun stepped lightly on the floor. He didn't have time, so he could only let the things he made cause them a little pain!

Papa... The little guy's face improved a lot, and he immediately threw himself into Ling Yun's arms, wanting to hug him.

It's okay, go to sleep!

Not sleepy...! The little guy shook his head!

Ling Yun, shall we...take her there later? An Anqing asked.

Let him come back. He doesn't need to be hospitalized. Ling Yun thought about it deeply. The little guy would definitely follow him when he went to the hospital, so he might as well let the hospital send An Shize back.


Surprisingly, An Qing agreed, trusting Ling Yun unconditionally and not asking why.

Mom? The little guy looked at An Qing with wet eyes and scratched his head in confusion.

Comfort your mother quickly. Ling Yun said with a smile.

Don't cry, don't cry! The little guy came out of Ling Yun's arms and put his arms around An Qing's neck.

Puch, you know this! An Qing felt very sweet when she heard this.

The little guy said again: Be good, Sissi will treat you to ice cream.

Ling Yun and An Qing were both amused by this living treasure and burst into laughter.

The little guy may have heard something, but he just refuses to sleep...

He also followed An Qing and Ling Yun to the first floor, but Ling Yun estimated that Mr. An would not agree with his idea, so he gave An Qing a pill in advance for healing.


As soon as An Qing said that he wanted An Shize to come back for treatment, Mr. An immediately disagreed. Unfortunately, An Qing stopped forcing him and went to the hospital with An Guomin, Gongsun Qing and the others.

An Jianye was very anxious. Ling Yun wouldn't go? Can An Shize be saved?

Ling Yun didn't go, and the little guy was pestering him, so he played games with her on the first floor.

Although it was a very childish parent-child game, Ling Yun had a great time playing it.

It's already four or five o'clock, but the little guy is still very energetic, of course!

The gift given to her by the North and South Gods was another spiritual stone, but she gave it to the blood dragon Yuan Tun.

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