Supreme Daddy

Chapter 612 Treatment (fifth update)

A certain suburb of Magic City!

Three cyborgs and space superpowers are on the phone with their organization, and vampires are coming here.

Their mission this time was to destroy the Magic City Dragon Group General Bureau, and now they are done.

a moment later

The vampire arrived too, carrying some food and a few cans of beer!

Perfect? The vampire gave a thumbs up and praised a cyborg.

Haha! The three cyborgs touched each other's beer cans and celebrated, all the words were in the beer.

Suddenly the vampire frowned!

There seemed to be a sound on the ground, and just when he was about to hear it clearly again...

From the land beneath his feet, a native emerged, his whole body made from the soil.

The four of them swallowed a mouthful of saliva. They felt so insignificant in front of this native. The vampire was afraid of death and ran away immediately!

A thorn appeared on the ground and immediately pierced his left leg, causing him to scream in pain.

What the hell are you? shouted a cyborg.

The other two people had sweat on their faces and stared at the native, not daring to move.


The thing made by Ling Yun could speak at all. Every step it took was very heavy, and the three cyborgs immediately realized that they were most likely no match.

To their despair, their feet were wrapped in a layer of soil and they could not extricate themselves!

They watched the natives walk towards them step by step.

Find a way quickly! a biochemical man shouted, with a very unwilling tone.

It can't be broken, it's too hard, this soil!

Brothers, I'm taking the first step! Haha! A cyborg looked at the fist that the native waved towards him, closed his eyes in despair, and said his last words at the same time.


Much simpler!

The order Ling Yun gave it was not to let them die immediately!


Screaming again and again, he was beaten with punches, and every part of his body was severely damaged in different areas.

This is an insult!

It was so miserable. The other two people looked at him, and their scalps went numb. They didn't want to die, so they imitated others and shouted for help!

The vampire lying on the ground crawls slowly, he wants to stay away from the devil!

The native had been staring at him for a long time. When he looked back, he didn't know if it was an illusion, but the native seemed to be smiling!

That kind of smile was mocking him for not overestimating his abilities, making him constantly fearful!

The native didn't come towards him, it wasn't his turn yet, and there were two cyborgs beside him who hadn't been beaten.

Cyborgs have thick skin?

In front of the natives, the skin is crispy, and the skin will peel off if you use more force.

Stop fighting, stop fighting!

Faced with their repeated pleas for mercy, the natives ignored them and continued their performance!

The vampire laughed at himself, took out a knife, and committed suicide. If he didn't die, he would be tortured. This was not what he wanted!

The native had no time to stop him, so he was a little angry and tortured the remaining three!

Finally, he rolled them up, drained their blood, and died in the sun! This process, as far as it takes three days, can be regarded as completing the order given to it by Ling Yun.

Make your home on the first floor!

Sensitive little Erin is up!

With the game on his mind, Ling Yun played with the two of them until after five o'clock!

Suddenly the little guy put down the game controller, hugged Ling Yun's waist, and said with a sweet voice: Daddy, I don't want to play anymore!

Okay, why don't you play anymore? Ling Yun asked curiously.

Sissi wants to learn boxing! The little guy nodded and said seriously.

Ling Yun must have been surprised. He had forgotten about it even if she didn't mention it. The time was just right for him to do morning exercises. Ling Yun felt happy because he was so motivated.

After shouting to little Irene, Ling Yun taught them the second move today. The premise is to review what they learned yesterday!

If Beibei has a chance to learn in the future, she won’t wake her up even if she hasn’t gotten up yet.

The second move is more than twice as difficult as the first move learned yesterday. The little guy learned it very seriously and was covered in sweat.

Shanghai Central Hospital!

When Mr. An and his party arrived, the dean told them to be mentally prepared!

Mr. An didn't believe it, so he followed the hospital director's advice and spent a lot of money to invite Huayi, the miracle doctor from the capital!

This Hua Yi was the one who called Xu Le and asked about the elixir!

At this moment, Huayi would not come at all, he simply said that he was not available!

Mr. An's face was ashen. Since it was a new virus, the miracle doctor should be able to do something about it. He still refused to give up and contacted the Holy Doctor with Ghost Hands!

I really want to study this, but is it too late now?

He is in the capital!

It will take two hours to make all the arrangements before and after the special flight, right?

Mr. An doesn't care, just let him do it as soon as possible!

Gongsun Qing was calm and unhurried. Looking at her expression, outsiders felt that An Shize was not her biological child. Just like her, An Jianye was also calm and collected.

The anxious ones are Mr. An, An Guomin and sisters An Qing.

Ouyang Xiu and Elder Yi were assigned to the ward by Liu Qingcheng. At the same time, they also contacted the Beijing Dragon Team to report what happened here.

The top leaders of the Beijing Dragon Group immediately asked Huayi to go to the Magic City in person. They must be cured. No matter how high the cost, Huayi had to give them a high profile!

So I immediately got on the same special plane as the Holy Hand Ghost Doctor and flew to the magical city.

An Qing's eyes were red. She was sitting on the sofa in the corridor of the hospital. Liu Qingcheng saw them when she came downstairs. She was wondering what they were doing here.

When asked, I felt embarrassed...

When she entered, she saw Ouyang Xiu and the others, but not An Shize!


An Shize was blown quite far away. It was passers-by who carried him into the ambulance. She didn't know that this was normal.

An Qing remembered what Ling Yun had told her. The pill was very effective. Now that she couldn't get in, she had to ask Liu Qingcheng for help.

When she heard what Ling Yun had given her, Liu Qingcheng's eyes lit up. She knew that Ling Yun had a lot of good things, so she had to ask if she had a chance.

In the intensive care unit!

Many doctors were operating on An Shize. When Liu Qingcheng suddenly burst in, everyone frowned!

Liu Qingcheng didn't care and just kicked them out. Due to his strength and the fact that the dean next to him knew Liu Qingcheng, he didn't care. Anyway, they were all from the Dragon Group, and if anything happened, it was none of their hospital's business.

When no one was around, Liu Qingcheng immediately took out the elixir and gave it to An Shize!

The dean’s eyes were wide when he left and came back!

What did he see?

After An Shize ate that black stuff, his blood pressure returned to normal after just a few breaths?

Damn it!

Who will tell him what Liu Qingcheng gave him?

An Shize, who was sitting on the bed, greeted Liu Qingcheng with a silly smile. Damn it, Liu Qingcheng was also shocked. Where did this pill come from? Is it more awesome than Hei Linhao’s before?

Ahem, Dean, keep what you see in your stomach, otherwise you will be in great trouble! Liu Qingcheng's beautiful eyes widened, and her tone was not like a joke.

I...I...I...what if someone else finds out? The dean hesitated, he couldn't hide it!

Liu Qingcheng shook her head and said, I don't care. Anyway, if something goes wrong, your hospital will defend itself!

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