Supreme Daddy

Chapter 618 Human Trafficker 2

Mrs. Chen forced another smile, wiped her tears with a tissue and said, Thank you, kid, where are your family members?

When asked about Sissi's family, Mrs. Chen looked flustered. The security here was so bad now, and there might be traffickers. She was worried that Sissi and her family were lost.

The little guy giggled and looked around.


Where is her father and mother?

Beibei asked the policeman named He Cheng, but he dismissed him with a dark face.

Helpless Beibei also ran to Mrs. Chen, but she didn't notice that after she left, something strange flashed in He Cheng's eyes and he smiled strangely at the corner of his mouth.

Auntie, Beibei will help you!

Mrs. Chen heard this again. Another child came?

Sister, have you found it? The little guy sounded a little excited.

Beibei’s head is full of black lines!

There was no clue at all. How to find it? Beibei turned her eyes and started muttering to Sissi.

Then the three of them gathered around and looked around to see if anyone was looking at them.


Several people are paying attention to them!

They were helpless, even if they wanted to take out the ghost beads and illustrations.

One Erha stuck out his tongue and looked at them intently!

Little Eileen's mind suddenly lit up and she said, Baby, I have a way! She pointed at the Erha.

Beibei and the little guy were both confused and had cute expressions on their faces.

I saw little Irene talking to the police dog for a long time in a language they didn't understand. In fact, it was little Irene trying to avoid people's eyes and being smart. She was using her spiritual consciousness!

Erha's IQ is not low, and he can do some simple communication.

After a while!

Under the caress of little Irene, Erha nodded his head, breathed in the air, and then sniffed Mrs. Chen.

Little Eileen frowned and secretly took a pill for it to swallow.

This is a pill that temporarily improves various functions of its body. It can also be said to be a forbidden drug in the Twelve Realms. Ling Yun twitched the corner of his mouth, why is there such garbage in the endless sea? Isn't this harmful?


It’s harmful to dogs!

Erha instantly became more energetic!

Barking a few times in a certain direction means that the dog has been found!

After shouting, he jumped up excitedly!

Beibei and the little guy clapped their hands and applauded, secretly saying that little Irene is so awesome.

Little Eileen looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, looking like an adult, and said, Follow me, baby, we'll catch the bad guys!

The three little guys followed Erha and walked slowly, not nervous at all!

Ling Yun asked An Qing to follow them. He asked Mrs. Chen to rely on the police?

It is impossible to solve the case, He Chengcheng is an insider!

Mrs. Chen didn't believe Ling Yun's words, but the latter smiled slightly and asked her to follow. She knew within an hour that what he said was true!

Mrs. Chen nodded, it was only an hour, she could afford to wait, she wanted to see where the traffickers were!

Following Ling Yun, he caught up with An Qing a few minutes later. Mrs. Chen was a little angry: This gentleman? Are you kidding me? Do you know how painful it is to lose a child?

As she spoke, Mrs. Chen spoke with excitement and burst into tears. She felt that Ling Yun was just joking with her!

An Qing was confused, what's going on? Ling Yun didn't communicate well with her?

Ling Yun shrugged and said indifferently: I'm not that boring!

Never lost?

No one has ever experienced his pain!

Mrs. Chen looked at Ling Yun who was serious, wiped away her tears, and silently followed the three little guys.

After crossing many streets, they actually started to complain, why was it so far?

How much longer?

Especially the little one, who refused to leave and insisted on Beibei carrying her!

Beibei has so much strength?

After only taking a few steps, An Qing gave up and couldn't hide behind her anymore, so she walked out and hugged the little guy who was tired.

Beibei looked at Erha again and was dumbfounded...

Little Irene was being carried by two dogs and was singing happily on the dog's back!

Beibei won’t leave either, she’s tired!

The little guy pointed at Ling Yun behind him, and Ling Yun walked over and touched Beibei's head!

Handsome, Beibei can go!

It's strange that this little idea can be hidden from Ling Yun. Beibei just wants divine power!

Beibei, who had obtained the magical power to relieve fatigue, was like taking a shot of chicken blood, talking and laughing all the way, and even jumping around.

Mrs. Chen on the side looked at these three strange combinations and felt much better, especially the songs they sang, which sounded nice and familiar!

An Qing chatted with her and actually made friends.

half an hour later

A dilapidated building in the slums of Magic City!

Erha stopped downstairs with little Irene on his back. The little guy looked at the environment curiously. There was too much garbage.

Ling Yun asked An Qing to put down the little one, and took Mrs. Chen and her to hide nearby.

Beibei shouted: Is there anyone there?

The little guy scratched his head, wondering why he was shouting? Where are the bad guys that were promised?

Ling Yun told Beibei to do this, why don't you shout? How do the bad guys come out?


After Beibei shouted, a head popped out from a window upstairs!

This person is the leader of human traffickers, Zhao Chao!

When Zhao Chao saw three children below, he immediately beamed. The children who came to his door? Don’t don’t want it for nothing!

What a good day today?

It went so smoothly, and he felt a little excited.

Kids, who are you looking for? Where are your family members? Why are you here? Zhao Chao looked like a good person and asked them repeatedly, making them think that he was a good person!

Beibei said truthfully: Uncle, do you know where the bad guys are?

The little guy also asked: He is a bad guy. I mean, don't say whether he is a bad guy or not!

Erha barked at Zhao Chao, and little Aileen touched his head to tell him to be quiet. Little Aileen already knew that Zhao Chao was a human trafficker through Erha!

Only Beibei and the little guy are silly...

Bad guy?

Zhao Chao touched his chin and said in a deep voice for a moment: Oh, you look for him. Uncle knows where he is. You follow me! He waved to them.

Beibei believed it and pulled the little guy to follow. She was not afraid anyway.

Zhao Chao started to have fun again. It was really easy to fool him. If every child was like them, then he wouldn't have to worry.

The little guy curled his lips and lied to the children?

Are bad guys so easy to find? You said you would take them with you? I was thinking about it while walking around in my head!

Sister, the bad guy is inside? Why are we going in? The little guy poked his temple, very confused, and stopped walking, as if he couldn't figure it out and wouldn't leave!

Beibei whispered: Aren't we catching bad guys? How can we catch them if we don't go in?

Listen to it, little one! I was dumbfounded. It was really true. How could I catch it if I didn’t go in?



Little Eileen said in a cooing voice from behind: You bad bastards, you can't run away!

Zhao Chao wanted to laugh when he walked in front. Listening to their dialogue, he thought these three children were so funny!

He didn't realize that little Irene's eyes were turning bleakly, and her little fists were clenched loudly. A hundred Chao Zhao was no match for little Irene's punch. This scumbag didn't know that today was the most unlucky day in his life. day.

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