Supreme Daddy

Chapter 619 Human Trafficker 3

Zhao Chao led them up to the third floor. When passing by the second floor, there was the sound of mahjong playing in a room.

All three little guys saw it. It was four grown men, swinging their arms and smoking cigarettes, looking at them!

The four traffickers were stunned. Why were there three more children? Then he saw Zhao Chao playing rough tricks with them, and he understood instantly.

The little guy pinched his nose to hate the smell of smoke in the air.

Zhao Chao shouted to them to follow, saying that the bad guy was on the third floor!

An Qing on the first floor kept asking Ling Yun, where did they go? The tone was so uneasy that she wanted to rush in. Helplessly, Ling Yun held her down.

Ling Yun said: Okay, don't underestimate them!

When Mrs. Chen and An Qing were panicking, they saw someone!

This person is He Cheng, the policeman!

He is off work now. He is no longer wearing a police uniform, he is also wearing a peaked cap!

Mrs. Chen foolishly thought that he was visiting secretly, and she admired him as a person.

Ling Yun couldn't let him go up, so he walked out directly to say hello to He Cheng.

Officer He, why are you here?

He Cheng looked back at Ling Yun, who was he?

He doesn't know him.

Out of politeness, he concealed his panic and said calmly: I came here to investigate the environment here. I heard it's a bit chaotic.

While talking, he took out the cigarettes in his pocket and wanted to hand one over!

Ling Yun waved his hands repeatedly and said in a tepid tone, I'll leave it to you to smoke in there later!

Inexplicably, He Cheng was a little unhappy when he heard this halfway!

It was so disrespectful, so he didn't speak again, but lit one and started smoking it himself. He was in no hurry anyway, he wanted to find out what Ling Yun wanted to do first.

He always felt strange in his heart, but he couldn't explain it!

Just as he was preparing his words to ask Ling Yun...

He Cheng, you are under arrest!

Ling Yun seemed to be smiling but not smiling. He stood with his hands behind his hands and looked at him. It felt quite funny. It was a cat and mouse game?

No wonder the three little guys like it so much, it really gives people a very refreshing feeling.

He Cheng's face was gloomy, something strange flashed across his eyes quickly, and he took out the pistol from his waist!

An Qing and Mrs. Chen were almost frightened out of their minds. They didn't know how to shout for a moment, their faces were pale, and their faces were full of bewilderment.

Both of them stared blankly as He Cheng pulled out a gun. It happened so fast that they didn't have enough brains.

As soon as He Cheng took out his gun, Ling Yun used the strength of an ordinary person to clap his hand and the pistol fell to the ground. What a shame!

Another roundhouse kick, He Cheng was kicked into the trash can by Ling Yun's handsome move!

If the little guy is here, he can probably spend a long time.

An Qing ran out with a worried look on her face, and hugged Ling Yun's neck, saying: huh!!

Ling Yun covered her mouth and smiled at her. Ling Yun's smile at this moment was fatal. Mrs. Chen who came out on the side was stunned. For the time being, she could only think of Ling Yun's smile!

Mrs. Chen reacted with embarrassment. Then she thought of something, and her beautiful face was filled with anger!

What a success!

As Ling Yun said, he was an inside agent. No wonder the case couldn't be solved. The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. He wanted to pull He Cheng out of the trash and step on his crotch.

Shh! Don't make a sound! Ling Yun let go of An Qing and made a charming shushing gesture. His eyes were still clear and moving. An Qing's heart was pounding and her ears were red.

Sir, what should we do?

Mrs. Chen now has great trust in Ling Yun and admires his ability to solve crimes!

They all regard Ling Yun as a policeman and put all their hopes on him. Ling Yun is like the dawn of hope, illuminating her life.

So her abducted child was in this dilapidated building?

What are you waiting for?

Call the police to arrest someone, but why hasn’t Ling Yun taken action yet?

I only heard Ling Yun say calmly, asking them to wait a little longer, don't worry, everything has been arranged.

Mrs. Chen's heart was a little relieved, but her face still had a not-so-calm expression.

As if to say!

If you delay for a long time, will something happen or the situation change?

Are there any dangers to the three small children inside? How could Ling Yun let them put themselves in danger? It was too messy.

An Qing nodded stupidly, she was really obedient, biting her lip with her teeth, forgetting that the little guy was in the building.

Dilapidated building, third floor.

Zhao Chao took the three little guys to the door of a room, took out the key from his pocket, and was about to open the door!

Beibei rolled his eyes!

Uncle, did you drop this? He said and threw a bunch of Chinese coins on the ground!

Zhao Chao looked back!

Suddenly he smiled brightly, and all the doubts in his mind disappeared, and he smiled and said: It's my uncle's, the kid is so sensible!

Little Erin and Beibei looked at each other and laughed.

Zhao Chao ignored them and squatted down to pick up the money!

When he bent down and lowered his head, he was greeted by a punch from little Irene, his eyes blackened, and he was knocked unconscious!

With a bang, his head hit the tile, it was so loud that the man could lift a big bag.

The little guy curled his lips and said, What about lying to kids? She then bent down and took the money back into her pocket.

I thought Beibei and little Irene didn’t see it!

Seeing Beibei blinking at her, the little guy said that she didn't know where the money went.

Beibei was dumbfounded. Didn't she ask for money?

Sister, open the door quickly!

Oh! The little guy scratched his head in embarrassment, not just asking for money.

Little Irene has got the key, but unfortunately they are not tall enough, and Beibei will not lie down to help them.

The little guy looked around and covered his eyebrows!


The room is open!

What caught my eye were four children, some big and some small. They were all tied up with small iron chains, and their mouths were tightly taped with sealing tape.

The one caught today was Mrs. Chen’s child. He was tied up like a rice dumpling. Seeing how miserable they were, the little guy rubbed his eyes and said, How pitiful...

Little Eileen took the keys and unlocked them one by one. If she used a rope, she would break it with brute force, which shocked her friend's jaws.

Is this a movie?

Or are they hungry and hallucinating?

Seeing that they were all afraid of little Irene, Beibei said in a sweet voice: It's so cute!

Little Eileen nodded, looking at them with pity, her eyes full of grievance...


The four of them who had been abducted didn't believe it at all, and looked at little Irene warily in their hearts!

Beibei rolled her eyes at little Irene a few times and said to herself, It's okay. What are you talking about?


Others regard you as a monster!

Then she acted like an adult, shrugged her shoulders, shook her head and spread her hands. In short, she said there was nothing she could do!

Little Eileen curled her lips. Anyway, only the four of them saw it, so she wasn't afraid!

Beibei asked the little guy to stay here quietly while she went downstairs to catch the bad guys!

How could the little guy and little Irene live idle once they heard that they were going to catch bad guys!

All you can think about is how to trick them and make them bad? Lying to children? And made the four children so miserable?

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