Supreme Daddy

Chapter 620: Catch them all in one fell swoop (first update)

second floor

A trafficker who was playing mahjong said displeasedly: Brother Zhao, what are you doing? Making such a big noise?

The black-faced trafficker waved his hand: Don't worry about him, you owe me a hundred and four for the last game!

Only one hundred and four, you still have the nerve to ask me? the fat-faced trafficker replied impatiently, rolling his eyes.

With his back to the door, the trafficker in red shook his head and smiled bitterly. Suddenly he felt someone tapping his shoulder on the back!

Look back!

Suddenly looking into six pairs of eyes, the trafficker in red was so frightened that he knocked over the mahjong row.

Didn't Brother Zhao bring this up just now? Why did he come down? the fat-faced trafficker asked in confusion.

The three little guys watched them play for several minutes.

Just discovered?

How stupid!

Beibei held up a delicate box from behind and said, Uncle, this is your express delivery!

express delivery?

How could it be in her hands!

The trafficker in red took it and looked it up and down. He couldn't see anything wrong with it. The box was a bit heavy.

Open it and take a look! the black-faced trafficker suggested.

The trafficker in red nodded, as he had exactly what he wanted to do, and carefully opened the delicate box...

The scene in front of them scared them half to death. There was a time bomb inside, and there were ten seconds left on the monitor!





The four of them didn't know if they were scared out of their wits, but instead of running out, they all hid under the table and trembled.

After the display returns to zero!

A pleasant children's voice sounded!

Calabash baby, Calabash baby...

Damn it!

The four traffickers looked angry, they had been fooled!

The three little guys covered their mouths, laughed, and squinted their eyes!

The four traffickers stood up, dusted off their clothes, and looked very unhappy. They did not suspect that they were the three little guys.

In their eyes, they think they can't do it, and they don't know who is playing a prank!

Looking at this time bomb, the black-faced trafficker always felt that it was real and smelled of gunpowder smoke.

The time bomb was casually deployed by the Sixth Guardian as a little trick to scare people.

The little guy suddenly stretched out his little hand, leaving them confused!

What does she want to do?

The demon blue butterfly on the little guy's hairpin immediately flew into the palm of her hand!


The corners of the mouths of the four traffickers twitched...

The black-faced trafficker said: Little brat, uncle will take you upstairs. There are some children upstairs. You can play together.

Really? Beibei pretended to be surprised, as if she didn't know anything.

What a dramatist!

Little Irene shook her head, why didn't she punch her down?

She protested!


The little guy let the demon blue butterfly fly in circles in the air. For a moment, the four human traffickers' eyes were distracted and they began to lose consciousness.

This is gold? Oh my God, so much gold. I'm going to get rich! The fat-faced trafficker looked at the mahjong with bright eyes. He hugged the mahjong in front of him and looked around cautiously.

The black-faced trafficker was sweating profusely and said in fear: It's none of my business. I didn't kill you. Accidents... They are all accidents. Don't look for them... Go away, go away... As he spoke, he hid in the corner, Trembling, he even moved a stool to protect himself.

The trafficker in red shook his head and shouted: It's impossible. I'm obviously playing mahjong. How can this be my hometown? My father? Haven't they been dead for many years?

After the idiot finished speaking, he kept walking in place, running as hard as he could, as if he was trying to escape from the illusion.

The remaining one was a bit hopeless and said nothing. He stood up and squinted his eyes as if he was asleep.

The fat-faced trafficker was shocked: Where is my gold? Where has it gone? Who stole it?

Looking at the mahjong in front of him, the fat-faced trafficker was confused!

Well, this is a pastry? I'm so hungry! I can't stand it, I want to eat it! Well! It's delicious!

The fat-faced trafficker held mahjong in both hands, chewing each one with great joy!

Little Irene swallowed her saliva and let Beibei see it. She flicked her forehead and said, You can't eat it!

Little Eileen licked her mouth and nodded on the surface, but her eyes never left Mahjong!

The little guy shook his head. Her father and mother must be impatient, so they said: Sister, let's find Daddy and let him praise us!

Beibei's eyes lit up and he nodded: Here comes the reward!


Little Eileen scratched her head and stood there dumbfounded. Did her brother say a reward?

Beibei returned to the third floor and took the four children downstairs. When they passed by the second floor, they all started crying.

Finally, Beibei pretended to be angry and let them go downstairs!

First floor!

An Qing was listening to Ling Yun bragging, and the slender head finally started flirting with An Qing.

While watching, Mrs. Chen called out the dog abuse, are they still looking for the child? Why is the romance coming?

Everything Ling Yun told her has been done, and the police will be here soon!

As soon as several children appeared, Mrs. Chen ran over happily, but she burst into tears again. When she saw her children, she said, I'm worried to death.

Mom! Mrs. Chen's son hugged her tightly. He was so frightened today that he almost couldn't see his parents.

The little guy ran over excitedly and said with a smile on his face: Mom, mom...

Bo! Let me see, is everything okay? An Qing grabbed the little guy and spun around in circles, checking it carefully.

Beibei came over to take credit!

She said angrily, Handsome, Beibei is the Black Cat Sheriff and wants to be promoted and get a raise!

Ling Yun asked amusedly: You're already a police sergeant, how can you be promoted? How about I promote you to be the royal white greedy cat?

The little guy heard how awesome he was and nodded wildly: Daddy, I'll do it!

An Qing chuckled: You are so easy to fool...

Mrs. Chen, who came over to express her gratitude, heard the dialogue they only saw, and the wind was messy...

Wasn't she, An Qing, just deceived by Ling Yun and lost her mind?

Are you embarrassed to talk about her daughter?

The biggest question in Mrs. Chen's mind is what happened upstairs?

Why were the missing children released?

Mr. Ling Yun, thank you... I have some questions that I would like to ask. Is it convenient for you to answer them? Mrs. Chen was in a good mood and led her son over.

She also asked her son to say thank you to them. The child was very shy and did not dare to look at the little guys, probably because little Eileen was here.

Ling Yun also knew what she wanted to ask. He smiled slightly and said softly: Just treat it as an accident. As for what happened? Is it important? If the child is safe, we should be happy, right?

Mrs. Chen thought about it carefully, yes, is it important? She was not a particularly curious person, so she simply thanked them again.

Especially Sissi, she liked her so much that she had the urge to marry An Qing.

Ling Yun rolled his eyes!

It was a good idea, but his daughter didn't like it, so he couldn't let it go!

Beibei kept looking at Ling Yun, and the latter also knew what she wanted to do, which was to avoid her sight.

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