Supreme Daddy

Chapter 622 Shameless (third update)

In order to improve his cultivation, An Shize decided to be shameless!

Little Eileen, uncle has a wish! An Shize burst into tears and became really shameless.

Little Eileen blinked and looked at him!

I hope I can eat a crisp stone tonight! He said and winked at the little guy, hoping that Sissi would help him.

The little guy knew better, curled his lips and turned around to continue picking up her food!

An Shize was dumbfounded, the chance was slim!

Beibei said with a look of disgust: It doesn't taste good. It tastes terrible. Beibei won't eat it anymore! After saying that, his tears flowed again and he was trembling all over.

An Shize didn't care, he still wanted to eat it no matter how bad it was. Beibei, a kid who didn't know how to be blessed despite being blessed, even vomited up the brittle stones. Looking at the brittle stones on the ground, An Shize's heart clenched in pain.

Little Eileen said: No, no! The baby doesn't have enough to eat.

Uncle, you are not a greedy cat! The little guy rolled his eyes at him.

An Shize was not angry, but still looked pitiful: Little Eileen, you still have some in your plate, can you be so stingy?

No... not much more, No! Little Eileen couldn't bear it, and finally rummaged through the plate for a long time before taking out the smallest piece, which was about the size of half a coin!

An Xiaoxiao had been paying attention for a long time, and finally couldn't help laughing.

The little guy curled his lips and said, Uncle, he is the greedy cat, the big greedy cat!

An Qing chuckled and responded: Yes, sit down quickly and eat, there are so many things!

An Shize didn't care about their looks, this was a treasure, let them just be envious of it!

But An Jianye!

He kept looking at An Shize, and he also felt that the brittle stone was extraordinary. Little Eileen grabbed the knife with her bare hands, but he still remembered it. She was not an ordinary person, but he couldn't see through it at all. While he envied An Shize, he did not dare to speak. Yes, he still wants to be embarrassed.

When the little guy saw An Jianye's expression, he thought he wanted to eat vegetables, so he took a piece of meat from her bowl and said in a sweet voice, Grandpa, you're welcome! You have to be good!

The table immediately burst into laughter...

An Shize was not polite and licked the soul crystal first. It was salty!

It’s nothing!

Beibei looked at him and was about to eat it, and her expression immediately changed again.

After a while!

An Shize's face kept twitching, what are these?

It tastes terrible!

Recalling the smell made him want to vomit!

Little Irene shouted angrily: I won't give it to you anymore! Humph!

You actually said that such delicious soul crystals are unpalatable?

An Shize said sorry to her, but did not give up the soul crystal. This was a treasure. He had to use a method to swallow it!

Deliver water?

Send chili?

How to swallow it? But it stumped him. In the end, he wanted to melt it and treat it like an infusion!

Ling Yun was also speechless. He had eaten it too. It was delicious. Why couldn't they accept it? He then suggested that An Shize wrap a vegetable leaf and swallow it like that!

An Shize was overjoyed and immediately went to the kitchen to look for vegetable leaves. He couldn't wait to know what would happen if he ate the soul crystals. Hearing about it and experiencing it yourself are two different things.

The little guy picked up a bowl full of vegetables and said, Grandpa, if you don't call me, I won't feed you!

An Qing slapped her butt a few times and said, You kid, how could you do this!

The little guy hid in Ling Yun's arms and said: Not even mom, hum!

Ling Yun didn't agree with her either, so he started to teach her that she shouldn't be so stingy!

The little guy nodded and said openly: This is for daddy, this is numb, this is grandpa's, this piece of meat is for grandma, these vegetables are for uncle, this fat is for second great grandpa, this... These chicken feet are for Grandpa!

Everyone laughed, and Mr. An's face turned dark. He thought the last one must be something good!

It’s not over yet!

The little guy gave him another chicken butt and said that this was a good thing, just one chicken.

Tonight, little Irene didn't eat any other dishes, and her mouth was filled with soul crystals.

An Qing asked curiously: Ling Yun, will she be hungry tonight?


Even if she’s not hungry, she still wants to eat!

Ling Yun shook his head and made it clear to An Qing directly. Her stomach has a strong digestion ability and she will be eating fruit soon!


Less than ten minutes after the meal, little Irene gnawed two apples under An Qing's gaze.

An Xiaoxiao hugged her, lifted up her clothes, poked her belly, and asked: Little Eileen, are you a pig?

Little Eileen shook her head and said: No, the baby is born in the year of dragon!

No, you told me she was born in the year of dragon? An Xiaoxiao didn't believe it. She was only three years old, right?

It will be the Year of the Dragon in five years!

Little Irene pouted and said, The baby is a dragon and can breathe fire!

An Xiaoxiao could only think that she was bragging. This child was young and had a lot of bragging skills. If he continued to chat with her, he felt like she was going to brag to the sky. She had the biggest family, a bunch of servants, and was so resplendent...

Beibei has returned to her usual lively level and is dragging the two of them out to play!

An Qing told them not to wander around. They could only play for half an hour. They had to take a shower. They had sweated so much today and were greasy.

Also, she felt very tired and had to help them take a bath. In the remaining time, she had to have a video meeting with Han Xiaoai.

We must ask about the current situation of Jiangnan Yuexia Entertainment Company. She has been derelict in her duties for a long time. Following Ling Yunlang, she doesn't care about anything. She has almost changed her appearance.

In An Jianye’s small courtyard!

The three little guys were watching the bees dancing. An Jianye walked over!

His eyes were full of shock!

Sissi, do they listen to you? An Jianye asked uncertainly. Listening to their dialogue, he felt that the swarm of bees were like her little brothers.

Yeah! The little guy responded without turning his head, his eyes never leaving the group of dancing bees.

Beibei also said: So obedient!

An Jianye immediately thought of Song Xiujie's abnormal behavior at the birthday banquet. Could it be like this?

So he asked Sissi how he could make bees or other animals listen to him.

The little guy turned around and said to him seriously: Learn animal language!


An Jianye's mouth twitched, he couldn't do it, but the three of them could? Doesn't he believe that they communicated with the bees in Mandarin during the whole process? That’s the bestiality!

The little guy laughed loudly. He thought those bees were so fun. An Jianye didn't give up. He really wanted to communicate with the bees. He had been raising these bees for more than half a year and they were affectionate.

Beibei's eyes turned gloomy, and he pulled An Jianye and said, Second Grandpa, Beibei knows, Beibei knows! His tone became excited.

An Jianye was delighted. Beibei was older and should really know, so he nodded and said to himself, Good boy!

Hurry up and tell the second grandpa, I'll give you honey to drink. It's so sweet! An Jianye stroked his gray beard with a smile.



Is it those teasing things? It seems they have tasted it!

Only little Eileen was thinking, It's very sweet? What could it be?

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