Supreme Daddy

Chapter 623 Chapter 625 Blind suspicion

Beibei explained, meaning that the bees dancing in front of her made delicious food.

Hearing this explanation, An Jianye burst into laughter. Beibei really made him dumbfounded.

Second Grandpa, listen up, you have to be friends with them... Beibei said without blushing or heartbeat.

Sissi and little Irene nodded in unison, this is right!

Be friends?

An Jianye frowned, not understanding what it meant.

How can we be friends if we can't communicate?

How can I be friends with them? An Jianye asked.

that's all…

Beibei shrugged, and these three words popped out of his mouth, and the corners of An Jianye's mouth twitched.

Little Erin said the same thing, and the last little guy actually imitated it!


An Jianye touched the heads of the three of them and went back to sleep. It was so hurtful.

If you can't, then you can't. I thought in my heart that Ling Yun helped them, but...

He was embarrassed to ask Ling Yun for advice!

An Qing successfully found the three of them here, and said in an angry tone: Three greedy cats, take a bath quickly, it's very late!

The little guy is not happy, she hasn't had enough fun yet, is it too late?

It's past eight o'clock now, and they usually go to bed at eleven o'clock.

Beibei said: Auntie, are you taking a shower and going out to play?

Little Eileen shouted, can she play again? It's nice to be on this planet.

An Qing flicked her forehead, causing her a little pain, and then said, Take a bath and go to sleep!

Aunt An, tell us a story! Beibei hugged An Qing's thigh, as if I won't take a shower until you tell her, and she won't let go.

An Qing has a headache!

The three little guys were pestering her, but she was not as capable as Ling Yun to coax them.

So he said in a tactful tone: Take a shower first, everything will be easier to talk about!

Beibei shook her head and said, No, Aunt An can't tell stories!

The child immediately realized that he had never heard An Qing tell a story before.

The little guy nodded and said in a sweet voice, Mom, what you said is not nice!

What a scam!

An Qing's whole person is not good. Is it really that bad?

If you don't take a shower, there will be no story! An Qing said deceptively.

The three little guys looked at An Qing who was so serious and felt that she was not lying to them, so they went to take a bath obediently!

An Qing asked Ling Yun to tell them a random story to distract them, otherwise they would say that she lied to the children. An Qing did not want the good impression left in their hearts to be ruined.

Before, the little one didn’t clamor to listen to Journey to the West and Black Cat Sheriff, just because there were good stories to share.

Beibei is back now and can tell you Ling Yun's little story? Let him stand aside, Journey to the West and Sheriff Black Cat haven't finished listening yet.

There were only three little guys and Ling Yun in the bathroom. An Qing was about to go to work. Before she got busy, she asked An Xiaoxiao to help, but she ended up playing with her phone and didn't care at all. Ling Yun didn't care either.

Ling Yun tested them and said: Which of you remember the last chapter of Journey to the West and how far it went?

The little guy raised his head and looked at the decoration on the ceiling. He didn't think about it and could only curl his lips and look at Beibei.

Beibei didn't remember much either, so he said in a semi-suspicious tone: Ginseng fruit?

The little guy laughed!

He said loudly: It's ginseng fruit!

Ginseng fruit?

Little Eileen hadn't heard of it, and her mouth was watering instantly. What did it look like?

Is there any chance she can eat it?

Ling Yun nodded and said: Well, it's not bad. We were talking about Wuzhuang Temple last time!

This bathing took more than ten minutes!

The little guy put on his clothes and asked curiously: Daddy, did Zhu Bajie eat one more?

Beibei shook his head and retorted: No, the boy must have counted wrongly!

Little Eileen didn't speak, but thought there was another one? Where is it?

Ling Yun said: If you drop it on the ground, this ginseng fruit will disappear immediately after it hits the ground, so you can't find it!


The three little guys were all dumbfounded. The delicious ginseng fruit had disappeared. The expressions on their faces seemed to be that their things were missing.

Here comes the problem!

Beibei asked curiously: But... how can a Bodhisattva bring back what disappeared? Didn't Shuai Shu say that he disappeared and can't be found?

Daddy? Are you lying to the children? The little guy puffed his mouth angrily upon hearing this.

Ling Yun was funny. He knew that they would have a lot of questions, and he asked a lot of questions. For example, was the jade bottle in the hand of Guanyin Bodhisattva a divine weapon? Another example is what does ginseng fruit look like? Is it sweet? Is it like the immortality that Ling Yun said?

After finishing the two fixed chapters of Journey to the West each time, Ling Yun arranged for them to rest, even though it was past nine o'clock!

Faced with such energetic women, sleep?


As soon as Ling Yun left, Beibei took the lead and started playing in the room!

The little guy seriously doubted that Ling Yun and An Qing would secretly leave them to play!

So I was very distracted while playing the game, and I listened to the noise in the corridor outside from time to time!

Half an hour later!

She finally couldn't hold it any longer and wanted to go out to find Ling Yun and the others.

If Beibei doesn't go, let the little guy go, and she will just listen to the Sixth Guardian bragging.


This is not to brag, they are all strange things from the twelve regions. Beibei is very curious now, just like listening to Journey to the West, asking here and there!

And little Eileen was lying on the bed playing games first. She didn’t need to sleep anyway. She spent an hour practicing the exercises and she would be 100% more energetic tomorrow!

The little guy tiptoed to An Qing's boudoir and first learned to eavesdrop...


Isn't there any sound inside?

Could it be that her parents were out? The little guy panicked for a moment!

I was about to kick the door in anger!

The voice next to him was An Xiaoxiao.

Little one, what are you sneaking up to do? An Xiaoxiao smiled as she rubbed the little guy's ears. It turned out that Sissi's ears were also easy to touch.

The little guy bit his lip: Bad aunt!

An Xiaoxiao was stunned for a moment and couldn't react. She didn't seem to provoke Sissi, right?

Look at the little guy’s eyes, he looks like he’s complaining about her!

The little guy ignored her, leaned on the door, and continued to listen inside to confirm again!

An Xiaoxiao was speechless!

Is this supervision?

Ahem! Sissi, do you want to go in? An Xiaoxiao asked curiously, what does this little guy want to do?

The little guy shook his head and turned back to pat An Xiaoxiao!

An Xiaoxiao knocked on the door directly. She still had something to do with An Qing, so she couldn't waste time with the little guy.

Boom, boom, boom!

An Qing's voice came from inside: Who is it?

Sister, have you slept? I have something to ask you!

Aha! The little guy beamed instantly, as if the depression just now no longer existed.

Knowing that the two of them were not going out, they were in a very good mood, so they hid aside and went in with An Xiaoxiao first. Where was she? She was making faces with An Xiaoxiao on the side. Her cute look made An Xiaoxiao pinch her pink face before entering.

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