Supreme Daddy

Chapter 625 Tai Chi? (Second update)

After chatting with Ling Yun for a while, An Qing continued her work. She hadn't made a video call with Han Xiaoai yet.

An Qing did not leave Ling Yun idle, and asked him to help her handle fan messages, put songs on the shelves, and copyright issues. Ling Yun had nothing to do and was bored, so he just passed the time.


The little ones have returned to their room...

Sister, what is this? Beibei asked curiously. She had never seen such a drink before? I also saw Sissi sniffing the mouth of the jar from time to time, and licking her mouth cutely after sniffing.

There must be something fishy!

Just ask!


There is actually milk that makes Sissi linger?

It tastes better than milk powder!

Beibei immediately cheered up, little Irene? She took the can from Sissi's hand, put some water in it, and then drank it happily. The taste really made her greedy.

The little guy scratched his head, why is she so stupid? I didn't even think of this method.

Beibei heard from Sissi that there was no second can, but Beibei wouldn't believe it!

So she ran to the door of Lingyun's room with joy and knocked on the door repeatedly!

Handsome stubble, handsome stubble!

Fortunately it wasn't in the middle of the night!

After An Qing opened the door, she ran straight to the second bedroom to find Ling Yun, ignoring An Qing.

Handsome, Beibei also wants Wangzai milk!

Ling Yun couldn't laugh or cry when he looked at her. She was wearing a little pajamas and holding a certain rag doll that she had caught today in her arms. Her eyes were full of longing, which was the longing for Wangzai milk.

Ling Yun said: No, when Ling's Dairy produces it, I will buy it for you.

Beibei pouted, feeling itchy as she couldn't drink enough: Handsome boy, don't lie to the children.

No way!

Auntie said that if you lie to children, you will get sores on your head!

Oh! Ling Yun's head was covered with black lines!

Obviously, Beibei doesn't believe it and needs to prove it!

The little guy and little Irene, who was holding a can, also arrived soon after. An Qing was speechless now. Didn't she let them go to sleep? Why are they running over here one by one?

Ling Yun asked: Sissi, does this taste good? Pointing to the Wangzai milk in little Irene's hand!

The little guy nodded wildly and drooled...

Beibei, have you seen it? Such delicious milk must be expensive and rare. My uncle only got one can, and now it's really gone... After speaking, he spread his hands with a look of pity on his face.

The three little guys saw his expression and immediately believed it. Beibei said that he must let Ling Yun buy it back tomorrow!

He looks like a rich man, looking up at the sky at 45 degrees, as if he is showing off his wealth!

We are not short of money!

Want to drink the best!

Want as much Wangzai milk as you want!

Ling Yun touched them funny and even sent them back to sleep. He repeatedly said that he would tell them as soon as the goods were available and he would never hide anything!

The three little guys went to bed happily. In order to stop them from making trouble, Ling Yun helped them count the sheep, and the hypnotic magic sound full of magic counted to the tenth sheep!

The little guy looked sleepy and muttered: Bad daddy... After that, they all fell asleep, and little Eileen was no exception!


When Sissi discovered it, she probably fell asleep on the tenth sheep every time, so she was particularly sensitive.

Ling Yun smiled when he saw them sleeping so sweetly. He helped them clear their bodies by the way. The little guys have to practice magic fist tomorrow!

The next day!

Before dawn, Ling Yun called the little ones to get up!

When little Eileen opened her eyes, she saw that it was Ling Yun who pouted and said: Bad brother... the baby doesn't want to sleep...

She planned to play games all night last night, but...


So she was unhappy this morning and felt like she had wasted a whole night. She felt so bad!

The little one is sleepy. It's only the third day and she really doesn't want to get up early!

Beibei yawned, she was woken up, and she was also curious about what kind of boxing Sissi and the others would practice in the morning, so when she opened her eyes, she got up immediately!

Ling Yun patted her butt again and said, Sissi, wake up!

Since An Qing was supervising, Ling Yun couldn't even try to seduce the little guy to get up!

The little guy was dissatisfied, rubbed his sleepy eyes and got up, which still made Ling Yun happy!

An Qing found it incredible that Sissi had gotten up early for three days in a row. If she hadn't cheated yesterday, she would have lost today!

Under her supervision, Ling Yun did not cheat, which really puzzled her. Could it be that the little guy had become obedient?

One more day!

She doesn't want to lose, so tonight she plans to say some negative words to the little guy and scare her for a few days, but judging from her state this morning, she should give up tomorrow!

After waiting for a long time, the little guy learned the magic fist from Ling Yun!

Today's task is to repeat the first and second moves taught to them yesterday and the day before yesterday, and let them teach Beibei by the way!

After this arrangement!

Ling Yun went back to the living room, leaving them to do morning exercises!

Without supervision, the little guy gradually loosened up, became tired and gave up halfway.

They watched as An Shize and An Jianye practiced over and over again, completely forgetting Ling Yun's words!

Mr. An is late!

What he was practicing was not Ling Yun's magic boxing, but first reviewing Tai Chi, which he had practiced all year round.

The three little guys were curious and started playing around with Mr. An, and they learned a lot.

After following it twice!

Mr. An made a movement to call it a day, exhaled loudly, and said to them in a deep voice: Have you learned it? If you learn it, defeating those noobs will be like beating scumbags!

The little guy scratched his head, how can he learn it?

Little Eileen nodded, because she was told that this low-level martial arts was too simple and stress-free, and it was useless to use it.

Abuse scumbag?

Little Eileen didn't speak, just shook her head!

Beibei smiled and replied: Grandpa, isn't it just playing mahjong!

Play majiang?

Mr. An’s mouth twitched!

The little guy laughed and thought it was true!

This is not playing mahjong, you don't understand! Mr. An shook his head and explained to them carefully.

Beibei said: Just playing mahjong!

Then Beibei imitated one side, rubbing the cards, touching the cards, looking at the cards, playing the cards, and touched herself!

Seeing this set of Tai Chi being used flexibly in Beibei's hands to play mahjong, Mr. An's face turned dark and he was unable to refute. The description is very apt!

An Xiaoxiao's stomach hurt as she laughed. She had never seen her grandfather deflate before, but this morning she was lucky enough to see him being impressed by Beibei.

The little guy laughed loudly and started to learn from Beibei. He felt that the mahjong game was so good. Watching the two little guys dancing with their fists and kicks while shouting some cards, Mr. An felt like crying without tears.

Beibei finished one set and called it a day, studying very seriously, like a master in a movie.

She made a milky sound in her mouth and said: Tai Chi? You deserve it...

Ling Yun came out to supervise...

Suddenly burst into laughter...

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