Supreme Daddy

Chapter 626: Bullshit (third update)

When the little guy saw Ling Yun, he immediately changed from being decadent!

Start playing magic!

Ling Yun is so funny, do you think he is blind?

Are you serious there?

Beibei was not afraid of Ling Yun, and ran over and said with a sweet voice: Handsome, Beibei has learned a new set of kung fu! After you learn it, you can torture those scumbags at will!

Ling Yun pretended to be curious and asked: What kind of kung fu is so powerful? His tone was similar to theirs.

Beibei didn't take it seriously and replied with a serious face: Mahjong Tai Chi!

Yo! So powerful? Can Beibei learn it? Ling Yun asked.

Of course! Beibei said and did Tai Chi again.

Mr. An felt very embarrassed listening to the conversation between Beibei and Ling Yun...

Abuse scumbag?

Isn’t that what he said?

Ling Yun nodded and said funnyly: Beibei can lead the New Times Square Dance in the future!

Beibei scratched his head, not understanding the meaning of Ling Yun's words, while An Xiaoxiao on the side laughed like crazy again.

After knowing what square dancing was, Beibei puffed her mouth angrily.

this afternoon! !

Ling Yun and An Qing were preparing to return to Jiangbei. An Qing had a video chat with Han Xiaoai last night and got a piece of news.

They finally have a director from Yuexia Entertainment and are ready to start filming.

The shooting location is Suzhou!

Han Xiaoai suggested that An Qing be the heroine of another film... She felt that that film would be popular, but it was not from their company. An Qing had no objection and even asked Ling Yun!

Ling Yun can't be so selfish, right? So let An Qing decide for herself.

The arrangement is to leave at noon...

But at around nine o'clock, two miracle doctors came to the An family, namely Hua Yi and Shengshou Ghost Doctor.

For Ouyang Xiu and Elder Yi of the Central Hospital, the two so-called miracle doctors were helpless. When they sighed, the Holy Ghost Doctor remembered the previous phone call between Mr. An and him.

During the call, Mr. An's description of An Shize's injuries was similar to that of Ouyang Xiu and the others. However, when he arrived in Shanghai, he was unexpectedly told that Mr. An was drunk at the time and was talking nonsense!

There is also An Shize's medical accident, which sounds like nonsense!

What check is wrong?

A mistake? All wrong?

So the smart ghost doctor thought of the key, that is, An Shize was saved.

After asking the director of the Central Hospital to no avail, they had no choice but to take the liberty of visiting Anjia.

Although they heard that An Shize was fine, they were still shocked when they saw An Shize boxing with their own eyes. They had heard that An Shize was covered in blood in the ambulance at that time.

In An's living room, two miracle doctors were talking to Mr. An.

Three little guys just came over from Mr. An Jianye's yard pretending to be ten dancing bees.

Beibei recognized the Holy Hand Ghost Doctor, so she politely asked: Hello, grandpa! At the same time, she was curious, why is he here?

Fang Lao, the Holy Hand Ghost Doctor, was laughing. He was also surprised to see Long Beibei here. He was laughed at for a while in the traditional Chinese medicine community because of the mistake he made about Long Beibei during the last inspection.

Kid Beibei, are you here with grandpa?

No. Beibei shook her head and pointed at Sissi and the others.

Mr. Fang, the sage ghost doctor, asked Beibei to come to him and immediately helped her feel her pulse!

After a while!

The Holy Hand Ghost Doctor Fang Lao nodded, Beibei was in excellent health.

Grandpa, Beibei is not sick!

Well, it's very healthy. Do you have any health tips for Beibei? Fang Lao, the ghost doctor with the holy hand, joked!

The miracle doctor Hua Yi on the other side was looking at little Irene intently, always feeling that this child was different.

Beibei said: Sleep more, eat more snacks, read less newspapers...

Fang Lao, the ghost doctor with holy hands, was not angry when he heard this, but laughed.

The little guy ran over and said to the three old people: Don't meddle in other people's business. You will definitely live a long life!


In one sentence, the three of them looked at each other in shock!

Mr. An changed the subject and asked, Sissi, what's in your hand?

The little guy said in a sweet voice: Dancing... there are dancing bees! An innocent smile spread across his cheeks.


The interest of the miracle doctor Huayi was piqued by the little guy, a dancing bee?

real or fake?

Kid, you're so cute. What's your name? Hua Yi asked the little guy with a smile.

The little guy introduced himself and then released the bees from the glass bottle!

This...this...Old Fang...are my eyes dazzled? Fang Lao, the ghost doctor with holy hands, replied hesitantly.

Mr. An was not calm. He immediately stood up and took a step further to take a closer look!

Damn it!

Ten bees are really dancing!

Became a sperm?

After Mr. An pondered for a moment, he explained to Huayi and the others that it was probably raised by his second brother An Jianye, and he became somewhat spiritual.

This explanation was barely acceptable to them, otherwise it would be too ridiculous.

The little guy saw an exquisite gift box on the coffee table and tiptoed up curiously!

It’s a wild ginseng, you can see it!

The little guy said to himself: It's only been thirty years! His tone sounded like he had lost interest in an instant.

Huayi and the others were shocked!

How could she know?

Mr. An looked at the looks they were giving him, and he was confused. Then he asked Sissy, but she always replied that she didn't know. What should I say?

Do you suddenly have some knowledge about Chinese medicine? So she became smart and learned to shake her head.

The three of them were helpless...

Huayi and his wife slowly got to the point and asked Mr. An about the hospital, hoping to find some clues.

While listening to their words, Beibei didn't feel irritated. She said to Huayi in a sweet voice, Grandpa, you are sick.

Hua Yi smiled slightly, wondering what the child was thinking. So he asked: What disease? Do we all have it?

He himself is in good health! There is definitely no serious illness, but a minor problem? That’s not considered a disease. You’re over 70 and your body’s functions are aging. This is normal.

Beibei assumed a serious posture, sitting on the sofa and sitting with her legs crossed.

He said with a sad tone: Grandpa, what color do you think this bee is? He pointed to the dancing bee on the coffee table.

Yellow, grandpa always sees it, but he's not color blind. Hua Yi shook his head and replied,

The three old people were speechless...are the bees that collect flowers all yellow?

Beibei said in a sweet voice, No, sister, what color do you think this is?

The little guy glanced at the bee and immediately replied: Black!

Beibei nodded and asked, Little Eileen, what color is this one?

Little Eileen scratched her head and said black!

Huayi panicked. One person might be lying to them if he said it was black, but two people said it was black?

Then the three of them rubbed their eyes and saw again that it was still yellow!

Mr. An was embarrassed and secretly thought that he had another problem with his eyes?

Beibei rolled her eyes and said, Grandpa, if you are sick, you need to take medicine.

Take medicine?

He still didn't believe it, the bee was yellow!

To prove it, he also asked an An family servant to come in, and the result was also black!

They were really panicking at this moment!

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