Supreme Daddy

Chapter 627 All four (fourth update)

These were all low-level illusions used by Beibei's demon blue butterfly, which made the servant see that it was black!

Well, Beibei, what medicine do you want to drink? Mr. An asked.

I saw Beibei holding three glasses of water, just boiled water. She said with a milky voice that it was 10,000 yuan a cup!

When Beibei said this, it was obvious that he was making him bleed!

Huayi, who was in a daze, heard Beibei say again: Grandpa? You have to pay for medical treatment!

Huayi and others paid the money truthfully!

Beibei happily received 30,000 yuan. The little guy's eyes are big. Is this okay?

The three of them in Huayi looked at each other in confusion. After paying the money, they looked at the glass of boiled water in front of them and gritted their teeth to drink it!

It doesn’t feel like anything!


Oh my God!

What's going on with this effect? That bee is really black.

What kind of water is that cup of? I asked Beibei again and again, but she always shook her head. She couldn't say it was boiled water. She had just lied to them.

The little guy burst into laughter and was played by Bei Bella.

have no choice…

Huayi and the others shook their heads and laughed!

After another half hour of testing, they finally confirmed that Mr. An simply didn't know. It seemed impossible to start from his side. They had to find the person involved, An Shize, in person!

Ling Yun and An Qing packed up their things, took the three little ones to say goodbye to the An family, and hurried to the airport. An Xiaoxiao did not go with them.

I heard from An Qing that there are many documents in the company waiting for her to sign!

After getting off the plane, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon. An Qing rushed to work immediately and told Ling Yun to take good care of the three of them, especially not to starve the little one!

Ling Yun was speechless...

There’s no need to explain this, right?

As soon as they returned to the villa, Long Yanran and Ji Wuxue were already watching TV in the living room.

It turned out that they came back yesterday and hadn't told Ling Yun yet. But Long Yanran looked at little Irene and wondered if the children from there were so familiar with each other?

Aha, Sister Xiaoxue... I'm good with you! The little guy stared at the ice cream in Ji Wuxue's hand, and heard her say it was a new flavor!

Ji Wuxue pointed to the refrigerator, leaving a few for them, and then looked at little Irene thoughtfully.

The four little guys gathered together again, and the laughter never stopped...

There was a cry of eagles outside...

Beibei reacted immediately...

It was an eagle on the tree, so it jumped out with its short legs. She remembered that Sissi had changed the egg, and she didn't know what happened to it now.

The little guy said excitedly: There is a little bird, it's so cute!

Really? Ji Wuxue followed closely and her tone was quite excited.

Long Yanran definitely wanted to follow them, and at the same time she was very curious, could it be hatched?

Beibei wants to scare away the eagle? That was impossible. All her children were in the nest, and she didn't know what their purpose was, so she stayed on guard, yelling from time to time, as if she was about to attack Beibei.

The little guy said in a sweet voice, We are friends!

Long Yanran burst into laughter!

Secretly, this method won’t work!


The eagle didn't understand at all, and its cry was louder than before.

Ji Wuxue held a stick and looked like I'm afraid of you because you can fly, which made Long Yanran dumbfounded.

Little Eileen pulled the little guy and whispered: The baby turns into a dragon, let's catch it together!

My eyes are still looking into the villa!

The little guy quickly shook his head. He almost got spanked last time. He definitely couldn't listen to little Irene this time. Her ideas were all bad.

Beibei said nothing and turned to look at Sissi. For a moment, everyone was looking at her, but the little guy was confused and blinked at them!

What are you looking at me for?

Flowers on your face?

Looking silly, the cute Long Yanran pinched her in a funny way!

Why are you looking at her? Long Yanran doesn't know either, she has to ask Beibei!

Beibei glanced at the villa, then at the eagle's nest, and then pointed at the center of her eyebrows!

The little girl understood instantly, muttered, and after confirming again and again that her father had not come out, she pressed her eyebrows.

A moment!

The eagle was so frightened that it fell directly from the tree. Blood was still oozing from its beak and it was in a dying state.

The little guy panicked and took a step back in fear. She didn't expect this!

No one thought about it, and never thought about letting the eagle die!

Beibei took two steps, squatted down, poked the eagle, and found that it was really twitching, as if it were dying.

Aunt, it's not good, my sister killed the eagle...

The little guy quickly explained and said: fell by itself, it fell! She regretted it in her heart. If the mother eagle died, those little eagles would be pitiful.

Long Yanran also squatted down, checked carefully, and then shook her head. She had no choice but to see the sad expressions of the children, so Long Yanran could only go back to the villa and let Ling Yun take action!

Little Irene has no burden. It’s just an eagle that dies. Countless monks die every day in Endless Sea.

What she is most concerned about at the moment is the eggs her sister is talking about!

Is it an egg?

The question of whether different species could be hatched kept lingering in her mind.

Ji Wuxue was really kind when she was a child. She kept staring at the dying eagle on the ground and felt very unhappy. After getting along with Sissi and Beibei a lot, she naturally became sentimental.

The little guy's tone seemed to be choked, and he said to the eagle on the ground: Little bird, Sissi didn't mean it. Sissi will feed your little bird every day. Close your eyes and go to sleep...

After hearing this, Beibei was speechless...

Can it still be saved?

The little guy was bounced on the head by Beibei, but he was not angry and continued: My sister asked me to do it...

Beibei ignored her and let her talk to herself. When she saw the eagle, the image of whether her handsome uncle would roast it when he came out came to mind.

The little guy looked at Beibei and secretly wondered why her sister was licking her mouth?

Ji Wuxue also licked it, not because she thought of roasting the eagle, but because she hadn't had Ling's Dairy milk powder for many days.

Little Erin is up in the tree right now, so naughty!

Looking at the five little birds in the nest?


Four are eaglets with some black feathers, and there is one!


Little Eileen scratched her head, why is it yellow? Are they all the same family?

Sissi and Beibei were grieving around the eagle while waiting for Long Yanran to find Ling Yun.

Ji Wuxue had already discovered that little Irene had run up the tree. She was speechless. Little Irene looked like a flexible monkey.

Little Eileen, what's on it? Ji Wuxue asked.

There are little birds? Low-level monsters... No... Little Irene scratched her head, not understanding!

Are they considered low-level monsters? It still gave her a headache.

Ji Wuxue smiled happily. It was hatched. She was one of the witnesses, so she was very proud.

Little Erin simply tore off the entire bird's nest and climbed down the tree as nimbly as a paper monkey.

Ji Wuxue's eyes twitched as she looked at her. Is she a monkey? Why can she fly but not use it? Are you stupid? Don’t bother!

After Ji Wuxue reminded her, little Eileen was dumbfounded. It seems to make sense, right?

Suddenly embarrassed...

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