Supreme Daddy

Chapter 652 Collecting Protection Fees (Sixth Update)

Out of the blue!

Thinking about taking control of the European economy, Ling Yun was still a little excited!

It's fun to slowly destroy the Roosevelt family!

Chen Li didn't know what Ling Yun was laughing at, why was it so intriguing?

Shaking his head, she will stay soon. She is not like Ling Yun. She is an employee, not the boss. It's time to get off work now!

Ling Yun told Chen Li to be careful on the road, and his cell phone rang!

It's the little guy calling!

Requesting video again!

Ling Yun laughed... It must have been An Qing who asked her to call, right?

Daddy, I want to listen to Journey to the West, I want to hear stories, and...why don't you come over?

Dad is in the hotel. It's too late. We'll tell you stories later. Why aren't you sleeping yet?

Mama didn't even sleep!

It’s already eleven o’clock!

The little one was still so energetic. Ling Yun was speechless and chatted with her for a while before letting An Qing take her to bed.

A night of silence

The little one got up very early. Little Aileen obeyed Ling Yun's words and must lead them in the magic fist fight, even if it was just once.

After being busy for a while, An Qing, Han Xiaoai and the others took the little ones to the filming location.

All the way!

The little ones all asked An Qing some weird questions, such as why wasn't the movie called a TV series after it was made?

In the famous Hengdian in SZ City, An Qing and her crew occupied two streets outside today, and many TV series from other companies were filming.

The little guy started looking around as soon as he got out of the car, Aunt Ai, why are there no bad guys?

Han Xiaoai was speechless!

What is going on in her head?

Do you have to ask others to collect protection fees?

The director is a returnee from overseas, named Zhu Linlu, who was signed by Han Xiaoai. It sounds like he graduated from some awesome university. Han Xiaoai just wants to know how to shoot. What kind of technology?

It will be ok if you do some special effects later!

When Zhu Linlu saw the boss An Qing, he immediately ran over and said, Boss, those gangsters are in the shop over there. We will shoot the next scene inside, but they refuse to leave! Standing, with an angry look on his face!

He has no backstage, or else?

Teach these bastards how to behave in minutes!

You don’t learn from others, but you learn from others to collect protection money?

An Qing frowned. She wanted to see where the other party came from. It was best to ask him clearly!

Mama, I'm going too...

Just when An Qing was about to walk towards the store, the little guy grabbed An Qing's thigh!

Beibei and little Irene both heard it, and Little Short Legs had already run in!

Long Yanran knelt down and picked up the little guy, and said to her: Go all... No one is missing, don't make trouble!

An Qing nodded and followed Long Yanran behind her without saying a word. The little guy kept rolling his eyes and hugged Long Yanran, not knowing what he was planning.

A female costar said: This is the eldest princess!

It's true. I've heard that there will be scenes for them, but I didn't expect it to be true! another male costar replied.

Beibei scratched his head and looked at the bunch of people here. Who is the bad guy?

Little Eileen didn't understand, so she immediately spoke and asked everyone: Which one of you is the bad pervert?

Beibei also thought that little Irene was smart, so she laughed and nodded, Come out quickly, or I'll beat you!

All the cast members laughed, it was so cute...

This gang of gangsters who came to collect protection money is an underground force in SZ City, from the boxing club. Their strength is pretty good, and they can compete with Jiangbei's Daughters Gang!

The young man leading it is Zhang Ming!

He is the one who is always ordered to cause trouble for An Qing's crew.

Hey, kid, you look so cute, haha! Zhang Ming couldn't help but burst out laughing, wondering why little Aileen and Beibei were so funny? Were they invited by monkeys?

Little Eileen's face was full of joy. The child thought Zhang Ming was praising them, but she didn't know that he was making fun of them.

Beibei pouted her mouth high and said in a milky voice: If you don't obey me, you must bark like a dog!


The preface does not match the postscript!

Zhang Ming didn't want to talk to these two little brats.

As soon as Zhu Linlu led An Qing and the others in, they heard their direct dialogue, and An Qing said: You are the ones collecting protection fees, right? I will give you three hundred thousand, but you must tell me, who asked you to do this?

Zhang Ming looked An Qing up and down and smiled evilly: Hey, An Daxing is really rich, the price is 30 million!

Zhang Ming was secretly frightened. How could An Qing know that someone had paid a lot of money to keep disrupting the filming process?

thirty million?

Why not grab it?

An Qing's chest rose and fell, obviously very angry.

The little guy rolled his eyes and asked in a low voice: Aunt Long, is that much?

Long Yanran replied with a smile: One hundred and five cans of Wangzai milk!

When the little guy heard this, he became angry along with An Qing, danced and shouted:, they are bad people!

You won't say anything? Are you not satisfied? Then we'll call the police! An Qing said.

Zhang Ming sneered: Whatever!

Their president has taken care of everything, and no police will come to arrest anyone. Even if they are caught, it will just go through the procedures.

Beibei ran over and signaled Long Yanran to bow her head. She had something to say, and Long Yanran was very cooperative with her!


After whispering a few words to Long Yanran, Long Yanran smiled. This live treasure is really good at playing, and she likes it too!

Sister Qing, let everyone around here who is not relevant go out first. Long Yanran said.

An Qing looked around and saw that there were indeed a lot of people. Then she asked Zhu Linlu to take the other extras out. She wanted to have a good talk with these gangsters.

After a while…

In the whole store, the gangsters and An Qing are the only ones left!

With Long Yanran here, An Qing was still very calm.

Beibei and the little guy who ran down murmured again, and they were still mysterious. An Qing and Han Xiaoai didn't pay attention at all.

Zhang Ming frowned, what's going on over there?

Have you compromised?

thirty million? He just said it casually!

Hey, hey, you better stop wasting your time and pay the protection fee quickly, otherwise... I'll smash the camera for you.

Zhang Ming's arrogant attitude made Long Yanran very unhappy. If Beibei hadn't said not to interfere, she would have wanted to fly over!

An Qing did not answer his words, but asked Long Yanran what to do?

Han Xiaoai slowly began to discover, what were these living treasures doing so secretly?


The little guy clapped his hands and laughed!

Beibei took out her mobile phone to shoot a video!

I saw that there was an extra box in little Aileen's hand. When there was an extra box, Han Xiaoai was dumbfounded.

Uncle, this is protection money! Little Eileen said in a sweet voice, placing the box in her hand among these gangsters!

The little guy has another thing in his hand, similar to a remote control!

Long Yanran reminded: Sister Qing, please stand farther away and it's best to cover your ears!

The little guy ran over happily, jumped up and hugged An Qing's beautiful legs: Mom, hug me, and also cover my ears...

An Qing couldn't understand what happened to them? Why are you covering your ears?

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